About a Cat


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She realized after a moment that Rob was getting fidgety. She sighed and stood back up, offering her hand. Rob cocked his head in question, but took her hand and stood up.

"Did you bring cigarettes with you?" she asked.

Rob managed to avoid asking the embarrassing question. "I may have some in the glove box of the truck; I'll have to check."

He did not.

Melissa gave him a soft kiss and said, "You go home, feed your cat, and have your cigarette. I'll make us some fresh coffee so we can stay up and talk." She looked into his eyes a little fiercely as she added, "Drive safely, now. I will not accept you getting into an accident tonight."

"Yes, ma'am," Rob replied.

Back at his apartment, Sunshine looked a little cross as she meowed up at him. It was the first time she had been left alone since he brought her home, and she did not like it. "Unacceptable!" her fierce feline face announced. He petted her and fed her before heading out to his balcony to smoke. The warm, moist night air and the smoke filling his lungs helped to clear his mind. It also helped calm the raging erection in his shorts.

It was probably a really bad idea for him to go back to Melissa's place tonight, he thought. He glanced at his watch. He had met this woman less than eight hours ago. Somehow, though, it felt like he had known her far longer than that. That whole scene in her kitchen replayed in his head. God, he wanted that to be his life! He wanted it too badly. It was tough for him to put his finger on what was bothering him. He finished his cigarette, stubbing it out and putting the butt into its can.

He froze when it hit him. It had been sixteen years earlier, but he had almost the exact scene with his younger wife. He had been wearing an apron and nothing else after making love to her on a Saturday morning. She had come into the kitchen and hugged him as he made them breakfast. They had been so in love, but they had almost nothing in common besides their raging hormones at that age.

The next decade, he had felt helpless as their marriage devolved into a quagmire he struggled to escape. He and his wife argued about everything, and the animosity piled up until it was constant. It had taken him seventeen years to finally break free and start over here. He couldn't go through that again.

How could he explain that to Melissa?

Oh, he had to go back. He understood what a rotten and cowardly act it would be if he didn't. He had promised to return, and he was a man of his word. Rob sighed as he stuffed his cigarettes and lighter into the pocket of his shorts. He gave Sunshine some rather perfunctory attention before he put on fresh deodorant and a clean shirt.

Melissa was tremendously relieved when she heard the truck pull up in her driveway. She didn't know what she would have done if Rob had not returned. That made her a little nervous. This felt like it was moving too quickly, and it scared her. She didn't know this guy at all, really. Why did she trust him so much?

Her eyes settled on the reason, that purring bundle of fur on her couch. Bernard trusted him. Bernard had never liked her ex. Could it really be as simple as that? Her cat was a better judge of men than she was? Melissa heard the coffee pot noisily finishing up its brewing cycle and turned it off. She wrapped her gown tightly around her and went to the door to greet her guest.

They both felt like a couple of horny teenagers as they hugged in the middle of the living room. The thought made Melissa giggle quietly. She whispered to Rob, "I feel like we're sneaking around so we don't get caught!"

His eyes lit up at that. "I know," he whispered back, "It's like I'm just waiting for Brittany to come out and bust us!"

They made their way into the kitchen and prepared mugs of steaming coffee. They sat next to each other at the dining room table. Neither knew where to start, so they wound up looking into each others' eyes for far too long. Rob impulsively squeezed her hand.

"This is getting awkward," he said quietly. His smile let her know he wasn't being a jerk about it, and it was the first thing they hadn't whispered since he arrived.

"Yeah," she sighed back, "I have to admit, though, I was really relieved to hear you come back. I just don't know..." She shrugged after failing to find the words to finish her thought.

Rob nodded and sipped his coffee. "I know what you mean," he said, "But, for the record, this coffee is really good."

"Thanks," she replied. Damn. Why was this so hard?

"I'm sorry," Rob said, "It's been a really long time for me. I was thinking about it on my drive over here. I haven't had a 'first date' in like twenty years." He looked into her eyes and grinned, "Just so you know, I never put out on a first date."

"Oh, this isn't a date," came the saucy reply, "I'm having you back to my place for coffee. You do know what that means, don't you?"

"Um, it means that you like coffee and late night conversation?" Rob's look said that he was being intentionally obtuse, daring her to explain it to him.

Her look said that she wasn't sure she was up to that dare. He intertwined his fingers with hers and smiled gently at her.

"It's okay; we aren't in a race, here. Let's start off with something easier. I would love to have you and Brittany over for swimming tomorrow. Would you like that?"

"Oh, Brittany would love it." Melissa saw from Rob's expression that she hadn't answered his question. She decided it was time to open up and see how that went. She let out a deep sigh before she went on.

"Rob, I'm not sure I am comfortable with my self enough to really enjoy it. I saw all the young people in the pool yesterday, and I don't know if I can compete with that. You know I will put on my swimsuit and put myself through it for Brittany's sake, but I can't tell you I'm looking forward to it."

Rob squeezed her hand reassuringly. He appreciated her honesty. It was time to return it.

"I don't want to be too forward," Rob said looking into her eyes, "but I think you are sexy as hell. You are so damned attractive it scares me, honestly." She squeezed his hand and smiled softly, blushing at the compliment.

He continued, "When you hugged me and kissed me in your kitchen earlier...it just felt so right that I wanted to do something crazy like propose on the spot. Not that I would do that, but it certainly crossed my mind. I love this—" he held up their joined hands and squeezed again, "and the flirting, and the way I get turned on just being around you.

"At the same time, I feel...I don't know; awkward, scared, nervous? I don't want to say something stupid or hurt your feelings. I don't want to come across as a creep. And you know what? That nervous, scared feeling is absolutely exhilarating because it isn't something I've felt in twenty years. Does that make sense?"

"Yes!" she breathed out. "Good lord, I want you so badly right now. At the same time, that scares the hell out of me. I have a daughter to think about, and I'm not some lovesick, horny teenager."

"Exactly," Rob answered her. He had to lean in for a kiss, and their tongues greedily explored each others' mouths for several minutes. Melissa groaned as she felt his hand slide over her breast. Her own hand slid up his thigh and found a rampant erection tenting his shorts.

Melissa broke off the kiss first. She sucked in a breath and squeezed his cock through his shorts. Rob moaned in response.

"We're not teenagers, though," she whispered hotly, "I'm a grown woman, and I'm taking you to my bed right now."

Rob shook his head weakly in protest. "It's too—" he started to say, but was cut off by another searing kiss.

"Life is too short, Rob, and we have missed out on too much of it. Maybe we'll regret rushing into this, but dammit, I want you now. You obviously want me. I have a feeling it will be amazing, and I don't want to miss out on amazing right now." The heat in her eyes was undeniable. They rose unsteadily and kissed once more, before holding hands and walking together into her bedroom.

Bernard watched them leave before plopping his head onto his paws and going back to sleep.

Melissa was right, it was amazing. What she had spectacularly underestimated was just how intense that feverish coupling would turn out to be. She had never in her life had a lover in Rob's league.

When they reached her bed, she had turned on the small lamp on her nightstand and turned off the overhead light, bathing her waiting bed in an intimate glow. As she began unbuttoning her nightgown, Rob pulled off his shirt. She couldn't help but gasp when she was presented with his chiseled torso, chest and shoulders. This guy was about to turn fifty? It didn't seem possible.

Her own fingers fumbled at her buttons, then. She was tremendously self-conscious of her own body now that she was faced with his. She hadn't kept herself in the sort of condition that made her proud to show off her assets. Rob stepped up and began gingerly undressing her. He groaned with desire as her breasts were bared for his hungry gaze.

Somehow, he knew exactly how to touch her to elicit the most intense pleasure. His fingers explored her sensitive nipples as her gown dropped to the floor. He took one heaving breast into his mouth and squeezed the other while his free hand slid down to gently tease her pubic mound through her panties. She was drenched immediately. Her own frantic hands reached to unbutton and release Rob's shorts.

She was shocked once again at the ferociously erect cock that was proudly protruding out of the opening in his boxer shorts. He released her throbbing nipple from his mouth and stepped back to admire her body as she demurely slipped off her panties. She was tempted to cover her belly and pussy until she saw the lust in his eyes and heard him gasp out loud in admiration.

"Damn, you are even sexier than I imagined," he hissed. His throbbing erection bore mute testament to his words.

He looked down, and actually looked a little sheepish as he peeled off his socks and boxers. Melissa was a little intimidated at the size of his dick when it was fully bared. It wasn't porn star huge, but it was bigger than any she had met in person. Her moist little pussy lurched as she realized it would soon be deep inside her. Her legs were weak at the thought, and she sat at the edge of her bed.

She leaned forward, eager for her first taste of him. Rob's eyes were huge, looking down at her as she licked her way around the spongy head. It was Rob's turn to be a little self-conscious; he hadn't showered since right after he got out of bed that morning. He needn't have worried, though. The musky, manly scent of his slightly sweaty balls got Melissa more powerfully aroused as she inhaled it. She groaned and slurped in the pulsing cock, causing him to gasp out loud again.

His hands reached down and he began squeezing and massaging the muscles of her neck and collarbone area. It felt really relaxing, and Melissa could imagine how well he would massage her body after a hard day at the office. Her mouth was full of his cock and her mind was full of their life together. She was eager for both.

She sucked him hungrily, reveling in his deep growl and the reward of his tasty pre-cum. She looked up into his eyes and watched him shiver in response. She felt every bit as sexy as she looked to him in that moment. Her hands reached around to enjoy the feel of his clenching butt muscles as she worked him over with her lips and tongue.

Rob could scarcely recall ever having had such an amazing blowjob in his life. Melissa clearly loved having him in her mouth, and it showed. However, he wanted more of her. He croaked out something unintelligible before clearing his throat and shaking his head. His voice shook her when he finally said, "Please, I need to taste you too."

Melissa released him and slid back onto the bed. Rob crawled around her, spreading her thighs with his strong hands and diving into her eagerly while his glistening cock was once again presented to her hungry mouth. Melissa gasped around his meaty shaft when his lips and tongue sucked that first explosive climax from her. He was every bit as hungry for her sweet pussy as she was for his cock.

She had never been so thoroughly pleasured by a man's mouth as she would be by his. She had merely been eager to be fucked by this attractive man, but he was making love to her in ways she didn't even know were possible. His tongue somehow managed to slide deep inside her, finding her g-spot and triggering the most intense orgasm she had ever had. If her mouth had not been so full, she probably would have screamed out loud.

When she stopped shaking with that insane climax, she was determined to return the favor. She began sucking his cock hard and squeezing his ass until he groaned and tried to pull away. She would not be denied. Once again, she felt powerfully sexy as he was helpless in her grasp. His shaft swelled in her lips and he began to feed her the salty liquid that she craved.

Rob rose to his knees in the bed, looking into her eyes as she nursed out every drop he had to offer her. It turned her on something fierce to feel him throbbing in her mouth the way he did. When he was completely drained, she released him from her lips with an audible 'pop' and smiled up at him.

"I can't believe you did that," he breathed.

"Oh, believe it, buster," she replied. She was enormously pleased with herself.

Rob slid down on the bed and eagerly kissed her mouth, surprising her yet again. He wasn't afraid to taste himself as his tongue hungrily sought hers. A much bigger surprise was filling her drenched pussy, though. He hadn't gone soft at all, and Melissa's eyes opened wide. She groaned in sheer disbelief into his mouth.

Good lord, she thought, he's spreading me wide open! Before he had even worked his full length into her, she was shuddering through another powerful climax.

He was only getting started.

He filled her delightfully for the next two straight hours, barely breaking stride when he filled her with his second load of cum. Melissa had no idea she could have so many orgasms all in a row like that without dying. It reached the point of being ridiculous. She would have an intense orgasm, which just made her more sensitive and led to an even more extreme orgasm, which in turn paved the way for an "Oh-my-God-you've-got-to-be-kidding-me!" explosion in her clutching pussy.

Each time she would hit one of those, Rob would stop driving into her. He would hold still and caress and kiss her tenderly until her orgasmic spasms passed and she was once again clinging hungrily to his shaft. His eyes would lock onto hers as he gently started to fuck her again.

When neither of them could go any longer, Rob rose unsteadily from the bed and made his way into her bathroom. She heard the water running in the sink. He returned with a cool, damp washcloth and lovingly wiped the sweat from her body.

"You were amazing, Melissa," he whispered to her.

Her mouth was too dry at that moment to reply. She looked at him in adoring disbelief. There was no way that had really happened. It had to be the most insane sexual dream of her life.

But then he was lifting her from the bed, carrying her into the shower. He tenderly washed her body clean, even as he somehow found the time to also wash himself. He gently toweled her dry, and then he stripped the sweat-soaked sheets from the bed. She finally found her voice and got her legs back under her enough to help him. She got a set of clean sheets and they made the bed together.

They slid beneath the cool sheets and looked at each other for a minute. Melissa finally spoke.

"That was just...wow," she breathed out, "I can't believe that just happened in my bed."

"I am so tempted to say something smart-alecky right now," Rob whispered back with a smile, "But all I can think is 'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!'" He kissed her again, softly this time, as his arms pulled her in to him for another welcoming hug.

Melissa was a little nervous when she realized he was hard again. He read that in her eyes and softly reassured her.

"Melissa, I am flat worn out. However, you have that effect on me. I can't help but be hard and ready for you, especially when you are naked in my arms like this."

Rob rolled over and turned off the lamp. He hugged her to his chest and whispered, "Sweet dreams."

Melissa may have answered before she zonked out, but couldn't recall when she woke up the next morning. She was disappointed not to wake up in that addictive hug, sad to be alone in her bed again. Only her nakedness and tender, throbbing pussy convinced her that it had not been a fantastic dream. Bernard hopped into her bed, meowing at her that it was time to get up.

She pulled on a fresh pair of panties and a bathrobe as she made her way to the kitchen. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Rob and Brittany quietly cooking breakfast together. Melissa was still a bit out of it when Brittany shot her a horrified look. She rushed to her side and grabbed Melissa's hand, guiding her back to her bedroom.

"Mama! Your hair looks like..." she obviously bit back saying something offensive, "Rob is here, and he wants to take us swimming today, after breakfast. Mama, you need to go make yourself pretty for him."

Melissa had to choke back a laugh. Her daughter would gleefully pimp her out for the chance to go swimming. Brittany released her once they reached Melissa's master bathroom, and scurried back to help Rob with breakfast. Melissa had to admit it smelled incredible. She was famished after last night's exertions.

She almost screamed out loud when she saw her hair. No wonder Brittany was horrified! She looked like she had been "rode hard and put away wet." As she worked conditioner through her tangled locks, she realized that she had been. A naughty smile played over her mouth as she rinsed the conditioner out and worked a comb through her hair.

"Worth it," she breathed.

Aside from the wreckage that had been her hair, she had to admit she looked good in that mirror. There were no obvious hickeys, bruises, or other incriminating evidence. Only a marvelous glow and a smile that wouldn't leave her face. It was way, way too early, but she wondered how soon she could invite Rob to move in with them.

Then she remembered Brittany's face. Rob had a pool—no, make that four pools. There was no way she would give that up. As long as Rob lived in that apartment complex, he was perfect boyfriend material. With a start, Melissa realized that she was still combing her hair, even though it was almost dry now. She set down the comb, made sure her bathrobe was securely tied, and got to the dining room just in time for breakfast.

Melissa was enjoying the cozy family atmosphere of the breakfast, smiling as she listened to Brittany holding court at the table, and exchanging sly smiles with Rob. She saw that he was wearing a fresh outfit. He had clearly showered and shaved, and she wondered idly how long he had remained in her bed before he left. Only the prolonged silence and expectant looks from Brittany and Rob let her know she had missed a question.

"Could you say that again?" she asked after swallowing the mouthful of egg and toast.

Brittany looked a little exasperated, "I said, 'Do you have your swimsuit ready?' We are going to Rob's pool after breakfast."

Melissa wasn't looking forward to that potential embarrassment, but she nodded. She did have a trio of bathing suits, and in her mind she was critically ruling each one out before settling on the least revealing one-piece. Rob's hungry gaze from across the table briefly made her consider the tiny string bikini that she had never worn. She shook her head at the thought with a rueful smile. It would just show off her belly fat, she thought.