The Villain Ch. 03a

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A superhero has his fantasies answered by a teammate.
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 01/08/2011
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The Villain III

Part 1: Rules were made to be bent

The best thing, Electron had decided, about being in a superhero team was the fact that he was surrounded by beautiful, powerful, athletic, women. This was made even better by the fact that most of them tended to subconsciously compete with each other for attention. Over time, even the most determined feminist among them ended up cutting farther and farther back on the opaque portions of her poly-fiber-titanium fabric armored costume until they were barely legal by civilian standards of legal decency.

Of course, paras were subject to a different set of laws than norms. For the most part, those laws limited the freedoms of those with unusual capabilities. In a few cases, however, they allowed for a bit more lenience. Of course, in this case, it was probably because the people who ran the world, generally straight white men andalways normals, were misogynistic enough to want to ogle the women who had just saved the world.

Electron wasn't about to complain. There were five women on his team and all of them had been around long enough to have costumes that would make the skimpiest bikini blush in embarrassment. He'd long ago lost count of how many times he'd rubbed one out while fantasizing about any of them. He couldn't even say that he had a favorite to masturbate to. They were all hot beyond imagining and each had a different enough personality that they each had their own merits.

The downside to being part of a team was that liaisons were frowned upon. They had to work seamlessly together and those kinds of complications could lead to jealousy and other hard feelings. Given that Electron probably ended up brushing up against one or more of his scantily clad compatriots daily, and the ensuing reaction he needed to suppress, he ended up servicing himself daily. On particularly stressful days, it could become multiple times.

Some heroes and heroines sought their release away from the team. He often half-jokingly hypothesized that sex was the only real reason why a para would find the need for a secret identity. If you weren't satisfied at home, you had to go out and find somewhere to make up for the absence.

"Except, strictly speaking, theycould be satisfied at home." Electron nearly choked on his soda as he sat bolt upright in response to the unexpected voice. A voice that responded to his very thoughts rather than anything he'd said out loud.

Dammit! You know you have to be careful of even what you think around here. You shouldn't have let your shields lapse like that!

Electron turned slowly around on the couch, to look behind him. The intruder was exactly who he'd expected it would be. Memnos stood in the doorway, hand on her hip, with her chest slightly thrust forward. The blond bombshell's breasts, that perpetually seemed like they should spring free of the deceptively tiny outfit, were one reason she factored highly in his fantasies. The thread that passed between her legs seemed equally at risk of slipping played a much larger role than the overall skimpiness, however, in her placement of his desires.

"Don't worry," her sultry mezzo-soprano soothed, "I didn't need my powers to know what you were thinking. The impressive bulge in your jeans spoke volumes."

Electron was acutely aware that the bulge had grown with only seconds of exposure to his teammate. A few more seconds and he was likely to be fully hard and painfully constrained within his tight pants. Memnos wasn't out to help the situation any, either. Her hips swaggered back and forth as she entered the room and navigated around to the front of the couch.

His breath shortened at the sight of her walk. Each sway of her hips threatened to expose the luscious mounds barely hidden between her legs. He'd never seen it, never seen any of his female companions truly naked, but the transparent armored fabric left little to the imagination. That little bit, however, was more than enough to consume a majority of Electron's thoughts.

It didn't dawn on Electron that he was still slouched on the couch until Memnos sat on the coffee table right in front of him. When she placed a leg on either side of him and settled down, his knees were all but pressed against her crotch. The way only his head and shoulders were elevated left him looking down the length of his body and directly at the enticing woman and her scant costume.

Electron tried to explain away his thoughts, or at least his now-obvious physical reaction to her presence, but all that escaped was a slight mewl of pain. As anticipated, his pants were now far too tight for the straining form within. The curled corner of her lips proved that she understood exactly what he felt, even without the pointed looks she kept shooting between his legs.

"I just read through the rules governing team decorum and it doesn't actually strictly prohibit relationships between team members. Itcautions against them but doesn't forbid."

Electron was too shocked, initially, at the thought that she had read all the way through those rules to really notice what she'd said. After all, the manual was something like three hundred and fifty pages of tiny print. No one but a computer, or someone with a photographic memory, could keep them all straight. He suspected that the scope of the minutia governed within the rules was so that, at any given point, the norms who monitored every team could always findsomething of which agent was in violation.

Then the reality of what she'd said sank in and Electron felt a fresh surge of blood flood his already strained manhood. Could the goddess of lust personified have just read through the entire manual and come to the conclusion that she could fuck any team member she wanted? More importantly, he was the first person to whom she had brought this information.

"In fact, the wording is careful enough that it seems to openly allow forcasual liaisons." She continued. "I suspect that's actually the real reason that they are so explicit about the fact that handlers have no technical authority over their charges. Without that, they can't be accused of exploiting their power."

Everyone knew how much bullshit that particular section of the laws was. They'd had to be careful when writing the laws, or else paras could be viewed as slaves to the norms. Especially the norm agents assigned to monitor their activities. In reality, however, the appraisal of a handler meant the difference between accolades and imprisonment.

What Memnos implied, however, made sense. A lot of the people who ended up in those positions of implied authority were bigots. Like so many throughout history, the prejudice covered up a secret infatuation with something that they felt was socially unacceptable. They'd claim, if cornered, that the misuse of power was nothing of the sort because they barely even saw the objects of their lusts as human beings.

In this case, the technicality that they left open for themselves worked in the favor of those they watched over. All the handlers had to do was emphasize the sections worth of disapproval and fail to note the lack of actual rules that prohibited it. In order for anyone to know the difference, they would have to read through every page to make sure they hadn't missed anything.

And if anyone had been thorough enough to accomplish that, it was certainly Memnos.

Electron's breath became even more shallow as the full implications hit. He felt lightheaded with elation. He feared his mental shield had begun to crack under the strain. What would happen if she caught wind of some of the fantasies that had floated through his mind over the past year?

The mischievous gleam in her eye suggested that nothing bad would come of such revelations. In fact, her own breathing had begun to deepen. A fact he noticed even more prominently because she leaned forward, slightly, to more prominently display her impressive cleavage. Cleavage that had begun to strain even more against the sparse cloth of the costume that held it.

Something about that thought niggled at Electron's mind but he couldn't grasp it fully. In a moment, even the attempt was beyond him when she reached out and took his hands in her own. She guided his hands towards her voluptuous hips and left them there while hers returned forward to rest on his.

Electron marveled once more at the miraculous fabric that protected them all. It could be made in any color, or even completely transparent. Furthermore, while it could protect them from a high-caliber bullet, it allowed enough sensation through that he could feel everything as if it were his own skin. He'd never thought the same applied to the outside of the material, however.

Memnos' eyes drifted halfway closed when he began to run his hands up and down her silky sides. She moaned slightly. Electron barely noticed. His attention was mostly stuck on her heaving breasts and the delicious "v" of the junction of her legs.

He couldn't stand it. A small part of his mind screamed that this was too good to be true. He must have drifted off to sleep while watching TV. The heat came because it had certainly been too many days since he last masturbated.

"If this is a dream, which one of us is dreaming?" Memnos asked in a contented purr.

Electron's hands froze. She'd read his mind. There was no doubt this time. Every other time before he could have believed she read his body language, but that had been too specific. For that matter, as a mistress of the mind, how could he even be certain that this wasn't a dream? One that she had joined him in.

"I'm sorry. I can't help but read you right now. What you're doing feelsso good that I can't help but focus on you." He felt her shudder beneath his light touch. "The way the sight of me excites you turns me the hell on. Those wisps of fantasy that leak through your shields make me weak."

As she spoke, in an incredible show of flexibility, Memnos' head drooped to rest her cheek on his thigh. The new position impaired his view considerably but his body reacted just as strongly to her proximity to his desire. The thought must have been "loud" because she shuddered helplessly and moaned longingly.

Electron's hands began to glide across her shoulders now. Her shivers began to come almost constantly. Her hips rocked forward and back and while her crotch, spread slightly to accommodate his knees between her legs, could not reach to relieve her own building pressure he enjoyed the reaction nonetheless.

Dream or not, real or not, he decided to take a chance. His hands drifted across the soft flesh of her shoulders and around, intent on the luscious globes. He froze once more when he encountered the seam at signified the edge of her costume.

That wasn't right. Poly-fiber-titanium was woven to each individual's body. There were no seems in the armored costumes. Even the different colors were all woven in at the time of creation. His eyes widened in surprise and wonder. That meant Memnos had made a costume out of standard fabric that looked identical to her heroine attire.

That also meant barely a piece of floss was all that stood between him and a sight he'd fantasized about since he'd joined the team.

His hand instinctively found the strip of material that ran up the center of her body until it joined the cups of her chest. He whispered a plea of wonder when his fingers wrapped around the fabric rather than tangle in unseen excess.

Memnos sat bolt upright. Her hands flew behind her to support her. Her head dropped back, her eyes now fully closed and her jaw open, as her body arched. He didn't know what it felt like when he tugged the thin strip and caused it to grind against, and dig into, her lust but clearly she enjoyed the sensation.

Electron reveled in the sight before him. Memnos was commonly regarded as one of the most powerful of their group, as was often the case with telepaths. Yet here she was moaning helplessly before him. A simple twist of his wrist tightened her costume further and elicited her body to spasm. Her moans stopped with a gasp.

Aside from the view of her nether lips, accented by the strip of fabric that cut between them, this was still a side of Memnos he had never seen. Because of the nature of her powers, she was always so composed, so in control. Now, he could even feel the brush of her mind against his as her carefully wrought defenses collapsed. Each mental caress brought a heightening of his own desire as he responded to her lust.

That was the moment Electron noticed the hematite bangles around her wrists. Memnos wasn't known for jewelry, especially in her costume. Even if she were, the dark gray bands would have clashed with her overall color scheme.

Electron thought he knew what those decorations were for. A quick pulse of his power, unnoticeable to anyone without electromagnetic capabilities, confirmed his suspicions. They weren't made from hematite, like first glance would assume, but hematine. The man-made substance was similar in appearance but possessed a magnetic field.

Electron's interest was fully piqued. He shifted his weight up and back until he sat fully upright. If he neglected to keep his hand steady while he adjusted his position, Memnos didn't seem willing to complain. Although he thought the reverse wedgie had to have gotten to the level of painful by now, she merely whimpered. Given the level of moisture that seeped around the edges of the fabric, her reaction wasn't faked.

As quickly as his battle-honed reflexes could manage, Electron reached down with his free hand and cupped under her thigh. When he lifted her, she overbalanced and began to fall backwards. He finally released his grip on her costume and used both hands to roughly guide her through the fall. Instead of her back, Memnos landed hard on her shoulder. Before she could react, he continued along her momentum and rolled her until her taught waist pressed against the edge of the table.

"Electron..." She gasped out.

She tried to look over her shoulder at him but a single hand on her back prevented the action. He waited a moment, until she tried to push herself up with her arms, and then flexed his own power. A simple magnetic field caught hold of those taunting bangles and ripped her hands out from under her. Her arms splayed straight out, stretched to the far corners of the table.

"You want this."

It was a statement, not a question. There was no doubt in his mind that she did. It wasn't even on a subconscious level. Like all of their team, she knew his powers didn't simply cover electricity, but also magnetic fields. Besides, if she didn't want it, a single blast of her mental powers could have him thinking he was a poodle, much less lay him out cold.

"Mmmm Hmmmm." Memnos moaned. Her body struggled against the magnetic bonds. His hips now pressed against hers and completed the trap, preventing her any movement.

Electron reached down with his free hand. He patted her silky ass, still too uncertain of her desires to try to bring pain into play. Better to take things one step at a time. She clearly wanted to be dominated, but that didn't mean she'd be into anything else.

His hand pressed between their bodies. Immediately he felt her sticky desire and was almost surprised it hadn't soaked his pants as well. She gasped at the contact. With a grin, he rubbed his hand up and down. He memorized the feel of her clit beneath his fingertips and the pit that would soon be uncovered. There was no guarantee Electron would ever get this chance again, so he wanted to make certain he thoroughly experienced it.

His ministrations hadn't gone unnoticed. Her legs slid apart, unable to bear her weight. Her body shuddered. She moaned with each pass of his fingers. Beneath his touch, he could feel her muscles quiver. When he passed over her greedy pussy, she feebly attempted to grip his fingers and pull them within her, only to be foiled by her own attire.

"Please." Memnos whimpered. "It's been too long. I need...Don't just tease. Please."

"You need what?" Electron taunted. He knew what she wanted. They both knew. But this was simply a means for him to assert his control over her. Her every word, every thought, was always carefully controlled. He'd make her shout the obscenities she could never allow herself to even contemplate.

"I need you." She answered. She wasn't ready yet.

Memnos whimpered when both his fingers and body backed away from her. Her hips tried to follow but the cuffs and the hand still planted between her shoulder blades prevented the motion. He took his time to unbutton his pants. If he could have, he would have let his pants and boxers drift to the floor instead of let them just drop to his knees.

His cock sprang free of his underwear thick and hard. It pointed at her in accusation, as if to say "this is your fault and you're damn well going to solve the not-so-little problem for me." From the way she shivered beneath him, she heard the unspoken and agreed. Of course, aside from outright attacking him, little choice remained to her now.

"God!" She groaned when his finger found its way back to her. Rather than just rub, he sought out the edge of her costume and slid beneath. Her pussy quivered desperately with him poised to open her wide. She squeaked when the tip of his penis pressed against her clit to flick back and forth against her sensitive mound.

"What was it you wanted?" Electron asked once again.

His finger lightly traced the outer edge of her sopping wet hole. Her breath had become ragged. Her hips rolled feebly in a constant attempt to spur him on. Her arms had ceased their struggles and her fists clenched and opened in a desperate attempt to relieve a very different pressure within her body.

"I want you to make love with..." Her answer was cut short by a single stabbing thrust of his finger. He barely managed to pull himself free when he retreated. He carefully hid his own sudden spike of desire. If her body was that desperate to milk his finger, he could barely imagine what it would feel like wrapped around his throbbing cock.

"No!" Electron growled. "Try again."

"Have sex with...aaaaAAAAAAH!"

She was so close that he couldn't believe it. There was no question in his mind that the final act would push her over the edge. Hell, all he had to do was add a second finger. Of course, to do so would be to give her back some sense of control. He removed all contact between her legs. Tears began to leak from her tightly shut eyes.

"What?" She whispered. "What do you want me to say?"

"The truth." Electron growled simply. Even his voice sent shivers through his captive.

He felt her inner defenses snap like a slap across his brain. Pure sensation rushed through his veins like wildfire. This was what she felt. Every muscle stretched like a rubber band. Every nerve screamed in vain. Every joint ached for release.

"Fuck me!" Memnos screamed. "Shove your dick inside me and open me wide! Drill you cock so far up me that I can taste it! Cum inside me until I pop like a balloon!FUCK ME!"

Electron grinned. His hand flashed forward to grip the offensive little strip of fabric just as tightly as he had when he begun her torment. This time, however, the slightest trickle of electricity weakened the sodden material and caused it to rip after only moments of biting into her soft flesh.

There was nothing gentle about the way he threw his hips forward. It wasn't what he wanted and she no longer controlled herself. So long as she got what she needed, in a general sense, the rest was up to him. The scream that erupted as his thick cock forced its way past her tight muscles was mixed pain and pleasure.

And all relief.

It wasn't the stream of obscenities that poured out of her mouth that told him she came immediately. He didn't need anything as direct as her confirmations. Electron knew by the way her pussy clutched him and pulled him deeper.