Sisterfest Ch. 05: Carys & Mike


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They snacked as best they could on the admittedly delicious food, and dozed in each other's arms, only waking when the car shuddered as it drove over some kind of grating. The car slowed to a halt and the doors swung open, where Paul and another big, burly man in a black suit and dark glasses waited for them.

"What is this place, why have you brought us here?" demanded Mike, but the large men just indicated they follow them. What followed was a long route-march through opulent corridors, up and down sweeping, elegant flights of stairs, and past huge paintings of fanciful shepherdesses and hunting scenes and women in elaborate gowns and wigs, to finally pass through a set of double doors into an airy sitting room bathed in sunlight. A tall young man with gold-streaked red hair stood up to greet them.

"Mrs. Elliot, Mister Kershaw, please, take a seat, we've brought you here to meet some people;" Mike bridled even as Evan said "don't worry, you know them well in fact-" Evan stood up, his face wreathed in smiles.

"Finn, Lara, good morning, and for once, it really is morning!"

At the mention of their names the Mike and Carys' heads snapped around, looking directly into the eyes of her son and daughter. Lara gasped, instinctively drawing closer to Finn as his arm went around her.

"Mum, what are you doing here?" exclaimed Lara, hugging her as her mother was suddenly holding her.

Carys shook her head in confusion.

"Finn, Lara...I don't know, I was getting ready to go to Uncle Mike's place, this man with a car turned up and said we had to come with them!" She looked away guiltily for a moment, then continued.

"They wouldn't take no for an answer, baby, they practically forced us into this blacked-out car and drove us for hours...what's going on, baby, who are these people, what do they want with us, what have you done?"

Mike was also looking confused, and more than a little angry, but he made no move toward the pair of them, possibly because they were flanked by a pair of large, black-suited men with sunglasses who'd suddenly appeared from nowhere.

Finn was still reeling with the shock of seeing his mother here, the last person he expected to see. Evan stepped between them, once again the urbane host.

"Please, Mrs. Elliot, Mr. Kershaw, have a seat, everything will be explained, I promise you."

Carys looked like she was about to object, loudly, but her brother touched her elbow.

"Carys, please, it's alright, let's hear them out..." he whispered, his touch seeming to calm his sister, and they both took their seats again.

Mike cocked his head at Evan.

"OK, now we're seated, perhaps you'd care to explain why my sister and I were virtually kidnapped and brought here, just who the hell you people are and what makes you think you can do that, and what the blazes do Finn and Lara have to do with all this!"

Evan leaned back in his chair, Robyn sitting on the arm next to him.

"Mrs. Elliot, Finn and Lara have been our guests over the weekend; they've been enjoying themselves along with our other guests, but we also invited them for a reason; to offer them a business proposal of sorts; they haven't rejected it out of hand, and we hope they'll say yes."

Carys snorted angrily.

"This is preposterous! My children are going to finish university, not go haring-off on some wild 'get-rich-quick' business proposal on your say-so, whoever you are!"

Evan frowned slightly.

"I rather think that's for them to say; they're both over eighteen, they have minds and free-will, and any decision about their future has to include them, wouldn't you say?"

Carys reared back at his confident tone, her face reddening as her anger rose. She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Finn.

"Mum, enough, please! Evan and his sisters made us an offer, an offer too good to pass up, and we're not going to. Lara and me, this is what we want, and we're going to accept. We'll both finish university, I promise, but this is what we want. Sissy?"

Lara took Finn's hand, Carys' eyes narrowing as comprehension dawned as Finn squeezed her hand in a more than big-brotherly way.

"Mum, Finny and me, this is what we want, truly. It's a fantastic offer, it will bring us all we've ever wanted, and we're taking it. I'm sorry mum, I wish we'd been able to tell you another way, but Finny and me, we're...together now, we're staying together, and this is the way to make our future happen!"

Carys' eyes widened as she took in what her daughter had just said. Her face suddenly paled as she exchanged a furtive glance with Mike before speaking.

"Are you telling me that you, you can't, you mustn't, it's wrong..."

Evan interjected before she said something she'd regret.

"Mrs. Elliot, because of the nature of the weekends we host here, we vet our guests rather carefully. Finn and Lara were vetted as a matter of course, and while we were checking them out, this came into our possession."

So saying, he slotted a USB pen drive into a port on the side of the huge TV screen behind him and clicked a remote. A video began playing, Finn, Lara and Carys all gasping as the scene unfolded.

There, on screen, were Carys and Mike standing in the doorway of a closed-up shop in Whitchurch market, locked in a passionate kiss, hands roaming over each other, Mike's hands openly squeezing and fondling her bottom as they kissed.

Another scene clicked on, this time Mike and Carys leaning against a tree in a park somewhere, kissing again, and this time Carys' hands were quite obviously fondling and squeezing Mike's cock, his own hands cupping her breasts as they kissed

The scene jumped, and now Finn recognised Mike's house in Oswestry. Someone had taken the movie with a long-range lens, the interior of the master bedroom visible through the feature picture window, and they could quite clearly see Carys on all fours on the bed, Mike kneeling behind her, their features clear and unmistakeable, her brother holding her by the hips as he pounded into her.

Carys had gone white, as had Mike, the blood draining from their faces as their secret was laid bare in front of her children, her expression aghast as Evan clicked off the television.

"So now you're going blackmail me, blackmail us, you'd do that to me? Why? Finn, Lara, don't...I'm..." she whispered, tears of shame in her eyes.

Lara longed to hug her, to tell her that she would never do that, but Evan spoke first, his voice soft and calming

"No-one's blackmailing anyone, Mrs. Elliot; I merely showed you that to underline that everyone here has secrets, so please, no more judging. There's only one copy of this drive, so here, it's yours, we have no use for it, keep it, wipe it do whatever you want with it. Would you like something to drink, some tea, perhaps, something to calm you down?"

Carys nodded gratefully, burying her face in Mikey's shoulder as one of the black-suited men nodded and turned away, leaving as silently as he'd arrived.

Mike cleared his throat nervously, drawing their attention to him.

"So if you had that...thing...of us...what next? Lara says she and Finn are together, why do they need to be here, what kind of proposition have you made them? They're still my niece and nephew, still my only family, I think I have a right to know!"

"Shall I answer that?" came a girl's voice from the doorway, and a tall, slender girl with long, gold-shot red hair swayed into the room, and sat gracefully on the other arm of Evan's chair.

"Mrs. Elliot, Mr. Kershaw, may I call you Carys and Mike?" Both nodded, so she continued.

"Cary's, Mike, My name is Sylvie, together with Evan and my baby sister Robyn we run a...a club here, a very special, very discreet club, but now we feel it's time for us to go, so we looked for people we thought could trust to take it away from us and do things properly. We found Lara and Finn, and so now all this you see around you, this house, this whole complex, the staff, the fleet of cars, everything here, now belongs to them."

She smiled at their thunderstruck expressions before continuing.

"They are the new owners, and all the privileges and responsibilities that go with carrying on our work falls on them. But they can't do it alone; they need their family to be there for them as well. This is where you come in, and the reason we brought you here."

She paused to smile at them both.

"The care and upkeep of this place is taken care of. Finny and Lara will each be paid a very generous allowance, several millions, and this place is theirs to do with as they please, however they see fit; they're the owners now. Their allowances will make them very wealthy, we've seen to that; their futures in that respect are taken care of. What they'll need from you is to know that you support them, that you'll be happy for them. In return, I have a proposition for you, for both of you."

Carys and Mike looked at each other, then warily at Sylvie.

"Go on..." murmured Carys, her expression softening as Sylvie smiled sympathetically at her.

"When Finny and Lara elected to throw-in with us, they became part of our family, a very special part. That also includes you and Mike, if you let it happen; we have it in our power to ensure that Kershaw-Elliot Associates becomes one of the most sought-after and successful architectural practices in the world; we have enough commissions spread among the 600 or so companies we own or control to keep you both busy and in demand for the rest of your lives."

"If we keep our mouths shut and stay away from them, I suppose...!" gritted Mike, to be brought up short by Sylvie.

"Not in the slightest; this is not an attempt to shut you up, or some kind of bribe; you're Finn and Lara's family, we couldn't very well give them everything they wanted and leave you to one side; no, this is a gift from them, not 'hush-money' from us, I promise you. We know you and Carys would like to be together. This is your chance; we have properties in Nice, Cannes, San Marino, Saint Tropez, a dozen other places, and we have no use for any of them, pick one, remodel it to suit you, live there and be together, that's really what you want, isn't it? "

Carys looked at Mike, her eyes huge as all her dreams were handed to her on a platter.

"Mike...please?" she said, almost too soft to be heard. Mike picked up at once the longing in his sister's eyes, and his face, so much like Finn's from certain angles, broke into a happy smile.

"Well, when you put it like that...!" she laughed, picking her up and spinning her around, before turning once more to Sylvie and Evan.

"Yes, we accept, yes, yes, yes!"

Carys held his face in both her hands and kissed him once, long and hard.

"Thank you, thank you all, this is the best. day. ever!"


Carys hurried home to the villa in St. Raphael, she'd just left the office in Fréjus with Mikey babysitting Morwen after sharing her news with him, she'd had to make him stay, her being pregnant always made him horny and she had a busy morning ahead of her. She clicked on the Skype connection and Hayley, Lara's best friend and self-appointed housekeeper answered.

"Hi Missus K, how's the baby? I saw the vids, you need to bring her home soon, I know just the most darling toyshop, as soon as Paul gets off the pot and knocks me up I'm raiding that place, you should bring Morwen, we need to do some damage!"

Cary's laughed out loud; Hayley had always made her laugh, so was so irreverent, and she adored Finn and Lara.

"Hales, are Lara and Finn around? I need to talk to them, be a darling and grab them for me!"

"I'll do one better, Mrs. K, I'll transfer you down there, they're still in bed, hold on..."

Suddenly the rumpled, sleepy-looking image of her children filled the big screen.

"Hi mum, what's cooking?" grinned Finn and Carys smiled and held up the doctor's reports.

"I am; tests confirmed today: one bun in the oven! I'm pregnant again, looks like you'll have another sibling to deal with, Finny, I hope it's a another girl, I really want another one, but if it's brother for you you'll have to teach him all the good stuff!"

Lara made the 'love heart' hand sign and Carys broke the connection.

"I have such wonderful kids!" she mused, and wondered what treats she'd whip up for Mikey when he brought their toddler Morwen home from the baby paddling-beach at Fréjus.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I read this series a year or two ago and have looked for it ever since having forgotten its name. I loved it the first time and I loved it just as much the second time. I don't care about the occasional typo; this is great erotic literature. Somehow though I was just a touch disappointed by the end; it was rushed. We needed to be there at the conception of Carys and Mike's children, rather than just read a report that it had happened. We needed to hear more discussions and understanding exchanges between the two couples: C&M and F&L. You could have squeezed out a little more exquisite sex juice from the plot and characters you created. That said, I can well imagine just how much it takes out of an author to complete a series like this and the temptation, even need to get to the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Having read 15 or so of your stories and reread at least half of those I would hope there are more to come . I don’t think any of the major studios would have the balls to produce any of your stories I think maybe HBO or Cenimax could as a series that wove a majority of them together to make some excellent entertainment that could go for a number of years. In the meantime please weave another couple of stories into some of the existing stories. We are waiting!

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICover 2 years ago

Another awesome story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is the weakest and I found rather hurried. It needs a long and relaxed re-write. It's a shame because you have already shown that you are capable of much better work.

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