Activated Pt. 22

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Christmas, and Sandy gets a surprise present.
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Part 23 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Author's note: Moving on to Christmas break, and another life change for one of the girls, this time Sandy. Some more developments on the battery stuff.

Michael PoV

Monday night I went over to the girl's place for an ice cream party. It was actually pretty fun, by the time I got there they were pretty much constantly giggling. I was actually kind of surprised that when things wound down Sandy didn't drag me into the bedroom to sleep over that night, I guess she was kind of tired.

During the week things have been very busy for me, studying for the advanced senior level classes and this year I am working campus IT, a lot of visiting dorm rooms and setting up Wi-Fi. By the time Friday night arrives I'm exhausted and I head over to spend the weekend with my Sandy who positively radiates energy.

Saturday morning I actually managed to sleep through her getting up to run, That's really not that tough actually, she is super quiet. Around 8:00 I get woken up, time for breakfast and some activity, today it's indoor rock climbing. I enjoy the rock climbing actually, the only problem is I am wiped out afterwards, thankfully all I have to do is just hold on for dear life as we motorcycle back to the apartment.

Once we got back I actually talked her into taking a nap, knowing her, she's probably thinking that once we wake up we'll have sex again, she's probably right. She gets into the bed completely naked, yeah we know what you're thinking. I am so tired that I fall asleep right away.

I have no idea how much time elapsed but a knock on the door wakes us both up. I see Rebecca's head slowly poking in, "Sandy, are you awake? I need to talk."

Rebecca sounds upset, Sandy must have picked up on that because she sits bolt upright. "Hey there, are you okay?"

"No. It's about George."

Okay looks like we're going to have some girl talk, I get up from the other side of the bed and grab my robe. "I will be outside if you need me."

Sandy nods kind of thankfully. Rebecca sits on the bed next to her, mind you Sandy is only covered from about the waist down.

I close the door and in the common area I see Alex sitting at the table. We exchanged "Yo"s and I sit there too.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"I'm not sure, Rebecca came in somewhat upset about George, her and Sandy are talking."

"I wonder if George's insurance is paid up?" We had a little laugh over that.

"Mike, they call each other sisters but they're probably a lot closer than most normal sisters. It isn't safe to cross any of them."

"I get that." I look at the door. "They're going to be in there for a while, I should have taken my clothes."

It is at this moment that Jen comes into the apartment, she puts down a bag of groceries, I suppose she was out at the local mini-mart. Without even saying anything she walks over to Sandy's door opens it and disappears inside.

"Saw that coming."

About 40 minutes later, Jen comes out, thanks us for putting away the groceries and drags Alex into her room. A minute or two after that Rebecca comes out and without a word goes into her room. I'm going to take a shot at it. I crack open the door and look inside, Sandy must have gotten dressed sometime during that talk. I am mildly concerned because she took down one of her ninja swords and is just looking at it.

"Sandy, is everything okay?"

She actually puts the sword back on the wall, this is a good sign. "Men are jerks!"

"Yeah, I guess so. Is Rebecca okay?"

"Well I don't think she's going to put any holes in walls, not sure if I told you that's one of her things. Probably going to be paying a lot of attention to her this weekend, I'm sorry, I will make it up to you."

"Hey I'm good, I know the priorities, take care of your sister. Is it okay if I ask what happened?"

"Rebecca has had a bad feeling about George for the last couple of weeks, could not put a finger on what it was. Well today she found out, it seems that George never really broke up with his last girlfriend. She spotted them both at the student Union earlier. "

"Wow, so was dating both?"

"I told her some guys go bad at a point in the early relationship, I didn't see this coming, basically dated her for weeks while he had a backup girlfriend. Don't worry, I have been talked out of any violence. Right now I think she wants to just confront him in front of the other girlfriend and break up with him."

She pauses and looks at me. "I love you and you aren't a jerk." I think that's worth a hug.

"There's probably going to be a lot of time spent with Rebecca this weekend, I'm not sure if you want to stay over or head back to the dorm?"

"No it's okay, I'll stick around, I understand. Rebecca is my friend also, whatever she needs."

"I'm going to probably go in there and sit with her for a little bit." She goes over to the desk and pulls out a credit card. "When it gets towards dinner time, just order something up, I don't think anyone's going to care exactly what. I don't think anyone's going to be in the mood to cook and we're probably going to need to eat eventually."

I get up and find my clothes as Sandy gets up to check on her. I'll probably go out and study until dinner time.


I stayed over but didn't see a lot of the girls. About 10pm Sandy came out and gave me a kiss. "I think she is set for now, I'm exhausted, want to catch some sleep."

"More talking tomorrow?"

"A certainty but she fell asleep, we'll probably pick it up after our run."

We turned in, with a little kissing but Becca's issue really took a lot out of her.

About 2:30 I woke up because of movement in the bed. I was spooning Sandy and ran my hand over her behind and then around her front up to her breasts ... huh?!? I opened my eyes and the back of the head I see has blonde hair, not red!

I start to pull my hand back and she grabs it pulling it back to her breasts, seriously?!? I withdraw with a little more force and get up from the bed.

"Girls, what is going on?"

"What do you- Oh Becca, when did you get here?"

"[Something in Hebrew]"

"Why don't I go sleep on the couch?"

"I don't mind if you stay." Rebecca is there in a very sheer nightgown, nothing else I figure.

"Rebecca!" I think I saw a playful smack there in the dark. "Thank you Mike, want me to wake you when we go running and you can get back in the bed?"

"Sounds good."

I pull on my shirt and head out to the couch, behind me they are talking in Hebrew it seems.


Around 6:15 I get woken up with a kiss, I open my eyes and some very familiar green eyes are looking back at me. "Oh, good morning. Any better?"

"We talked until just now, she's getting changed. I think we are both going to need some nap time today to make up for it. What happened?"

"I woke up, felt her behind then moved up to the breasts, I realized at that point something was wrong and woke up completely."

"So you made a positive identification based on tits? Should I be upset that you felt-up one of my best friends?"

I gave her a 'you have got to be kidding look', "Honestly this could have been worse." Yes, what if I didn't have my shorts on.

I got up and made my way back to the room and into bed. So many things I didn't see happening when I started dating Sandy, now fewer of them surprise me but this was a doozie.

Someone warm and soft slides into the bed, I open my eyes quickly to check the hair color, red pony tail, good. Next I look at my phone, almost 10, have they been talking since their run?

"Mike, mind if I sleep for a little bit?"

"No, of course not, you are probably tired."

Her face is half covered by the pillow and I can see her eyes are closed. "Before I nod off I want to go back to last night, apparently you didn't figure out who it is based on her ass. I find this concerning and a clear indication you need to become more familiar with mine." The behind in question is only covered by the sheets and blankets. "I suggest you put that on the list of things to study today."

When your killer hot girlfriend encourages you to explore her backside, you're really dumb if you don't take her up on that. I could tell that she fell asleep probably about 30 seconds after I started. I kept up studying for a few minutes, it seemed important to my hot girlfriend, who am I to argue.

They both have cute muscular behinds, no doubt a product of all the running, if it ever comes up again I'm not sure if that's a good identifying characteristic. Oh my god what am I thinking, if it ever comes up again?

I decide that I haven't had nearly enough rest, after a quick trip to the bathroom I rejoin Sandy in the bed, under the covers. I think she is still asleep but it doesn't stop her from rolling over onto her side so I can spoon with her. Wow, she smells amazing. A little craziness once in a while, totally worth it.

We got up around noon, I could have spent the whole day this way.

While they were convinced against using violence, not quite sure of who was the voice of reason, probably Jen, this did not limit other activities. Someone was quick to compromise both George and his girlfriend's phones, they are now being tracked real time. I have no idea how she pulled that off, I'm pretty good with computers and I wouldn't even know where to begin. Their plan is to have Rebecca confront them, they're aiming for making George as miserable as possible. I don't have any plans to but this would prove a very convincing reason not to mess with these girls.

And because it is Sandy and Rebecca, sometime this afternoon they started a new project, basically another drone. I really hope that they are limiting it to cameras as a payload. They are actually kind of cute when they are focused like this but I think this is going to go on for some time and it is best if I head back to the dorm.

"Sandy, I'm going to head back to the dorm, you good?"

She looks up, a light and magnifier on her head. "Oh! Becs, I need a quick break."

"Sure, I want to check something in the design, come get me in my room when you are done."

Sandy leads me back to her room.

"How is she doing?"

"Michael, it is wonderful you are concerned." At this point she pushes me back till I am sitting on the bed. Nope, not getting an update. "I'm sorry this derailed this weekend and I'll make it up to you." At this point she is on her knees in front of me, pushing my pants and boxers down. "We should have things under control by next weekend." At this point she starts in and my brain can only focus on one thing. I last about two minutes and I can feel her shivering from her own climax.

"If you aren't busy during the week, text me and I would love you to come over if things are settled down." She pulls my pants back up, might need a moment to get steady. She walks me to the door and I go out to meet the Uber.

Sandy PoV

Darn it, missed out spending any real time with Mike this weekend. And then there is Saturday night, Becca climbed into bed just like a toddler, mind you a toddler who is almost 6 feet tall, and was wearing only a very sheer nightgown. She came in, and the biggest gap was between the two of us so I can forgive Mike for spooning her.

I walked Mike to the door and went to check on Rebecca who was adjusting the design of our newest drone. This drone is a bad idea but probably better then a few other ideas from this weekend.

"Mike left, how does the design look?"

She gets up and is suddenly on me, I should have seen this coming. She leads me over to the bed, her tongue never leaving my mouth as she lowers me down. I push her away for a moment, "Stop it, let me up." I think I could force my way out of this, even though she is slightly stronger I think, the problem is that someone might get hurt. As she runs her hands down my front my level of resistance is melting away.

I spin us over so I'm on top and this allows me to pull back. "You are incorrigible. Are you going to attack me if I give Mike a blowjob every time?"

"I shouldn't but I can't help myself, you are very lucky."

"I'm going to go get cleaned up, then we can look at your design. Have you decided what to call this project?"


"Okay, there is that I guess."

I slowly back out of the room and then less slowly head to the bathroom. Getting a little worried that she seems to have the taste for Mike. Well, no chance that could go wrong. I think I need to have a talk about that after all this is done.


Over the next few days we came home after class, grabbed food and dug into the new project, applying parts as they arrived. By Wednesday we had the software loaded and it flew, only a few more parts. And we always order enough to make more drones, never know.

"Ok, it flies, the software looks good."

"Last parts come in tomorrow, we should be ready for the weekend."

"Becca, how are you feeling?"

"I'm not really mad at George anymore, well, a little. I think part of it is I thought I found someone like Jen and you have."

"I think I figured that was part of it."

"Is it wrong that I am a little envious of what you two have?"

I put my arm around her in a hug, "I don't think so, it is a goal. George didn't work out but there is someone out there for you. You are smart, talented, pretty, someone will see you are the whole package and commit to you."

"Should I let George off the hook?"

"And waste this project?" I wave my hand over the drone.

"He doesn't know yet I think. I told him I was busy this week."

"From the tracking he's certainly taking advantage of the free time. What is her name again?"

"Lorelei, which seems a little fitting."

"Becs, she probably doesn't know."

"She will soon."

I'm glad Jen talked us down to embarrassing him in public as a way to have Becca break up with him. I saw a little panic on Mike's face when he caught me with one of my swords. Oh, I have a lot better ways than a sword these days.


Friday afternoon we snuck up to the roof, I figured out to get up here the first week, aside from climbing the walls. We setup the dock for the new drone. We learned a lot from the ones we built for Calliope's house, this one was a little better. Yes, we threw in something extra, an attempt at visual stealth. Nope, not invisible, not sure if we could pull that off, but this guy will be super hard to spot.

Rebecca called George for a date and they will run into Lorelei, this little drone is going to capture the whole thing in 4k resolution. What we end up doing with the video is uncertain and I know we're being immature but he hurt my friend and nobody will allow me to shoot arrows at him so this will do.


This is the day, the two of them are meeting at the student union at noon, the exact moment when Lorelei is meeting with one of her friends. I'm back behind at the apartment watching the scene from the drone and guiding Becca using her earpods, not Mission Impossible but we only had a week to set this up.

There is George outside and Lorelei walking up behind them and we timed it so that Becca was greeting him with a big kiss with her about 10 yards away. I see her make the connection that her boyfriend is kissing this other girl.


I see him turn around and he is trying to hide a look of horror.

"Becca, showtime!" into her ear

"George, who is this?" Becca plays innocent.

"I'm his girlfriend." Poor Lorelei, she just caught him cheating, better now then later.

"I thought I was your girlfriend??" Oh, this is good. George is probably trying really hard to think of anything to say to get out of this, not sure there is anything.

Lorelei steps up to him and slaps him. I quickly say to Becca, "Don't slap him, you are too strong. Just turn and walk."

"Wait." Is it wrong that he's looking helpless as 2 very attractive women just dumped him and I'm sort of enjoying it? If so I will accept that character flaw.

The drone watches him go over to one of the outside benches, his face in his hands. Time for the next part. "Jen you are up."

Jen comes around the corner heading to the student union. She then acts like she just saw George sitting there.

"George, I thought you were meeting Becca for lunch?"

"Oh hi Jen, I'm sure you will hear it soon enough, I think she just broke up with me?"

"Wow, what happened?"

"Technically I never broke up with my last girlfriend before dating Becca."


"Well, not at all."

"You were dating two at the same time? She found out?"

"The worst way, we all ran into each other, they both broke up with me."

"Are you okay?"

"Well, I screwed up but I'm not going to jump off a bridge. I doubt they will talk to me again."

"Yes, I guess you are done with them. Not sure about the other girl but I don't think Becca will forgive you, probably best to steer clear of her."

"I know Lorelei, I don't think I stand a chance with her either."

"I have to be going."

"Thank you Jen, see you around."

Jen nods and goes inside, her cover story has her going to starbucks for a drink, which is looks like she takes care of fine. I watch George for a little bit, he sits there in the cold for a few minutes then headed back his dorm.

Around 10 minutes later Becca comes home.

"Well, I think that went well. George got what he deserved but he didn't get destroyed, I think getting Jen to talk to him was a good idea. "

"I wasn't going to slap him you know, her slapping him was good enough."

"How do you feel?"

"Actually, kind of good, I think I was worked up about this and now I can let it go. I guess I'm going to see who I can ask out now ... kidding! I think it is time to take a break."

"Don't worry, there is someone out there for you. And we will find them."

"I'm kind of tired, the last week has been kind of rough. I might just take a nap."

"Not a bad idea actually, I'm going to set the drone to come home. I have a new task for it, going to have it keep an eye on us when we run."

She headed back to her room and I almost went to mine, then followed her into hers. No funny stuff, we just both climbed into bed and fell asleep next to each other.


It was maybe 2 hours later and I was starting to wake up. Becca was asleep and apparently Jen joined us when she got home. I used the skills, practiced every morning, to get out of the bed without waking them up. I exited Becca's room to find Mike and Alex at the table talking.

"Hey guys, how are things tonight?"

"Is it just you? Are the others still sleeping?"

"Yes, kind of surprised to find Jen there."

"We got home and she saw you two in there and she told me she was going to join you. You three looked cute there."

Mike spoke up, "Seconded, you looked peaceful. Your project is done?"

"Yes, Becca broke up with George and Jen made sure he wasn't completely crushed, that was a good idea on Jen's part."

"Good, maybe a little less craziness?"

"No promises."

He trades looks with Alex, "How did your new drone work out?"

"I didn't look at the output but the live feed was amazing. I have 2 possible uses, first I'm going to have it follow us on our runs to keep an eye on us. Second, if you have an outside event it would be perfect for recording it. The drone is silent and invisible unless you are looking really hard for it, very stealthy. Perfect for something like a wedding in the park."

I know that Jen was thinking about an open air wedding.

I went over to the table and took Mike's hand, leading him back to my room. I close the door and turn to look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I haven't paid much attention to you the last week, I want to make it up to you."

He shakes his head, "Sandy, there is nothing to make up. I understand the situation, really I do. You help others, that is your nature, I expect it and it makes me love you even more. You do not have to make it up to me."