The Panty-Chasing T-Mom MILF


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"You sure talk a lot. Only about yourself. It's very rude," she chided him.

"And so is kidnapping," he muttered. Looking down at his wrists, he could still see the imprint of her hand where it had held him.

"What did you say?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow.

There was no chance he would repeat what he had said. "Why can't I convince you my mom cooked this whole thing up. It's all about her getting her own way."

Alina didn't immediately answer. She turned the wheel and pulled into a random parking lot. The intimidating young t-girl turned her head and stared at him without uttering a word. Maybe she had heard his under the breath comment. "Are we going to have a problem tonight?" Alina tapped her painted nails on the steering wheel. "I'm not liking your attitude so far. When you're not talking about yourself, you're talking about your mother. Tell me now if this is going to continue. I'm going to have to do something about it, if so." Her eyes narrowed as they looked down on him.

"No problem here," he choked out.

The car fell silent after that. Back on the road, Luke's eyes drifted over to the towering t-girl. She had the most beautiful face he could ever dream of. But then below that her body was hard and muscular. Then there was the matter of her cock. He didn't want to think of that. He stared longer than he should have at her big, perfect breasts. Had the story his mother shared been true? Did this breathtaking mix of masculine strength and feminine beauty really force a guy and a girl and then leave them both naked on campus? It seemed plausible from what Luke knew of the girl so far.

The car stopped. Luke realized they were there. Alina got out the car first and opened his door for him like the guy in the relationship would. The threat his mom made about "Lucy" haunted him again. She grabbed him, by the hand this time, and pulled him with her into the restaurant. A few people stared as they walked in. It wasn't every day you saw a girl like Alina. Luke couldn't help but eye her curvy, muscular butt as she walked in front of him to a booth.

Alina called over a waitress and ordered while Luke sat across from her uncomfortably. Then she ordered for him, and without asking him first. This seemed to be even more evidence to Luke that his mother's "Lucy" suggestion might not have been a joke. He had to say something about it while they waited for their food. Before it was too late. "I know you told me I was bringing up my mother too much," he began. Luke took a nervous sip of ice water to wet his throat. "But she must have made up this story. She said you got expelled for, for..."

Alina cut in, "If you have something to ask, ask it."

Luke jumped in again, "I just wanted to hear it from you. You weren't expelled for, uhh, the serious thing she said you were. Right?"

"I don't fuck girls," Alina declared. "Unless it's to prove a point. They disrespected me," the muscles in Alina's neck seemed to swell. "And you've done nothing but disrespect me all night. I may need to tweak your attitude."

"I'm, I'm sorry," he stammered, as he seemed to be doing since the moment he met Alina. "I've been a little off. My mom blindsided me by making this date." Alina's nostrils flared and Luke realized he'd said the wrong thing. "But! But, it's not that I wouldn't want to be on a date with you," he hurriedly tried to please her. "If you'd let me explain this whole thing, it's just that I needed to be home tonight. My mom boned my friend yesterday. Now she's going to do the same thing to the girl's mother if I don't stop her tonight. She's always lying. She manipulates everyone!"

"You shouldn't speak badly about your mother," Alina replied sternly.

"But that's how she does it. She manipulates and she lies. I need to stop her."

Alina's face refused to reveal what she was thinking. The muscular t-girl took a long drink of water from her glass. She looked around the restaurant and then she said, "I never lie anyone into bed." Alina's voice got more heated, "If I want something someone won't give me, I change their mind. I don't need to manipulate anybody."

Her response didn't inspire confidence in Luke. "What, what do you mean you change their mind? You like beat them up?"

"No!" she shot his question down, her agitation at it showing. "I'll ask someone out and make it clear what I want. If they say no, I can smother them under my ass. Or between my tits," she pushed her breasts out by tensing her biceps, "until their answer changes."

Luke sunk down in his booth seat about a foot. It hit him that in all likelihood, this muscular t-girl was going to take his anal virginity tonight. And there was nothing he could do about. He stopped asking questions after that.

The food came. The waitress set it all down on Alina's side of a table. Two burgers, a large milkshake, an order of fries, and onion rings. "Which one is mine?" Luke pointed to the burgers.

"Yours?" Alina furrowed her brow. "You didn't order anything. I ordered these for me," she answered. Alina picked the cherry off her milkshake and licked the whipped cream off of it. The cherry was almost the same color as her lips. She popped it into her mouth and then picked up the milkshake and twisted the straw around. She brought the straw to her full lips.

"Oh." Luke went quiet again. Luke watched Alina eat. He waited to order himself a Coke until the waitress came by to check on them. Alina slathered barbeque sauce on everything and switched between taking bites of each burger. Her muscles flexed and bulged with every movement she made. It was obvious that she'd finish everything at the table. His curiosity got the best of him and he asked, "Do you always eat like this?"

"Like what?" she asked, a big bite of the bacon cheeseburger in her mouth. Her eyes focused on his, like she was ready to blow up at whatever he might say.

"Uh," he shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I just like watching you eat." He wanted to pay her a compliment somehow, but he realized too late that that one might come off as lame.

Just then a young couple walked through the door of the restaurant. Alina watched them closely. Luke took a sip from his Coke, waiting to see what she would do next. It was a good thing he hadn't ordered any food. Alina had tied his stomach up in knots. After the couple ordered, the guy left for the bathroom. Alina got up from the booth without saying anything to Luke. She walked over to the girl and they started to converse. Luke strained to hear them, but his ears couldn't pick them out from the rest of the restaurant. At the end of the conversation, he did make out a giggle from the girl. Alina returned to the table, seemingly satisfied with herself. Another minute passed and the girl she'd spoken to unexpectedly, to Luke at least, left the restaurant.

Luke stared at Alina, trying to figure out exactly what she'd told this other girl. When the guy came back from the bathroom, he was very obviously surprised to find the girl he'd been with gone. Luke watched him look around the restaurant for her and that's when he spotted their booth. Alina waved at the guy and smiled. It was the first smile Luke had seen from Alina. The guy's demeanor immediately changed and he hastily left the restaurant. Luke was too afraid to ask.

Alina's plates were nearly clean when she told him, "I expected more of a conversationalist."

"I don't feel too good," he was actually telling her the truth after all he'd been through today.

"We'll get the check and leave," she told him.

"Thanks." Luke checked the clock on the wall. With any luck he could still get home before Mrs. Lewis ended up naked in his mom's bed.

The check came. Luke reached into his pants and found no wallet. He remembered he'd never changed. Alina reached into her purse and pulled out cash. "I'll pay you back when I get home," he told her.

"You will have paid me back already by the time I get around to driving you home."

Luke was left to wonder if her comment was a joke or not. She provided no hint. But he became more convinced that she wasn't going to drop him off at home as they got in her car. "What are you going to do with me?" he asked the t-girl that towered over him in a small voice.

"We'll go back to my place," she answered.

"Then what?" he bit his lip.

"You know what," she replied with a hard look on her beautiful face. "I won't have to smother you, though. Not unless I want to. You'll do whatever I want. You're too afraid of me already to put up a fight. Am I right?"

"Yes," he replied meekly.

"Is that so?" she crossed her arms under her breasts and watched him closely.

Luke shook his head softly up and down. Tears welled up his eyes.

"If you despise liars so much, why are you lying to me? That's a dangerous thing to do," she remarked.

"I'm not lying. I said you can do anything you want," he choked out.

"Because you're afraid of me, huh? Is that the only reason?"

"Stop rubbing it in!" he cried.

"I think you like being afraid," she observed. "I mean what I say, and tell you what I want, regardless of how you'll react. Must be refreshing, considering you live in a house with the mother you do. For what it's worth, I believe you about her."

What she said about his mom made him feel good. Then he really thought about the rest and responded, "No one likes being afraid unless they're at a scary movie or something and know things will be back to normal afterward."

"The fear is only part of it. You couldn't take your eyes off me all night. Did you think I didn't notice?" To Luke's amazement, she started to smile again.

On the defensive, he told her, "Everyone looked at you when we got to the restaurant. I assume it comes with the territory."

"Not like that," she continued undeterred. "Your eyes followed me everywhere I went like they were attached to my body. To my tits and to my ass in particular." Luke's face started to redden. "You were like a little puppy," Luke hadn't been sure she was capable of laughing until she did then.

"I, I was not," he stammered.

Alina's face turned more serious again. Her brow lowered and she looked at him long and hard. Then she leaned across the car and kissed him. The kiss started out forceful before softening. Or maybe it was Luke who softened as his body turned to jelly and his heart hammered around his chest. Alina's supple lips opened. Her hot tongue snaked through his half-open ones and swirled confidently around his mouth until finding his tongue. Alina had her strong hands holding his arms. She pressed his body all the way into the passenger door, continuing to maul his mouth. Luke panted like the little puppy she'd just mentioned when Alina finally broke the kiss.

"Case closed," she said. Alina started to pull out of the parking lot.

"But if you believe me, about my mom, about Mrs. Lewis, you'll take me home?" he asked her.

"Not a chance." At the next traffic light, Alina looked over Luke's body from head to toe. Luke could see the lust in her eyes. His gaze drifted and then suddenly zeroed in on her skirt. He gulped when he saw the massive tent growing there.


She drove him to a hotel. Alina got out of the car and opened the door for him once again. "I'm staying here while I'm in town. My mother doesn't like the way I spend my nights," she explained. Alina hooked her arm into his and led him through the front door of the building. They got to her floor as another guy happened to be walking down the hallway. He saw Alina and ran down the stairs in the opposite direction.

Inside Alina's hotel room, she grabbed a soda from the fridge and then sat down on the bed. Luke looked around the room and couldn't find a single chair. Alina could tell by his face what he was wondering about. "I put all of the chairs out on the balcony. A bed alone does it for me. If someone doesn't want to come up on the bed with me, they can sit on the floor." Luke looked from the floor to the bed, unsure which would be better for him. "If you can't decide, take the floor." Alina seemed to be getting a little impatient, "Guys can never make your their minds."

Luke sat down where he had been standing on the carpet by the bed. He licked his lips, still tasting that kiss they'd shared. He looked up and found himself to be at roughly eye level with the monstrous bulge in her skirt. "You can take my heels off while you're down there," she told him. Luke took each of her heels off. Alina sighed, wiggling her toes. "Now kiss them," she told him.

"What?" he squeaked. He didn't think she'd go that far.

Alina pushed one of her big feet into his face. She lifted it up so that the heel was against his chin and the toes ended somewhere above his hairline. This left this entire face covered by her foot. "I said kiss them," she wiggled it against his face. "If you had chosen to come up here with me, I would have said 'kiss me' instead."

"Wuhh, cunnn I uhhh cummm up therrrrehhee?" his voice came out muffled under her foot.

"Hmmm..." Alina rubbed her foot around his lips and nose. "You may." Luke started to get up, but Alina pushed him back down on the carpet via her foot against his chest and said, "First you give it one kiss as a penalty."

Luke knew there wouldn't be a better deal in the future. He sucked it up and pursed his lips, smooching with the arch of her foot. Afterward, Alina lowered her foot, pausing to strum her big toe on his bottom lip and then beckoned him up on the bed. She said, "Come here, my little pup." While not in love with it, Luke considered "my little pup" better than "Lucy" and so he didn't say anything about it.

Alina turned her body toward him on the bed and folded her legs. She started unbuttoning her blouse, to Luke's fascination. Luke only had a few seconds to study her chiseled arms and abdomen before the bra came off too. Two feet from his face sat the most wondrous set of tits he'd ever set his eyes on. Despite himself and his desire to get home and stop his mother, he fell under their trance.

"Suck on my nipples." Luke didn't need to told twice. He leaned in and took one of her stiff nipples between his lips. Alina ran her long nails along his back. Her perfume smelled wonderful. Luke switched from one nipple to the next. He tried to take as much of her areola into his mouth as he could along with the nipple. His hands found their way to her breasts and started to squeeze them.

Alina's powerful arms shot up and caught his hands before he'd managed to get in one good squeeze. She pushed him off of her and back against the bed. "Suck means with your mouth," she told him harshly. "I didn't tell you to grope them with your greedy little hands!"

"I'm sorry! I thought it was ok." This was more worked up than Luke had ever seen her. "I should have asked or waited for you to tell me what was ok."

"Lift your arms," she said curtly. Alina peeled his shirt off. Her long nails dragged over his chest, then all the way down to his pants. Those came off next. "Kick out of them," she told him. Alina seemed to calm down from the earlier incident as she let him go back to sucking on her breasts now that he was left in only boxers. Alina's nails slid down his back and slowly pushed through the elastic of his underwear. "Have you ever been with a woman?"

Luke had been so wrapped up in her tits that he hadn't even realized where her hand was until it split the cheeks of his ass. Her nipple fell from his lips, "Yes."

"I mean a real woman," she clarified. "One like me."

"No," he answered quickly.

Alina's eyes went back and forth from his face to his backside. "Have you ever put anything in your ass before?"

"No," he answered again.

"Good," she said. Her eyes locked on his and his did the same with hers. All of the sudden he found he couldn't look away. Alina let her nail lightly trace down to the opening of his asshole. "Are you hard?" she asked, the answer in full view.

"Uh-huh." He couldn't pry his eyes off hers. She rarely blinked, her first two fingers now toying with his entrance.

"Take my skirt off, little pup."

Luke's hands reached her skirt. He fumbled with it, not knowing how much time passed while his eyes stayed on hers. Alina reached around herself and got it off. She lifted up, keeping her eyes focused on his and wiggled the skirt free. Alina put her hand on top of his head, she manually lowered his gaze to her lap. He saw a pair of panties which looked like they were stretched to their breaking point by the enormous trunk standing up inside them. Luke's hands were shaking. He realized his arms were extending out toward Alina's engorged prick. "Do, do you want me to take it out?" he asked.

Alina nodded her head, she seems just as engrossed as Luke. His hands fixed to the band of her panties and pulled them down. Alina helped him along the way by lifting her butt off the bed. Her big hard cock, pink in color, with blue veins running the length of the shaft, popped out and bounced around in the air. Alina whipped her panties off from around her ankles. She slid her powerful legs out on either side of Luke and stretched them out on the bed. Luke found himself closing the distance between her cock and his face.

"Can I suck on it?" He asked her, then wondered if that had been him speaking. It sounded like him talking, but could he really have asked her that? Being straight and all...

"You may," she replied, "but only enough to get it slick. I'm going to deflower your ass with my first cum."

Luke thought he'd just press his lips to it, suck the tip. His lips made contact with her throbbing length. His lips opened wide to accept the monster. He drew her womanhood into his mouth and sucked it deep. Drips of pre-cum slid down his throat. Alina's incredibly strong hands locked around the back of his head. She pushed his face lower on her cock. Luke suppressed a gag. He looked up at Alina and she looked back at him. Her face, usually so unrevealing, told him everything he needed to know about the pleasure she was receiving. "Mmmm," someone moaned and Luke genuinely didn't know if it was from him or her.

"Stop," she told him as though she didn't want him to.

The grip of her hands on his head prevented him from stopping. He tried to speak. "Mmmuhhmmghh," was all that would come out. Her massive womanhood was too thick to speak around. His words vibrated through Alina's throbbing pole.

"I said stop," she told him again. Amazingly, she seemed just as powerless as him to stop. She pressed another thick inch between his lips. Luke's face got redder. He tried pressing against her herculean thighs to no avail. Finally her hands relented. Luke dislodged her large organ from his mouth and caught his breath. "We're going to have to do that from start to finish sometime. Maybe on our next date," she told him. "If I like what I get from you tonight."

Alina threw Luke under her arms, lifted him off the bed and roughly stripped his boxers off. Luke cringed when he saw his cock next to hers. She really was that much bigger. "What should I do now?" he asked.

"Now," she ran her nails along his thighs, "you kiss me." It turned out that Alina did most of the kissing. She threw her heavy body into his and kissed him with a savage lust. They made out like that, her body on top of his and her hard nipples poking into his chest, until she told him to roll over.

Luke knew it had all come down to this. He'd been drawn too deep in this to think of disobeying. He was beyond the point of even knowing if he wanted to... disobey. He didn't know if he wanted to put a stop it. He hoped she wouldn't ask him that question. Luke turned his body over. He felt Alina's weight shuffle lower on the bed, then her big hands on his small cheeks. Luke's eyes shut and his body tightened. Alina's nails dug into the soft, smooth skin of his butt. She spread his cheeks in silence and looked at his little wrinkle. The next thing Luke felt was a glob of saliva land on his hole as Alina spit. He winced, trying to brace himself for the worst.