A Fucking Investment Ch. 06


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The subject was an imposing piece of work. Her honey blond hair was shoulder length and brushed back into a singular whole and then sprayed in place. Her blue eyes were cold and unfriendly. She was brusque with the sale lady and dismissive of everything she touched. But she moved further into the store and we followed. I released M'bara's hand and kept a distance, considering how best to approach this woman. She glanced at me and caught me gazing at her. She did not look away but fixed her eyes on mine with a sort of defiant belligerence, daring me to keep my eyes on here. I did. She stopped her hands sorting the blouses on the rack before her. I held her gaze.

M'bara said something to me but I ignored her. Out of the corner of my eye I caught M'bara looking back and forth between us. I did not blink. I did not look away. Finally, the blond woman pursed her lips and returned her gaze to the blouses. "M'bara, find something to try on and go into the dressing rooms. Give me about five minutes.

I did not move my gaze. The woman shuffled through the blouses and I guessed then that she was not happy about buying off the rack. She had done it before, I guessed, graduated to better styles and now the economy had bumped her back into this familiar territory. Her eyes flicked up at me and finding my gaze still fixed on her, she dropped them back to the blouses. Her hands moved mechanically and her eyes seemed to be staring, unseeing. The slightest flush of pink rose in her cheeks. I wiped a hand across my lips. The woman stopped moving her hands. I could see the internal debate, the conversation rattling in her mind. Should she approach me and reproach me for staring in a most un-American way? Should she ignore me? Should she leave the store, retreat?

She became completely still as this debate continued. I did not move, I did not blink. I have a theory about sex which may have actual scientific support. My theory is that we humans can feel someone close to us, or smell them or something that tells our senses that fucking them would be a distinct and utter pleasure without telling us if we can stand them or not, like or love or live with them at all. Our animal instincts or our pheromones or something that establishes sexual compatibility fires and we just know. We know that copulation with that body would fulfill a basic need to experience ecstasy. And suddenly we want each other regardless of all the conventions that deny us the satisfaction such a coupling would bring. Civilization has barred us from acting on this till recently. Now, in the decadent corridors of the west, we can sometimes act on the suggestion such experiences proffer to our stunned consciousness. M'bara had picked such a woman for me. I felt it. I waited to see if she did. And if she did, how she would respond to it?

The woman looked up at me. Her blue eyes glittered but behind the glitter, confusion and then a glint of curiosity. Still, I did not move nor did my gaze waver. I desired to examine her body but I did not. She dropped her hand, putting her eyes on the rack before her. She stood still, elbow pinching her slung purse against her light tan business suit. She wore a straight skirt, jacket and white blouse. She wore high heels, black with straps and a single jewel at the ankle bone. I found I was examining her but seeing her clothes not her body. The clothing she wore was more sumptuous than she could find in this store. I looked back up to her eyes. She was watching me now. She dropped her eyes and took the first step towards me. I heard the dressing room door open and sensed more than saw M'bara emerge. The two women arrived together. The blond woman stopped in front of me. M'bara halted to my side. She laid a hand on my arm.

"Do you like this?" M'bara asked in a normal voice but I heard the strain in it. She had picked this woman who stood two feet from me.

I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the woman before me. "What do you think? Does it match her?"

The woman's eyes flicked to my side and then came back to me. "No. Too tight. Her tits are too big for that tight a dress. You need something to show your body off. You are stuffed into that dress like pork in a hot dog casing."

She dressed the part of high society but she was not. In old days, society women would sniff at her and whisper, 'new money' as though that explained something. It might have. But here, now, no one was sniffing or if they were all they could smell were pheromones.

"Take it off." I said. "Would you like to pick something out that might be more to your liking for her?"

The woman's head turned and she studied M'bara for a moment then she looked back at me. "My name is Laurel." She said, still belligerent. I took a moment to study her body, letting my eyes drift down, lingering at her waist and then at her breast. Laurel was statuesque, with broad shoulders and hips, and mighty breasts which dominated her torso and a narrow, elegant waist. "Her name is M'bara. She is from Africa." I said.

"I hear that in her voice. Her musical accent is very . . . . " Laurel did not finish. "Yes. Ok. I'll find something for her."

M'bara returned to the dressing room and the woman wandered away for a few minutes. She held up a brilliant red dress which would be horribly short. "That will make her look like a hooker," I said conversationally.

"Isn't she?" The woman sneered.

"To the contrary. She is the sister of a business associate. He gave her to me for the week. To fuck anytime I like. Would you care to join us and watch me fuck her?"

The woman actually spluttered. Laurel half coughed and moved the dress from her free hand so she could cover her mouth. When she looked back at me the disdain in her eyes was being seared away by curiosity and desire. But I was not entirely sure which of us she desired but then, on reflection, I was pretty sure it did not matter or at least, she did not care. We certainly didn't.

"Well?" I prompted. Laurel stilled and stared, not moving or making a sound. "Run along. If you hurry you might catch her naked. If you like what you see, come back and I will give you a new suggestion."

Laurel turned away from me and walked into the dressing area, which, since we were on the women's floor, was only for women. A few minutes later Laurel returned. The first thing I noticed was her lipstick was smeared. Her tongue appeared and licked at her lips, like they were numb from getting a tooth capped. Her eyes were troubled.

"Well? Did you see her naked?" I asked, sotto voce.

"She had her bra on still." Laurel responded. Then her eyes became haunted and her gaze jerked over to mine.

"Have you ever been close to another woman while she was being fucked?"

Laurel slowly shook her head.

"Would you like to be?" I asked.

The distant look in Laurel's eyes changed to one of intense focus. She was repeating what I just said after having been imagining M'bara naked, her huge breasts without the bra. She was so mesmerized by her own thoughts that she could not respond. She remained in that sort of social catatonia till M'bara arrived.

"I look like a Detroit nightclub singer from the 1960's." M'bara snorted.

I turned to her and yes, she looked like something out of Laugh-In or the Nanny or Vegas. She turned slowly. I touched a finger to her thigh and ran it up under the dress. The hem rose a bit, then let my hand slip underneath. My hand rose while she turned back to face me. I turned my hand to cup her crotch. M'bara closed her eyes and sighed, sagging towards me, putting a hand on each shoulder and bowing her head against my chest as I caressed her pussy lips. I could smell her light perfume. I looked over at Laurel. Laurel was watching me as I massaged M'bara. M'bara did not move. No one could tell I was touching her. She shuddered.

"Do you think she has panties on?" I asked in the same low voice. Laurel did not respond. "Do you want to know?"

For three seconds, Laurel did nothing. Then she blinked three times and nodded, just once.

"Do you have plans for the evening? I asked.

Laurel shook her head.

"Come with us. We are going to have a light supper. Do you know a place where we can eat and perhaps dance?" Laurel nodded. M'bara did not buy the red dress. We walked out into the chilly parking lot with Laurel, all of us quiet. M'bara and I followed the woman for a while before realizing she had lost her car. We glanced at each other but said nothing. After five minutes or so she said 'here I am' in a timid voice which did not match her persona at all.

She went to the driver's door and unlocked it with the key but did not open it. She had a fob in her hand but apparently ignored it. I walked up behind her and placed my hand on her waist. She had ample hips but a well-shaped ass. "Before we leave with you, there is a little test you must pass."

"A test?" Laurel breathed around the word.

"Can you kiss? If you are going to watch us copulate, we need to know that you can kiss, in case you decide to join us."

Laurel turned her head and looked at me, shock in her eyes. "Join you?" She said vacantly. The imperious woman, filled with disdain and self-assurance was gone. "Join you, where?"

"On your bed. How long has it been since you fucked a woman?"

Laurel licked her lips. "Three years. No, four. Yes, four."

"And a man?"

"My husband. Once a month on the tenth or the closest Saturday. He arranges everything. We go to a hotel and he pays me one thousand dollars to suck him off and then he takes me from behind. It is my monthly allowance." She was talking to no one, just letting the words dribble past her lips. "I am his whore." She looked at me then. "I fuck him for the money. The rest of the time, I do without." Her eyes became intense in the dying light of day. "Kiss me." She said.

I did not hesitate but leaned in and touched my lips to hers. Her eyes closed and she tilted her head. Her lips opened and her tongue greeted me. She lifted a hand to my side and the other to my neck, caressing me. She kissed harder, sucking my tongue into her mouth then pressing hers deep into mine. She shuffled closer to me, pressing her body against me as she turned into me. My hands circled her, coming to rest on her voluptuous ass. I pulled her close, squeezing the breath out of her as I pressed her against my hardening cock. Her hands pulled at me, seizing me and drawing me into her hunger.

Then it was done. I stepped back. I regarded her. She watched me, waiting, looking for some response.

"So? Can she kiss?" M'bara asked from the other side of the car. I nodded and without another word got into the backseat, behind Laurel. Laurel drove us to a slick new steak house that had swing music issuing from the interior, a live band. She led us inside and when we were seated and ordered, cupped her hands and planted her chin on them; a most curious pose for a woman of her appearance. In the silence, I studied her, trying not to stare at the breasts she had beneath the jacket and blouse. I avoided her eyes.

"Are you going to ask me to dance?" She asked at the beginning of the next song, something slow that could have been Nat King Cole, his era anyway, jazzy and mellow. I nodded and stood and guided her to the dance floor.

She assumed a normal dance pose but I circled her waist with my arm and pulled her close. She whispered into my ear, "I have never done anything like this before."

"Dance?" I asked, amazement in my voice.

"No." She said smiling then sobering as she searched for a word to express what she meant. She found only hesitant silence.

"I only want you to watch." I said. "I love fucking this woman and it makes her cum so hard when she knows someone is watching. A well-fucked woman is the sexiest beast on the planet."

"I wouldn't know." Laurel said. She leaned back so she could look in my eyes. "Will you fuck me? Am I pretty enough to fuck?"

Somehow the mood had changed, the brittle woman was gone. In my arms stood a woman eager to lay down for me but afraid to hope that she would get to. I ignored her question. "Did you enjoy kissing her?" I asked.

"She kissed me." Laurel insisted.

"Are you going to kiss her again?" I asked. The music stopped and I stepped back but made no move to return to the table.

"Is she really yours? Not a whore?" Laurel asked.

"I asked you a question." I returned. The music started and she stepped into my arms again. This time I clasped her ass firmly in one hand while I caressed her back with the other, letting my thumb touch the base of her breast under her arm each time I passed.

"And I asked you one." She returned.

I dropped her and walked way to the table and sat down. She followed. She looked angry when she sat down. I leaned forward and glared at her but spoke to M'bara. "So, M'bara, do you want this woman to fuck us or just watch us?"

Laurel's anger blinked away and she glanced at M'bara. "She kisses good. I want to feel her lips on my pussy after you come in me." M'bara spoke in a low voice, throaty but full of promise.

Laurel turned her eyes away from me, to M'bara.

"Did she see you naked." I asked.

"I had my bra on."

"And she kissed you?"

"I kissed her." M'bara said.

"Do you want her to kiss you again?"

"Yes." M'bara said simply.

"Go to the women's room and kiss her. Remove her hose, panties and bra. The food should be here before you get back." M'bara stood up and stared down at Laurel. The woman looked up at her and then looked over at me.

"See? It is easier just to answer my questions." I said with a curt smile. "If you want to see her get fucked, you need to let her have you in the restroom. Now you have to decide. If you had answered my question, you would have gotten to eat first. But, no." I stared at her. She met my gaze and then blinked, a hand rose to her neck as she looked down and a finger ran down the skin of her neck to the start of her cleavage. She nodded to herself.

Laurel rose and followed M'bara through the throng. I watched and waited. The food arrived before they returned. I was eating when they appeared. I could clearly see Laurel's breasts through the sheer white blouse and open jacket, despite her arms crossed before her. The pose merely served to pull the fabric taut across her breasts and highlight the erect nipples visible right at the lines of the jacket's lapels. She sat down and began to eat. The hand holding her fork shook.

M'bara put panties, hose and bra in my lap. The bitch. What was I going to do with them? The bra would not fit in my pocket. I left them on my knee while I ate. Each time M'bara glanced at me her eyes twinkled and she smiled just enough to let a flash of her perfect white teeth show between her ruby lips.

When we stood to leave, I held the clothing out to Laurel. Her face blanched but she did not move. "Take it all." I said. Her hand extended and took it all from me and stuffed it into the side of her jacket. One cup of the bra hung down below her jacket. I led them outside. Away from the light at the entrance but not yet to the car I stopped and moved back to Laurel. I stopped her, bent and ripped the seam on the skirt all the way up her thigh to her hip. She stood quaking, her arms folded over her belly, clutching at the jacket. I kissed her on the lips. "I am going to fuck you against your car before we leave." I said softly. I stepped back and stared at her till she turned in search of her car. When we arrived, M'bara used the fob to open the doors. Somehow, she had gotten the keys from Laurel. M'bara immediately got into the backseat on the passenger's side. I placed my hands on Laurel's hips, moving one to the torn seam. I slipped that hand under the fabric and onto her warm skin. Laurel tried to turn but I did not let her. Instead, I began to bunch up the skirt till her legs were visible clear to her crotch.

"Hold onto your skirt and lean against the car." I said softly. Laurel put both hands on the bunched skirt and tried to lean forward; it was an awkward pose. I opened my pants. I put a hand between her legs. I felt her asshole and without planning to do so, pressed a finger against it. Laurel grunted and bent completely onto the side of the car laying her cheek on the roof. Her ass protruded and she shuffled her feet wider. A moment later her ass opened and she pressed back till my finger was lodged in it.

"Oh god." Laurel hissed. "Of fucking god." Then she grunted and pressed back at me harder. I met her motion and shoved my finger deep into her ass. I reached around her torso and grasped her breast with my other hand and pinched the nipple I pinched her nipple with finger and thumb as hard as I could through the slick material. It must have been silk. Laurel shrieked a short, shrill squeak and then she just moaned, "please fuck me."

I swabbed her bare ass with my cock. I released her breast and withdrew my finger out of her back hole, wiping it on her skirt. She arched her back and I shoved my other finger into her pussy. Laurel swore again and jerked forward before pushing her cunt back onto my finger. I withdrew it from her body, directed my cock to her cunt and thrust into her, flattening her against the curve of the car. Laurel shivered and grunted then pushed back at me. My cock slipped further into her quivering body. She lifted a leg as though climbing the car which opened her and I slipped deeper into her cunt. I grasped her by the hips and began to drill into her with deep, regular strokes. Laurel moaned. To my right, the window began to descend and M'bara's face appeared even with Laurel's waist. Laurel was shivering as I fucked her. Her ass twitched back at me with short jerks, punctuated by a bitten grunt. Her arms were on the side of the car as I fucked her. She got her elbows bent and was able to bow her body, pressing her ass back into my assault, widening her stance so that I could piston deeply into her roiling cunt.

"Oh god, I am coming." Laurel said and shuddered immediately into a subtle orgasm. In the midst of it, she began to twist and turn till she had dislodged me, delaying my own orgasm. Laurel turned before me. She put her hands on my chest and held me back. "You are supposed to fuck her. I am supposed to watch."

"But you need it so badly." I said. Maybe I was speaking for myself at that precise moment rather than being considerate of Laurel's sexual frustration.

Laurel bit a lip and nodded. "But you should fuck her. I want to see your cock sliding into her plush pussy. I want to hear her voice when she comes." Her hand fluttered at my chest and finally firmed up and pushed me back. "Where shall we go?"

"Our hotel." M'bara said from the car. She dangled keys from a finger. Laurel took the keys, pulled her ripped and rumpled skirt over her bare legs and got into the car. I got in the backseat without returning my cock to my pants. M'bara immediately bent over my lap and cleaned the juice from Laurel's cunt off my cock. She finished and kissed me deeply on the mouth and I tasted Laurel for myself.

"She tastes good." M'bara whispered in my ear. I put my cock away and we rode to the hotel in silence both wanting our audience to be giving us her full attention both to driving and to us fucking but not dividing it between the two. We pulled up to the entrance. Laurel turned the car over to the valet who eyed her ripped and stained skirt, and the shapely leg which appeared in the slit when she walked away. The jacket was open and her breasts wavered beneath the shimmering blouse, clearly free. She followed us to the lift and thence to the room. The suite was fresh and clean, with flowers, a fragrant basket of fruit and both beds turned down. M'bara went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Laurel came to me and kissed me. "She wants you to beat her. She told me she wants me to watch you beat her and then fuck her on her back." Laurel's voice quavered as she spoke. "Then she wants me to eat her."