The Chosin Ch. 02

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Lena meets her new Master, Kasra.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 01/22/2005
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William took me the long way back to the cave. He admitted it to me later. It was what Kasra wished. He did not want me to have contact with any other Chosin except him at least until I became more acclimated to my new home. It was for the best. Otherwise, I would have probably turned around and run back into the forest.

It was a long walk through the green forest. I took thick air into my overworked lungs. It smelt different than the air on Earth. Probably less pollution on Cho, I thought to myself with a smile. I guess I was in denial. I did not really understand how I got here. Maybe it was a dream and I would wake up. Maybe it was not real at all. I smiled again at that thought. It gave me some comfort.

Everything here seemed so deeply green! I could not get over how clean and green everything was. There were some sounds in the forest, normal sounds you would expect to hear. Some chattering of animals, what would pass for birds here I supposed. An occasional squawk of something larger, a growl from some type of beast and hisses of hidden snakes were but some of the noises I heard. I could also hear the babbling of a nearby brook, the sound of water tumbling over loose stones comforting to me. I was afraid.

I knew that Kasra lived in a cave on the mountain called Phenta-tak. I did not know much else about him. But our long trek through the forest made me think and also realize that I must have run quite a distance before finally collapsing on the forest floor.

William, who was taller than me at probably close to 6', was able to take long strides through the overgrown paths. I, at a measly 5' 4", did not have that luxury and was barely able to keep up with him. My long brown hair was also a hindrance, constantly getting tangled in low hanging branches. I was about ready to scream the fifth time it happened but William just turned around, came back to me and calmly untangled my locks from their captor.

I was weary by the time we reached the base of the mountain, if you could call it that. It really did not seem any different than the forest except it was a steeper uphill climb for both of us. I was nearly breathless from the climb when we finally paused before a small gathering of trees. I had seen quite a few of these on our trek uphill. Admittedly, the mountain was not as verdant as the forest. The ground was green, true, but the trees seemed farther apart and set in small clusters, almost as if they had been planted that way.

William pressed inside the small cluster of trees and I followed. Sure enough, the trees WERE planted, as foliage to hide the entrance to the caves. Hidden within, I saw the opening above which was a plaque of some type with raised letters. Reaching up to feel the letters on my collar, I instinctively knew they were the same as the ones on the cave. William, seeing my gesture, nodded his head and stated, "Property of Kasra".

I trembled at this moment. I had no idea what was ahead of me. But I knew it would not be anything like I could possibly imagine at this moment. I stood here in a strange place completely naked except for a collar, my hair in tangles from the hike through the forest, about to meet the man who owned me for the first time. I was terrified!

I could not move. It was if I had suddenly been frozen to the ground. My eyes grew wide with fright. For a moment, I considered running again. But where could I run to? I knew no one here but William and if what he said was true, there was no place I could go, no place I could hide. I was trapped.

Looking down at me, William quickly saw my fear and reached out to take my hand. "It will be alright, Lena. Trust me. You will survive", he calmly reassured me as he led me inside the entrance of the cave.

It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the interior. It was darker but light enough that I could see where I was going. There were torches spaced out upon the walls. I could see that the roof of the cave was high, I would estimate from my height and William's it was 12 feet up or more. The path inside the cave led forward and slightly down to a fork. William led me to the right fork and we walked down it a few feet before it opened into a large room within the cave.

There were more torches in here so it was easier to see. Again the roof was high and the ground well worn. There were the wooden storage boxes again, along the one wall. There were also odd things in wood and metal hanging from the walls. I assumed they were decorations. In one corner there was an odd pile of what appeared to be bedclothes. There was none of those cot-like things I saw at the building so I assumed Kasra did without. I stood there for what seemed forever, taking in the room, before I heard William whisper, "Sit and stay here." Doing as he asked, I took a seat on the floor of the cave as there were no chairs to speak of. He then left through the opening we had entered.

Shortly thereafter I heard voices. I could not understand what they were saying, I assumed they were speaking in cho, but I knew one of the voices was William's. I sat and waited, barely daring to breathe. I was nervous and frightened at the same time. I had no idea what was going to happen to me, who Kasra was, what he was like, how he would treat me and here I was owned by him!

There was a noise in the cave and I turned to the entryway. I covered my mouth to quiet my scream as I saw Kasra for the first time. I never had considered that the cho would not look human. But they most certainly did not.

Kasra was very tall, as I would discover most cho are. By Earth standards, he was probably close to 8' tall. He was humanoid, being he walked on two feet and had two arms. But that was about as close to human as he got. His skin was shiny and wet looking. It was the color of old parchment or newspaper left too long in the sun. His body was hairless or furless so to speak, just skin. His head was larger than a human head, with a large pronounced forehead. What appeared to be his ears were mounted high up on the sides of his oversized head. His eyes were a startling shade of yellow, the kind popular in horror movies back on Earth. His mouth was very wide, going nearly half way around the front of his head. It was filled with very pointed teeth and a long, forked tongue. What passed for his nose was extremely flat with two small openings through which to breathe and smell.

His arms, if you will, were long and thin. They hung down longer than human arms, nearly two thirds of the way down his body. At the end of each arm was a hand, five fingers like a humans (thank God for small miracles!) but the fingers were extremely long, each one at least about 6" and the middle ones possibly 8". His legs were about half his height, long and thin like his arms, ending at feet with much shorter toes than the fingers. But the toes were, as I would later discover, very flexible which came in handy for the cho since they did a lot of climbing on their world.

He was clothed only in the strange bit of leather about his midsection, the same as William's. At this point, I noticed William had slipped into the cave behind Kasra and was completely dwarfed by him. I blinked as my eyes went to William and then back to Kasra. I was tempted to faint but I took a deep breath instead. I heard something odd, a strange deep noise. I realized it was Kasra. I realized he was speaking. I realized it was not English.

"Ut inka yhop Hanta Kasra. Po ink Lena?" Kasra grunted. Speaking wasn't really what he was doing. And I really had no idea what it was he was doing. I looked at William with large questioning eyes.

"He said "I am your Master Kasra. You are Lena?" William translated. I turned my head back to Kasra and nodded in his direction.

"Junf puy ink po Lena, ert po ink juntalkasra." Again the harsh grunting and again I turned to William, bewildered and confused.

"He said "No longer are you Lena, now you are slave mate of Kasra." He will undoubtedly call you 'junta' for short, it is what most of the Chosin call their human slave mates here," patiently explained William.

Kasra then turned to William and grunted something that sounded like "Chia! Chia!" I laughed, thinking of the chia pets back home but William's voice stopped me.

"He has ordered me to go. Do not be frightened. I will try to come see you again soon." And with that, William disappeared and I was alone with Kasra.

Swiftly Kasra bent down and lifted me from the floor of the cave, carrying me to the wall with all the artwork. He set me down there and pulled two of the pieces down. I saw they were still attached to the wall with iron-like links and found that interesting. As I ruminated about this, he snapped the artwork around my wrists. Damn! That wasn't artwork. It was chains, I was imprisoned!

I lay there flat on my back, helpless, as he stood above me and took off the leather garment. It was more complicated than I had thought, one solid piece that wrapped around and another triangular piece that went between his legs and was tied to the back piece. When it was removed, I expected to see something but there was nothing. Sure I had been a virgin but I had seen plenty of photos of human cocks and Kasra did not appear to have one. I sighed in relieve and closed my eyes until I heard him grunting again.

I opened my eyes to see him opening what appeared to be a pouch between his legs. I was amazed I had not noticed it before as it looked almost like a long clit. When he had it open, out came the biggest cock I had ever seen, if you can call it that. It had to be close to 16" long and very thick, thicker than my wrists for sure. I looked at it, then up into Kasra's strange yellow eyes then back at his cock which was swelling and hardening before my eyes. I gulped. There was no way that thing could fit in me!

Kasra knelt between my legs. If I could have crawled away, I would have but I was effectively locked down. His long fingers reached between my thighs and, with a clicking noise, he parted my pubic hair and pressed open my vaginal lips. He pressed his cock against the opening and pushed it inside. I screamed, I had not choice. It was thick and it hurt! Kasra made a noise that I would assume would pass for laughing here on Cho. I had seen enough sex scenes on television to know to expect him to begin humping me like a demon, literally. However, he just slid about half of his long member inside me and stopped. Then, I began to feel a slight tingling in my pussy. So this was sex or what passed for sex on Cho? The tingling became stronger and I could feel his cock becoming fuller and actually throbbing inside me, almost vibrating. Slowly, it began to throb faster. Then faster and faster. And faster! Then Kasra's yellow eyes flew open and he grunted something that sounded like "trup!" which I would later learn was the cho equivalent of 'fuck!' and he released his seed inside me. It was warm and sticky but not unpleasant and I noticed that he continued to vibrate within me after. It felt nice and my body began to respond to it, even though I was basically just raped. I had played with vibrators back home on occasion and his cock inside me felt so similar. It was a very warm, soft and pleasant feeling and I began to feel my pussy becoming wet with desire. Kasra's eyes got very wide, I guess he was not expecting to feel any wetness other than his own, and his vibrations became harder and faster. I moaned in pleasure, it felt wonderful. I wished I hadn't been a virgin so I could see how different or alike it was with Kasra. But I was a virgin and, frankly, with Kasra it felt so nice. My body began to tremble and I felt my pussy contracting around him. He made another of his grunting noises as my body shivered beneath him once more and I reached my orgasm. Not bad for a human virgin raped by her chosin Master or at least I thought so.

Apparently finished with the mating thing for now, Kasra climbed off of me and stuck his cock back within its' protective pouch. He put his leather garment back on, which took him a few moments as it was a bit difficult to tie the back. It was certainly easier for a cho than it would be a human, however, since they had such nice long arms.

I laid there a bit dreamy, Kasra really wasn't that bad to look at. I had seen worse in horror movies. Hell, I had seen worse in Star Wars movies. And he did give me an orgasm. So I was content and smiled sleepily.

Kasra crossed to one of the wooden containers and took out a small leather pouch. He reached inside it and took something out, I could not see what. He put the pouch back inside the wooden box and this time used one of the devices from the wall on the latch. Later I would discover it was a lock to keep me out of it. He crossed to me and knelt by my side. He held in his fingertips what looked like small grey balls. He laid two of them on my skin right above my right breast and then, with his long index finger, he pressed them into my flesh. There was a slight sting and my eyes began to water but it soon passed. I didn't understand why he had done that or what it was for but I knew I would have to ask William as the only thing I understood out of Kasra's mouth was "junta".

Standing, he looked down at me with those strange yellow eyes and I shivered. I guess he thought I was cold because he crossed to the corner where the bedclothes were piled and pulled off the top a thick blanket that was lined with soft leather on the inside and warm fur on the outside. He laid it very gently over my chained, naked body and then quietly exited the cave.

I laid there for a long time, unable to move except slightly, thinking about my life as I now knew it. I was confused but not as frightened. And I rather liked the sticky feeling of Kasra's seed between my thighs. I am sure there were probably worse Masters or Hantas on Cho so I was not unhappy. My thoughts began to wander, thinking of those on Earth I had left behind and wondering if they knew I was gone. I was probably one of those Missing Persons statistics, never to be heard from again. Oh well, there was nothing I could do about that from here. I yawned, tired from my hike with William, the adrenalin rush of meeting Kasra and, of course, the orgasm. It did not take long at all for me to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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pet_tigresspet_tigressover 19 years ago

Interesting and creative! Highly believable with a wonderful quality of writing! I'd love to read more as soon as possible! I quite enjoy the tingling I experience while reading your story, too!

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