The Sultanah Ch. 09


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"Would you please come into the bed? Leave the others there for now. I must speak to you alone," I said. Without another word, Tutuklu spread open the canopy and slipped naked onto the bed. She crawled across the vast fabric until she was close to me.

"How may I serve you, Sultanah?" she asked. Something in her voice indicated that she was a bit confused about what was happening. Finally, I could not hold back anymore, I had to tell her the plan.

"You will instruct the other three women outside to disrobe. Then you will ask Metres and your daughter Fahişe to join you on the bed. You three will sit together at the foot of the bed and I will speak briefly with Metres. Then you will order my half-sister into the bed. You, Metres, and Fahişe will then watch as I have sex with my...with Yarım. This will be my trial run for my wedding night," I explained.

I remember where this idea had come from. I had been thinking about the fact that I would need to have sex with my sister in order to consummate the marriage. I had a fear that the time would come and I would be unable to act (it was only slightly more intense than my fear that the time would come and I would do it). I wanted a test to ensure that I would be able to do it, something that would allow me to back out before it was too late if I could not. But I could not think of any way. I certainly wasn't going to sleep with my sister before the wedding night.

I had refused to share my fears with anyone, but Cin had obviously noticed my intense discomfort. She had suggested that I go to the harem, to let off some steam before my wedding night. She had not suggested my current course of action. But when she said, "remember, you do not have to love your sister. Treat her no differently than you would a member of your harem," that the idea came to me. The inspiration to have my half-sister's mother watch (as well as another mother and daughter pair) had just occurred to me. It would help me replicate the awkwardness of the consummation ceremony on the wedding night. Although, as Tutuklu called Metres and Fahişe into the bed, it suddenly seemed like a much less clever idea.

The two women crawled into bed, also naked. As I said before, Fahişe looked remarkably like her mother, though younger. The same lithe form, the same high breasts, the same olive skin, even the same pink slash between her legs. Metres was around the same age as Tutuklu, perhaps a little younger. Despite this, she did not look quite as appealing as the Pezevenk. It was not that she was unattractive, in fact for a slightly older woman she was quite pretty, she just lacked Tutuklu's possessed, dignified air. Metres was slightly shorter than Tutuklu, maybe 5'6. She had black hair that was pulled back in a tight bun. Her face was open and warm (though it looked slightly nervous now) and she had an angular nose and wide lips. Her breasts were very large, but only sagging slightly with age and her nipples were large and pink. Her body was curvy with a slightly narrowed waist and a large bottom. Her legs remained shapely and her feet were small. She maintained a small patch of dark black hair above her cunny, though it was well-controlled.

"Please, sit at the foot of the bed, Metres in the middle," I said, my voice sounding shaky and uneasy. The women nodded and obeyed my commands. Soon, the three women were seated in the proper location. Metres sat in the middle her legs grossed in a manner than spread her cunny wide. Tutuklu and her daughter sat on either side of her. I don't know if they planned it or if it was part of the training, or if mother and daughter were simply so very similar, but Tutuklu and Fahişe sat in the exact same manner. This gave their appearance a distinctly symmetrical and attractive appearance. They propped themselves up on one arm, leaning in towards Metres with their legs folded over one another elegantly off to the side. I saw the way their pert breasts pressed against the flesh of their arms as they tilted their heads to the side, letting their long hair drape over their shoulders.

I wanted to stop and admire their beauty, but I saw the ill-concealed anxiety in Metres' eyes and I decided to push forward. "Metres," I said, "The girl outside, is she your daughter?" My voice sounded more commanding than I thought possible and Metres reacted with studied precision.

"Yes," she said, "Yarım is my daughter." The woman's voice was low and seductive, but it sounded trained. I wonder what she normally sounded like, how she wanted to sound.

"How old is she?" I asked sharply. It felt good to place myself in control here, I reminded myself that I would be in control at the wedding as well.

"20 years," Metres responded quickly. My father had stopped going to the Harem 16 years earlier.

"She was born here? How long have you been in the Harem?" I asked both questions at once. I trusted Tutuklu, but I wanted to get this information from the mother's mouth.

"She was. I was born here as well. I have never left," she said and I was a bit surprised. It was rare for a family to have several generations live entirely within the Harem. It was rare for the requisite skills and beauty to pass so many times.

"Who was your father?" I asked, intrigued.

"The Sultan, Kral III," she said, almost continued speaking, but I raised my hand. My grandfather was her father. She was my brother's half-sister.

"And who is Yarım's father?" I asked. Her eyes grew wide and she looked at Tutuklu. The Pezevenk nodded slowly and encouragingly.

"The Sultan, Kral IV, your illustrious father," she stated flatly. My father had, accidentally or not, continued the ancient tradition of Gunes as well. He had coupled with his sister.

"Therefore," I said, my mastery of the situation not quite enough to stifle my nerves any further, "Yarım is both my cousin and my half-sister." Metres shook her head and looked nervous.

"We do not place ourselves in that position," she stated, "We recognize our position below you..." she looked nervous. I wondered the source of her concern, I had raised the issue. As usual, Tutuklu sensed my concern and addressed it.

"We sisters of the Harem," she said, "are familiar with stories of the past. Certain Sultans have decided upon their ascension to dismiss their harems. Or dismiss part of their harems. Including their father's bastards. It is difficult for a woman who has known nothing but the harem. She is often made a common street walker. It is a fear many have had since you took the throne, though your previous visit eased some concerns." Tutuklu spoke easily. She already knew my plan.

"That is not my intention. This will remain your home and your daughter's home at least as long as it remains mine," I said calmly, smiling at Metres who looked relieved, "though you may like what happens here less than expulsion," I said nervously. Metres looked slightly concerned at that, but did not speak. "Tell me this," I added before she had a chance to think on it too deeply, "Is your daughter a virgin?"

"A virgin?" the woman asked, her brow knotting.

"Has she been fucked?" I asked. Metres looked helplessly at Tutuklu and shrugged.

"What else would she be, Sultanah Varis? She has had the training, she is not unskilled. But your father...he never came here. There is no...It is impossible," she said. I raised my hand again.

"I did not intend to trouble you, your answer is sufficient," I said. I had known she was a virgin, but again, I wanted to hear it come from her mother's mouth, "You must now watch as that status is taken from your daughter. I will steal your daughter's virginity. I will take my sister's virginity. You will watch. And this mother and daughter will watch as well," I said, pointing to Tutuklu and her daughter. An awkward silence descended on our canopied bed. I sat in it for a while, soaking in the discomfort, wondering how I would react.

"Do you wish for Yarım to enter?" Tutuklu asked after a while. I shook my head.

"No, first I must be disrobed," I stated, "Tutuklu, I want you and your daughter to crawl up here and disrobe me." Tutuklu and Fahişe moved as if they had been shot up by springs. They were so used to following commands that they didn't even think, they simply acted. Both women rose quickly onto their hands and knees on the bed. They began to crawl across the fabric expanse. They looked up at me as they moved, their full breasts swinging below their serene faces and their asses high in the air. Once again, they moved in unison through choice, training, or inclination. I was intrigued by the idea of looking at a beautiful spring morning on one hand and then, on the other, the same location on a full summer evening and realizing that while one was more uncertain and the other more mature, they were equally alluring in their own way.

In a few moments, they were on either side of me. As I had noticed before, it seemed that elegant disrobing had been one of the many skills imparted to the Harem. Without speaking to one another, or even really taken notice of one another, their hands flew over my body lightly. I barely felt as their palms and fingers skittered across my thigh or touched briefly on my nipple. They did not so much lift me as they encouraged my movements into the most economical motion so that, in a matter of seconds, I lay naked on the bed, my clothes dropped out of the canopy of the bed. Tutuklu and Fahişe knelt on either side of my hips, facing towards one another and waiting for my next order. I looked down at my body, laid out on the bed. It was tauter, more tanned than it had once been. My actions were making me more fit and less included to sit and eat indulgently. I looked good. But I noticed that, between my legs, my cock hung low and tight against my body. Despite the beautiful women around, I was not aroused. While I had taken on a commanding air, I was quite nervous still. Maybe more so that before.

I don't know what compelled me to take my next action, to make my next order. I had promised Tutuklu that her capacity would be to watch. I had no intention of going back on my promise. Further, I didn't really know what I was trying to prove. But I thought, if I could just see this happen, if I could see it and know that it was not disgusting or fatal, maybe I could go through with this. I believe that maybe this would calm me.

"Tutuklu, lean forward. You as well Fahişe. I want you to kiss one another. Not as mother and daughter sisters of the Harem," I said, using the phrase Tutuklu had tried. I heard Metres on the far side of the room take in a sharp breath. Both Tutuklu and Fahişe turned to look at me, shocked. Despite their usual willingness to do anything I ordered, even before the words spilled full-formed from my lips, their natural aversion to the action had overridden them. Fahişe's cheeks were red and her mother looked like she felt betrayed.

"I..." Tutuklu began, but then stopped. She lacked the words to give defiance, but it was clear that this was what she desperately wanted to offer. I reached my hand up closest to her and placed it on her thigh. I felt the warmth of her skin under my hand and felt her trembling. I felt that same trembling inside of me and I knew I was chasing the right feeling.

"I promised you something and I will not breach that wall. But I need this. Do this, and I will forever be in your debt," I stated. Rather than ordering or blustering, as I certainly could have within my rights, I beseeched her as a person. I confirmed my promise and respected her aversion. She sensed this difference and, it seemed, respected it. She nodded slowly and then turned to face her daughter. Fahişe turned as well, looking at her mother nervously, her eyes wide.

"It is okay Fahişe," Tutuklu said in a voice that was different than her normal tone with me, it was the way she spoke with one she truly loved, "We will trust the Sultanah and do our duty." She said. Fahişe nodded uncomfortably, but it was clear from her motion that she had given up her will. She cast her lot in with her mother, and let Tutuklu take all the responsible actions.

And, now that she had decided to act, Tutuklu took those actions quickly. She leaned forward, over my body and lifted her hands. Her right hand (the one closest to me) reached forward and rested gingerly on her daughter's hip and her left hand reached up, grazing across her daughter's cheek and then coming to rest on Fahişe neck. Fahişe followed her mother's lead. Her left hand reached forward and rested on her mother's wrist. Her on right hand reached forward and rested on her mother's thigh. She leaned in as her mother pulled her gently on the back of her neck.

The two women paused. It was likely only half a second, but that time seemed to stretch out for an interminable period of time. Both women had their eyes open and they were looking at each other intently. Fahişe's eyes showed both fear and an underlying trust in her mother. Tutuklu's eyes showed intensity that seemed to combine both an intense love for her daughter with an overarching desire to do as she was ordered. In a moment, that pause was broken, both women closed their eyes as the same time, and leaned forward.

Fahişe instinctively tilted her head slightly to the side and I watched as her lips met and then sank into Tutuklu's lips. I heard a low moan escape from one of them as their lips fused together. I saw the muscles in their arms and legs tense as they touched. For a moment, their lips were simply pressed together, the soft pink strips of flesh resting on top of one another. But it was clear that whatever invigorating feeling that someone feels with a first kiss was not absent here. In fact, it seemed that the effect was greater than they expect. I saw a shiver run up through both of their bodies and, in the same instance, I saw their lips begin to move. At first they simply moved in opposition to one another, pushing more fully and trying to sink more deeply into the kiss.

They both groaned now, but as they did so, their mouths open. Without hesitation, their tongues spilled forth and found each other in the space over my body. I watched as their tongues, mother and daughter, fell over one another and lapped at one another. I watched as Tutuklu pressed her tongue into her daughter's mouth and then watched as Fahişe returned the favor. Their hands clenched tightly on one another, but somehow their bodies grew limper, like they were melting into one another. Their tongues grew bolder, slipping around one another's lips and tasting each other decadently. Either they were trained exceedingly well in the art of affecting passion, or they had actually released themselves into the sensations they felt.

The exhilarating sensation that seemed to envelop mother and daughter was not limited to the participants. I watched the proceedings, awestruck. At first, I had merely been shocked by what I saw. Despite the fact that I had precipitated it and had some idea of what it would look like in my mind, the effect was far more powerful that I had expected. The strength of the taboo and also the passion it aroused was greater than I could have ever expected. The shock faded quickly, but the excitement remained steadfastly behind. I admit that I enjoyed what I saw. It was no simply the fact that I would gain pleasure from watching any two beautiful women kiss one another, it was excitement from the fact that these two, mother and daughter, should not be acting in this manner. The taboo itself, was the draw. I had, perhaps, known this deep inside of myself before I saw Tutuklu and Fahişe together, but I could only acknowledge it now, in the full grip of my passion. And, in embracing the feeling, I noticed something different. I looked between their bodies and down towards my legs. Between my thighs I saw my cock growing hard, rising up to meet the mother and her daughter.

My eyes followed the tip of my cock up, rising to watch the women once again. They were growing more wanton now. Perhaps it was simply their training taking over. Maybe it was something else. Their tongues moved thickly, tasting one another with abandon. Their heads moved more quickly, trying to gain leverage to feel more of one another. They were moaning loudly now in time with their caresses. These, too, were growing more intense. I watched as their hands began to move on one another, stroking arms and hips, even bellies. Their motions became so emphatic, so loosed from control, that something they had no quite intended happened. Fahişe leaned in more fully towards her more, running her hand toward her mother's elbow. But, as she did so, Tutuklu turned slightly. The result, was that for just a briefest breath of a second, Tutuklu's nipples grazed against her daughter's nipples. I watched it from my location as if it were in slow motion, the touch of the sensitive, now erect, nodes at the ends of their breasts.

Instantly, everything stopped. It was like a switch had been thrown. The two women, at the exact same instant, seemed to recognize that some border had been crossed. Or, more accurately, that they had been crossing the line all along and only now came to terms with it. They jerks their heads back quickly, breaking their kiss, and their hands fell instantly to their sides. They both looked down, not daring to gaze into one another's eyes.

While the mother and daughter had stopped their actions, the excitement had not faded for me. If anything, my interest had grown. Trained concubines, blushing and feeling ashamed. Somehow, that was almost as thrilling as the kiss had been. My body felt like it was one fire and my cock was now fully erect, straining hard at my body. I felt ashamed of the feeling I had, but this shame was completely covered over with excitement and desire. In fact, that shame seemed to add to the intensity, to make the excitement I felt more acute and deeper. For a brief moment, a vision of my sister, Nislani, flittered through my head. I saw the shape of her body and also the outline of my distaste for her. Was there something there as well? Something I could use when I needed it? I didn't know, but I was ready for the test.

"Thank you both," I said, and both women jolted slightly, "Please return to your places. And call Yarım." Both Tutuklu and Fahişe returned to their spots next to Metres. They both looked a bit disheveled and uncomfortable, like they had been possessed and then returned to their changed bodies. Metres looked slightly terrified, but her cheeks were also flushed with arousal. I knew that I was not the only once excited. I knew that even Tutuklu and Fahişe were contending with the reactions of their bodies.

"Yarım," Tutuklu said woodenly, pulling me out of my consideration of the situation, "You may enter." All eyes turned to the canopy of the bed and listened as the footfalls of our last companion made her way to the bed. Surely, Yarım had heard what was spoken of beyond the canopy and knew what to expect. If she did not desire it, she had been trained well enough to comply anyway. The canopy split open and Yarım climbed into the bed. In a few moments, she was upright, naked, on her knees next to Tutuklu. Her appearance took my breath away.

It was not that she was beautiful, although she was undoubtedly that. Tutuklu had been right. I could see a resemblance to her mother. They were both basically the same height and their skin and hair was the same color, although Yarım let her grown long and lay in a thick ponytail. She also had the same open face, slightly large nose, and generous mouth. Moreover, I saw in Yarım's delicious body, the taut curves that must have served her mother well in the past. Like her mother, Yarım had large breasts, those hers sat up high on her chest. Her body tapered down slightly more than her mother and her stomach was thinner. Yarım, like her mother, had very wide hips and a large ass. However, Yarım's large ass was almost impossibly firm, sitting up high behind her like a shelf below her back. Like her mother, she had a small v-shaped patch of short, dark hair over her cunny. She also had her mother's shapely legs and small feet.