A Promise Kept Ch. 02


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"Why not," I grinned, "I hold class every afternoon at four o'clock in the northern wing of the main gym, okay?"

"Thanks, Mike," she grinned, "I may surprise you and show up this afternoon."

"Please do," I grinned, "I think you'll be impressed by my girls. Three of them studied Tae Kwon Do as well so; you won't be alone."

"Alright then, I will," she appreciatively replied, "I look forward to it, and thank you."

"You're welcome, Doc," I grinned, "We'll see you this afternoon," and then I went back into my sister's hospital room to talk with Gavin.


"So, how did she do?" I smiled, gently taking Britt's hand in mine, "Do you think there's enough evidence to get an indictment?"

"The samples that the Emergency Room took when they examined her after her attack are still in good condition," Gavin replied, "I just got off of the phone with Judge Harlan Benson, and the warrant for their arrest will be issued within the hour."

"Great," I happily grinned, "Now what happens?"

"Now we go pick them up," Gavin told me, "Well, as soon as we get the warrant, that is."

"Once we get them booked in," Amanda continued, "Then I take biological samples."

"I know what biological samples are," I told her, "But what kind of biological are we talking about, here?"

"Oh, the usual," she grinned, "Blood, Urine and Epithelial Skin samples."

"They've developed a new form of testing for this stuff, Michael," Brittany widely grinned, "When Tommy Powers' little dick squirted his sperm on my belly, they took samples of it...it's called DNA now."

"Deoxyribonucleic Acid," I victoriously grinned, "That means that the "biological footprint" that Tommy Powers left will be his undoing."

Suddenly the phone in Brittany's room began to ring, and when Britt answered it, she said, "Okay, hang on, she's right here," and the she handed the phone to Detective Adkins, "It's for you."

"This is Detective Adkins," she said into the phone. "I understand...And it is in affect now...Thank you very much, your honor," and then she hung the phone up.

Amanda looked at us with a big smile on her face and said, "That was Judge Benson, and the arrest warrants for Tommy Powers, Mark Hopkins, and Larry Lowe, for the Aggravated Rape, as well as the Aggravated Felony Assault of one Brittany Walker have just been handed down, are now in effect. Excuse us for now, but Detective Phelps and I have some arrests to make." Grinning at Gavin, Amanda then smiled and said, "Come on, Gavin let's go arrest those three assholes.

"You got it, Partner," he grinned, and then told us, "We'll have those three shit heads in custody with the hour. I'll keep you posted."

"Thanks, Gavin," I smiled, "I really appreciate everything you two are doing."

"You're welcome," he smiled, "We'd better get moving," and then he and Amanda were gone...


"I feel so much better," Brittany smiled, squeezing my hand, "Especially now that I know those fuckers are gonna be off the street."

"And you better believe that they're going to get a prison sentence out of this," I happily replied, "I'll make damn sure of that."

"We still have to be careful, Michael," Brittany warned, "When old Judge Powers gets wind of this, you can bet that someone is going to catch hell."

"I believe you," I said, "But if he tries to come down on me, I'll destroy his whole family line, you can be sure of that."

"Please don't go looking for trouble," Brittany pleaded, "That old bastard is dangerous, Michael."

"Maybe so," I told her, "But you forgot about something, baby sister."

"Is that right?" she asked, "And what did I forget?"

"You forgot about me," I coldly replied, "I am, by far, more dangerous than all of those idiots put together...count on it."

"You need to stay out of it, Michael;" my sister began to cry, "What if something bad should happen to you, then what am I supposed to do? You're the only brother I've got."

"There's something you don't know about me, Brittany," I told her.

"Oh really," she sniffled, "And what don't I know, Michael?"

"Dealing with assholes like Judge Powers, Robert Dresden, and those chicken-shit, ass-kissers on the Board of Regents is something that I'm very good at," I replied, "The Government called what I did "Pest Control."

"I don't care," she told me, "Either way, it sounds dangerous..."


Chapter Three

"So, how's Brittany?" Kara asked me that afternoon, "Is she alright?"

"She is now," I happily replied, having just spoken with Gavin, who confirmed the arrest of the three animals that raped my little sister, "They just arrested those three assholes who raped and beat her; plus, we have a surprise guest coming to sit in with us in class this afternoon. She's a black belt, too."

"She?" Kara teased, "Hmm, it seems like I can't turn my back on you for a minute before you start picking up strange women."

"Oh, be quiet," I laughed, "It's not like that. This lady is a Clinical and Forensic Psychiatrist who's been assigned to my sister's case."

"I know, baby," Kara grinned, "Brittany already called me and told me to bust your balls about it...I love you."

"Whatever," I grinned, "I can see right now that I'm, going to have to keep the two of you apart from now on."

"Yeah right," Kara snorted, "That'll be the day."

"Please," I teased Kara, quickly swatting her on the ass, not meaning to smack her beautiful butt cheek as hard as I did, "You don't scare me one bit, girlie."

"You watch it, asshole," Kara angrily replied, turning around and looking at me with fire brightly burning in her beautiful dark brown eyes, "You swat me on the ass like that again and I'll kick your ass, you fucker...I hate that shit," and then her eyes began to fill with tears.

"I'm sorry, baby," I gently told her, immediately hopping to my feet and placing my arms around her waist from behind, "I really wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, and I also didn't mean to swat your ass so hard either...I love you, Kara Matlock! I always will, even after I'm dead."

"A couple of asshole frat boys once smacked my ass with their bare hands when I was in college," she quietly told me, "And then they would make a sound like a cow mooing, and say things like, "Move that big ass Cow Girl," and it used to really hurt my feelings very badly...and then when I came back that next year with all of the weight gone, the guys started asking me out. I didn't go out with any of them though...and then when they found out that it was me, they acted even worse."

"My God," I replied, appalled by what she's told me, "Why don't you tell me who they are and I'll..."

"No, you won't, because I don't want to see you get in trouble because of those dickless assholes," she smiled, turning and kissing me, "But thank you for the thought, my handsome lover."

"You're welcome," I grinned, until I heard a knock on the office door...

"Besides," she impishly laughed, "I beat their asses, myself; when I earned my black belt at the beginning of my senior year."

"Is that right?" I grinned, "And did anything happen to you because of it?"

"Not a single thing," she triumphantly smiled, "First of all, they wouldn't stop harassing me. Secondly, I whipped their asses in front of their friends so; they basically got their balls busted because of it, and they both transferred out at mid semester..."


"I'm ready to testify to what I saw Tommy Powers do, Coach," Petra Anderson told me, appearing when I opened my office door, right before class began that afternoon, "I heard that they finally got arrested for what they did, and I want to make sure that they don't do that to anyone else again."

I sensed anger within Petra that I was unable to ascertain the source of so; I asked her about it, point blank.

"Why're you so angry about this, Petra?" I asked, "Is there something you would like to talk about?"

"I can talk to Coach Matlock about it," she said, her pretty green eyes beginning to fill with tears, "But I can't tell you about it because you'll think I'm dirty, Coach."

"Let me guess," I knowingly but very gently asked, "Tommy Powers raped you, too, didn't he?"

"Yes, sir," she began to cry, "But he did it last year a week before my eighteenth birthday."

"And how old was he?" I asked, "And would you like to tell me why you never reported it?"

"He had just turned eighteen," she cried, "And I never told anyone because Tommy said that no one would believe me because of who his father and grandfather are."

Amanda appeared right at that moment, and knowing that I was doing the right thing, I introduced Petra to her, and with Kara and Amanda in the office with her, I closed the door and let Petra talk to the women, as opposed to feeling uncomfortable with me being around.

Besides, the more comfortable and relaxed Petra felt talking to Amanda and Kara, the more likely she was to remember more intimate details of the crime, ensuring that Tommy Powers' little fucking ass would get more time in prison than I knew he was already going to get.


I gave the rest of the class the day off, figuring that all work and no play would make them get wound up too tight. Besides they had a Tournament coming up in a few days and I didn't want them to lose focus during a fight because they hadn't taken the time to relax during their training regimen.


After Amanda and Kara had finished questioning Petra, I asked them how it went.

"That little girl is going to make a great witness," Amanda smiled, "And if the jury agrees with the prosecutor, then Tommy Powers and his two idiot fiends will get at least ten years, maybe even fifteen."

"Damn right," Kara hissed, "I can't believe what that fucking animal did not only to Brittany, but to our sweet Petra, too, Michael."

"Good," I grinned teasing, "But I noticed that you're wearing your Karate Gi, Amanda. It makes me think that you came to fight."

"You're right, Coach," she girlishly laughed, "Why aren't you dressed out yet?"

"Is that an invitation, I'm hearing," I laughed, "Or is it a challenge?"

"A little bit of both," she good-naturedly boasted, "So, why don't you go dress out, and then it's time to put up, or shut up; big boy."

"Oh really," I goaded her, "I'll be right back...but when we get on the mat, I don't want you to take the ass whipping I'm going to give you personally."

"Like I said," Amanda grinned, "Put up, or shut up."

"Oh, so it's like that, huh?" I cockily asked, "It's time for you to pay the piper, little girl...I'll be right back..."

"Shut up," she playfully spouted, "I'm going to introduce you to some very new levels of pain when you return, Coach!"


I returned to the mat dressed in full sparing gear, all the way down to my mouthpiece, which I was carrying in my gloved right hand.

"Alright, Kara, you're going to referee this fight," I instructed her, ""We're going to fight by the I.S.K.A. rules. The first person to five points wins, okay?"

"You got it, baby," she giggled, "Both of you need to hit the mat, now," and that's where it began.

Amanda threw a flurry of straight punches, and of course I blocked them, and threw a solidly fast spinning backfist, which, not only did it connect, it knocked Amanda to the mat, stunning her and giving me a point, but also making me ask her, "Are you alright?"

"Eat me," she viciously spat, "You hit like a bitch," and then she immediately sprang back up to her feet; landing in a ready stance, "Is that all you've got, little boy?"

"Point," Kara announced, taking my hand and raising it.

"Uh, oh," I teased, "Somebody's losing their temper...nasty, nasty," I viciously goaded her, "We mustn't lose our temper little, girl," and just then I came in on her with a short jab to the jaw, scoring another point,"

"Point," Kara announced, taking my hand and raising it, again; "Two to nothing, Advantage, Michael."

This time Amanda wasted no time, and the moment Kara said, "Resume", she stepped back, as opposed to coming with a full frontal attack like I expected her to. I unintentionally left my right side wide open, and Amada made me pay for it with short snap kick to the right side of my head, dropping me to the mat like a hot potato.

"Point," Kara announced, "Three to Two, Advantage, Amanda," and then she laughed and told Amanda, "Way to go, girl."

"Time out," I said, as I slowly picked myself up off of the mat, and then I looked at Amanda smiling and said, "Damn, girl, you kick pretty damn good."

"I didn't mean to hurt you," she suddenly said, a slight look of fear in her eyes, "We need to stop this fight."

"I didn't say that we need to quit fighting," I grinned, "I just said that you kick very well. You're only one point ahead of me...let's finish this."

"Okay," she grinned, "It's you're hide, not mine."

"Uh, huh," I chuckled, waiting for the signal

"Ready," Kara announced, "Resume," and this time I decided to finish it once and for all. In doing so, I used my front outside right foot, lifting it as if to attempt a slow kick, and then the moment she dropped her hands to block it, I exploited the fact that her whole face was wide open, by using the same foot, quickly pulling it back and then snapping it around, as well as way in above the block, which landed on the left side of her head, just enough to make light, but firm enough tap on her head with my foot pad to let her know that definite contact had been made.

"Dammit," she quietly whispered, knowing I'd beaten her.

"Point and Match," Kara announced, raising my hand, and then throwing it back down and saying, "But you were fighting a female and I hardly think that's fair."

"Okay, fine," I laughed, as I began taking my pads off, "You fight her then, I'm whipped," and then I looked over at Amanda, and with a smile on my face, told her, "You're a very good fighter. I want you to know that."

"Thanks, Mike," she grinned, "I only wish I was as good as you are."

"Who says that you're not?" I politely asked, "I think that pound per pound, you held your own very well. The reason that I won this match was by using an old "Trick Kick" that I learned when I was a kid."

"Oh, I see," Amanda suspiciously grinned; "You're trying to say that you cheated, then, huh?" and then she and Kara began to laugh.

"No, I didn't actually cheat," I comically back-pedaled, "I used unfair tactics, regardless of how legal the kick was that scored the last three points."

"Then you won fair and square," Amanda grinned, "I know that kick was legal because I've used it myself. You caught me off-guard so; like I just said, you won..."


"I really enjoyed myself," Amanda smiled, once her and Kara were in the locker room changing clothes, "Michael is a good guy, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is," Kara smiled, as she stood in front of Amanda in just her bra and panties, "And I love him very much."

"I can see that," Amanda knowingly grinned, "Please don't take this the wrong way, but from looking at you, I can see why he cares for you so much...you're very beautiful."

"Thank you," Kara graciously smiled; "I didn't always look like I do now though," and then she told Amanda the whole story of how she and I came to be together up to that point in our lives...


"I'm glad you decided to come by," I told Amanda as she was leaving the gym, "I hope I didn't hurt you, Amanda; and if I did, I'm very sorry."

"Nah, you didn't hurt me," she admittedly chuckled, "The only thing that got bruised was my ego."

"I'm sorry about that, too," I smiled.

"Don't sweat it," she giggled, "I needed to come down off of my high horse anyway so; no harm, no foul."

"Are you sure," I asked, "I mean, I sure didn't want..."

"Don't worry, Mike," she gently smiled, "We're cool, you and me."

"Okay then," I chuckled, giving her a friendly hug, "You're always welcome here so; feel free to come back. As a matter of fact, I want you to come back, soon, too."

"Alright then," she happily smiled, breaking the hug from me, and then turning to hug Kara. "You take of him, girl," she giggled, "I can already tell that he's got the potential to be an aggravating turd."

"Has the potential," Kara loudly laughed, "What do you mean? He was born an aggravating turd. "

Needless to say that we all had a good laugh, and then right before Amanda left, I asked her, "Was the information that Petra Anderson gave you any help at all?"

"Oh, hell yes," she victoriously grinned, "Now we also have raping a minor to add to the list of charges against this animal. There's not a judge or jury in the state that won't convict him for all the charges he's got on him, the little bastard."

"Good," I satisfactorily replied, "I know that I shouldn't say this, but I really don't care whether you're a police Detective or not. All I'm saying is that after what he and his dickless friends did to my sister, it's a very good thing that the three of them are behind bars. Otherwise, something is liable to happen to those boys, because as we all know, the world's a dangerous place anymore. Hell, Houston is the fifth largest city in the world, and it's very dangerous. Would you agree with me, Detective Adkins?"

"Oh, by all means," Amanda knowingly grinned, "I agree wholeheartedly, Coach."

"I appreciate it, Detective," I replied, then smiled and told her, "Thanks for all of your help; Amanda, seriously."

"You're very welcome," she smiled, "You two take good care of each other."

"We will," Kara smiled, "You come back and see us soon, girl."

"I will," she smiled in return, "Take care," and then she left the gym, disappearing down the hallway to the northern entrance.


That evening found Kara, Jayne and I, at a place, which is no longer there, called Milagro's Crab Shack, down south on Galveston Island. Jayne and Kara were having the all you can eat Stuffed Crab, while I had the Maine Lobster. Of course I also had some crab cakes, not to mention a couple of dozen, peel and eat, Tiger Prawn. While we ate I drank lots of unsweet iced tea, and once we were done, the girls drank warm spice rum, while I drank some good old Jim Beam bourbon on the rocks.

Of course Kara drove so; she only had one, but it was Thursday so; because tomorrow was going to be a half day for the three of us, I decided on at least a couple more after the first one.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow, Michael," Jayne timidly asked, "I know that I would be."

"No, sweet girl, I'm not nervous," I gently replied, "Aside of the fact that I'm going to have you and Kara there to catch me if I fall; I'm never nervous about telling the truth."

"I love you, Michael Walker," Jayne sweetly told me, coming around to my side of the table and then kneeling down and hugging me, "You're the big brother I wish I had...kinda like Danny was."

"From now on you do have me as a big brother, sweetie," I quietly replied, gently kissing her cheek, "And nobody, I mean nobody will ever mess with you, or hurt you again. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she cried, muffled from having her face tucked into my shoulder, "Thank you, Michael..."


"You know that Jayne idolizes you, honey," Kara tenderly told me, as we lay in bed together that night, "I think it's precious."

"Yeah, she's a sweetie," I contentedly smiled, "I got to looking and she's also one of my top students, too."

"That means that you're a good teacher, Michael," she softly replied, snuggling her naked body against mine, "I knew you'd be a good teacher. I don't know whether you know this, or not; Michael, but your students absolutely love you."

"They really are a pretty good group of kids," I proudly smiled, "I just don't want to let them down...especially not our girls."

"Our girls," Kara widely grinned, holding her head up on her arm, bent at the elbow, "Think that their beloved Coach Walker is not only a hunk, but most definitely the hottest, as well as the toughest guy any of them have ever seen."