Secrets of the Suburbs Ch. 02


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Once again June and Lacy turned to face one another. Alyssa had simply assumed that Carl had been suggested that they "kiss and make up" in the sort of normal figurative sense; they needed to make a show of ending their fight. Maybe they'd hug. And, at first, the evidence in front of Alyssa's eyes seemed to bear that out. Without speaking, but Lacy and June turned their upper bodies towards one another, though their feet and legs stayed facing in front of them. Both of them stilted put their arms out and bent at the waist. Soon, their arms were wrapped around each other's backs and their breasts were pressed together.

And then it happened. At first, even seeing it, Alyssa's mind refused to register. In fact, it only became real when Alyssa heard a wet, gentle noise over the sound of the shifting leaves. June and Lacy were kissing! Alyssa looked more closely at their faces, unable to understand what she was seeing. It was, to a certain extent, a chaste little kiss, just their lips pressed together. Alyssa tried at first to just tell herself it was a little, sisterly peck. Totally normal. But she knew that wasn't quite right, something about this. Their bodies were still wrapped together, their breasts still touching. That was part of it. It lasted for a...long time. That was part of it too. But there was something more. Alyssa could feel an energy pouring off of the sisters that she'd never expected to feel.

Regardless, Alyssa was no longer able to even pretend to lie to herself after a few seconds of kissing. June and Lacy's mouths opened at the same time, and Alyssa watched June's thick, wet, red tongue pour lazily into her younger sister's mouth. Lacy's hand rose up and her thumb pressed against her sister's cheek, her fingers grasping the back of June's neck. Lacy tilted her head to the side. June quickly twisted her body around and those rose up on her knees so that she was sort of leaning over her taller, younger sister. Her lips stayed pressed to her sister's mouth as she leaned over her. Alyssa could see their cheeks moving and, occasionally, a hot slash of red as their tongues were exposed. Lacy let out a low moan and June returned the noise.

Alyssa's mind was reeling uncontrollably. But before she even had a time to process her thoughts, June was moving again. Her lips broke from her sister's slightly, but she kept her tongue out, pushing it down towards her sister's open mouth. A thin line of saliva connected June's tongue to Lacy's bottom lip. Lacy raced her tongue over her lips, pulling the saliva into her mouth and breaking the strand connecting the sisters. Lacy moaned like the sweetest flavor she'd ever experienced was dancing on her tongue.

Or maybe it was more than that, because even as June was pulling her tongue out of her sister's mouth, her right hand had been rising up. Alyssa had barely noticed it, her eyes had been so deeply focused on the sisters' mouths. But when she heard Lacy gasp, her eyes dropped suddenly. June's right had had reached into the stretched-out neck opening of Lacy's shirt...and her fingers were grasping the top of Lacy's right breast in an overhand manner. Alyssa saw June's fingers squeezing into her sister's flesh and she saw Lacy trembling to the touch.

Something about the sheer depravity of what she was seeing shocked Alyssa out of her momentary trance. June and Lacy were kissing. No, more than kissing, they were hardcore making out. And June was fondling her younger sister breast. Absolutely none of this should be happening. Alyssa felt her stomach doing backflips and for a moment, for some reason, she thought she was going to be sick. The worst thing about it, and the strangest thing, was that it seemed like they felt it was so...normal. There had been no indication that this was going to happen and then...all the sudden it was happening, before Alyssa could escape from these crazy people. It was like they did this all the time. It was natural and normal to them. But to Alyssa, it was wrong and it was bad and she definitely didn't want to be seeing any of it.

In her mind, Alyssa ordered her body to turn around quickly and run. The sounds of the girls moaning would block out her movements. In a few seconds, she could be back at her house pretending like she'd never seen anything. And plotting how to avoid ever seeing Lacy or June again. And she reiterated this order to her body several times. But still she stood there, just watching, her body frozen. She knew what it was, what was holding her back, and she tried desperately in her mind to fight against it. But she was curious. Why and how was this happening? She knew she'd never see anything like this again in her life. How could she leave without learning what was happening? And so, while she desperately tried to override her inquisitiveness, she stayed where she was, with her eyes open.

June and Lacy hadn't waited for Alyssa to get her mind together. June had learned forward again and once against the sisters were kissing passionately. Their tongues probed deeply into one another's mouth, trying to snake down each other's throats. Every few seconds, June would pull her tongue out of her sister's mouth and Lacy would lick the spit off of her lips, and then they'd kiss again. The whole while their hands were busy. June's fingers were still gently massaging her sister's right breast. In fact, June was sinking deeper into Lacy's flesh, and her palm was pressed against the top of her sister's breast while her fingers were wrapping around it.

But Lacy had moved into action too. She'd grabbed hold of the two broken flaps June's tank top and pushed them back. They slid of June's shoulders and even off of her left arm. Soon it was dangling from June's elbow, only remaining on her body because June refused to break her grip on Lacy's breast. But Lacy wasn't done. Lacy's hands returned to her sister's chest. June's bra hooked in the front and Lacy expertly unhooked the clasp. Her hands moved around the small cups of her sister's bra pulling them apart. Just like her tank top, the straps of June's bra slid off her shoulders and off of her back. Soon it was hanging with the tanktop on June's arm.

June's breasts were now exposed. They were very small, smaller than they had even appeared in her bra, clearly a push up. But they were perky little mounds with long, pink nipples. They stood up high on her chest, making her look youthful and innocent. Alyssa felt her eyes drawn to them despite herself. When was the last time she'd someone, anyone besides herself naked? She could hardly remember.

But after just a brief moment, Alyssa could no longer see June's nipples, something was blocking the way. It took Alyssa a moment to realize what it was. Lacy's head! The sisters had broken their kiss, apparently, and Lacy had dropped her head down to her sister's chest. Now Alyssa could make it out. She saw that Lacy had taken June's entire, right nipple into her mouth. She could see Lacy's cheeks moving as her tongue lapped and sucked on June's nipple.

June threw her head back moaning as Alyssa saw Lacy's teeth sinking down gently onto her sister's breast. June's hand had necessarily moved off of her sister's breast (the tanktop and the bra now on the floor). June's right hand moved to her own mouth and she bit her fingers as her sister sucked on her. After a few moments, Lacy switched breasts, moving her lips over to June's other nipples. June's first nipple glistened with her sister's spit and her hand shot up to grasp it, pulling on it and twisting it gently.

As June shook and moaned on the deck, her hands reached down, flailing. She found the bottom hem of Lacy's t-shirt and started to pull it up. She moved it jerkily but quickly, yanking it up off of her sister's body. As it moved over Lacy's head, the young sister broke her kiss on June's nipple, letting the shirt slip over her head, her bleach blonde hair cascading out messily. She now shifted her legs, moving so that, like June, she was kneeling up on her knees. At the same time, Lacy reached behind her back, unhooking her bra. As she rose up, her bra fell to the ground, exposing her breasts. They were much larger than her sister's, round and full. But Alyssa noticed that they sat up high on her chest and she had the same long, pink nipples as her sister.

Because Lacy was more than half a foot taller than her older sister, as they both knelt on the deck, June's head was perfectly lined up with Lacy's breasts. June dove forward with almost the same speed that she had tackled her sister earlier. But now her mouth pressed firmly into her sister's nipple and her face sank into Lacy's generous breasts. Now it was Lacy's turn to throw her head back, moaning and shaking. For a moment, her hand rose up to her free nipple, pulling and squeezing it while she shivered from excitement.

But soon, both sisters were moving their hands in unison. They quickly grasped at one another's shorts, unbuttoning them, pulling them down, shifting their bodies so they could pull them off. Neither sister was wearing panties. Despite the fact that they both kept their eyes closed and June never broke her lip lock on Lacy's nipple, they moved quickly and expertly. It was quickly apparent the Alyssa that this was not something they were doing for the first time. They'd...disrobed each other in this manner before. Alyssa didn't know what to think about that. In fact, she was hardly thinking about anything. She was trying desperately to make sure that her mind kept up with her eyes. And she was failing. All she could do was observe.

Lacy and June were now totally naked now. Alyssa could see, between the pale, toned expanses of their thighs, the sisters' bare vaginas. June was shaved totally bare, which accentuated her youthful appearance. As they moved, Alyssa could see she had a pair of tight, pink lips that were the same color as her nipples. Lacy had a small, well-kempt strip of public hair that was dyed the same bleach blonde color as the rest of her hair. But Alyssa couldn't spend much time thinking about it, June was still sucking desperately on her sister's nipple and Lacy was running her hands slowly and lovingly through her sister's long, red hair.

"Very good girls. That's what I like to see," a voice said from over by the back door. Alyssa jumped about two feet in the air deep in the bushes. Her eyes flittered quickly over in the direction. Carl! She had been so focused on Lacy and June, so shocked by what they were doing, that she had completely forgotten about Carl. There he was, staring at his daughters as they...touched one another. And Carl, Alyssa saw, had clearly been paying attention. His robe was in a pile on the deck. He clearly hadn't been wearing a stitch of clothing underneath. He was totally naked, his round, slightly hairy belly protruding far out over where his beltline would be. Alyssa saw that he was...enjoying the show. Carl's...penis was fully erect and his hand was grasped around it. Alyssa had not seen many penises in her life, she'd only had any kind of sex with four people at that point (and only intercourse with two) but she had a general idea about size. And Carl was big. His cock must've been over seven inches long and extremely thick. His pudgy hand barely wrapped around it and the tip was red and bulging. It was pressed up against his belly. It was the only uncircumcised cock she'd ever seen.

Maybe it was something about the jarring nature of realizing the Carl was there, or maybe it was the cumulative shock of seeing all of them, Carl, June, and Lacy naked. And more. Whatever it was, Alyssa suddenly felt her mind clear. For the first time since the sisters had started to "kiss and make up" Alyssa was able to reflect on what she was seeing. Her mouth was dry and her stomach was knotted terribly. She felt like she was shivering cold, although it was very hot in the bushes. The thought that what she was seeing something absolutely depraved and wrong kept rolling through her mind, over and over again. A certain urge inside of her told her constantly to turn and run, to forget she ever say anything like this.

But she also felt that she was frozen. Part of it was fear, she knew that. She was afraid of running because it someone heard her...she didn't know what would happen. That was probably a small part of it, but she tried to convince herself that that was the only thing keeping her in place. But she knew that it wasn't. She was still curious, and she knew it. This was so absolutely beyond the realm of her experience...she just couldn't imagine where it would go next. Or she could just imagine and wanted to see if she was right.

And beneath that feeling, shameful as it was, was something else. Something that Alyssa wouldn't even let herself skirt around. She felt a fluttering in her heart, she felt a...wetness between her legs. She was not...attracted to girls...and certainly didn't think she was interested in anything so...taboo. But there was a physical reaction in her body. She knew she felt her throat tighten and her nipples tingle as she looked at Carl's bare, rigid penis. She couldn't deny those physical reactions, and so she pushed them aside, ignored them. It was only fear, she told herself. Alyssa was almost relieved when Carl began to speak again, knocking her out of her mind.

"Okay one more kiss girls," he said. The two girls smiled and then leaned forward, pecking each other on the lips, "Don't you feel silly for fighting like that?" he asked. The two girls nodded obediently and smiled again. They actually reached across the distance separating their bodies and held hands. Their eyes then returned to their father, looking at his cock.

"Now," he said, "Lacy, I want you to tell me what happened."

"But dad..." June started, Carl released his cock and it bobbed lewdly. He lifted his hand and silenced his oldest daughter.

"I asked Lacy. I will hear from you after if I have to. Now Lacy, tell me why you were fighting with your sister. And if you lie, I will know," he said. He had such a stern, fatherly attitude that might have seemed condescending to adult women if it wasn't for the absurdity of his nudity. Lacy looked over at her sister, took a deep breath, seemed to collect her thoughts, and turned to her father.

"Well," she began and then she paused like she was considering. One more time she looked at June out of the corner of her eye. Her shoulders slumped slightly, "June was going to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with her tonight. I knew about it, but I asked you first Daddy. I am really sorry. I just wanted to be with you. She's had the last date and I didn't think it was fair that she just called 'dibs' this morning." Alyssa's mouth dropped open. They were arguing about...a date with her father! Once again, Alyssa's head was swimming, but Carl didn't seem in the least bit fazed. He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"June, is your sister telling the truth?" he asked sternly. June looked over at her younger sister and then nodded.

"Yes daddy," she said. Carl shook his head dramatically and rubbed his bald pate with his fingertips. He looked at his daughters for a long time, until they were squirming a bit, uncomfortable on the deck.

"I don't understand you girls," he said, "How many time do I have to tell you that I don't have a favorite?" he asked.

"But daddy..." both girls whined in unison, but Carl lifted his hand again, silencing them.

"I love you both the same and I want to spend time with both of you equally. If you ever feel like I am not being...fair with my time, then come to me. Both of you together or just one of you. I promise there will always be time for both of you," he said. Alyssa felt a strange pang in her chest. It felt like...jealousy. But she couldn't really figure out why.

"Sorry daddy," Lacy said.

"Yeah, sorry," June echoed.

"Don't be sorry," he said, then a small smile broke out on his face, "Just don't do it again." The two girls nodded enthusiastically and they seemed to know that they were no longer in trouble.

"We won't daddy, we made up," Lacy said. Of course, Carl knew, he had watched them...making up. And if his still-hard cock was any indication, he had enjoyed it.

"Well that's good Lacy. And I am proud of you for telling the truth. But I still think that what you did to your sister today was wrong," Lacy began to speak but Carl spoke right over her, "I am not mad. But we are all together now and I think it would be good if, as a family, we all forgave one another. Because I want you, Lacy, to think extra hard about what you've done. Your sister is going to go first today." He said. Lacy crossed her arms in front of her ample breasts, pouting silently. June didn't bother to look at her sister. Instead, she stood up quickly and walked over towards her father.

Alyssa tried to tell herself that she didn't know what Carl was talking about, that she couldn't possibly figure out what he meant. But of course, she could guess where this was going. She knew where it was going and she couldn't make herself look away. She desperately needed to see what happened next. She had to see this family forgive one another. She had to see this father loving his daughters. She had to see...everything.

It didn't take long. As June began to walk towards her father, Carl took a couple of steps to the side. He found an armless deck chair a few feet from the door and sat down. Her spread his legs wide, his long cock sticking up lewdly while his belly spread out over his lap. June kept moving towards her father. She stopped when she was standing directly in front of him.

"Did Lacy get your pussy nice and wet?" he asked. June nodded.

"Yes daddy," she said, her voice sounding husky and excited. Alyssa noticed her own wet pussy and her hardened nipples, but she ignored them. Ignored the implication of them.

"Good girl," Carl said to Lacy, peeking out around his oldest daughter. Then he turned back and looked at June.

"Get daddy's cock nice and wet too. I don't want to hurt you," he said, wrapping his hand around his shaft. June instantly fell to her knees on the deck, right between her father's knees. She had fallen so fast that the wood made a hollow thumping sound. She didn't seem to notice. Instead, her small, delicate fingers began to reach up towards her father. Carl slowly moved his hand away from his shaft as June moved closer. His body stiffened has his daughter's thin fingers slipped across his shaft. Alyssa heard him suck in a sharp breath as June's palm wrapped around him.

June now rose up on her knees, just like she'd done earlier when she was kissing Lacy. Alyssa could see that the slender woman's nipples were extremely hard and her body was shaking slightly. Carl was staring directly at his daughter, watching her every movement. Lacy was still sitting on the deck, looking on enviously but lasciviously. As June rose up, the tip of her father's cock was even with her breasts, just a few short inches from her nipples. June craned her neck, bending down so that her eyes were locked on the top of her father's uncircumcised penis. A dab of pre-cum was shimmering against the tip in the warm, late-summer sun.

A small bead of saliva suddenly formed on the tip of June's lips. Soon it grew thicker, and fuller. Alyssa watched as the dribble of spit slipped off of June's mouth, falling rapidly. But June hadn't just spit it out, she'd made a thin, stringy waterfall of saliva. It dribbled out of her in a constant line. After a moment, the spit splashed down onto the tip of her father's cock, instantly melding with the single drop of pre-cum there. More spit pouring slowly out of June's mouth, maintaining a perfect connection between June's mouth and her father's penis. Carl kept his eyes on the thin line of spit, not moving or interrupting his eldest daughter.