The Novice Ch. 02


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As the belt came to rest on her clothes, long fingers splayed over her belly, drawing her up against him so that she was fully aware of the growing hardness pressing against her bottom.

"Tell me the name, Audrey," he breathed against her ear. Fingers trailed up her arm and gently circled a taut nipple, sending shivers coursing through her. She shook her head, the slightest of movements, and squirmed in his arms when he pinched the rosy tip, feeling the zing of pleasure and pain shoot between her thighs.

"Then I want you to bend over the desk with your elbows on its surface," he commanded softly, gently pushing her toward it. She hesitated, gazing over her shoulder at him with wide troubled blue eyes. She couldn't have known how much he enjoyed her resistance, making her eventual yet inevitable surrender that much the sweeter.

"Father, I-"

"Wilful disobedience is an unbecoming trait in a nun," he advised her warningly, his steely grey eyes locked with hers. "Before I punish you, I want to examine your skin for any signs of chafing caused by the belt."

"Oh," she whispered, chewing on her bottom lip.

"That's it," he murmured as she did as she was bade. Her face heated at the thought of her creamy bottom exposed to his all-seeing gaze as she rested her weight on her forearms. Her body tensed as she felt the brush of his gown against her ankles.

"Wider," he commanded, his fingers tapping against her inner thigh.

She inched her ankles further apart, biting back a moan of shame.


Tears filled Audrey's eyes as she forced her thighs almost painfully wide, until her belly came to rest on the desk's cool surface.

"You are pink," he murmured, a warm hand caressing her bottom. She gazed down at the polished surface of the desk, conscious of the rise and fall of her unfettered breasts as he stood silently behind her. He moved away, and returned with a small glass jar that he placed on the desk beside her hip.

"This will soothe the chaffing," he said as he scooped up some of the substance and rubbed it between his palms. Audrey flinched as his hands settled high up on the backs of her thighs, before a soft sigh escaped her as firm hands began kneading the soothing cream into her tender flesh.

Audrey's breasts jiggled with his strong circular movements, her head bowed, her breathing uneven. She bit her lip as his hands moved higher, his fingers digging into her bottom as he worked the cream into her soft skin.

He bit back a groan as the circular motions of his hands drew her cheeks apart, tantalising him with glimpses of the tiny rosebud nestled in their depths. She squirmed delightfully as his finger stroked her there, teasing the puckered little entrance. Time enough, he thought to himself as his fingers delved lower to caress her lush lips, discovering the dewy moisture gathered there with a groan of pleasure.

Audrey felt a wicked heat swirling between her thighs, and it took every ounce of control to remain still and not push back instinctively against the exploring fingers. Yet she couldn't prevent herself from wiggling slightly as he stroked her bare lips and mound with tantalising softness, wanting, needing more.

The memory of Lukas pushing up inside of her, stretching her exquisitely, tormented her fevered mind until she was breathless and on edge, a helpless yearning filling her, almost drowning out the feelings of uncertainty and confusion that plagued her.

Her bottom quivered as the massage went on, soft whimpers and moans escaping her. She felt his warm breath gently blowing against her dewy heat, and almost slid bonelessly to the floor from the overwhelming need that swept through her.

"Tell me now, Audrey, and your punishment will end," he murmured, his finger lightly tracing the valley between her pouting lips. Her only response to his gentle teasing was a soft moan. He chuckled softly.

Audrey arched as a finger probed her dewy gate, easing its way up inside of her tight pussy. She clenched down hard on the invading digit, her whole body a mass of quivering nerves.

As the finger began to glide in and out of her, generating an exquisite friction between her thighs, she began to protest weakly. Surely it must be sinful to experience such pleasure in the place the nuns had forbidden her to touch. "Please don't," she whimpered, and a gasp escaped her as Father Matthews slapped her bottom firmly.

He caught her upper arms and dragged her upright, the burning hard length of him pressing threateningly against her bottom.

"Do you seek to deny my right to punish you for your disobedience, and through me, God?" he demanded against her ear, his breathing uneven.

Tears flooded Audrey's eyes as she felt him grind himself against her, and she shook her head desolately.

The breath caught in her throat as fingers trailed down over her belly and traced maddening circles on her bare mound. Her knees began to buckle as his fingers dipped lower, stroking the tender valley of flesh, and an arm around her waist caught her, anchoring her against him.

Moisture trickled between her thighs as his fingers toyed with her, and her head fell back against his chest, her breathing haywire, her nails scratching his forearms as she felt herself spiralling out of control.

She cried out as two fingers plunged up inside of her, the arch of her hips forcing her bottom to ride the hard pulsing flesh nestled against her bottom. He began to thrust his fingers inside of her, over and over, until she was pleading with him to end this torment.

"Kiss me," he breathed, his lips trailing down over her temple and cheek as he sought her mouth. She turned her face toward his, and moaned beneath the heady onslaught of his mouth as his lips moved forcefully over hers.

She felt as though her body was on fire as his fingers rocked inside of her, her pussy squeezing down hard on his fingers and drawing a groan from him as the unbearable tension coiling low in her belly built to the point of unbearableness.

She whimpered in distress as his hand fell from between her thighs, her rippling pussy clutching at emptiness.

"Please," she begged, feeling as though a mere brush of his fingers against her throbbing nub would send her toppling over the edge into the realm of ecstasy.

"Tell me," he whispered against her swollen lips.

Tears of desperation filled her eyes, yet the words wouldn‘t come to her. She barely registered the hands circling her waist, turning and lifting her until she sat with her bottom on the edge of the desk.

She gazed up at him with wide midnight blue eyes as he gently guided her onto back, her hair spread out in a cloud beneath her. She lay, panting, dazed, her sweet features flushed, her arms sprawled out to the side. She offered no resistance as he drew her thighs apart, unable to murmur even a protest as his gaze lowered to feast on the glistening pink flesh between her thighs.

"Tell me how you feel, Audrey," he commanded her, and she trembled as he moved to kneel between her parted thighs.

"Wicked," she moaned, seeking to close her thighs against him, but he held them firmly apart with strong hands.

"Do you wish this wickedness to be drawn from you?" he enquired silkily, his hands stroking her inner thighs.

She nodded, quivering, fighting to bring her body's weakness back under control.

"Then recite your prayers," he ordered.

She did so, for what seemed like hours, her gaze fixed firmly on the ceiling as slowly the throbbing ache between her parted thighs began to abate. All the while his fingers traced lazy patterns on her trembling thighs, oh so close to the melting core of her.

She stumbled mid-sentence as fingers lightly brushed her glistening lips, sending trails of fire deep between her thighs.

Audrey's eyes widened as she felt him draw her pouting lips abruptly apart, revealing the extent of her shame. Heat rocked through her as she felt cool air stir her dampness, before a soft firmness settled over her dewy core. Audrey tensed in alarm as she felt something probing in her folds, sliding over the wetness there, only to realise in dawning horror that it was his mouth exploring her.

She stiffened, and his fingers slapped her mound. "Did I tell you to stop your prayers?" he breathed against her, and she hastily continued, barely able to concentrate as quivers racked her.

The coiling, swirling tension low in her belly grew in intensity, undaunted by the words she quoted from the bible in an attempt to purge herself of the wickedness that seemed to overpower her mind and betray her flesh.

She knew she should tell him what he sought, to stop this punishment, yet she was lost to the delicious curls of excitement unfurling between her spread thighs as his tongue delved between her folds.

She was squirming, writhing, as she felt him probing her dewy gate, before surging up inside of her. His fingers dug into the tops of her thighs as he held her still as his tongue stabbed at her snug channel.

"Please," she pleaded, shivering as his tongue swirled inside of her, her fingers raking along the desktop.

Audrey stiffened in bewilderment as a teasing finger slid along her glistening cleft to circle the tiny bud hidden there.

"No," she moaned in distress as she realised his intent, yet he ignored her plea. A finger, liberally applied with cream, pressed against her there. She squirmed helplessly, the pleasure of his mouth dimming as the burning sensation grew. Slowly the tiny entrance began to yield and the tip of his finger slid inside of her.

"Open to me, Audrey. Accept God's punishment," he commanded, as his finger speared her relentlessly, sliding deeper inside of her clenched bottom as she arched against him.

Lightening flicked through her as his mouth applied a gentle sucking pressure on her throbbing nub, drawing gasping moans from her. She cried out as the ring of muscles gave way, and his finger surged up inside of her until she squeezed several inches of the invading digit.

"Oh, god," she cried out, feeling herself quiver on the edge of a dark chasm as her bottom began to adjust to the shocking intrusion, her tight bottom clenching down hard on the finger as it thrust deep inside of her, seeking to expel it within her depths as she rippled and shuddered as tension built between her thighs.

She moaned as he withdrew from her, tears of frustration filling her eyes. He rose between her thighs, wiping his mouth on his sleeve as his gaze moved intently over her.

"Do you know what I'm about to do, Audrey?" he demanded huskily.

She squeezed her eyes shut, nodding shakily.

"Open your eyes. Tell me," he commanded.

She blinked, her dark gaze slowly focusing on his. She had thought those grey eyes cold, yet they swirled with a burning intensity that both scared and excited her. "You – you're going to push that hard thing between your thighs inside of me," she whispered.

"Yes, Audrey. I'm going to pleasure your innocent body with my cock."

She watched helplessly as he slowly removed his gown, his eyes never leaving her expressive face. She moistened her suddenly dry lips as her gaze flickered down over the muscular chest and flat belly to the thick shaft rising from its nest of curls.

Her eyes widened and she moaned in horror at the size of him. "No," she whispered, trying weakly to climb up on her elbows, but a hand between her damp breasts forced her back down onto the desk.

"It will hurt at first, Audrey, and is fitting punishment for your disobedience. But soon you will enjoy the feel of me there, moving deep inside of you."

She felt powerless to prevent him from drawing her legs up until her ankles hung over his shoulders. His fingers cupped her bottom, lifting her, and she moaned as she felt him sliding along her slick folds, seeking the dewy gate at her core. The head of him probed at her, until he lodged firmly against her tiny entrance.

"No," she whispered helplessly, her body weak and flooded with pleasure, her hands pushing futilely against his flat belly.

She moaned as he pressed against her, instinctively squeezing her knees together against the feel of him slowly filling her.

"You have one last chance to avoid punishment, Audrey," he groaned huskily, the tip of him sheathed in her snug channel.

She squirmed helplessly against him as he prodded threateningly against her there, wanting to confess her sins so this punishment would end, yet she was unable to form the words, her young body's longing to experience the press of hard male flesh deep inside of her clouding her mind.

"So be it," he said. His fingers dug into her hips as he begin to surge inside of her, forcing her painfully open to his invasion. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she felt herself stretched unbearably, her hips arching at the burning sensation of him sliding up inside of her. She whimpered as the movement only forced him deeper.

As he came to rest against her maidenhead, his gaze locked with hers, some semblance of reality returned. "I-" she began breathlessly. "It was L…"

"Shh," he murmured huskily, his fingers closing over her mouth.

Relief washed through her as he began to withdraw from her, yet at the same time her traitorous body cried out for the feel of him sliding up deep inside of her.

She began to relax, but without warning he thrust powerfully into her, tearing through her virginity as he buried himself to the hilt inside of her and spearing her on his thick cock.

She screamed, her nails digging into his shoulders as pain shot up her spine. She gazed up at him in hurt disbelief, unwilling to move even the slightest for fear it would cause further pain.

"Please don‘t hurt me," she implored him, her lashes fluttering close as she slowly adjusted to the burning fullness of him locked deep inside of her. What had she done? Through wicked disobedience, she had surrendered her purity and chastity, virtues that were sacrosanct to a nun.

She moaned as his slightest movement sent a quiver through her. "Stop," she begged, her small hands pushing against his where they gripped her hips.

"Don't fight me," he groaned huskily, brushing her fingers away as his hand slid down over her belly. She whimpered as a finger slid between her dewy folds, teasing and caressing the nub nestled in their depths until she bucked and writhed on the hard length of him.

"Please don‘t do this," she cried, and relief rushed through her as he began to finally ease from her, even as her body arched at the exquisite friction the movement caused between her thighs.

She cried out as he thrust back into her, forcing her tight pussy to accept him as he slid up deep inside of her. She tensed, but where before there had been a burning uncomfortableness, now there was only breathtaking pleasure.

He rotated his hips, drawing moans from both of them. She knew she could not let him continue her defilement, just as she knew that it would be a losing battle if she had to fight both him and the growing frenzy between her thighs.

She squeezed her eyes shut and pinched him on the arm. Hard.

He didn't so much as flinch as he began to rock inside of her, driving the exquisite agony between her thighs to incredible heights.

As her fingers sought to grip the edge of the desk for lever her hand bumped against something solid. He began to take her with driving thrusts, forcing himself over and over into her tight pussy, and her trembling fingers clutched at the unseen object.

She was drowning in the flood of pleasure rippling out in waves from between her thighs as she raised the jar of cream, and brought it crashing against the side of his head. He staggered back from her, his heavy shaft wrenched from her tight pussy as his hand flew to his head, his gaze incredulous.

She was as shocked as he, yet the sight of her blood on his cock only spurred her on, and she slid from the desk on trembling legs.

"Audrey," he muttered, his hand reaching out for her but she scampered sideways, and almost tripped as she scooped up her habit where it lay pooled on the floor. She clutched it to her breasts as she backed hastily away from him.

"Don't - don't touch me," she murmured tearfully, unable to meet his steely gaze.

She bumped against the wall, and quickly turned and darted through the doorway.

Louis was stunned. The soft blow hardly caused more than a moment's fleeting pain, yet this unexpected development made him pause.

He had known from the beginning that she was different from the others. Her innocence and naivety were unfeigned, yet her uninhibited responses to his exploring caresses was undeniable. Most if it not all the nuns tolerated his sexual demands, even enjoyed it to a great extent. Yet in Audrey Louis sensed a dormant sensuality that could easily match his own dark desires.

Louis had greatly underestimated the young novice's strength of resolve and her commitment to a way of life that had been forced on her by circumstance. Yet this knowledge would not deter him from discovering a way to set her sensuality free.

And soon he would discover the name of the nun that had seduced her, and if need be, use them as a tool in overcoming Audrey's senseless resistance.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

who wrote this evil story ? jews? hindus, muslims?? !

they have their own institutions like convents .

how the hell would they like Christians to write a sordid mess of a story about them ? m

yeah : I thought so !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


SubmissiveAudreySubmissiveAudreyabout 7 years ago

Part two brings just as much pleasure as part one dare I say more! Finding out more about the characters in this chapter was very interesting and I am so glad my feelings for Lucas weren't as shameful as I thought after reading chapter one lol! At first I thought him the devil :D and finding myself drawn to him was a little scary :D . Chapter two has settled my mind in my choice of who to fantasize about (although lets face it... I fantasized about both lol)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
5 stars

I wish there were minitaurs in this story. So far this is one of the best on here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
That's not how it works . . .

Um, the whole "maidenhead" thing isn't real, you know. It's a bit of extra tissue around the entrance that stretches when you first have sex or masturbate, not some magical barrier inside a woman. Some women don't even have one at all. A simple Google search could have told you that if that's really something you don't already know.

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