Sharing the MILF List Ch. 09


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I moved away from Alissa, around the table. Annie, having watched from her elbows, lay down and arched her hips. I entered her. Once rooted inside Mrs. Kingston, I looked up at her husband and found Sid staring at my action with fevered eyes. He grasped my mother and with a violence I had not seen in him before, reared back and hammered into Mom with ferocity and force. She screamed but hammered her hips back at the great cock piercing her body. It was more than 'piercing', it was beyond 'penetration', she was being stretched over the man's cock, like a human condom, slowly being pulled into place where she would catch his gushing cum when he came into her body. She began to gasp and gulp as the cock worked deeper and deeper into her. Sid stuck assiduously to the task of stretching my mother's cunt to fit his enormous cock. He pulled, he grunted, he jammed, he twisted, he ground. Sweat appeared on his forehead and ran down his chest. He flexed his long, lean arms, pulled at Mom's waist and hips with his huge hands or gripping her ankles and making a V of her body which he pulled against himself. Mom moved her legs around his waist and began to pull but another orgasm interrupted her progress, shaking her to the core and rattling any control of her body loose from her conscious mind.

I bent Annie so that her legs where pinned to her chest and I began to pump her. She squealed and grunted but then she began to come the first time, her body straining against me as I pummeled her.

Sid watched his wife orgasming for a few moments and the resumed cramming Mom full of cock. Finally, he pulled back and rammed his hips forward. Mom groaned, wincing up into a curve and then dropped hard back onto the table, banging her head hard, perhaps hard enough to stun her. She lay, her head lolling to the side while her body twitched. Sid pulled back again and surged forward. Mom grunted and adjusted her legs, rocking her hips and groaning. Sid cried out and Mom screamed as his cock sank fully into her vibrating body. She hooked her heels on his hips and pulled and jabbed up at him with her pussy, grinding against him as the surges of orgasm overtook her in waves. She cried and groaned and finally she bucked, throwing her hips at Sid as he grunted and sweated. He pulled back pulling part way out of my mother but her body did not release him, clinched tight about his cock. He reversed course and found a small motion of little bounces, pulling and pushing, shifting back and forth while Mom swam in the current of a flowing ecstasy which shook and rattled her like she had no bones and her flesh was molten.

I seemed to have forgotten I had a woman wrapped around my cock, watching my mother climb the heights of pleasure a huge cock offered her. Annie had arched her body and was looking at Sid nearly upside down, tilted back onto her head. When I woke from my sex induced trance and pulled out of Annie, she grunted and dropped her ass, unsheathing me. My cock dangled in the air. Before I could orient myself, my mother took hold of me and pulled me around the table to her mouth. She had shifted to the side and lay half off the side. She twisted further, with Sid anchoring her hips to the near side, she dropped her head and pulled my cock to her lips. She licked, kissed and finally sucked me into her mouth. My cockhead pressed against her tongue and she painted me with it. Then she expelled me to vent a huge exhalation and then another paroxysm of orgasm rattled though her. She jerked and came again while Sid accelerated his cycles of cock into her body. His eyes were clinched closed and his hips banged my mother with increasing speed but less force till he groaned and his body lurched into Mom's body. Her legs were wide and Sid jerked and shook and grunted as he poured his cum into her body.

"Holy sweet, weekly fuck!" Alissa muttered. "I almost wish I wasn't an attorney! Fuck being an Attorney, I wish that was me!"

Sid's body coasted to a halt. He patted Mom and she struggled to get her whole body back onto the table. "I'll shrink in a moment, Cici." He gasped. "What a wonderful fuck, you are! Annie, darlin' you were right. Sonny's Mom is a hot piece of ass." Sid sounded euphoric, his bass voice twanging nearly as a tenor.

Mom lay back on the table. "What a feeling!" She groaned. "I swear I could feel his cock pressing at the back of my eyes, my throat, in my chest. What a cock!" She sighed again. She giggled. "I felt like a cockcicle!"

Annie rolled off the table and stood looking down at my mother with a face both wretched and jealous but also with amazement and euphoria matching Sid's own. After several still moments, she bent over my Mother and kissed the breast she could reach and then moved to kiss Mom on the mouth. "Thank you, Cici for fucking beeg husband. He love you pussy very much." She shook her head. "Thank you, Cici for fucking my husband so good. He come inside you and he miss that a lot. Thank you for us both! Maybe I can learn to fuck like you fuck him!" Annie stopped speaking and walked over to stand by Sid.

I glanced at the clock, it was nearing three o'clock.

Mom, when she was able, drank down a double of scotch, dressed and then wobbled out to her car. Sid shook her hand which made her laugh before he kissed her hard and thoroughly, squeezing her ass all the while. Sid did shake Alissa's hand and told her she would fuck me tomorrow, at the office for him and whoever else he invited. She nodded soberly but made him state clearly he would sign with them after she had sex in her office. He said it word for word. Annie waved and went upstairs and I led Alissa out the back door and into the yard.

I stopped her at the growing gap in the hedge. I waited. She stared at me.

I am not sure what I thought had just happened or what I expected next from this woman. She did not speak or avert her eyes. She gazed directly into mine, her eyelids closing and opening with long, sleepy sweeps. She seemed satiated which is odd since she had audited an orgy twice in the last two days with only a little for herself. I confess, I thought she would thank me or something like that but Alissa Honeywell did nothing of the sort. I also confess that her cavalier acceptance of this considerable benefit without due acknowledgement of my role irked me. I wanted to feel like I had a hold on her but that did not come clear to me till some time later. I wanted her to put her approval to the contract Sid had extracted from her. But she said nothing, though, in fact, she did stand there waiting on me to do something.

"Cuffs." I said finally, once the irritation had simmered long enough. I almost laughed at the look on her face. The bland conceit fractured and her mouth worked but no words came out. She seemed to be drifting back into our shared reality. "Cuffs." I said again, inflecting my voice to make it sound like a command.

Finally, Alissa nodded and she opened her purse and handed both to me. They rattled. I could not help it, I glanced back at the Kingston house and sure enough, Sid stood at a window watching us. Above him, I could just make out Annie's outline behind the half closed shades in the second story window. I took the shackles from Alissa's now trembling hand. The hand did not move but after I waited for a few moments, she turned her back to me and pressed her wrists together. I pulled the purse strap off her shoulder and past her hand before I fixed the short-linked pair of the two sets around her wrists. I put the purse into her hands and then fastened her upper arms, just above her elbows, pulling them back which arched her breasts.

"Let's go."

She resisted, pulling against me with her shoulder and refusing to move. "Sonny, what is wrong? This, this all of it, I am stunned. First you substituted Natasha for me and make me watch while you all fuck her, do to her what I wanted all along. I thought this was my time, my fantasy you wanted to fulfill. Then I wake up this morning knowing in my gut you have arranged to fuck my sister instead of me and I cannot imagine why. Now I stand here with the biggest coup in my life . . . just right there. I can see it, taste it. All I need to do is lift my dress and let you fuck me while he watches in my office tomorrow. Yet I feel sick inside, like something is wrong." She looked at me and the Queen of the World was gone. I saw genuine hurt in her eyes.

I froze. My mind went blank. For a moment all I could feel was a flood of satisfaction that made me angry at myself for being such a petty fuck. I liked seeing the hurt in her eyes. I breathed deep, remembering the purpose of all the maneuvering with Alissa; I had to break her to my will, that is what she longed for, desired but would never ask for. She could not ask for what she wanted; to the contrary, she would fight me the whole time, right up until the break was complete and she became mine. I thought of her treatment of me, bringing her sister in on what was essentially a private matter; sending me to airport like hired help. I kept reviewing her transgressions till the anger rekindled, burning away my shame at wanting to break her, feeling the thrill of bending her to my will. I released myself to the anger. I was almost there, almost had her remade as she wanted and needed.

"Goddammit, Alissa, this was supposed to be your weekend, just you and us. That was my vision. Laura would serve and kept you clean and stimulated and we were going to fuck you till you could not come again for a week and would walk funny for the rest of your life. You would never touch your cunt without remembering the pounding you got from the fabulous five. We were going fill you so full of cum people'd think you were white. But no, you had to blab to your sister and bring her here and inject her into our thing."

"Your thing? Or our thing?" Alissa sounded cold but her voice quavered.

"Our thing. You were going to be ours and all we wanted was the right to give you the greatest pleasure, the best sexual experience of your life. A unique blend of what you wanted and what we wanted to do to you. I wanted to fulfill your fantasies just as you imagined them. I wanted to give you the experience of being the woman who satisfied five men and felt them worship you with their cum and blend you with their orgasms. But you, you fucked it up!"

For a moment she held my gaze, then she lifted her chin and my heart sank. I was not done. I hated feeling this, the need to break her and it made me angry. But then I found the reason for the rage; she doubted me, my willingness to give her something wonderful, my ability to do so. She did not believe in me. I snorted, what a fucking stupid thought. What did I care if she believed in me? I asked myself the question and I immediately knew the answer. I needed her to show everyone she thought I could do what Peppers, Bickerstaff and Kline needed for their deal with the . . . whoever it was. I found I wanted that.

"We just wanted to fuck you like you have never been fucked before. But you insisted in sharing it. We wanted to just focus on you. Like we did with Natasha." I said.

"Like Cici? Just now?" Her voice lilted but the attempt at levity fell flat. She dropped her eyes. "And I fucked it up." Alissa spoke, her voice seemed to arrive from someplace far away. "I understand now."

I shrugged, the rage and disappointment seemed to leach out of me. I could not help it. The adrenaline of seeing Mom taking Sid's huge cock was wearing off, receding like I had just seen a plane crash and turned away from it, thinking it had never happened, could not have happened, disbelieving my own eyes.

"You wanted to . . ." Alissa choked. "I am sorry, Sonny. I thought giving you sisters would . . . I am sorry. I did not understand!"

She twisted out of my grip to look up at me. I could not meet her eyes.

"I swear, Sonny. All I wanted was to give you what you had last night, Friday I mean. You fucked us both, you were between her legs and then mine and we both took you and you took us both. I thought you would love that. I thought she would finally quit talking about us fucking the same guy. But she seems so strange, so utterly distant."

"You two compete. She feels like all you wanted to do was what you told me. She hates that."

"What? What did I tell you?"

"You know, make her watch while we did you, make you airtight and never touch her. How did you say it? Make her suffer?"

"I never said that." Alissa insisted but then stopped. "I said something about teasing her." She said. "I certainly wasn't serious. I thought it was funny, like a joke or something." Then she pursed her lips, her face aghast. "Oh no, did you say something to . . . oh no!"

I could not keep from looking to see if I could tell if she was acting. The hurt fury seemed to be so wild in me, utterly freed, released. I had to know if I was completely wrong, if I had made a horrible mistake. I could not discern anything behind the mask that was her face. It had gone blank, still, emotionless.

"What did you tell her? What did you say to my sister?" Alissa spoke with venom in her voice but also a deep dread.

I gulped. "I told her I wanted to do to her everything you wanted us to do to you. I told her I wanted to make you watch her get what you want, what you thought was yours." I looked at Alissa, the blandness dissipated. Her face worked and her eyes filled with tears. She turned her head away, trying to twist her arm out of my grasp but I held her tight, pulling her back to face me.

"Why, Sonny? After, after what you did with me, giving me my son and your mother? Why? Why would you do that? I dream about you, Sonny! I have waited for you to . . . why?"

"Because you acted like the Mistress of the Universe." I said bitterly. "I just set you up to keep your job, to get your partners to surrender their women to me for you and what do I get? Nothing. Not even a little thank you or anything like that. I did it for you and all you could say . . . was . . . nothing." I felt like a petty fucking idiot but a confession is a confession. It just doesn't work if you make it up.

"Oh. Oh!" Alissa muttered. Her head nodded. "I understand. I understand."

"You tried to arrange all this and I did not need help. Really. I am doing okay sharing our MILF list on my own. I do not need you to direct it. I wanted you to feel what it was like to be utterly out of control, just receptive and empty of intention while knowing, believing your best desires would be given to you gratis. I still want that. All I need is for you to have pleasure, to take pleasure from what we do to you, to let us make you climax in ways that match your wildest dreams. That was all and yes, you fucked it up!"

"I tried to arrange . . . geezuz, Sonny, did you get Sammy to get his dad . . . "

I could not help it, I nodded. It would have been a good time to lie, I just couldn't.

Alissa bowed her head, her shoulders dropping. Her chin dropped down to the swell of her breasts, touching the cleft of her cleavage. Unaccountably, I wanted her right then. She seemed contrite, crushed, deflated, queen of nothing. And it made me want to fuck her! I wanted to give her a long hard one and make her dance with ecstasy while it rammed into her body. I almost snorted with amused disgust that I could be so aroused by the woman, standing before me, bound and crushed. I felt like a pure, corn-filled shit. But I wanted to fuck her, I did! But I knew if she cried it would wreck the whole milieu.

I glanced past her an saw a figure in a window of a house in the distance. I pulled her through the hedge and up to the door. I wanted to lift up her dress and take her at that moment against the glass but such things should not be done in anger but with control and caution for her arousal and nothing else.

I got to the door and realized I should have stripped her because I would need to release her to change clothes. Through the glass patio door I could see Chris lounging on the couch watching TV. He had seen us but studiously ignored us. Then Sammy appeared and plopped onto the couch, rubbing his cock. He saw us, goggled for a moment and then leaned over and punched at Christ and pointed. Chris did not look, did not respond till the third punch and then, only with a wave. Brent appeared, looking a bit worse for the wear. He saw me and came to the door.

"Sonny, got a minute?"

"Is Landon here?"

Brent nodded. "He's upstairs with Laura tying Melissa to a bed."

I stepped inside and yelled for Landon three or four times before he appeared from the stairs into the living room. "Would you take Mrs. Honeywell here upstairs, unshackle her and let her dress in something comfortable and then put her back like this."

"Okay." He nodded. "How about just bra and panties?" He said with a smirk.

I shoved Alissa towards the stairs without responding. I turned back outside and pulled the door closed. Brent was watching me. He seemed jittery.

He stared at me for a moment before dropping his eyes, thrusting his hands into his pockets and shifting his weight. "Sonny, a, I got to ask you something." He said softly.

I waited.

"Sonny, how did, I mean, how did you feel, I mean how did it affect you?" He stopped, hoping I would fill in the blank.

I didn't. I waited.

"I mean, Sonny, how did you react after you fucked your mother the first time?"

"I fucked her again. Why, having second thoughts? Well, no, that is not right. I fucked your mom and then I fucked my mom again; and Annie and Laura. You were there, as I recall. I am pretty sure you fucked them all too."

Brent nodded. "I was. I know. I did. But Sonny, I never expected this to happen."


"She, Mom, she says she loves me."

"She's your mother. Isn't that in the mom handbook?" I could not play coy now, I knew what he was saying, who he was talking about. "She has to say that, Brent, she's your mother." I knew who he was talking about and it wasn't Melissa Crawford on his mind.

"I mean, she means it differently."

"Like she wants to fuck you?"

Brent nodded miserably. "She clung to me today, pleading with me not to come over here at all then asking me not to fuck anyone, to bring my cock home to her."

I took out my phone and dialed the Rossini house. "You didn't tie her up or nothing, did you?"

"Hello?" Mrs. Rossini answered her phone answering my question as Brent shook his head with a bleak look in his eyes.

"Sasha, what did you do to Brent?"

She laughed which was not what I expected. "Nothing. Well, not with his little head, anyway. I let that rest, sort of. His big head, I think I got inside it."

I covered the phone. "Brent, your mother is fucking with you." I almost smiled.

"Natasha, not nice." I said back to the phone.

"But it was so easy. Gawd, he looked so down in the dumps as the time came closer. He acted guilty and every time he looked at me his cock got all big and hard. I had to do something. Plus, I am his mother and I do know him pretty well, how to maneuver his complex male psyche, right?"

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He asked me if I wanted him to stay home, to skip today. He told me what you were planning, that Melissa was not really one of us MILFs and he could skip it if I wanted him to do so. Geezus, Sonny, he asked if I wanted him to rub my feet!"

I looked at Brent.

"I understand. Brent, go see if Annie is busy and fuck her." I had a full plate. I could not deal with a neurotic prick the size of Brent's just now.

"Fuck, Sonny, isn't Mr. Kingston home?" He said, his face a mask of horror at the thought; if he only knew.

"Oh, right. I forgot." I had forgotten. I guess Chris didn't hide it as well as he thought. "Well, shit. Natasha, I gotta go." I said into the phone and disconnected the call.