The Will and Testament


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"There are guys who are into just Asian women?" Lalana asked. It was such an alien feeling to think of a sort of traditional courtship swirling around her. She was just used to a sweaty old man coming up and dropping some money on the table.

"Guys are so gross. I mean not that it's gross to be into Asian chicks. You guys are hot. I just mean dudes are gross because they have all these weird fetishes and stuff," she explained and they both had a laugh about it, "I mean some dudes are into really weird stuff."

"Like what?" Lalana asked.

"Oh man, like anything you can think of. Like feet and big butts and like anything you can possibly think of," Andrea replied. Lalana decided to test something she had been wondering.

"I hear some guys are even into girls that were born as men you know, like shemales," she explained, hoping to find out what a young, pretty cheerleader would think about something like that. Andrea's eyes got very wide like she was very surprised. It took her a few seconds to shake her head.

"Nasty," she said, shaking her head as they pulled into the driveway of the mansions.

"Yeah," Lalana said, trying not to sound disappointed.

Chapter 3: Sexual Harassments

About three months into her employment, things started to get even weirder in the house. One thing she immediately noticed was that despite that it was now the middle of winter, the women continued to dress very revealingly. Sometimes wearing little more than a bra and panties while they walked around the house. It wasn't as if Lalana minded this, (it had been five or six months since she had had sex and it was the longest dry stretch for her in years) she just knew that it wasn't normal.

Further they started to ask her to dress a little bit more revealingly. They bought Lalana a very revealing French maids uniform. Lalana had to wear stockings now and she tended to work barefoot because she looked ridiculous when she wore sneakers and was in pain when she wore flats. She liked walking around with her very short skirt and tight top, but didn't see how it really applied to her job.

A couple of days after that, things really started to get weird. It was a Friday afternoon and Lalana had already finished all her work. She was considering going to the local high school basketball game to see Andrea cheer. She had started doing more things in town and was trying to get to know local people and she thought it was fun to go see Andrea do her cheerleading thing. She looked so cute in her uniform.

As if sensing that Lalana was thinking about Andrea, there was a knock on the door and the cheerleader was standing in front of her with a sort of embarrassed smile on her face.

"Hey Lalana, what's up?" she asked. Lalana still didn't understand some little bits of colloquial teenage English, but "what's up" had finally been hammered into her memory.

"Getting ready to go to your cheerleading competition," she explained. Lalana noticed that Andrea was already wearing her cute little uniform that made her body look incredible. They stood silently in the room for a minute and Lalana felt a bit confused. "Can I help you with something?" she asked and Andrea blushed.

"It's nothing," she said and Lalana stopped messing with her hair and looked at the girl.

"It can't be nothing," she said. She had no interest in little games. She was a woman of the world after all.

"Okay," Andrea said, sitting down on Lalana's bed and straightening out her pleated skirt. She looked truly nervous, "So I have a date tonight for after the game."

"That's great!" Lalana said. She had learned during her time with Andrea and her friends that Andrea had never had a steady boyfriend despite the fact that she was both beautiful and boy crazy, "Who is it?"

"A basketball player. He is really tall, and strong, and handsome," Andrea explained with real excitement.

"So what does that have to do with me," Lalana said, and then realized that it sounded a bit harsh, "I mean, what do you need my help with?"

"Well, it's sort of awkward," she explained. Lalana was getting a bit tired of this. She was no nonsense, and felt like Andrea should trust her.

"Are we friends?" Lalana asked, and Andrea nodded emphatically, "Then we can talk about anything and it just stays between us. So tell me what's wrong before you drive me crazy."

"I have never been kissed before," Andrea said in a rapid torrent, blushing deeply.

"Really?" Lalana asked, surprised.

"See, it's so embarrassing," Andrea said, burying her face in her hands.

"Not at all!" Lalana exclaimed, "It is fine. It just shows you are a classy young lady. Are you planning on kissing this boy?"

"I don't know. I don't really even know if I want to, but I guess I should be prepared in case it happens. You never know and I don't want to be like some sort of idiot who does it wrong or something. You know what I mean?"

"It isn't difficult. I don't think it is very easy to do it wrong," Lalana explained. She thought it was sort of cute, this naïve young girl.

"Can you show me?" Andrea asked suddenly, her eyes lighting up. Lalana felt a thrill run through her body. She really wanted to help this girl and she definitely wanted to kiss someone. Anyone. Besides, Andrea was gorgeous and Lalana was very attracted to her. But her sense of self-preservation was stronger than her attraction.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," she said. Andrea's face fell; she stared at her feet and looked absolutely distraught.

"Why not? It isn't like I am asking you out on a date. This is purely a teaching exercise," Andrea explained, still staring at her feet, "I mean if you think I am gross or something..."

"It isn't that! It's just you are the daughter of my boss and a very proper young lady. I don't want you to do something you will feel uncomfortable about."

"Girls kiss each other all the time in the United States," Andrea said, her demeanor changing. She could sense a small break in Lalana's defenses.

"Really?" Lalana asked, not believing a word of this.

"Yeah. It is It is to impress boys or just because it's fun. We can kiss and it won't mean anything. It will just help me out," Andrea said, looking deep into Lalana's eyes now, trying to convey her sincerity with her green orbs.

"Okay," Lalana said, "If it will just be a short lesson." She was justifying her actions more to herself than explaining anything to Andrea. She wanted this at least as bad as the girl in the cheerleader uniform in front of her wanted it.

Lalana sat down on the bed next to Andrea and they sat there for a second, staring at the wall. They giggled a bit. Lalana wasn't nervous about sex. It was something that she had done most of her life. But kissing was different. She only very, very rarely kissed anyone. This was as exciting to her as it was to Andrea, who was about to get her first kiss.

Lalana was sitting to Andrea's left and she reached her right hand over and placed it on Andrea's left knee. Andrea turned toward her maid, biting her lip and looking innocent and sexy. Lalana knew that she was going to have to do this now; she wouldn't be able to hold her body back. It had been so long since she had had a kiss...

They leaned into one another slowly. Lalana looked into Andrea's eyes and they were sparkling and beautiful. She could tell that this was more than just a lesson to Andrea as well. She was excited too. Lalana closed her eyes and closed the last few inches to Andrea's lips. Lalana felt Andrea's hot, soft lips press against her own. It was warm and sweet and Lalana felt like she was melting.

Andrea opened her mouth slightly and licked Lalana's lips. Lalana opened her mouth and let the cheerleader's tongue into her mouth. Their tongues wrestled together and Lalana moved her hand from Andrea's knee and put it on the back of her partner's neck. She pulled Andrea in, their kiss was very deep now, incredibly passionate. Andrea tasted delicious and her tongue was very thick and wet. Lalana luxuriated in Andrea's saliva, sucking it down her throat. Lalana reached her left hand across Andrea's body and put her hand on the girl's hip. Suddenly Andrea stopped kissing and pulled back,

"Thanks Lalana," she said with a quick smile. She seductively wiped the saliva off of her lower lip and got up to walk out of the room. Lalana was shocked.

"Did I help you learn how to do this correctly?" she asked, a bit dejected.

"You were great. I can't wait for my date," she said and walked out of the room.

But Andrea wasn't the only one who started to act weird around that time. The whole house seemed charged with a sexual energy that Lalana was comfortable with and found very exciting. Her next somewhat bizarre encounter with one of the women in the house was with Tessa just a few days later. Lalana was in the kitchen wiping down the counters and thinking about what she wanted to make for herself for dinner when Tessa walked in. She was carrying two large bags from the mall and had a big smile on her face.

"Hello Lalana," she said brightly and the maid smiled back at her boss.

"Hello Tessa. Did you go shopping this morning?" she asked, pointing towards the bags with her soapy sponge.

"Yes. Angela Jackson told me that there was a sale down at Victoria's Secret so I decided to go down there and get a couple of things," she explained. Lalana was intensely jealous. She loved getting new, sexy underwear.

"That sounds like fun."

"It was," Tessa said, sitting down at the kitchen table. Lalana went back to her work, wiping down the counter and placing things where they went. Tessa continued to sit at the table silently. After a few moments Lalana realized her boss was still looking at her.

"Can I ask you a favor Lalana?" Tessa asked.

"Of course."

"Now this is a favor from a friend and not from a boss. If you aren't interested you can always just say 'no' and I promise that you won't get into any trouble," she explained.

"Well just ask," Lalana said, sitting down at the table across from Tessa.

"I want to try on my new bras. I bought like six of them. But I can't ever tell if they look good. I was hoping you could take a look when I try them on and tell me what you think," she explained. This seemed a bit odd to Lalana, but she knew that it would be fun to play dress up a bit. Plus, it was fun to do something for a friend.

"I would like that," Lalana said and Tessa squeezed the girl's hand.

"Thank you!" she said and then held onto Lalana's hand and started to pull her up the stairs, heading towards Tessa's bedroom. She was practically jogging up the stairs and into her bedroom, she seemed excited and Lalana was excited as well. Tessa had a beautiful body and she wanted to see her in her lingerie.

Tessa had a large four post bed in her room and she indicated that Lalana should have a seat on top of it. Lalana sank in a bit before she realized that it was a waterbed. It felt so comfortable, but she was flailing about in it because she hadn't expected it. Tessa laughed at her.

"Watch out for that bed," she said and pulled her t-shirt up over her head. She was wearing a sort of ragged looking white bra underneath that didn't flatter her gorgeous body and Lalana knew why the woman had decided to change it up. Her stomach looked very good for a 40 year old woman, hell it looked good for a 28 year old woman. Lalana found herself wondering how much money Tessa could make if she got into the world's oldest profession.

"You have a very pretty body," she said and Tessa smiled brightly.

"Thank you honey. I am afraid I am getting a little big in the hips." Lalana shook her head vigorously and Tessa's smile got bigger. Tessa reached behind her body and unhooked her bra. She turned her arms over and let it slide down her body, revealing her large, 34-C breasts. They were gorgeous. Perfectly round with only a slight hint of sagging. Her nipples were large and someone long and looked hard in the cold of Tessa's bedroom. Lalana was a bit surprised, she hadn't expected Tessa to change there in the middle of the room, but she was glad that she did. So Tessa was standing in front of Lalana wearing nothing but a smile and a short black skirt.

Tessa started to walk towards her, coming very close. Her breasts bounced gently as she walked and Lalana felt her mouth watering. Tessa was standing directly in front of her now. She leaned forward and Lalana could smell the woman's perfume and even her shampoo. She was bracing herself for something. Then Tessa lifted the bags and brought them back over to her dresser and set them down.

She reached into the bag and pulled out a large black bra and explained that this was her new comfortable bra. She slipped it on quickly and reached behind and snapped it shut. She looked gorgeous, making the boring supportive bra look sexy she walked around the room, posing and spinning while Lalana expressed her admiration. She continued the procedures with three other bras, all of them supportive but sexy and Lalana felt heat between her legs. She was really enjoying the show.

"This last one is not going to be comfortable. I am afraid it is a little bit small, 32-B, but it is so perfect. I just had to grab it and take it home," Tessa explained. She pulled a tiny red bra with not shoulder straps out of the bag. It was red with sexy white lace and was delicious.

Tessa took the bra and pulled it around her back. It obviously hooked in the front between her breasts and as she positioned herself it was quite clear that it wasn't going to fit. She kept trying to pull it closed, but it continued to stay a half inch apart even when she stretched it.

"Lalana, can you please give me a hand," she said and Lalana quickly got up from the bed and walked over to her friend. Tessa pushed the two cups of the bra out to Lalana and the younger woman took them. Tessa nodded her head and breathed out, trying to make her chest as thin as possible. Lalana pushed the two sides of the bra together, feeling her knuckles rub against Tessa soft, warm breasts. She was straining to push, her hands shaking, sweating against Tessa's skin. But finally, her strength collapsed and she stopped.

"I am sorry," she said, "Your breasts are too large."

"It's a good problem to have I guess," Tessa said laughing. She took the bra in her hand and looked at it, "You know, it may fit you."

"Oh I don't know," Lalana said. She coveted the bra, but didn't want to overstep her boundaries.

"I can't use it and I can't bring it back because I got it on sale. If it fits you, you can have it," Tessa said. Lalana giggled and quickly tore off her shirt. She was wearing a comfortable sports bra for work and was able to slip it off quickly.

"My God!" Tessa said, "Your body is so sexy girl. I cannot believe it," Lalana looked down at her long, hardened nipples, soft skin and flat stomach and found that she agreed.

"Thanks," she said. Tessa didn't waste any time. She quickly moved around so that she was behind Lalana. She took the bra in both her hands. Lalana looked forward and saw herself in the mirror. She watched as Tessa's hands wrapped themselves around her body and the cups of the bra gently covering her breasts. Slowly Tessa brought the hooks of the bra together. It was a little bit tight on Lalana, but it hooked together easily. It felt sexy just being on her body. Tessa took her hands and sensually cupped Lalana's breasts. Lalana couldn't believe that her friend was doing this and felt her cock growing hard, despite the fact that it was taped back against her ass.

Suddenly, Tessa's hands moved away from Lalana's body and she spun the girl around. Lalana wanted her boss to kiss her, wanted to fuck this woman with every fiber of her being. But when she looked into Tessa's big blue eyes, she could see that this wasn't going to happen.

"It looks great!" she said, looking Lalana up and down. Lalana had to struggle to continue to look excited and happy.

"Thank you," Lalana said.

"Go ahead and get back to work. I am sorry I kept you so long. But think of me when you wear that bra," Tessa said and Lalana knew that she would. She put on her shirt and went back down to the kitchen.

However, it wasn't only the Crone's who began to act even more sexual and bizarre. If anything they were tamer than the two Walker women. While there are countless little examples of strange behavior that could be described, the most glaring example occurred the same day that Lalana had tried on bras with Tessa. It was late in the evening and Lalana was lying in her bed, naked except for her bra, quietly stroking her erect, 4.5" penis. Suddenly, as she was just starting to get deep into it, the phone rang. Lalana swore to herself and lifted it up.

"Lalana?" the voice on the phone said.

"Yes," she explained.

"This is Cindy. I need you upstairs in my bathroom please," she explained.

"Yes Ms. Walker," she said. She hung up the phone and swore even louder. She rapidly tied her penis back and got dressed and headed upstairs. She was railing in her mind the entire time. She wanted to tell Ms. Walker that it was evening time and that she didn't work for anyone in the family at this time. She was starting to enjoy downtime and didn't like that it was being disrupted. But Lalana had been a "professional" her entire life. When she got to the bathroom in the Walker room, she merely asked what needed to be done.

"Well," Cindy said, crossing her arms and looking towards the closed shower curtain. She was obviously angry, her brown hair looked a bit disheveled, but in a sort of sexy way, and there was passion in her face, "My daughter seems to believe that water is absolutely free for my father."

Lalana had no idea what Cindy was talking about, but she was sort of glad that she had been called up. She had to see where this was going. Cindy grabbed the shower curtain and in one brisk motion flung it open. Sitting in the bathtub was Felicity. She was naked, but leaning over against her knees, shivering. Her breasts were covered as was the area between her legs. She was just a little ball.

"Ms. Walker..." Lalana said, feeling a bit uncomfortable and aroused.

"Felicity has decided the last few weeks to take forty minute showers. Sometimes she is in there for an hour. As a result, she has been wasting money and also leaving me with nothing but cold water for my own shower. Felicity needs to be taught a lesson so tonight she is taking a nice, icy cold bath."

"I see," Lalana said.

"However. I don't think that she understanding how to clean herself quickly. I have decided that she needs some instruction. I want you to give her a bath and show her how to clean herself."

"If that is what you want," Lalana said. She was a bit intimidated by this woman and felt compassion for the young girl.

"I will be back in ten minutes," Cindy said, handing Lalana a bar of soap and heading for the door. Lalana looked down at the shivering girl in the water as the door closed behind Cindy.

"I am so sorry Lalana," she said, and looked like she was about to cry.

"No sweetie," Lalana said, her heart breaking, "It really isn't a big deal. I will do this for you. I don't want you to get into any trouble."

"Thank you so much!" she said and looked like she was going to say more. Lalana lifted her hands to her lips. Indicating that they had no time to waste. She walked over to the tub and got down on her knees in front of it. The water was full of bubbles and she couldn't see the girl's body. Felicity leaned back now against the back of the tub. Her skin was covered in goose bumps and she was shivering. Her small pink nipples were hard and looked like little bullets on Felicity's small breasts.

Lalana didn't want the girl to suffer any more. She dipped the soap into the water and was shocked by how cold it was. She felt ice-cubes in the water! Cindy had added ice to make it even colder. Lalana moved with real purpose now. She took Felicity's arm in her hand and scrubbed her quickly and efficiently. The skin was very cold and Felicity looked at her maid with sad, brown eyes. She grabbed the other arm and did the same. Felicity let her arms slide back into the water and rinse off. Now Lalana moved to Felicity's chest. She felt the girl's cold, soft breasts with hard nipples underneath of the hard bar of soap. It felt exhilarating and she heard the girl's breath race. She didn't dawdle, however, but continued to move, rubbing underneath the girls breasts and putting her hand on the girl's stomach under the water.