The Milking Herd Ch. 02


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He was right, she needed milking. Her nipples felt sensational! They were deliciously alive. Both breasts felt full and productive. The rhythm was getting to her. The relentless sucking of her nipples was sensitising her whole body. She fidgeted, parting her legs slightly. She was getting creamy down there. She pulled her thighs together, crushing her sex.

She began to rub her legs together, as though making fire. She was soon ignited, only to suffer from frustration, without something to quench the heat. She couldn't reach past the frame she was leaning on, or the cups milking her.

When he walked in she stopped squirming. Almost past caring what anyone thought, she was prepared to do anything to cum. She felt him pull the shorts down. The loud whimper was either meant to complain, or encourage him. It was impossible to tell which it was.

She exhaled a long blown out sigh. At first it felt as though his penis had nudged her. Wanting to look around, from needing to see him, only a deep embarrassment stopped her. It was as though not seeing him touching her there, resolved her from blame. She felt him slide into her so easily, it showed how wet she was.

Thoroughly confused, she watched him return to the machine. Wasn't he still inside her? Through half closed eyes, she watched him again make adjustments, by flicking switches. The thing inside her began to move.

With eyes now firmly closed she felt him pat her head and speak. Whatever he said she heard not a word. The wonderful sensations were rocking her back and forth on the frame. She was delirious with pleasure from the feeling of being full.

The dildo throbbed and twisted inside, reaching deep into her vagina. It pulsed against a hard distended clit. Instead of yearning for an orgasm, she begged for it to continue, not wanting the all consuming sensations to ever end.

All too soon an orgasm rocked her. From her vagina out to her fingertips, a charge slowly boiled through her body. In her brain it felt as though all her circuits were melting, or catching fire.

For a moment the muzzy feeling parted like clouds after a storm. A stark reality shook her. She had let a machine give her a fantastic orgasm! The cloud soon closed in again, like night time drawing a veil over a valley. Her valley was sparkling still. The post orgasm left her with an all pervasive sense of well being.

Her head was lifted. She opened her mouth for another dose of medicine. She wanted to curl up in bed, with him cuddling her. She would have to make do with his comforting words.

Unable to stand, she let him lead her out of the milking room. Unaccountably he led her into a stall. Well, she couldn't make it back to the cottage while in such a state of weakness. She fell asleep, while he told her not to worry, and that he would look after her. There was no need to say anything, for she just knew he would.

How long she had slept it was difficult to say. The cows were being milked, for it was their comforting moos that woke her. She was on hands and knees strapped to a frame. What was so unusual, apart from being in a stall, was how she was hooked up.

A muzzle with a tube in her mouth, was frightening. She tried to shake it off, but it was strapped around the back of her head. She suddenly stopped moving her body on feeling something else.

The thing he had pushed into her vagina was inside. She was sure it had been removed earlier, or was it yesterday? When did she have that fantastic orgasm? Shaking her body again, she felt the cups gripping breasts.

She was fully awake now. She had been right all along. Her sister must have suffered this horrendous torture too. She hadn't searched the milking shed, so maybe she was still here.

The buzz of machinery alerted her to something amiss. The suction on her breasts intensified. The rhythm of before started up. One breast was sucked then the other. They were being squeezed. Her nipples were being pulled upon. She was being milked again!

Determined not to give in this time, she concentrated on the horrible situation of being kidnapped. Of being forced into being milked. It all made sense now. The chemicals listed were to improve the herd milking yield. He had used them on her! A side effect enlarged her breasts.

At least she knew what was happening. She tugged at the frame holding her in place. She felt the dildo in her vagina start up. It took a lot more concentration to overcome that. She was losing the battle. Despite her resolve, she drew closer to an orgasm.

Then something else happened. It was something in her bottom! Her eyes opened wide in shock. Liquid was gushing into her anus. As quickly it was sucked out again. She cramped a little, only it was so quick the pain was easy to take.

Realising how much the machine controlled finished off the remaining resistance. From then on she gave in to the building climax. When it came it was as intense as before. Her whole body shook.

Quickly coming round she realised the tube in her mouth was feeding her a liquid. Was it her own milk? Was it laced with those nasty drugs? She hated to think about it, only it was a way to keep thinking, and not sink into lethargy. She hoped this was some kind of nightmare, where she awoke in her bed, or at least in the cottage.

Betty drifted off to sleep. It was the only option for there was no chance of escaping from the stall. It was sparkling clean, though not where she would chose to spend a vacation. A nervous giggle broke away from around the muzzle. She examined the padded cuffs holding her to the sturdy frame. There would be no escape.

All she could do was wait for a chance to get free. Perhaps there would be an exercise period, to keep her fit.

Two days later, and after many orgasms, she heard voices. They weren't in her own head either. Two men were talking. Rob and a stranger. Her pulse quickened. They were talking about her. Would this mean a chance of escape?

"This one isn't ready yet. I need a high yield, and maybe this one won't reach the target," Steve complained.

"I'll give you a discount," Rob encouraged him.

"What's wrong with it then," Steve asked, sounding suspicious. He leaned into the small stall to poke its udders with a solid finger.

"Nothing. It's not so far along the process that's all. It will soon start producing a good yield, like the others," Rob promised.

'My God! He's selling me like a cow from his herd!' Betty murmured into the muzzle.

She thought of her sister, wondering if this was a way of reaching her. The fear of being sold off to a farmer, to become a part of his milking herd, was overpowering the need to find her. There were others! She wondered how many other women had been caught like this.

"It's not the price I'm worried about. Their upkeep means they have to produce enough milk, or I make a loss," Steve told him.

"The same old story. My grandfather and father used to say the same thing," Rob laughed. "You know this one will produce as much as the others, given a few days. I'll not budge on price. That's it," Rob stated.

"Well, OK. We have a deal," Steve reluctantly agreed.

They spat and shook hands, in the old traditional way of farmers.

"When you leaving then?" Steve asked.

"What?" Rob asked, with his head cocked to one side.

"You heard me," Steve said, without conceding a fraction of his stoic expression.

"Soon," Rob said, while wondering how the man had guessed.

He was closing down operations at the farm. The cattle would be auctioned off to local farms, with the usual complaints about dairy farming not paying. Instead he had planned an early retirement. He was off somewhere warm and exotic, where living costs were cheap.

It all started accidently. His girlfriend had been the first to suffer the effects of the experimental yield enhancer. She drank a lot of the farms milk, where a chemical residue remained in the milk. Just enough to increase her breast size, and make her lactate.

She had intended leaving him and the farm. Instead he hooked her up to the machine, one crazy afternoon after a row. Coming to his senses, he wondered what to do with her. A chance meeting with Steve, and a plan was concocted between them.

Steve had women volunteering their milk, but the market was bigger than he could supply. Suitable women among the volunteers, were 'persuaded', to stay on Steve's farm. With the help of a soporific drug they accepted the offer and were still there, being milked several times a day.

Betty, the latest milker was led out to Steve's pick up. On hands and knees she crawled through the milking shed, and directly into the back of the pickup. She didn't go without struggling. Kept drugged for several days in a stall, meant the objections were weak and ineffectual.

Betty wanted to go with the farmer, to find her sister. Despite that idea, crawling into the unknown was unnerving enough to resist. It was no good, they handled enough women like this before, so knew how to get their way with the minimum of effort.

Secured in the back of the truck she would have to wait for another chance to escape. The farmer trust her up in a hogtie. Well worn cushions kept her from rolling around. An old blanket kept her naked body from view. Even naked she would have welcomed a strangers intervention, with the opportunity of freedom.

At traffic lights she tried yelling for help. The ball gag was too effective. her voice sounded loud in her ears, but she knew it was a feeble sound in the back of the truck. If someone heard, it might sound like nothing more than the bleating of a farm animal.

That's how she felt. Nothing more than a battery chicken, or a hog in a pen. She wished she had taken notice of protestors, campaigning against cruelty to farm animals. She vaguely remembered something about dairy herds kept all their lives in milking sheds.

Was this to be her fate? Attached to a milking machine for the rest of her life? Her breasts were already complaining, from missing a milking session. Several times a day she had been milked, with the machine forcing her to orgasm. Soon her whole body would have withdrawal symptoms from a missing a session.

Led from the back of the truck, she crawled on soft rugs strewn over the hard concrete. The sound of the milking machines in action tugged at her mind. She could hear contented mewling sounds. Fully aware of what was happening, it wrenched at her mind and body.

A part of her wanted to join them. It wasn't just her breasts that needed milking. The deep satisfying orgasms had become a strong desire. Crawling past a row of stalls she stared at women's backsides. They had rubber dildo's, methodically moving in their vagina's.

She knew only too well what was happening. They were thrusting, wriggling, and vibrating in a familiar pattern. It was impossible to avoid an orgasm under such intense stimulation. She remembered giving in to the inevitable, time and time again. It struck her how big they were, and wondered if she had been fitted with one that size.

There were rubber dildo's in their bottoms too. These were still at the moment. Each morning an enema would clean them out, ready for the day ahead. After awhile this too became stimulating. With nothing else to do, except wait for the next milking session, any stimulation became an event to be welcomed.

"Sorry Steve, the stall isn't ready. Give us a few minutes," a worker explained.

"I'll leave you to it then," Steve said.

Tied up to a stall, Beth looked around, looking for a chance of escape. Her wrists and knees had been hobbled together, so that would have to be dealt with first. She wondered if the outer door was locked. She hadn't seen a key, or heard the grating sound of a lock.

Looking over her shoulder, she could see a large bolt securing it from the inside. They were probably more concerned with keeping secrets, over escaping milkers. Did that mean their security was lax?

A heavy mewling sound heralded an orgasm, by the woman in the stall she was tied to. The woman turned her head toward Betty with unseeing eyes. At the beginning of an orgasm she was in her own world of ecstasy.

Betty looked at the face, knowing how it felt. The woman was trying to look at the thing pleasuring her vagina. She didn't even know she was doing it, as it seemed to be just some innate reaction.

Betty gasped. It was her sister! Even though the woman wore a screwed up sex face, she was recognisable. The desk photo, from the pile of personal things supplied by her secretary, was recent. It was definitely her sister. As the next woman ensnared in their despicable trap, she was to occupy the next stall.

Betty looked below her sister. Under her was a pair of enormous udders. They were supported in slings. They were so big, there was no room between the suction cups and the floor of her stall. Each breast quivered in turn as the machine milked her.

This was how she must look when being milked. "Oh! God!" Betty exclaimed. Would her breasts become so big, after being fed that drug? Had Rob fitted such large dildo's into her, or would they work up to that size? She would be ruined by them, for no man could possible compete.

She began to struggle. After almost falling she concentrated on getting her wrists free. The muzzle prevented her from biting the rope. In the back of the pickup she had almost gotten them loose. Now they were unravelling. She would have to leave her sister here, and come back with help.

She just hoped someone would believe her. Men and women went missing every day. Only a few ended up here. It seemed Rob had carefully accepted the safe ones, where no one would come looking. This time he had been wrong. She had found her sister!

As the rope unwound from her wrists, a pair of boots came into her view of the floor.

"You're a lively one! In a hurry to get into your stall?" he joked.

With a hard pull on the muzzle, she was dragged into the next stall. Even though he had to hold onto her, he managed to secure her to the frame. It was padded to avoid injury. Sores were avoided by applying a greasy ointment twice a day.

Secured tightly in place, he began to attach her to the machine. She gave up protesting, as he took no notice of the garbled sounds emitted from around the ball gag.

Rubber cups were pushed over each long nipple. They fitted tight. They would be pulling on her nipples, milking her. The large cups were pressed over her breasts, held in place by suction. These would massage her breasts, just for pleasurable stimulation. The stimulation would also increase the all important milk yield.

Out of the corner of an eye she saw the dildo, ready to be fitted into her vagina. It looked far too big. She felt grease being liberally applied between her legs. Finally it pushed home, all the way up inside. If felt as though her entire body was being invaded.

She dare not think about how easily her body had succumbed to being touched back there. Her pussy began to open up from the touch of the hard rubber phallus, before she had a chance to resist. Not that there was anything to do about it. She was tightly strapped into the frame, held fast, with nowhere to go except in dreams.

The stranger removed the ball gag, ready to fit the feeding tube.

"Please, let me go!" she croaked. Her mouth was wet from dribbling around the gag, yet her throat was dry. Partly from crying out for help, and partly from becoming used to a liquid feed.

"Not up to me. I just work here," the guy stated.

Before she could utter another plea, he secured the muzzle around her head. Behind her he fitted the rubber nozzle into her bottom. This time she dare not watch. Feeling it slide into her rear was bad enough. She didn't want to see how big it was.

She was now secured to the machine. Her body was from now on controlled by it. The machine would remove her waste, feed, water, milk, stimulate, and fuck her. Her whole life would be controlled by the machine, until she became a part of it.

"All finished Joe?" Steve asked.

"Yep. Just need to program the machine for this one. What cycle is it on? The same as the others?" Joe asked.

"Only four times a day for the first week. By the way, this one is for breeding. That means no fucking it. Use its ass anytime you like, but keep away from its cunt. I've got hold of some sperm for artificial insemination. We need to start looking toward the future," Steve lectured.

"You should of saved your money. We could have done the job for you, Steve," Joe chuckled.

"This is specially selected, to produce good milkers," Steve explained.

Betty heard them talking and quailed at his words. She almost passed out. If this wasn't humiliating enough. She was going to be used to breed milkers.


Several weeks passed, while everyday Betty dreamt, slept, and climaxed. The cycle was programmed for six milking sessions during the day. A nights rest was needed. The first week, Betty was exhausted each day. Becoming used to it, the sessions were looked forward to.

The idea of being pregnant left her feeling warm and content. She smiled at the thought of a child growing inside her belly feeling its first kick. Her whole body glowed with appreciation for life and a sense of wellbeing.

The hum of the machine set her off. Like the others she made her own distinctive sound. Each made a noise of anticipation. Some started by sighing, and mewling plaintively before the machine even started up. Others began bleating on hearing it. The whine of electric pumps was drowned out by their individual sexual sounds, from needing to be milked, and satisfied.

Betty heard the pumps start, and lifted her head to gargle a sound in unison with the others. It was as though they were calling out to each other, though it was purely in anticipation of what was to come. Intense pleasure!

The frame she was held in had been adjusted higher, to accommodate her ballooning udders. Her nipples were fatter, and elongated into big rubbery teats. She sometimes watched her milk flowing from her breasts, through clear plastic tubes into the machine. Most times she was too far gone, in the throes of an orgasm.

The feeding tube had been replaced by a nozzle that could be sucked into her mouth. There were treats available in the feeding trough. Chocolates and other small treats were spilled into a pan, which she could stretch out to reach with her mouth.

The vibrations in her vagina, and the sucking on her breasts were in full swing. A fulfilling orgasm was on its way. Her head was full of delirious sensations and powerful emotions. Her body was on fire with excitement. The stimulation was all consuming. As usual a powerful orgasm rocked her entire body. Her nerves seemed to be on fire!

When she recovered enough, she stretched her neck to suck a piece of chocolate into her mouth. Life couldn't get any better than this. Later in the afternoon one of the farm hands might visit, to give her a special treat. He would pull the nozzle from her bottom, and fuck her ass.

She enjoyed Joe fucking her. He spoke to her in such a gentle way. Though Mark was more exciting. He liked her to talk dirty while he thrust into her. He stimulated her with naughty words, as well as his big cock.

They were considerate too. They kept a small nozzle up her ass, so as to keep it tight. It still gave her a good cleaning enema each morning.

Suddenly she realised today was a special day! She was to be exercised in the yard. She lifted her head to moan a happy cow sound. She really was a happy, contented cow.

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m1km1n30m1km1n307 months ago

Way to give us all that false hope, Author! Man oh man, these hucow stories are depressing as all get out. Women, drugged, sold and disappeared. (At least the ones in this story get chocolates and treats.) After the several I’ve read, I still haven’t found a way to enjoy them.

I need a sexy hucow story where she’s willing and he does all his own “milking” of several varieties and doles out nonstop “treats” because he can’t get enough of her. Maybe I should give the genre.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07about 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you for all the positive feedback. The various stories published here are what readers want as fantasies not in real life. Some people find it dificult to understand that important point and condemn the story and writer. I just hope to entertain readers with a what if story. Do aliens read books? Will AI be able to create stories with heart and soul? This series is set in the future when the banks and economy has failed completely and it is recovering in what we would think is a misguided way, or even looking at it in horror. Okay, you didn't need to read all this, back tot he series! ha ha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So enchanting and thrilling. I came just by reading and imagining it was me being milked and bred. I can’t stop coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don’t care for the abduction/ kidnapping parts.

Bill S.

thomas_deanthomas_deanalmost 2 years ago

On a Mission

Betty is on a mission. Betty is in search of her sister Cheryl who has disappeared without a trace after her company folded. The path leads Betty to a farm which provides an escape from it all. Will Betty suffer the fate of her sister? Read the story. It's a story well told.

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