The Sultanah Ch. 13


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"What idea?" I asked.

"Just...Just he would get rid of you and I would marry Prince Lider..."

"The heir to Dusman? The son of my father's murderer? My wife's former fiancé?" I asked. This was a revelation. I had always suspected that Hain was collaborating with my enemies. In fact, I knew it even if I couldn't prove it. Now I heard it from his daughter's mouth. I also knew where he was even if she didn't. On the road, halfway to Dusman territory now. It explained why Kolza was not yet wed.

"I wasn't involved. I just heard about it. I didn't know anything more about the plan than that I would marry Lider. I thought we were moving there if things grew too bad here," she was pleading so pathetically that I knew she was telling the truth, "Please, don't hurt me. You can't kill me in cold blood. I am sorry about your sister and your friend..." She'd raised that issue a second time, clearly that is what she thought of me. But I had more imagination than that. I decided to address her point at last.

"Kill?" I asked and then snorted, "Oh no. No one said anything about killing. You are going to walk out of this room very much alive," I explained. I saw Kolza give a sigh of relief. Though she was still nervous, my exact intentions were unclear. She stopped by the door, panting.

"I thought you were saying..." Kolza began and then trailed off.

"No. I didn't say I was going to kill you. I was implying that I was going to punish your father. He punished me by killing my Arkadas and my Kardes. Whether he knew it or not, I valued those people as confidants and advisors. As friends and lovers. By killing them, he took that away from me. I can no longer have them to, to speak with them, to love them, and share in their lives. I don't have that," I said. My voice nearly cracked and I fought to keep the tears from my eyes.

"I am...sorry," she lied, her shoulders sagging. I ignored her worthless comment and forged ahead.

"I now understand why your father values you. You are an attractive young woman with a haughty, aristocratic attitude. A fine wife, you would make. Your father valued you as trading stock. Your cunny in exchange for some sort of political favor. My guess is he would retain the independence of the Empire temporarily by naming Lider's children as the heir. That way, his grandchildren would sit on my throne. Not an entirely stupid idea. Regardless, you were essential for that. A marriage prize, that is your value to your father. And I am going to take that from him."

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking down between her legs. She sounded terrified and was rooted in her place on the floor. Perhaps she thought I was going to mutilate her or something.

"No one wants to marry a whore," I said simply. And, for the first time, I made it clear to Kolza and to myself what I was suggesting.

The shadow of the idea had come upon me the instant that the instant I had heard Saygili mention Kolza. It was no so much an idea as a need. A compulsion. Some, perhaps most of it, was simply pure hatred for Hain. He had destroyed two important people in my life and I was going to have my revenge. And I wanted to do it in a way that hurt the most. Both for him and for the people he loved. It was so elegant and beautiful because harming Kolza would give me relief in and of itself, but it was a means to harming Hain as well. Two birds with one stone.

But there was more to it than that. I could feel my self-hatred and my shame rising inside of me as I contemplated the events that led to the deaths of Kardes and Arkadas. I could feel myself slipping into a depression even as the emotions were raw. I knew that my true self, Varis, could never forgive myself for what had happened. I would take my shame and my guilt to the grave. My friends deserved that and so did I. I knew it. But there was a larger part of me now, something that had been slowly taking me over for months. It was the Sultanah. And, as much as it increased my shame and my self-disgust to think about it, the Sultanah could not afford to hold on to these things. The decisions I made, even the mistakes, were momentous. People died from my decisions with distressing frequency. If I began to feel that, even for a good reason, I knew that I would be lost. That I would lock up and fail to make any decisions of any kind. The shame and guilt that would be the only honorable option for a private person was not available to me. Too much depended on me to turn inward. And I hated myself more for these thoughts, increasing the need to neutralize them, hastening the cycle.

What I needed was to externalize that hatred. I hate to suck it out like poison and keep it from infecting me. The Sultanah needed to be protected from Varis' human emotions. I had to place the guilt and the shame that I had earned in the deaths of my lovers somewhere else. But I also knew that that that kind of hatred had to be directed somewhere. It could not be vented into the air or buried in the ground. If it did not attach to me, it had to adhere to another, guilty person. I had to turn my hatred onto someone else, to cast it away so that I could continue to function as the Sultanah. And Kolza was the perfect person. And now I have found the perfect way to give that hatred to her.

I crossed rapidly across the room towards Kolza. She remained stuck, frozen to her place on the floor. I reached forward now and grabbed the fabric on the front of Kolza's night shirt. I twisted the fabric in my hand and gave it a hard yank. Kolza let out a loud yip and I could see the panic in her eyes. She tried to turn and run. What my awkward attempt at grabbing had failed to do, Kolza's panicked motions completed. I heard a loud ripping sound and Kolza spun around twice. The seams of her shirt tore and soon the white cloth was balled in my fist. Kolza had lost her balance and had fallen naked onto her hands and knees on the floor. Her body was as lovely as it had seemed with perfectly shaped tear-drop breasts, large smooth pink nipples, and bare-shaven cunny with tight pink lips. I wanted it badly, I wanted to possess it in a way that would take it from her without killing her.

I pounced on her quickly, shoving her down so that her breasts and cunny were face down onto the cold floor. I sat heavily on her ass and put my hands on her shoulders, holding her down. She was panicked and flailing wildly, but I was possessed by some sort of strength that I did not even understand. My hands essentially dug into Kolza's shoulders, holding her in place while she writhed.

Kolza knew what was happening now. She had been a little bit uncertain, I think, of my actual intentions before this point. But as she lay naked on the floor, there was no longer any room for delusion or denial. She was crying now and kicking her legs wildly. She was calling out for help even though she knew that it was never going to come. A year in the saddle and out in the wild world had made me stronger than this little aristocratic fool. She could not escape. I had her in my power and the more she struggled, the more tired she became and the stronger I felt.

In fact, I was feeling a good deal of strange things. Things that I never expected. Perhaps more importantly, there were things that I didn't feel. I felt no compassion for this girl beneath me. I didn't even really think of her as a person. I thought of her as an object of Hain's affection and a symbol of his treason. I wanted to destroy it. As for what I felt, the most important and confusing sensation was...arousal. As Kolza's taut young body writhed under me and I felt the power I had over her, I felt my body begin to react. I knew that Kolza could feel my hardening cock pressing against her ass and I felt a chill at the sensation. Working one handed and keeping my other hand on Kolza, I rapidly began to pull my loose clothing off. The tears and rips that had occurred during the earlier melee made it easier and soon I was naked and holding Kolza down with two hands again. My cock was completely hard now and it rested between Kozla's warm asscheeks, rubbing against her small, pink anus.

"You are a woman!" she cried desperately, struggling with renewed effort on the cold floor beneath me, "You are a girl. How can you do this to me?" her voice came out in a choking gasp, more of a cry than a statement. Her body heaved in fear and disgust.

"Only one person truly knew me as a girl. Only two people ever counseled me to show compassion. Your father had them both killed. I am no girl. Any part of a girl I once was has been swept away. I feel no compassion. I do not know mercy. It is a pity for you that those restraints are gone. Your father sewed the wind and you will reap the whirlwind. I am only the Sultanah now. And whatever a Sultanah wants, she can take!" It felt so powerful to say those words and I felt the hate pouring out of my mouth and landing heavy on Kolza's body. There was nothing left to say now, just to do whatever I wanted. To give everything to Kolza, to leave it in her.

"Please," she begged and stopped struggling for a moment. She turned and looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes wide with terror, "I have...I have kept my purity for marriage." She said in a small voice. It was as though she had let me in on some momentous secret, like that fact would be enough to save her now. I snorted.

"Purity? You are pure because no one has been in your cunny?" I asked, "When you live with traitors and plot the end of the Empire. You are impure." She writhed some now and she screamed again, her voice growing hoarse, "But I won't take your cunny. You kept it 'pure' to your standards and I will leave it that way." I said. She relaxed some but remained largely tense.

"Thank you," she said nervously.

"But your asshole, that wasn't pure to begin with," I said. With that, I moved my cock slightly to the side, exposing Kolza's pink, crinkled anus. I bent my neck over it and let a large, wet blob of spit fall from between my lips. My aim was perfect and, despite the fact that Kolza was struggling again, it landed perfectly on her asshole, covering it in a thick layer of white saliva.

"No! No! No! No! No!" Kolza was chanting while she rocked on the ground. She was clearly exhausted now, but she still made an effort to fight me. I took my right hand and placed it between her shoulder blades now. Then I rose up off of Kolza's ass, sliding back into a kneeling position with my shins across her calves. She tried to rise up but I kept most of my weight on my hand, leaning forward. As a result, she was only able to raise her ass into the air. Exactly what I wanted. She moved her hips around as best she could, but it would grind her shins into the hard floor and eventually she stopped. I moved my hips into her, keeping her ass high in the air.

Now I took my left hand and spit into it. Then I dropped it down and wrapped it carefully around my hard cock. I worked my saliva around on my cock, getting it wet. I looked down at Kolza's asshole and I could see my spit starting to drip off of it. My cock felt almost unbearably hard in my hands. It was throbbing all over and the tip of my cock felt like hot, polished stone. I had never felt anything like it. I was so intensely excited.

Some of it, of course, was because she was an alluring woman. The round fullness of her ass tapering down to her narrow waist, her proportional back, her long hair, it was all a beautiful sight. But some of it was just the awesome feeling of power I had in that moment. I had been stripped of my power by Hain, and by seizing this from his daughter, I was taking it back. I would give back some of the evil this family had given mine. I used my hand to position my cock at Kolza's tight anus. I felt the cool wetness of my saliva and then the folded warmth of Kolza's body as I pressed into her.

"No, oh, please no!" she begged, the tears choking her and her struggle intensifying. She could not have said anything that would have pushed me towards her with more desire. I grunted and then shoved my hips in towards her. Kolza screamed with surprise and discomfort. I looked down, watching, as the tip of my cock press against Kolza's asshole. She was struggling against me and I could see her skin stretching and resisting my cock's efforts to stretch her own. I felt intense pressure and even a little, pinching pain on my cock as I pushed harder and harder into her. I felt my hard cock bending painfully as I tried to push it into Kolza's asshole.

It was Kolza, rather than anything I did, that finally broke the painful stalemate. I had almost decided that it was not possible, that Kolza's clenching muscles would keep me out. But, Kolza, growing more and more uncomfortable by the second, had tried to buck me away, shaking her hips wildly and screaming. But her motion had the opposite effect from what she wanted. Rather than tossing me off, her wiggling worked her hips backwards. Her efforts caused her to slip up slightly and her muscles relaxed. All the built up tension was released and I felt the pressure massively dissipated and I felt the tip of my cock slip into her wet anus. In fact, it was more than the tip. I had been pushing so hard that when Kolza's resistance broke, the tip of my cock and another inch sunk deep inside of her.

"No, Oh Tanri's balls, fuck!" Kolza moaned loudly as I entered her. I could her sobbing and her hips stopped rocking. Her head pitched forward and she buried her face in her forearms, folded on the ground in front of her. She dared not move now, knowing that her movements had allowed me to enter her.

Kolza's body felt incredible. Both physically and, of course, something more. Physically, her asshole was incredibly tight and her fearful motions were making it contract tightly around me. Despite her resistance, her insides were wet with my saliva and her body was trying to suck me in deeper and deeper, massaging the underside of my cock. I groaned as I felt her body trembling around me. Beyond the pleasurable physical sensation of slipping my cock into Kolza asshole, there was a spiritual aspect to it as well. I could feel all the hatred inside of me concentrating, pouring down into my cock. Each movement of my hips poured it into her. I could sense the self-hatred leaving me a little bit at a time as I took revenge for the wrongs done to Kardes and Arkadas.

With a little more than the tip of my cock now inside of her, I moved my hand off of Kozla's back. I slide both of my hands back now, hooking them tightly around Kolza's thighs. Despite the discomfort, I kept my shins folded over the backs of Kozla's legs, locking her in place. Not that she was trying to move anyhow. I could hear her crying slightly, but she was no longer trying to move away. Her earlier struggles had only made things worse and now she was accepting it.

I started to pull on Kozla's thighs, bringing her back in towards me. At the same time, I pushed my hips forward. Kozla's asshole was incredibly tight and she was, by no means, helping me as I worked, but I had already breached her defenses now. It was not as easy as it could be, but slowly my cock, so rigid and hard, began to push deeper and deeper into the debutante's asshole. Her legs were shaking underneath of me and occasionally I would hear a low groan, but otherwise she simply allowed it to happen.

After several minutes of careful work (and a good deal of additional spit deposited onto the top of my cock) I felt my stomach push into Kozla's round asscheeks. I felt my balls pressing against her cunny. I knew that I was totally inside her now. All five inches completely inside of the resistant woman. I had taken it from her.

"I am inside of you, whore," I said, "Do you think Prince Lider will want you now?" She went rigid for a moment and made no noise. I thought that she was going to ignore the question. I reached down and smacked her ass with my open palm and a loud smacking sound filled the room. Kozla wailed as I put my hand back on her thigh, and then she spoke.

"No," she finally moaned and her shoulders began to shake. I loved the feeling of her despair. It covered up my own, made me forget about the desolation I felt. In response to her cries, I began to move my hips back and forth. She screamed loudly now and her knees almost gave way. I held her up with my arms as my cock rocked out of her and then slid back in. Her tightness was unbearable now, I could feel all of her insides rippling up and down along the length of my cock. She occasionally still squeezed me tight, especially when she screamed out on occasion and I felt her milking my hard cock.

"Please, I don't want this. My poor...ass...please, don't do it," she said on a few occasions, but this only pushed me further. Her cries and her quivering movements were all the encouragement I needed.

After a few minutes, I began to slip into a solid rhythm. Despite her tightness and her resistance, I began to stretch her asshole out. I began to pull my cock back out of her farther and to put it back in more forcefully, more quickly. I kept my hands on her thighs and my eyes down, watching my cock slip in and out of her ass. I breathed in the smell of her body, the fear and the sweat and everything else, and I felt soothed by it. Kardes and Arkadas moved into the background of my mind and I focused on the pleasure I felt and the total control I had over Kozla.

I began to move faster and faster and my cock started to slip in and out of Kozla's ass with more and more force. I felt my hips smash into Kozla's ass and I felt her body shake at the force of my movements. I noticed that my balls were very full and they were hanging low as I fucked Kozla. As my cock swung forward and my hips shuddered to a stop, my balls with shoot forward, slapping hard against Kozla's cunny and tapping her clit. I occasionally heard Kozla yelp while this happened.

After a pretty long period of time, I began to notice something kind of strange. Where, in the beginning, I had to hold Kozla's legs tightly with my arms, reaching down low while I thrust my hips, I found that it was no longer necessary. Kozla no longer threatened to pitch forward if I dropped her. I didn't even hear her crying anymore. It was not that she was participating, she was not shoving her hips back into me. But she was passively taking my thrusts now. Her knees stayed solid and her ass stayed in the air as my cock moved in and out of it.

I took advantage of the situation. I took my hands off of Kozla's thighs and immediately brought them up to my breasts. My nipples were aching terrible and my breasts were bouncing up and down on my chest. My fingers immediately began to knead and my nipples and sink into the taut flesh of my breast. I could feel the nerves sending messages from my aching nipples down to my hard cock, heightening the experience.

A short time later, I became aware of something else. Two things, actually. The first was a gentle noise. I could barely hear it over the sound of my skin slapping against Kozla's, but occasionally, it would rise high enough that I could hear it. It was coming from Kozla's lips. It was no longer pleas for me to stop or whimpers of pain. It was a gentle moaning sound, or perhaps a groan. This sound was more ambiguous than her previous noises. It was possible she was just tired and these small noises were all the protest she could muster. But, they didn't sound like that. They didn't sound like she was in pain or that she was scared or angry. They almost sounded like pleasure.

The other sensation I felt a few moments later seemed to confirm this supposition. I felt a slickness against my thigh as I thrust. I took my eye from Kozla's lips and looked down between our legs. I saw a small streak of wetness on the top of my thigh. I could feel liquid on my balls, more so on than on my leg. At first I thought my cunny was dripping down onto my cock, but I reached back and felt. I was wet, but not dripping. Besides, most of the liquid was on the parts of my scrotum that was smacking into Kozla's body. I thrust again, and now I was certain. Kozla's cunny had split open for me and she was drenching my balls with her juices.