A Promise Kept Ch. 03


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"Of course you can, silly boy,' she lightly giggled "You guys will always be able to count on me...always..."



The first night I spent in the new apartment began the first of many sleepless nights, and those were also the nights that marked the beginning of a change in me...a change in the way I began to feel about the kind of work I was doing for the Navy, a change in the way I began to feel towards people I didn't know and therefore didn't trust, and last but certainly not least...it also began to change the way I felt about the government that I thought I loved and trusted.

A few moments earlier I'd mentioned that I had been experiencing, "sleepless nights", as I called them. Well, they were the exact opposite; in fact...During those nights what really began to occur was a series of bad dreams. They were true thoughts, and not just imaginings of the not so distant past, interrupting what little sleep I could get back then, invading my consciousness like a deadly virus with no antidote.

Granted, I was still on "Stand Down" at work, but I was able to function normally, well, as normal as could be after having been made to say goodbye to the one person that made a difference in my life. The Government fucked up by not taking the time to examine my personal life. If they had, what happened next would've never taken place to begin with, and therefore, a lot of really good people would still be alive; and we would never be having a conversation about this, much less reading a story about it...


Chapter Two


"Michael, "I think that maybe you should go home and get some rest. You look beat, son," Mr. John kindly smiled, patting my shoulder, "Besides, it's past eleven o'clock at night, and I think we could all take a break and take up where we left off tomorrow. What about you?"

"Of course," I yawned, "We can do this however you'd like, Mister John, Ms. Etienne."

"You go home tonight, chere," Ms. Etienne gently smiled, her palm on my cheek, "Get some sleep, and we see each other tomorrow, okay?"

"That sounds good to us, too, ya'll," Jayne softly replied, taking both Kara's and my hands into her own as she stood, "We'll see you guys tomorrow then..."


After all of the good-byes had been said for the evening, Kara got into the front seat of the car with me, while Jayne rode in the back, all of us glad to be going home for the evening.

"Gosh, Michael," Kara began to sniffle, "I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of the stuff you talked about by yourself."

"I heard that," Jayne softly said, from the back seat, suddenly leaning up and placing her arms around me from behind, "I'm just glad that you're alive...Kara and I love you very much."

"Mmm," Kara purred, smiling as she gently grabbed hold of one hand, while leaving me to drive with the other, "We sure do, baby...we love you very much."

"I know you do, and I love you two very much as well...you more than anyone or anything, Kara," I cautiously, but honestly informed them, as I tenderly squeezed her hand "But you've heard barely anything...and you're liable to totally change your mind about me once you've heard everything I've got to say."


Nothing much was said on the way home, but there was a definite spark in Kara's big, dark brown eyes, which, draw me to her like a moth to a flame. I can't help it, that's just the way it is. Kara could tell from day one, but as God as my witness, she's never once tried to use what she knew was my weakness, to manipulate me in any way, not even the first time; and that's why I'm still in love with her today, but I'm getting ahead of myself again...sorry.


When we got home that night, Jayne quickly came up to us and hugged us both, giving each of us a sweet, tender kiss on each of our cheeks as she did so, and then she headed straight to bed, wearing a content smile on her pretty little face...


"I love her so much," Kara softly sighed, gently leaning into my chest, while I instinctively wrapped my arms around her, "But not nearly as much as I love you, Michael."

"I love you, too," I gently replied, "But I need you to sit down with me for a minute, baby, because there's something I need to ask you."

"Of course," she replied, leading me to the couch where we both took a seat, "You know that you can ask me anything you want to, my love."

"I need to know something, Kara, and I need for you to tell me the truth," I began, "Doe hearing about the time I spent with Jill bother you? Because if it does, I can..."

"Shut up, Michael," she giggled, while interrupting me, "No, it doesn't bother me one bit, because I'm the one that you're with. And I'm the girl that you sleep next to every night; and while I hated to hear about it, Jill has been dead for a long time now. Deep down in my heart, I know that you've somehow made peace with it, or you wouldn't be in a relationship with me. If I've learned anything about being with you, I know that I'm right about that, too."

"You're a very, very wise woman," I smiled, my heart overflowing with love for her, "And I love you very, very much."

"I know you do," she softly replied, kissing my lips, "And I love you, too."


The next morning after breakfast, Jayne called her Uncle John to let him know that we would be there as soon as everyone was ready. Of course, being the nice guy that he is, he told her that we should simply take our time and not get into any kind of rush,,,



"Good morning, Mike," John smiled, shaking my hand as he met me at his front door, "I thought I told Miss Jayne to tell you guys to take your time about coming over here."

"I wanted to finish telling you everything," I smiled, "Besides, I didn't even get to talk much about Danny yesterday..."


APRIL 7, 1979

This particular day happened to be my nineteenth birthday, and besides it being on a Saturday, which meant that it was my day off, I awoke to the sound of someone, Danny, pounding on my front door yelling, "Get your lazy ass out of bed, L. B. You don't want to sleep your birthday away, do you?"


"Would you two like to tell me why you're waking me up at this hour of the morning?" I grumbled, as the three of us sat at my table drinking coffee, "And on my day off, too?"

"Oh, quit whining," Danny laughed, "Me and Sam are going SCUBA diving and we thought you might want to go with us."

"Is that right?" I asked, my interest piqued, "And where are we going to dive?"

"I thought maybe we could go diving off of Catalina Island," Danny knowingly grinned, "I figured that since there are no classes today, then we could get at least two daylight dives, and then maybe do a night dive later on this evening. What do you think?"

"I think you fuckers are nuts," I told them, "Besides, I feel like sleeping in today...yawn...so, gimme a break, okay fellas?"

"Alright then," Danny said, winking at Sam, "COME AND GET HIM," and then my door suddenly flew open, followed by the rest of my SEAL team, Dave included, flooding into the living room of my apartment."

"Get up, Doc," Brad grinned, "We're going surfing in Malibu today."

"That's right, Mike," Dave grinned, "And like it, or not; you're coming with us."

"Your surfboard is in my jeep, Danny grinned, "So, come on get your slow ass ready..."




"After traveling up the coast for a good three and a half hours, we pulled into a parking area near the pier, not realizing the fun I was about to have. The death of my beautiful Jill hung heavily around my heart like the albatross around the neck of the Ancient Mariner.

Still though, after this particular day, I knew that what was about to happen was Jill's way of looking out for my sanity. We hadn't been there for more than twenty minutes, and I had just finished waxing my board. I was about to put my wetsuit when I heard something coming from the surf.

"PLEASE...HELP ME..."rang from out of the waves behind me. I took off at a dead run, diving into the Pacific water when it became too deep to run in, and swam to where the last sound came from.

I don't know, well, actually I do know what happened, when all of a sudden; I felt a body bumping into me from beneath the water's surface. I immediately dove straight down until I felt what I thought was an arm. After opening my eyes underwater, I saw that I had the arm of a young woman so, I pulled her to the surface, and then just like I was taught in lifesaving classes in high school; I paddled her to the shore...


"Who is she, Mike?" Danny asked, as I attempted to resuscitate the woman, "Is she gonna be alright?"

All of a sudden the lady began to breathe, coughing and exhaling the sea water from her lungs. I waited until she seemed stable enough to communicate, and then lifting her up so the she could dry off with the towel I'd just handed her, I asked, "Are you alright, Miss?"

After wiping off her face, which happened to be absolutely beautiful, but also showing that she was clearly very young, she dried her blonde hair as she opened the prettiest pair of hazel blue eyes that I'd even seen on a girl. Taking a moment to look around, and then with a lovely British accent, she smiled and then sweetly asked, "Which one of you pulled me out of the water?"

"It was him," Danny excitedly smiled, pointing at me, "And his name is Michael Walker."

All of a sudden, and without any warning whatsoever, the pretty girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes gently turned, and after firmly wrapping her arms around me, she pulled me against her and gave me the softest kiss, only holding it for a couple of seconds before releasing me and telling me," Thank you, Michael Walker. My name is Natalie Wickham, and I owe you my life, sir."

"No, you don't," I humbly smiled, "I did what anyone else would've done, that's all."

"I don't know, L.B.'" Danny solemnly replied, "None of the rest of us even heard her."

"He's right, Mike," Sam agreed, "I didn't hear anything."

"Natalie Wickham," Dave repeated to himself, "Wait a minute, you wouldn't be Lady Natalie Wickham, daughter of the Duke and Dutchess of Essex, would you?"

"Yes...uh," she stuttered, "That would be me?"

"Holy shit," I said, "Where are your S.A.S. bodyguards?"

"Right there," she giggled, pointing to two men in the distance, running up the beach toward us, "I would imagine they're going to be a tad angry with me for giving them the slip."

"Surely not," I smiled, "We won't let them give you any grief, M'Lady."

"I appreciate the gesture," she smiled, "You can call me Natalie...please."

"Alright then," I grinned, as the two men neared us, "Natalie it is."


"You gave us a heart attack, M'Lady," said the older one of the two bodyguards, winded, "How many times have we asked you to let us know before you go running off like that?"

"I didn't go running off, as you put it, Captain Leighton," she venomously replied, "It was the tide; and then I..."

"Come on, M'Lady," whined the other bodyguard, "Please don't make us call..."

"The lady almost drowned," I interrupted, "I'm glad that we were here, or you might've lost her. Then who would you call?"

"This man saved my life," Natalie proudly smiled, "You two should be thankful he was here."

"Oh, so, I suppose you expect a reward now, eh, mate?" the younger of the two bodyguards laughed. Then he frowned as he hatefully said, "Well forget it...piss off, Yank," as he tried to poke me in the chest with his finger, which I quickly turned into a thumb lock, swiftly pushing him away as I released him just as swiftly.

Suddenly I saw both bodyguards take a defensive posture. However, right before they reached for their weapons, Dave pulled out his Colt .45 pistol, and with a smile on his face, told them, "Gentlemen, please; while I highly respect you boys in the S.A.S., you're about to take on a whole team of U.S. Navy SEALs, and that's something I wouldn't advise that you even attempt. I have a more peaceful solution."

"Bloody hell, why didn't you say so," the older of the two bodyguards laughed, both of them relaxing their posture, "And what do you suggest, mate?"

"That's easy," Dave grinned, putting his weapon away, "My friend, Michael, here, would really like to escort the Lady back to wherever she needs to be...and you two can follow behind her if you wish. How does that sound?"

"That sounds brilliant to me," Natalie brightly smiled, looking at me, "Would you do me the honor of escorting me back to my hotel, kind and gentle sir?"

"Of course," I respectfully replied, extending my arm, "But the honor is all mine, I assure you, M'Lady."

"My goodness," she delightfully grinned, "And such a gentleman, too..."


After we walked up to where our vehicles were parked, everyone else piled into Dave's truck, while Danny flipped me the keys to his Jeep smiling.

"Be careful," he grinned, "And be sure to get the lady back to her hotel in one piece," the rest of the guys laughed as they backed out of the parking lot.

I reached into the center compartment on Danny's jeep, and after withdrawing a sweatshirt with "SEAL Team 3" embossed in gold lettering across the left breast, I handed it to Natalie, and kindly told her, "Here, you might want to put this on so the wind won't freeze you to death before I can get you to your hotel."

"Thank you," she smiled, taking the towel off her head of beautiful blonde hair that fell right past her shoulders, "You wouldn't happen to have a spare cap I could borrow, would you?"

"Here," I smiled, handing her mine, "Take mine, it's a lot cleaner than anyone else's."

"Thank you," she smiled, putting her hair up and then placing the ball cap over the top of it, and then she got into the jeep, "I can't thank you enough for saving my life."

"You don't have to," I gently replied, "But you're welcome, just the same."


I hadn't been driving down the freeway for very long when I saw a black Chevy Suburban with the windows blacked out following behind me. And taking notice of me watching it in my rearview mirror, Natalie smiled and said, "Don't worry, Michael, those are my bodyguards behind us. They're just doing their jobs."

"Okay," I grinned, "If you say so."

"Relax," she sweetly smiled, turning in her seat to look at me as I drove, "So, tell me about Michael Walker. I want to know everything there is to know about you."

"There's not much to tell, really," I began, and then I told her where I was born, where I grew up, that sort of stuff. I hadn't told her anything about Jill, because I was sure that I would more than likely never see her again, but still, when I was finished talking, she was dreamily staring at me, her beautiful eyes flashing a hazel blue light.

"Oh, my goodness," she softly replied, "So if you're going to be twenty years old on your next birthday, then that means that you'll only be a little more than a year older than me, and that's perfect."

"Perfect," I asked, "Perfect for what?"


I didn't realize she was staying at the Beverly Wilshire hotel, but the drive was pleasant just the same, and it felt good to be able to make a new friend that day.

"We're here, M'Lady," I smiled, "It was nice meeting you, Natalie."

"It was wonderful meeting you, Michael," she softly breathed, leaning in and gently but quickly kissing my lips, "I'll see you again one day soon...I swear, and it will be when you least expect it, too. Good afternoon, my handsome Knight," and then she handed my cap back to me, and after a smile and a wink, she turned and walked away, leaving me to watch her beautiful butt as it swayed back and forth beneath her bikini bottom, her top covered by the sweatshirt...


I drove the three hours it took me to get back to my apartment, and when I got there, Danny was waiting fro me on the front steps, with a beer in one hand and a stupid grin plastered across his face.

"Look at the smile on your face, L.B.," he teased, "It looks like you might've made a new friend so; how did it go?"

"How did what go?" I chuckled, "She's a nice girl. What do you want me to say?"

"A nice girl, my ass," Danny grinned, "She's English Royalty for God's sake."

"Relax, man," I assured him, "Today had the intended effect that you guys wanted it to have on me, okay?"

"I'm glad to hear that," he quietly said, taking a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter in my apartment, "All any of us wanted was for you to be better; I hope you understand that, L.B."

"Of course I do," I appreciatively smiled, placing my hand on his shoulder, "And don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate it, because I do. Hell, it lets me know that you guys give a shit about me."

"Yeah, we do," he laughed, "Besides; I still owe you an ass whipping."

"Whatever," I chuckled, "In your dreams, shit ball."

"Gimme my keys, Mister Starry Eyes," Danny laughed, taking his keys off of the counter where I'd set them, "I can't stand looking at that stupid grin any longer."

"Oh, one more thing," I told him, "You owe me twenty bucks for the gas I put in you bucket of bolts."

"Fuck off," he laughed, "Consider it a car rental fee."

"Cheapskate," I laughed...


As I drove to work the following Monday, I was excited because of the fact that the class that Danny and I were teaching had just started Heel Week the previous night. It was six am and the whole class had been up and awake since one minute after midnight, the night before. I was really looking forward to teaching the things that I was taught when I went through BUD/S...


"Good morning gentlemen," I said to the class, "Like you were told when you were awakened last night, Welcome to Hell Week. You have begun a New Evolution. For the next several days, we are going to assault every single one of your senses so; if you're weak, or not feeling well, now is the time to come ring my bell."

"Masterchief Tarkington," I asked, "Have we lost anyone yet?"

"No, Masterchief Walker, not yet" Brad conspiratorially smiled, "But it's only a matter of time."

"Good," I smiled, "Let's start the morning off with a ten mile run, shall we?"

"Hoo-Yah," Brad grinned, "Lead the way, Masterchief," and then we began our run.


Halfway through the run, six people dropped, and began the walk back to the quarterdeck to "Ring Out". There is no shame in ringing out; BUD/S is not meant for everyone. Only a select few have what it takes to make it all the way through it, and the number of men in the class was now down to forty-two, making seven boat crews...


During lunch, as Class Proctor, I took the time to talk to my fellow instructors while we ate away from the candidates.

"What do you think, Brad," I asked, "You think we've got any possibles in the group?"

"Yea, I think so," he told me, "I see about six, maybe seven possible Frogs in the group. The jury is still out on the rest of the class though."

"That's good," I said, "Any that get lucky and make it through Hell Week, will either get caught during dive phase, or they'll drop during tactical phase. What about you, Danny," I asked, "What do you think?"

"You know me, man," he grinned, "I don't make any judgment calls until after Hell Week."

"Alright the, guys," I grinned, "Let's finish eating, and then get back out there and motivate the men."


"WHAT'RE YOU DOING SLEEPING, SIR?" Danny barked at one of the officers in the class, "YOU SHOULD BE MAKING SURE YOUR MEN ARE ALL ACCOUNTED FOR. HIT THE SURF...NOW!!!!!!" and the man ran into the water diving in, and staying in until he was given the order to hit the beach; and then he ran back to stand with the rest of his class.