Thief in the Night Pt. 02


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His hips began to pump in time with his panting moans and his hands began to force her movements rather than follow them. Kerry didn't care, he was close, Henry was a thing of beauty, and at that moment he was hers. She felt powerful, she felt like a goddess, and she wanted him to come, wanted to hear him cry out and shake and know she had brought him to that shimmering plane.

Suddenly he jerked her back and she disengaged with a cry.

"Oh, sweetheart, knowing you liked that almost as much as I did threatens my control." With that his grabbed her and Kerry was helpless as he dragged her up, forcing her to straddle his head.

She merely had time to grab the headboard and then he descended, raising his head and devouring her. One hand cupped her ass, pressing her to him as he licked in large circles, teasing her lips and clit with every pass before suckling and flicking her nubbin. His other hand sought out a breast, massaging it, pinching the nipple harshly, and her pleasure spiked.

"Yes! God, yes, Henry!" she shrieked, body tightening as she rode him, determined to find another peak.

Just as she felt it close, pressing at her, begging to make her explode he jerked her off.

For a big man he could move like lightening, she thought with a groan. He tossed her down onto her back, leaned over to the nightstand and found a condom, ripped it open, and rolled it on in three seconds flat before staring down at her, hard. There was more beast than man in that hot gaze and she shivered, and answering call deep inside purring.

"Not like this."

He flipped her with little effort and she found herself on her stomach. She started to rise to her hands and knees, shivering in anticipation of being taken like and animal but suddenly he was there. His legs straddled hers, slammed them together, and his hips dipped.

That huge cock pressed into her impossibly, guided by his hand, and then he found her entrance and his thick head split her. He planted his hands on her sides and slid in, and it felt impossibly deep as he slid home to bump into her cervix. There was pain, but a deep keening pleasure, and she gasped, blinking.

"Hold the headboard," he commanded, and his tone made it clear she had no choice.

She did as he said and he began to thrust. There was no artifice, just pure bestial need. It wasn't exactly what she needed but the sensations were overwhelming. She couldn't move, couldn't thrust back, just had to take what Henry gave and what he gave was everything. He grunted, slamming into her so hard the bed shook.

She moaned, desperate, confused, delighted, and at the sound one of his hands stole between her and the mattress. With furtive attempts he found her pussy and curled his fingers into her as much as he could. His piercing thrusts drove her against his hand, her clitoris singing at the attention, and she came.

Kerry's orgasm was a dark, living thing, seizing control of her. Her pussy throbbed, ached sweetly with it as she felt him moving like a flash, deep inside, slamming into her cervix now. She clawed at the headboard, screaming into the pillow, and then finally he let out a bellow and slammed into with such blinding speed and force she was breathless, still pulsing around him.

He came, his movements so rough she knew there would be bruising and Kerry delighted in it, lapping up their mingled pleasure like a cat with cream. It was so pure, so elemental, she wanted it to last forever in that moment, but all too soon his heavy weight settled on her. Her pussy still clenched, fluttering with her weakening orgasm, and she felt too good to protest.

It was hard to breathe but she didn't mind. He was still inside her, softening, his body lax but still heavy, hot, and hard all around her. God, why couldn't she have found this kind of passion after this affair? With McCall in prison and her new life on the side of the law, it would be easy. But part of her deal was she leave her life behind. The only people she would have contact with were fences she knew, but Kerry Allen would be reborn as someone else. That someone else could take the time to explore the limits of this passion fully, but Henry was going to be left behind with the rest.

With a groan he pulled out and rolled over and she rolled to her back, feeling momentarily bereft as he disposed of the condom. The clock told her they had two hours until dinner, just half an hour until her alarm would go off.

He came back and dragged her into his arms. "We should nap."

"I don't think cuddling is such a good idea."

"Then you're welcome to the couch."

His tone was playful so she merely slapped at his arm. "Seriously, I don't think we should do this."

One his side he raised up, cradling his head on one arm, his long blonde hair trailing over her skin. Smiling, he asked, "Why? If this is just sex, and the sex is about feeling good, what can it hurt to do something after sex that feels good?"

Defeated by her own logic. Kerry gritted her teeth, but damn him it did feel good. "Fine."

He laid down and quickly fell asleep, but Kerry lingered awake. For the first time since she had put her plans into motion almost two years ago, she was questioning everything. Turning, she watched him sleep. With his hair loose, a smug little satisfied smile on his lips, he looked like a sated Viking conqueror. He was exactly the kind of man she had always avoided, and now she knew why.

God help her, Kerry couldn't resist him.


Kerry held her breath, waiting for the guard to leave the door to the treasure room as she'd taken to calling it. All was perfect. McCall was in town meeting with his electronics guru and Henry was at the edge of the property, making his way back. He would appear drunk, lost, and try to open one of the guarded doors. Billy would make sure that the alarm was routed around the other guards and went to Henri, on of the senior guards, who was on the door. She would have liked eyes and ears on McCall but Billy assured her his latest conquest Danny was willing to report on the highlights from his boss' visit.

Henri said something into his walkie-talkie, got no response, swore, and stalked off. Her heart pounded. She had ten minutes by Billy's count and as soon as he cleared the hall way she was on it. Billy was working on the security system as well and she had to pray Henry's timing and Billy's lined up.

She pulled out her kit and quickly tested each of the four tumblers until they all slid back and the door handle turned successfully, opening up Pandora's Box to her. She slipped in, set her watch, and shivered with excitement. All was as it had been in the day, the light was just lower. From her bag she took her light meter and captured it, needing to know how much she would have to lower it.

Now for the tricky part. Heart pounding she crept to the Leopard Diamond and with a gloved hand push the glass case up onto one corner. No one came running, no alarm squealed, and she sighed. "Thank you, Billy, you're a genius."

She pulled out the replica and set it next to the original. Again no alarms. This time she took her camera, an expensive model she knew would capture the shine perfectly and snapped a picture and took another measure of the light coming off both. She put the fake back, replaced the glass case, and turned to the necklace.

Sapphires gleamed at her, and for a moment she could only think of the way Henry's eyes darkened in passion. Shaking it off she repeated the process with her well cut glass and snapped a photo. The necklace did call to her, the side that loved the thrill of a good heist, but it could prove to be a practical move. She had to be prepared to steal it as well and let it go.

Checking her watch she saw she was at seven and a half minutes, the majority of it spent on the lock. The excitement thrummed through her, the passion of subterfuge so like lust it shook her. She quickly snuck out, locked the door, and heard voices coming from down the far wing.

Damn it, Henri was back early and with someone else. She quickly slid into the shadows around the corner, opened a door, and popped in as Henri and another man began a sweep.


Oh, seven hells, it was Philippe. Fucking fantastic. Shed turned and he was in bed, nude from the waist up, his pretty visage ruined by the giant stinky cigar he smoked. He would have looked better with a cigarette, she thought as he stubbed it out.

Thinking quickly she grabbed her smokes from her bag and lit one up. Unlike old Bogart movies nobody with a brain in their head attempted to seduce someone who was smoking unless they liked cigarette burns.

She puffed quickly and deeply, barely resisted coughing, and thought she saw him almost smile. "Pardon me, I was actually looking for my husband. I seem to have lost him."

"How careless," he said and sat on the edge of the bed. He was naked, but his satiny red sheets covered his genitals, leaving the rest bare. He certainly was attractive, like any good gigolo should be, but he was an oily bastard according to what she knew, having put the Dauphine into the dire straits that had led to the auction. "So he has gone hunting in another henhouse."

Well, that was the idea. When Henry was caught by security the story was supposed to look like he was returning from an assignation.

"Perhaps you should treat him in kind." Pierre started to rise.

"Where's your wife?"

"Drunk, in her bedroom. We are alone, chere."

"It's not what you think!" She held out her hand and looked for an ashtray, settling on a small crystal bowl on a credenza. Baccarat, she knew, and didn't care. "See, Henry, he...he has his adventures, and then he comes back, tells me of them and we...we make love."

Pierre threw his head back and laughed. "So you are a cuckold?" He rose then, fully naked, and she felt only a small measure of relief that he wasn't hard. Yet. "What man would be foolish enough to cuckold a woman like you?"

"One who knows it's what his wife likes!"

Her eyes flicked downward again. Strange, the gigolo who had spent the afternoon grabbing every bit of her he could wasn't hard. He sighed and reached for a pair of jeans slung on a chair, stepping into them. "Surely, chere, you did know of all rooms in this house, your errant husband would not be in mine. There is no need to play games."

Something felt off. "Perhaps I thought he might be with your wife." With that she tossed her cigarette in the bowl and slipped back out the door. And if she wasn't mistaken, she left Philippe the gigolo smiling strangely.

She nearly bumped into the guard Henri had brought back. "Madame?"

"Oh, sorry. Please, do not let anyone know you saw me know his room," she said conspiratorially.

"Honte" he said with a shake of his head. "But of course, madame. May I escort you to your room?"

"I can find it. Merci."

Three narrow escapes in the span of five minutes. She was running on pure adrenaline as she padded back to her suite. If that guard had searched her bag he would have found the glass, the lock pit kit, the camera, the light meter, and she would have been exposed.

By the time she reached her door she was grinning. Fooling them all wasn't as good as fooling them all and walking away with millions in glittering jewels, but it was close. She wanted to find Henry, and conclude her own experiment to the question he had posed just days earlier. She already knew the answer deep inside, good sex was better than stealing, but the two combined were beyond seductive.

Henry was inside, reading a large law book. He wore glasses for it, his hair neatly pulled back into a slick ponytail. He wore his slacks and shirt from dinner, his tie and jacket slung over one of the delicate chairs, his shoes and socks beneath.

He was a man of contradictions, how could this sensual-looking bookworm be the same beast who had fucked her into the next century just that afternoon? She dropped her bag onto the floor with a thunk as Billy emerged from his room.

"All went well?" the assassin asked.

"Without a hitch," she said, not looking at him but looking at Henry. God she needed him.

"Well, guess that's my cue to go take a walk. Say, a long walk or short?"

Henry closed his book and met Kerry's gaze. "Get out," he ordered Billy.

"Fine, I'll go see if Danny is back and have my own little melodramatic moment."

Neither Henry nor Kerry moved until the door was shut. God, what she doing? Kerry had no idea, but the adrenaline thrumming through needed more excitement, the kind she could only find there in Henry's arms.

He smiled at her, the smile of a predator lying in wait as he set the book down and pulled off the glasses. "Still riding the high?"

"No talking," she said and kicked off her ballet style slippers. As he watched she took her panties off, never breaking eye contact with him.

He sat on the couch and she came to him, straddling him. She was already wet, aching, subterfuge a heady foreplay she had already indulged in. "More fucking," she said as she reached between them going for his pants.

"As my lady wishes." He freed himself and cupped her neck, forcing her to a brutal kiss as he thrust up and unerringly entered her. She groaned, shivering in pleasure as he filled her but then he stopped and let her go.

He looked dazed and she felt filled, stretched, achy and needing movement. "What?"

He groaned as she began to grind slowly. "Shit. Condom." He started to pull her off but she gripped his arms.

"I'm fixed. God, I don't think I can stop." Knowing there was no barrier between them was a dark temptation. Never had she taken a lover without a scrap of latex between them, and somehow with Henry it felt right. She began to move in true thrusts, slowly rising and falling, savoring the feel of him and she shivers that shook him.

"I'm clean, far as I know, This is stupid, Kerry, real stupid."

"Barn door is closed, horses are running away. Are you going to fuck me or do I have to keep ravishing you?"

He closed his eyes and let his head sink back. "I've never been ravished before."

She growled, leaned forward, and bit his lower lip. His hands settled on her hips, holding her but not directing her as she began to bounce hard and fast, delighting in each spearing thrust of his cock into her. It was heady. She held no illusions, he allowed her control, but that was erotic in itself to be riding the beast knowing it was his choice.

She felt good, hot, but it wasn't enough. She began to grind on him again, swiveling her hips wildly, and the thick pulsing feel of his cock pressed inside her, stroking every sensitive spot as her clit hit the top of the seam of his zip. One hand of his reached up and tugged the top of her dress down. Once more she wore a demi bra and her nipple puckered into the cold air. He pinched it rolling, tasking control of the kiss and filling her mouth with his tongue.

She jerked, climaxing sweetly, shocked and thrilled by the forbiddeness of it all. He let her ride it out, swiveling her hips, and he flexed inside her, stealing her breath even as she screamed into his mouth.

When the shivers passed and she stilled finally Henry broke the kiss. "My turn," he said.

To her shock he grabbed her dress with both hands and pulled, tearing it down the front. She gasped as he jerked the straps over her arms, leaving her in just her demi bra. Then he clasped her hips and stood, and she had no choice but to helplessly cling to him and marvel at his strength.

He kissed her again until she couldn't breathe and then she felt her back pressed to a wall.

"Hold tight," he said against her lips and then pinned her with his body and began to thrust.

It was amazing, she felt helpless and yet powerful. She couldn't move but she didn't want to. The beast was back and it was what she craved. His starched shirt abraded her nipples and he moved against her in a slide that jangled her clitoris nicely even as he filled her with brutal thrusts. He slid so hard against her g-spot it felt like a wall fell between them and she could feel her own juices gush over his bare skin.

Suddenly she was climaxing again and then he followed her. Rough thrusts, bruising fingers, hot bodies, and sharp nails combined, dancing pain and pleasure together until they were mindlessly clinging to one another's mouths, hollering as they shared the most intense climax of her life.

She felt him spill inside her, so deep, something she had never felt before and it pushed her to another climax right after her first. He held on, stilling, kissing her and squeezing her thighs as she rode it, arching against him, moving as much as she could, sweetly crying his name.

She felt his muscles tremble from the effort of holding her aloft and just as she came down they fell to the floor. Henry cradled her so she fell atop him and she laughed, feeling light and free. After a moment he joined her and they remained locked together, laughing.

Finally he reached up and smoothed her hair back. "I think that's the first time a woman has laughed at me after sex."

"I wasn't laughing at you, but the situation. God, that was just...perfect."

He studied her wordlessly and she cursed. That wasn't what a woman just after casual sex would say, even if it was true.

Finally he sighed. "Have you ever done that without a condom?"

She blushed. "No."

"Then you don't know the level of cleanup involved. How about a shower?"

She yawned. "And then sleep. Sounds good."

"Oh, no honey, we need to do that again. And we need to recap everything with Billy. It's going to be a late night."

"Do that again?" She rose with his help and he followed, stuffing himself back into his pants.

"Did I mention in the shower I'll be washing you?"

She laughed again, but an ember of worry lit up a dark corner of her heart. Henry was a special man, the kind of man a woman could spend her life dreaming of and waiting for. And she knew in less than a week she would have to walk away.

She'd retire at the top of her game, with vengeance gained for her mother, everything she'd ever wanted. But as they made their way to the shower she pasted on a smile to cover he heavy thoughts as she realized she might also walk away with a broken heart.


As Kerry went over all the systems hacks with Billy and they figured out how the guards had returned in eight rather than ten minutes Henry slipped out. He went to where he knew he would be alone and found the pool. It was four a.m. but it was eleven p.m. back home and he needed to make another call.

Cynthia had already warned him off strangling McCall. Equally because murder was wrong and she also knew somehow that was not what Kerry would want. Still, something was bothering him, and he needed to know the exact deal Kerry had with Interpol.

"Henry?" Jon yawned. "We were just about to go to bed."

"Look, I just want to know what you have on Kerry's deal with Interpol."

There was silence a moment and then Jon covered the phone, speaking to Cynthia Henry knew. He came back with a sigh. "All right. Man, you got it bad, and I know you're not going to like this. Ready?"


"Kerry's contact at Interpol is Roger Hawthorne. Get this, guy's been there years, started out during the Jackal affair in the sixties. Moved into high end larceny back twenty years ago. Nabbed a lot of high end names. And he does it by being smart.

"See, what he does is he finds two thieves, top ones, sets them after the same item and makes them compete. The winner gets a job, loser gets life in prison."

"So is he pulling this with McCall?" Henry's blood chilled.

"No, see, that's the strange thing. I can't find anything connecting McCall to Interpol. Political connections, sure, the guy has them in spades. He's almost been nabbed a few times but the right word from a politico in a cop's ear has let him skate."