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Missives sent about the qar for the SeaWolf.
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Your Royale Highness, I wish to inform you that I accept your challange/offer to again be the captain of The Great Ship Seawolf. I look forward to hearing the details of how the battle will be fought, so that I may be better prepared. Anyone wishing to support me for Captain send me a missive... I know not if it will be single combat or a war but I want to know who my supporters are. I have howled for the Seawolf again... The first time since I heard those "two words" when I became Prince Royale... I want it back!!! Maps will use red for water before I lose this fight. And then it will not take the king, also an ex-captain, to lead the howl. Nor will She be refered to as "the ship" or Odin forbid "the GOOD ship" again without even a whimper from the crew. The Poet wrote, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust apon them..." The first two parts were written about The Seawolf... The Last about Her enemies...

The once and future Captain of The Seawolf, Osito

Hail and well met good citizens,

In July, when I am again, actually for the first time a freeman in the great Kingdom of Avalon, I shall once again be looking for a house. What a treat to find out that there will be a Battle/challenge/war for the SeaWolf. I too will pick up the gauntlet. I find that once again the SeaWolf Howl has stirred my blood. And, I and whatever supporters I may gather shall be there to ride the tide of conquest. Indeed for many of us this ship embodied the Dream. In fact I shall quell one minor rival now. It is now a royale writ that maps shall use red for water. There one contender down:-] As I have heard it said. As emotional as crown war was the battle for the captaincy will be worse. For after all the position wields greater power.

As for you dear Osito, I have two words for you. COME GET SOME!

Have fun. Remember that's no longer a suggestion, it's a royal order. HRM -- Calico the lame duck King

HAHAHAHA!!!! Thank you, your majesty, for bringing humor to this topic...

I did not say that Red-Water Maps would be the only sign that I might not prevail in this contest. But I applaud the way you throw your Royale Weight around. It was very "Seawolfish" of you. I do however think it was a silly way to try and force a "technicality". Perhaps you spent too much time in Umbria?

New maps? I seem to recall your navigation skills to be... Shall we say unique? (As only you thought that direction was, what ever direction you could remember at the time?) Yes I remember with great joy the one time you were right... I asked you where something was and you said, "Not here???" Oh, it still makes me misty-eyed... I can't wait to see your new map. If you throw it straight up, it probably will not even tell you which way the wind is blowing correctly.

That also must be why you say, "COME GET SOME!" I will have to find you again... You already know you will not be able to MEET me on the field. Even if one of your supporters can somehow get you to the correct location! But have no doubt, IF you show I will "GET SOME"

"HRM -- Calico the lame duck King" Does that mean the Queen is...???!!! Or did your fingers hit a key to the left???

the un-quelled rival, Osito

I would think, that as former Captins yourselves, you would both realize that the crew of the Seawolf honors who IT wishes. And if you think that even for a single moment that the crew will simply role over and be traded like slaves YOU ARE WRONG!!! As first mate, and therefore, highest ranking member on board (AKA temporarily in command) I feel that I too must throw my hat in for contention. I may not win, but I'll certainly make you earn it...

===== Shade and Sweetwater, Tehakla

HUZZAH!!!!! After all those two wind bags gave it up willingly. Fight for it, I'll miss you, but huzzah! Mollo

Hummm seams me dear old Brothers/Father (yes hes both) is up fpr a grab.Then it shall Be The wonderful Me who should be her caption (teheeh).I Gedion Airamis Wolfenbain the 4th and her crew that shall take this ship back to its rightful spot.so you old captions that took to land for to long and got fat off the taxs stand no hope once agian.wonders if i have that map of the loot that was um lost at sea still around somewhere?

Gedion Airamis Wolfenbain the 4th

Good Morning your Grace,(Osito)

Hmmm bringing humor to this subject, well I'm glad you find your iminate defeat to be so humorous. As for the map thing I was not as you say trying for a technicality but merely trying to spare you the agony of defeat. For if I may save you from the embarrassment of defeat, is this not something I should do out of respect for you and what you have accomplished.

I laugh as well remembering the one time I was right. And yea verily do I remember your tears. You always were the weepy one on the ship. Especially when you'd finished the ale. You may be right about my navigation skills. As far as I know I'm the first person in history to drive from Illinois to Michigan while bypassing Indiana. But I'll see what I can do about finding a map for you. Maybe etched onto a blade just for you.

I also find your comments about meeting me on the field to be rather interesting. It seems that while you agree, one or more of my many supporters will have to lead me onto the field. You will be standing there all alone, waiting for me. I find it terribly sad that not even your wife will be joining you in this. Dame Desirae I can and will offer you what protection I can after the destruction of your Lord. Or before if you insist. LOL as for the if I show. Since you are the newest Bamboo Bunny in our kingdom what have I to fear. Splinters?

As I believe the Great Caption Osito once said to Gideon. Your not DUCKING me!! I realize I'm a handsome fellow, but don't let the long hair and big chest fool you. Your not my type. And I won't have you as queen or Captainess or in any other position listed in the Kamasutra.

Have fun. Remember that's no longer a suggestion, it's a royal order. HRM -- Calico the lame duck King, and future Captain

Very well young pup, come try your teeth with the old curly wolves. After all we have not heard the conditions for this war yet. I myself am hoping for illuminations by twelfth night. Last I'd heard you were going to wrestle Squire Enton for the position. I think you should go ahead and wrestle her anyway. Your highness, can this be in Jell-O? Or how about a mud pit?

Ahh another young pup wishes to try his hand with the old wolves. I wonder if you think you can achieve the greatness of your father young paduan learner. The old Gideon cut quite a swath in his skirt and hat. Can you young Gedion do as well. And why did he name you Gedion the fourth instead of Gideon. Is it your Uncle perhaps? Was he embarrassed that you might never live up to his name? And to bad your not a fifth I never refuse a fifth. LOL Nor I think does Osito, or Tehakla for that matter. Come join my army and learn how it is done, or if you wish stand alone like Osito when Angus let's slip the dogs of war. For this is my ship, and yes.

Here I am Master Here I am King King of all I survey Oh yes, Here abide monsters but here they abide by me.

Have fun. Remember that's no longer a suggestion, it's a royal order. HRM -- Calico

Ahh yes the never ending rants of a king,they do seam to go on forever dont they,and if you think dad looked good in his dashing skirts wait till you get aload of me;)i am twices as pretty,and 3x's the swordsmen and seeing how you killed my great farther it shall be i and i alone to run your realther robust and targeted belly though,you never have won to a skirt,i belive visions of me legs are running though that fattend skull of you yours and the whight of that crown keeps you from thinking right but that it is ok it will still be your pleaser to be meating me on the fields i do belive that after you have been slain it shall be i who owns a skull of gems to drink from;)as for the other great caption he cant navagate eather so i wouldnt worry much about him,and the youngling,as i hear he is grand in the forms of art but has never taken to the fields of avalon,one must be able to put up before i can tell then to shut up,but youngling i will teach you,you will fight and you will howl,and of course i Love shinny things they can not compare to my wonderful looks but i hear are nice ,maybe i need a few like this to make the skull of gems to drink from;)

Gedion Airimis Wolfenbain the 4th

How about ALL the contenders in Jello, there's always room in Jello! Mollo

First, no disrepect was meant towards the Crew, Captain, nor First Mate(Fusilier), of The Seawolf...

As Founder, Namer, designer of the heraldry, and longest standing Captain in The Seawolf's history, I can safely say... The Crew of The Seawolf has never been slaves! It was my HOPE that the Crew would welcome me back and even support my bid for Captaincy... But if I must earn your respect, SO BE IT!!! Any of you that wish to, "Throw your hat in" to, "Make me earn it" I encourage you to do so... With no hard feelings on my part. Should I win, (And I have no doubt I will) it would honor me greatly for any and all of the current Crew (including the First Mate) to stay on board. Even the hat-tossers...

the making room for my future hat collection, Osito

Oh yes, I find it very funny, I especially like oxymorons... Some of the classics are; Jumbo shrimp, Pretty ugly, Bitter sweet, Osito's defeat, Calico handsome, Gideon's honor...

They were not tears... I had something in my eye!

Even one of your maps couldn't make you combat ablities any worse. How many times do I have to tell you "Point towards the enemy!"??? I propose a new rule, "Anyone holding a sword by the blade in a tournament must requalify." We can call it the Calico Rule!

I am waiting to hear the conditions of this contest and to see who will support me before declaring numbers on the field. To do otherwise is to talk out your arse...

It would take years to list all the things that strike fear in your heart, but yes I do believe little pieces of wood is high on the list. So perhaps you didn't make the Event not because you was lost again, but because you were afraid??? "Bamboo Bunny"? Is that any way to talk about the combat style you got half your combat knighthood points in??? And get your facts straight I was not the "NEWEST" last Sunday, I was the "BEST".

You are not my type either. I think you should see my list of classic oxymorons at the begining of this missive. You being mistaken for a girl has more to do with the way you fight, than your physical appearance.

Since you listed a bunch of "positions" or titles I can't have, and have no intrest in, let me ask you a question... How many votes do you think it will take to make YOU a DUKE???

the can't wait until Forum, Duke Osito

Well look who we have here... Some of Gideon's illegitimate get? It does bare a striking resemblance... I wonder who the FATHER was? Probably some wandering Gypsy... Twice as pretty would make you double ugly... And it appears you weigh twice as much as Gideon when we gave him his "Two words". So I will agree with that statement. Three times the swordsman, I will agree to that too... Of course three times that amount of skill with a blade means you can put butter on a bun once out of three tries. The different spelling of your name doesn't surprise me, I only know two people worse at it that Gideon, they are; Khai and of course you, Gedion... I'm sure Gideon taught you all he knew about navigating, that is you know how to go down.

It's like a bad play, the monster keeps coming back...

the just found out, if you say the devil's name, he will come after you. Osito

P.S. Thank you Calico. I take it as a compliment that you would use the same lines I used in MY Coronation speech to try and drum up support for your attempt at Captaincy...

God Bless my Sire...I got something in my eye. mollo

Put and keep your pants on your legs are not all that! I am new at this but i try that is WHY it should be some something we all can do and have a good shot at. QUACK,Quack,Quack,!!! Squire Enton of the Great Ship Seawolf (HOWELLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!) I may be a " bamboo bunny" but I shure the he** look better than any of you BOYS out there crying for the job. When was there a true captain on the ship a WOMAN? Well there ought to be so BOYS step aside and let me put you in your corrners ~:> I am not DUCKING anything I am the DUCK! Squire Enton

Now you've done it, you went and got the duck all worked up. Mollo

There is a man named Sir Kahi He is a red headed guy He thinks he does raght Out of fifty maby an eight Oh does he sigh. Enton

I know I will have to play like the big BOYS on this one. I will probly not be the victor but I am still slapping down my web feet on this one. I am 1/3 the size. Of most of you guys. Im just a duck Rub me for luck. Dont cut me up and put me into meat pies

Squaire Enton of the Great Ship Seawolf, Garter Queen of Arms to the Kingdom of Avalon, and the even Greater King, King Calico the 1st

tsk tsk Squire Enton. Of all the names you listed only ONE of them you gave due title to? His Majesty King Calico, His Grace Duke Osito , His Excellency Lord Sir Khai... you know there are initials HRM HRG HE The word Bribe is quite distasteful Somewhat like your German Beers... There were mentions of payment for services rendered that is all.. Perhaps the darling Duckling Needs Another woman to Cross swords with I posted before Sable WOlf sounds great. Maybe i should run as i am the only one of recent past that has NOT walked the plank but took my leave gracefully.

IM a viking and im proud...Give way woman lest you and your welp fusilier be pounded into the surf! LK ANgharaad

Quack, So sorry about the lack of titles, my bad. Ok then if bribe is so distasteful then insentave. About the German beers. Have you ever seen me drink any beers. Phurrrt!! Nasty stuff that beer from anywhere. Go ahead and fight for the title of captain, it would do the BOYS good to get whipped by the woman. Squire Enton

Humm Duck the other white meat?


Psst you misspelled it. it's Gedion. (shakes his head) young whelp can't even spell his own name. calico

Hail and well met good Citizens, I must say I am wowed by the fervor displayed in this topic. This may be the most contested war in history. (Come on gourd spitting for distance)

Now let me reply to some of the missives from yesterday. I really need to get all these horses out of the stable before the new king takes over. He might try to bill me for the feed. You all know about that guy.

Young Gedion it seems to me that you talk alot for an untried young whelp. It's nice that you've offered to teach Tehakla but he doesn't need to learn any bad habits. I admit that your idol Khai, has done well in the ring but I have as of yet to see you. Nor thinking about the comments on your legs do I wish to. (shudder)

To the SeaWolf crew, I intended no disrespect either. In fact it is the fact that you are all so much fun to be with that has prompted the fervor of this war. It's the crew that makes the wolf so special and having a great captain only increases the joy.

Your Grace (Osito) I never would have called you an oxy moron but if you so wish to be addressed that way, well who am I to stand in your way. As for holding the sword by the blade, I remember that battle well. And even laying on my back holding the point to my chest I could not entice Sir Thoma to attack. As you may recall I won that battle. I must admit I'm surprised that you and your shipmate Mollo keep getting things in your eye's. Could it be your fingers? LOL I always new you were a cryer, I did not no that about the bringer of the winds. At this time I can think of one thing that does put fear into my heart. You in young Gedion's dress. Oh my poor eyes.(Sorry Kingdom that may have been below the belt...er skirt) LOL and as for votes I will need alot less as Captain of the SeaWolf, and just one little ducal nay will not worry me greatly.

The I can't wait till forum either Have fun. Remember that's no longer a suggestion, it's a royal order. The I can't wait till forum either, HRM -- Calico The lame duck king.

Take it back? when you leave the ship you leave behind all claims of Captincy... Furthermore, I think that I should stress to all who are going for the Captincy (myself included) that the crew shall obey who they feel is there for their benefit... I think it goes with out being said that if you are not welcome on the Seawolf, you will not make it more than three steps before you are done in, and thrown over the side... so, I say to all, the battle shall not end upon the field,... it shall end in the hearts of the crew. tehakla

WOW, Well said! I'm really going to miss you. Mollo

It seems to me if this position was so important you and the crew of the Seawolf you would do more than thumb wrestle for the position. If you had wanted it so badly before HRH Angus walked the plank, I would think you would have donned the chains of state before he leapt. When your children cut the apron strings and leave the house, are they not still your children, do you not hold them dearly in your heart as the day they were born. So it is to leave a house to take on a Crown. Especially when it is not something you want to do, but rather HAVE to do to keep the Kingdom and the dream alive. If you question if HRG Osito has the best intentions for the crew of the SeaWolf, just do a little bit of research and see how the ship came upon its glorious flag, how it used to be every time the winner of the tourneys were announced the howling could be heard across the park because more often than not we were the winners. And yet, your captain was crowned Prince Royale, our future King, and HRM Calico had to ask for you to howl for him. Where was the ship pride at that moment? His Grace and I have moved forward since we last graced the seawolf's deck, but we have often looked back and asked ourselves what would the ship be if we had never left? It has never left our hearts. We have the chance to re-claim the ship and reclaim our dreams that it has held for too many days. The SeaWolf is a grand ship and deserves a captain worthy of its name. Such a captain is not determined by thumb wrestling, jello wrestling, or illumination by moonlight. In my humble opinion, this isn't even a war, just a battle and let the best man/woman win. But to lower the standard of battle to make it "fair" for everyone is an insult to the ship and it's crew. I think this should be everyman/woman for themselves and the last one standing takes the chain. How can you take the captain-ship by means of champions in battle or jello wrestling and then be able to lead the ship into battles that require fierce battle in un-savory conditions. A captain can only be as strong as the crew behind him, but the crew is nothing if the captain is not strong enough to lead them. If anyone truly wants this ship, prepare yourself for battle. If you cannot take the field at this time, realize you might not be the best person for the job and prepare yourself to be ready to take it the next time. I am sorry that I rambled, and if I hurt anyone's feelings, I apologize, it was not intentional. I have a lot of strong feelings for this ship and as most of you know, I can't hold my words for long. I ask on behalf of Duke Osito for any and all support. I have been enjoying the bantering a lot, I hope it keeps up! If you have any concerns about the words I have written today, please address me privately. But realize we leave for our trip early Friday and will not be home until late Monday, so I may not be able to respond quickly. Thank you for listening to me ramble. HRG Desirae

Good evening fellow citizens, I know it's a little early but I start at 5 tomorrow. I was thinking tonight about the rumors I've heard about mercenaries. I would like to lay that rumor to rest at this time. I am definitely hiring for the SeaWolf Battle and one good howl afterwards. I would like to extend a special invitation to those of you in house AIR-IN-JAR, and a special offer to it's Captain, I would be proud to have you on my ship. Come and join the winning side