The Sultanah Ch. 10


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Whatever prohibitions normally attached to the Sultanah tasting a woman's body was suspended here. Beyond the fact that this was my wife and not a social inferior, the ceremony practically begged for such contact. I circled my finger around on my sister's clit once more and breathed her in deeply. Then, I turned my face towards her.

Given her position, I could not reach her clit with my tongue, as I might've like to. I kept my finger there, circling, instead. But, with her ass poked back and up slightly, Nislani's now aroused cunny was essentially open and turned back, dripping, towards my face. The excitement I felt in that moment and the effect that Nislani's body was having on me were overpowering. As I looked at her tight, dripping pink lips, I lost control and dove in.

I felt Nislani's body go rigid and she stopped speaking for a minute as my tongue plunged into her cunny. I felt the tight walls of her body wrap around my tongue, pulling at it. Her cunny felt hot and thick liquid instantly coated my tongue. Nislani's flavor was incredible, a strong musky flavor with delicate, aromatic notes underneath. My tongue plunged inside of her, lapping at her ridged insides and trying to push into her as deeply as possible. The rest of the world seemed to melt away and I focused entirely on tasting Nislani's insides, touching every part of her with my tongue, while my fingers continued to probe at her clit. I could not even tell if Nislani was keeping up with her speech, I focused entirely on the task at hand. My cock ached terrible and my balls sagged low against my body, filling rapidly.

I don't know how long I continued in this way, on my knees with my tongue buried in my sister's cunny. But I do remember what made me stop. I was pressed tightly against my sister, one of my ears actually resting on her ass cheek. But my other ear was open and, despite my wild excitement, I could hear. And, in fact, I heard one of the Guardians behind me.

"It is one of those things," she said, "You can't look away."

"It is better than most of these ceremonies," I heard Kukla said defensively.

"It is disgusting," I heard the first voice say, recognizing it as Duchess Hain, "Like two stupid animals that have gotten stuck together in a barn yard."

Once again, I felt the anger rising inside of me. I had not chosen this tradition and I had not decided that I would bury my head between my sister's legs. I had been forced to do this by tradition and would have gladly skipped it if that were possible. But, in being made to do this, I had made the most of it. I had allowed my body to react to the stimuli. Now these women speaking loudly, trying to make me feel ashamed of doing my duty. They created the world where I had to do this, now I would make them pay. If they thought this was disgusting...

I quickly pulled my head back out from my sister's cunny. My cheeks and face were lathered in her juices and her scent was thick in my nose. I heard Nislani whimper slightly under her breath, but she was still speaking. I looked to the side. Nislani's ass, like mine, was large, and her ass sat firm and high above her thighs. I moved my free hand from Nislani's thigh and quickly raised it up, sinking it into the firm, hot flesh of Nislani's ass. My face was still resting against her other cheek and I pressed slightly into her, gaining leverage. Then, I used my hand to pull Nislani's ass cheeks apart. There, in the center of her ass, was the small, purplish brown rosebud of my sister' asshole. It was just a small, crinkled spot in the large expanse of soft, smooth flesh that made up her ass. I blew on it slightly and watched it pucker. Nislani shivered.

"Oh my..." a voice said, "What is she doing now?"

As if that were my cue, I instantly pushed my face into Nislani's body. I felt the firm, warm flesh of Nislani's ass as it wrapped around my face. I even felt my nose sinking into the skin at the base of her spine. Nislani's scent, so strong at her cunny, was here was well. It was sharper, more tart that it had been, but still recognizable. But most importantly, I felt my lips pressing against the tights fold of Nislani's asshole.

"Revolting!" someone said behind me and I smiled into my sister's asshole. Then I got to work. At first, I just pressed my lips into Nislani's asshole, feeling the folds pressing against my skin. Each kiss I planted on her body caused my sister to jump.

After a few seconds, this wasn't enough for me. My lips part and I slowly pushed my tongue out between my teeth. I felt my tongue press into the wrinkles of my sister's asshole and heard her gasp in her speech. She actually stopped talking for a few seconds before returning to her script. As she began to speak again, I pushed more and more of my tongue out of my mouth. Soon my tongue was coiled against the tight skin of my sister's asshole. The flavor of her skin was salty and tangy and it made my heart beat faster. Her scent had grown more intense and I could taste it mixing on my tongue. My cock was aching and I found myself rubbing against my sister's leg inadvertently.

I began to swirl my tongue around on Nislani's asshole. I kept my face tight against Nislani's body and there was essentially not enough space for me tongue to fit outside of my mouth. Soon, Nislani's asshole was dripping with my saliva. Her body was shaking and, for a brief instant, her asshole relaxed and she sighed. Suddenly, my tongue plunged deeply into my sister's asshole. I was surprised by how quickly it happened.

My body tingled as I came to terms with what I was feeling. Nislani's asshole was squeezed around my tongue with a vice grip, but I was surprisingly deep inside of her. The walls of her asshole were smooth and rubbery, but constricted hard around me. She was incredibly hot inside and somewhat wet, but mostly from my spit. The flavor I had tasted outside of her asshole was here, but concentrated, more intense. I groaned, savoring the taste and surprising myself with how much I liked it. I think some of the reason I liked it so much was the women behind me had seen what happened and they were thoroughly disgusted. I welcomed their disgusted, twitching my tongue inside of my sister's asshole, massaging her insides.

The whole while, my hand remained on Nislani's clit, rubbing it furiously, and causing her body to tighten and her muscles to lock. My cock was flying furiously against Nislani's calf and I could feel my cunny dripping down my leg. I did not think about what I was doing or who I was doing it to. I just thought about my discomfort with the situation and my hatred for my fate and I poured that into my actions, feeling the tension rise inside of me and...

"Cease!" Cin said again. Once again, drawn by the force of her words I stopped moving. My tongue still buried in Nislani's ass, my hand froze on her cunny. For a moment, Nislani stopped speaking. Once again, Cin had stopped us before we went too far.

"Conclude your remarks," Kardes said, her voice sounding small and nervous. Nislani completed the sentence she was one, then finished up in the traditional manner.

"Thank you all, and I look forward to serving as your Royal Liaison in the future," she stated and then quickly disappeared back inside the curtain. No one outside ever knew why the speeches of this kind ended so abruptly or why some Consorts said more than others.

But that wasn't my concern. Once Nislani was back in the room, she turned quickly towards me. Her cheeks were very red, her hair was tossed slightly askew by the wind and her eyes were feverishly bright. I had never seen her look more beautiful in my life. Her looks retained their naïveté, her innocence, and her vivacity and somehow shed her immaturity, her pettiness, and her ignorance. If she was disgusted by my actions, she didn't show it. Instead, she appeared excited to the point of frenzy. I rose up so that I was standing in front of her, my cock twitching between my legs. I was barely breathing and I could see that Nislani was panting enough for both of us, her breasts rising and falling rapidly. We were both on the knife's edge, barely able to control ourselves.

"Nislani, to prove your dedication to the Empire as the Consort..." We heard Kardes saying. But more important, we could hear the women behind us, snickering.

"Fuck them Varis. Fuck all of this," My sister whispered, "Put a baby in me." That was enough for me. I did not hear Kardes finish her sentence and say "accept your wife's seed." I knew that was what she was saying, but I wasn't paying attention. Instead, I was reaching forward quickly to tear Nislani's shirt from her body, exposing her perky young breasts and leaving her as naked as I was. She shuffled it off, as though desperate to be free from its embrace. Then, I dropped instantly down onto the floor with Nislani. We didn't want to wait to go to the bed, we wanted to do this here and now. To shove it right in the face of fate and its Guardians.

Nislani dropped back onto the cold marble floor on her back. She instantly spread her legs. I saw her cunny, glistening with juices. I could see my saliva where the loaves of her ass where still visible. Her beautiful breasts were spread across her chest, her nipples hard. She had her arms outstretched and she was smiling.

I wildly dove between my sister's legs, throwing my body into hers. The first thing I felt was my breasts pressing into my sister's breasts. Our soft mounds of flesh squeezed together, becoming firm, but comfortable. The rest of my body closed the gap as my stomach landed on Nislani's quivering stomach and my hips pressed hard against hers. Most importantly, I felt my cock slap against Nislani's clitoris and rub across the length of her cunny. Nislani gasped.

"Oh Gunes, Varis get it inside of me. I need it," Nislani moaned. My mouth went dry and I looked into her eyes, seeing the need there. I felt her hips moving underneath of me and I moved my hips as well. I was about to reach down and adjust my cock with my hand, but our hips slipped into line and I felt the tip of my cock suddenly poke against the opening of my sister's cunny. Nislani was panting wildly now and shoving her hips down. For a moment I wondered if we'd both lost our minds, we seemed to be in a thoughtless frenzy. But that rational thought melted as Nislani shoved down hard, driving the tip of my cock into her body.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Nislani moaned.

"Gunes!" I cried in response. Nislani was even tighter around my cock that she had been around my tongue. But somehow wetter too. Her body seemed to pull on mine and, with seemingly no effort on my part, I suddenly found that my cock was sinking deeper and deeper into Nislani. Her cunny walls wrapped tight around my cock, squeezing and massaging me expertly. Nislani may have been inexperienced but her body knew exactly what it was doing. In a moment, my cock was buried completely in her body, my balls pressing against her wet ass.

Neither Nislani nor I were in any position to take our time. Almost as soon as my cock had completely entered Nislani's body, I was pulling it back out. As soon as the tip was the only thing remaining in, I slammed it home. Nislani moaned and wrapped her arms around me. I knew she must feel some pain, this was the first time she had ever done this. But she wanted it so badly she showed no signs of reticence. Instead, I felt her hips thrusting against me. I pulled back out and fired home again. Soon we were thrashing wildly on the floor, my cock pounding in and out of my sister's cunny. We were both moaning loudly, our eyes locked together.

It was impossible that we could go on for long at that pace. We were both already so wound up by our prior actions and we were fucking wildly. All the hatred I felt for my fate, for the Guardians, hell for Nislani, was put into my actions. I could feel Nislani's hate burning up as well. We converted it into pure sexual energy and threw it at one another. I cannot describe the feelings I had in those few moments, a lifetime of frustration boiled down to its purest for and then ejected in sex. It felt so good and also so...emptying. I cannot do the sensation justice. I never felt anything like it, before or since.

I don't know who started first. In fact, I think we might both have started our climax at the exact same moment. All I know is that I thrust my cock into my sister one time, extremely hard. And it felt like her cunny grabbed me tightly. I could feel the muscles rippling inside of her body. I felt myself go tense at the exact moment I felt Nislani's body going rigid underneath of me. I closed my eyes and heard a low croak issue from my throat, and I could heard Nislani moaning as well. Her arms pulled me in tighter and her cunny milked my cock expertly.

Suddenly, I felt a sudden burst of pure energy. I felt the world melt away and suddenly there was an intense, soothing wave that poured from my sister's cunny, wrapped all over me and turned my bones to jelly. The only bodily sensation I could feel was the seizing of my cock as gob after gob of thick seed poured into my sister's cunny. We had done it, the ceremony was completed. We had done our duty and accepted our fates.

A few seconds later, my seed spent, I collapsed onto my side next to Nislani. The marble felt cool on my sweat-dampened skin and I panted furiously to catch my breath. I could see Nislani breathing also, her hands were down between her legs, feeling the seed overflowing her cunny. I felt empty, drained entirely. There was a hush in the room and it seemed no one really understood what had just happened. The only sound was that of desperate breathing. Though, I thought I could hear the drip of my seed as it dripped onto the marble floor from my sister's cunny.

"The marriage has been consummated," Kardes said, "Nislani has proven herself and able Consort. The Guardians wish you both a lifetime of happiness. The ceremony is over. The Guardians are hereby disbanded. We may now leave." Kardes spoke quickly as if she was desperate for the ceremony to be over and to be out of the room. Cin and the priestess seemed ready to leave as well, more bored by the ceremony than disgusted. Cin had already achieved what she wanted, she had performed the wedding ceremony and preached a sermon about Gunes to the masses. Watching people who already believed fuck one another was really beyond the interest of the priestesses.

"You've done well Sultanah...And the Consort as well. I am proud of you both for doing your duty," Cin said. Agiz and Got both congratulated us quickly and then filed out of the room to return to the party. Cin was hoping to work with the aristocrats while they were drunk, to get commitment on conversion. The baron's wives moved slightly slower. I could still hear them talking, especially once Cin and Kardes were out of the room.


"It is like they wanted to do it..."

"They enjoyed it, we all must do what we must but we don't have to like it..."

"I will never get the image from my mind..."

"You are all exaggerating, it went well," Kukla said. I turned for a moment to watch as the childish women collected themselves and walked from my chambers. But even as they expressed their disgust, I noticed that their faces were flushed and that their nipples were sticking out hard through their robes. They sort of slinked from the room and I could tell their cunnies were wet. None of these women had ever been fucked like Nislani was fucked, with their tired old men scrambling over them. They had never had someone abandon their senses to fuck them beyond the point of reason. They might have legitimately been disgusted. But they were jealous too.

I laughed a little to myself and then turned to kiss Nislani on the cheek, to thank her for doing her duty and for helping her dynasty. Apparently, Nislani had had the same impulse, and she turned her face towards mine on the floor at the exact same moment. Without planning, Nislani and I suddenly found our lips pressed together as we panted, naked, on the floor. For a moment we stopped and our eyes opened, confused. We giggled nervously but I saw Nislani's eyes grow softer. Mine did the same. I pressed my lips more easily into my wife's, and we shared our first real kiss.

End Chapter 10


Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. Especially on a massive project like this, it took a year to write and could take longer to edit. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Don't complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don't sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

depressing. destroy my sister's soul but it's all good she's my fuckbuddy now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I loved that forcing them to engage in all three acts both brought the sisters together, but also created jealousy in the Guardian wives. While their being able to find joy and sexual satisfaction despite their animosity was somewhat foreshadowed by the previous chapter, using the animosity of the other women toward Nislani to truly create a loving experience was a wonderful twist.

Blue Eyes

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I agree as well

Absolutely fantastic!!!

pearlygrlpearlygrlabout 7 years ago
I agree!

I have to agree with the comment below! Absolutely Fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

HOLY F**KING SH*T MAN!!!!!!!!!!

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