Secrets of the Suburbs Ch. 01


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"Hey mom, maybe we can run out to the store later and get me some new shoes for school. I'll buy lunch," Frankie suggested after the tension had grown too great for him. Susan smiled at her son.

"I'd love to honey, but I need to get all of my work stuff unpacked. My vacation time is absolutely gone. I need to be the first one in tomorrow," she said, dreading the chore.

"We haven't even watched that movie we were supposed to watch the night we moved in. Pretty soon the Red Box is just going to charge you $50.00 or something," Frankie said, annoyed.

"Ah shit, I forgot about that," Susan said. For a moment, Frankie thought his mother was going to suggest watching it right away, "Listen, take my car. When you go out to get shoes, just drop the DVD off too. I saw a box at the 7-11." She said.

Frankie was, and always had been, a mama's boy. There had been a time in his life when he had tried to fight against that label, especially when his sister or his father made fun of him about it. Oddly, as he grew older, he became less self-conscious about it. The more man-like he became, the more comfortable he was with the fact that he was particularly close with Susan. He thought she was fun, interesting, smart, and beautiful. So what was the big deal about it? He didn't spend every waking minute with her or struggle when she wasn't around. He just...liked her. How was that anything but a good thing? He figured that it was mostly jealousy; Susan relied on Frankie because her husband was a deadbeat. Frankie's father couldn't handle that. And Alyssa, well she adored her father the same way that Frankie adored Susan, but she never got the same level of affirmation out of it. Jealousy there too. Frankie wasn't about to make himself unhappy by "growing out" of his close relationship with his mother, just to please Alyssa or his father.

But, since the divorce, things had been sort of tough. Some of it was just that it was harder for an 18-year old to find appropriate things to do with his mother. But they had figured that out before. No, the problem was that Susan just wasn't available the way she used to be. Susan, who had largely been a stay-at-home mother when Frankie was growing up, suddenly had a job and additional responsibilities. She no longer had the time to spend with him. So many mother-son traditions had fallen by the wayside; watching movies, playing cards, going to the mall, and a thousand others. If anything, Susan seemed to be more concerned about Alyssa, trying to make up for what she had "lost" when the divorce happened. And now she was going to go back to work. Over a week, wasted.

Frankie slumped in his chair as well, picking at his burnt food. Susan noticed that he was upset as well, but couldn't really understand what she'd done wrong. She didn't have time to figure it out either. She ate quietly, and looked at her glum children.

"Another successful family interaction," she whispered to herself under her breath.

* * * * *

Two hours later, Frankie McCall was sitting in the back yard by himself. He hadn't really needed shoes and so he'd decided not to go out. Alyssa had taken the car instead and he didn't know where she'd gone. Susan was in her room, unpacking all of her work clothes and trying to get her work computer to function (a mover had dropped it). Frankie had asked if he could help her, but her bedroom was small and she felt bad about "making" him do boring things all week. She told him to go play a video game or do something fun.

So he was sitting in the backyard, staring at the trees.

He guessed that there was stuff he could do. Almost none of the boxes in his own room had been unpacked, but he hadn't really wanted to bother with it. He planned on living out of the boxes and then putting things away a little bit at a time before, inevitably, packing it up again and going to college. He could've gone for a walk in the neighborhood or done what his mother insisted and go meet the people his own age. But he didn't really want to do that. At this point, he didn't really want to do anything.

So he stayed sitting in the backyard, reclining in his mother's lawn chair. Not that there was much of a lawn to lounge in. The entire backyard was heavily wooded and sloped down to a small creek short distance away. The thick canopy of the trees made the yard somewhat cooler and shady, but also killed any grass. The whole yard was a dry dirt slope with a few loose roots sticking out. He was bored and lethargic, waiting either for some sort of inspiration to hit or for it to get late enough for him to go inside, watch television, and fall asleep. Part of him secretly wished that his mother would finish early and they could watch the DVD he'd rented. Or something. He felt unmoored.

Eventually, he came to terms with the fact that his mother was not going to rescue him. He had to entertain himself. He had to find something to kill some time. He scanned the backyard, searching for inspiration. If Frankie looked to his left, he saw here the creek behind the house poured into the larger stream that went under the bridge down the street. To his right was the Park's house. He could barely see the house through the trees, but he could tell that their back yard was not nearly as sloped as his. In fact, as the wind blew, the low-hanging branches parted slightly and he could see the flat expanse of their yard. And something else. Something blue. What could that be? With nothing else to do, Frankie figured this was as close to inspiration as he was going to get.

He rose up off of the chair and slowly started to walk towards the Park's home. It was very hot outside and he was sweating before he made it halfway across the yard. He pushed through a few thick trees and then, through the low foliage, he could see it. A swimming pool! The Park's backyard had been professionally levelled and a big, in-ground pool had been installed. The pool, and the small patio around it, were completely surrounded by thick trees and none of the McCalls had noticed it before.

Frankie felt the sweat streaming down his back and his legs. He moved a little bit closer, climbing over some bushes and crossing the invisible boundary that separated his yard from the neighbor's. After fighting his way through the last line of trees, he found himself standing on top of a five-foot tall retainer wall, looking down into the patio and pool. He could hear the filter humming and he groaned to himself as he looked at the water moving gently in the summer breeze. Bugs were attacking him now his feet felt slick from sweat in his flip-flops.

He licked his lips and looked over his shoulder. He knew that if he went home, searched around in his cool room for his bathing suit that he'd never come back over in the heat. He also knew that if he had to ask the Park's permission, he'd never do it. Hell, he probably wouldn't be able to mumble a word if Claudia Park had her massive breasts opened the door! But he desperately wanted to get in the water. It called to him.

After a moment, his eyes returned to the Park's back yard. Now he turned and looked at their house. There was, of course, no one in the backyard. There were two pool chairs near the door but they were both empty. The blinds were closed on all the rear-facing windows. He craned his neck and could see the end of the Park's driveway. There was no car. Everyone was gone.

A moment's hesitation could convince Frankie that this was a bad idea. But it was so damn hot and he was so bored. This seemed like the kind of innocent adventure that made living in the suburbs bearable. Without additional thought, Frankie began stripping off his clothes. In a moment, Frankie's flip-flops, shorts, and t-shirt were laying in a messy pile on the retaining wall. He had decided to leave his boxers on in the event that someone came home. Then he stood up on the edge of the retaining wall and looked down at the pool. He couldn't tell how deep the water was, but there was only three feet of patio between the bottom of the wall and the rim of the deep end of the pool. Frankie counted silently in his head to three and then dove in.

The water was surprisingly cool despite the intense heat of the day and Frankie felt it wash all over his body. All of his sweating pores instantly closed and he felt his heart thrumming faster. The water was only about seven feet deep and he felt his fingers press gently against the bottom. He propelled himself up out of the water a moment later. He breathed in deeply from the warm air and sighed loudly as the thrilling cold settled in.

Frankie's parents had insisted that he and Alyssa get swimming lessons when they were kids. He'd often swam in the lake behind the middle school in his old home town. He rarely had the opportunity to swim in private pools. He was in love with the clarity of the water and the seclusion of the Park's backyard. He hoped he could convince his mother to get one just like it. But until then, he was happy here. He spent the next half hour doing laps, diving down to the bottom, and getting out so that he could dive back in, sometimes after he had climbed back up on the retaining wall.

He was enjoying his swim so much that he didn't notice the car pulling into the driveway. He didn't hear the front door open and he didn't see anyone moving through the house. In fact, he might've been completely oblivious to the Park's return from the grocery store if Claudia Park had not turned on the backyard 'bug zapper." Frankie was swimming lazily on the shallow side of the pool, looking up at the canopy of trees when he suddenly heard a loud crackling sound. He shot up quickly, his eye instantly turning towards the blue glowing light. It hadn't been on before. He instantly realized that someone was home. His blood ran cold and he felt his stomach knot up. He didn't think he would get in a lot of trouble, but who knows? Besides, he didn't want to make a bad impression on the neighbors, for his mother's sake.

He climbed instantly out of the water quietly, at the nearest possible location. That was down near the end of the pool, just a couple of feet from the Park's backdoor. As soon as he was out, he heard the doorknob turning. Someone was coming outside! He looked frantically over at the retaining wall (and could see his clothes piled there), but there was no time. He began to panic, spinning around as the door started to open. Somehow, Frankie noticed a large covered wicker bin sitting on the edge of the patio. It was about the size of a deep freezer and he rushed to it. Frankie lifted up the lid and dove inside, just as the door swung all the way open.

It took Frankie a moment to get his bearings, and to be sure that no one had heard him. His heart was beating like a jackhammer, but he tried to breathe as quietly as possible. He was shaking all over. After a few seconds, no one opened the wicker bin. Frankie's breathing started to slow. He heard someone moving outside, but they didn't seem nervous or suspicious. He was safe. For now.

He got his bearing in the bin. It was actually quite comfortable there. It was stacked about halfway full with unused towels and Frankie sort of sank into it. What's more, there were tiny holes in the wicker and Frankie, regardless of the danger, was curious about who was outside. He moved himself slowly, trying hard not to move the bin or make any noise. Soon, he was able to look out from two small holes. He leaned forward.

The bin was to the side of the two pool chairs, the pool stretched off to his right. Claudia Park was standing between the chairs, with her hands on her hips. In a bikini. Frankie's eyes were popping out of his head! The view of her clothed body the week before in the cul-de-sac and the handful of brief glimpses from afar over the past few days had not prepared him for seeing Claudia park like this, so close.

Claudia's bikini was around two sizes too small and her large, perky breasts were pouring out of the tiny cups. Mostly on the top, but Frankie's youthful eye could see her breasts bulging out from the sides of the bikini top, and even the bottom. They looked firm and high, like they didn't even need the cups to hold them up. Claudia's long ponytail was cascading down her arched back as she shook her head gently in the sunlight. Her slim body curved and sensuous just a few feet in front of Frankie's eyes. He was surprised by the smoothness of her stomach, the roundness of her ass, and the firmness of her legs.

Frankie watched as his beautiful, older neighbor walked slowly over towards the pool. He prayed at she didn't notice the wet marks around the edge of the pool or his clothes sitting up on the retaining wall. But Claudia seemed to have a particular task in mind. He saw her reach out and grab the pool skimmer from the ground next to the filter. For the next ten minutes, he watched as she pulled leaves and other items out of the pool (he was glad he had decided to just swim around the debris). The whole time, Frankie kept his eyes on her, watching even bend of her body, every movement of her breasts. He had caught his breath, but he was still breathing hard as Claudia finished, her skin now slick, glowing with her sweat.

After she was done, Claudia put the pool skimmer back and walked over so that she was once again standing next to the pool chairs, directly in front of Frankie. Frankie drunk in her glistening body, more enamored with it now than he had been before. For a moment, Frankie thought she was going to jump into the water to cool off. After all, she was sweaty and tired from cleaning. He wondered if her nipples would get hard in the cold water and if, maybe, he would be able to make them out.

Given his relatively low hopes, Frankie was completely unprepared for what happened next. Claudia sighed gently and the began to run her hands through her long hair. After a few seconds, she had teased out the rubber band holding her hair in place. Her ponytail loosened and her dark hair spread loosely across her back. But Claudia was far from done. Her hands quickly dropped down behind her neck. Before Frankie even realized what she was doing, Claudia was expertly untying the back of her bikini. As the straps popped off of Claudia's shoulders, the cups of her bikini flopped forward against her stomach. Her breasts were entirely exposed.

Frankie nearly gasped and he put his hand over his mouth to keep himself quiet. His eyes were incredibly wide and his breathing was ragged. He'd seen a couple of girls' breasts over the years, but they were little bee stings by comparison to what was now flooding his field of vision. Claudia's breasts were even larger now that they weren't being held back by the bikini, but they didn't hang any lower. They sat up perky on her chest. Her skin was incredibly smooth and had an even, tanned color. Her areolas were the size of silver dollars and purplish-brown with short nipples. Claudia's hand moved forward, grazing her right breast and making them shake gently. Frankie's mouth went dry and he had to fight to avoid moving or making noise.

Seeing Claudia's breasts as such an intense experience for Frankie that he barely noticed that her hands were still moving. In a few seconds, the other tie on her bikini had been loosened and the entire top fell into a small lump on the patio. Frankie only noticed her moving when Claudia suddenly bent at the waist, her breasts hanging down lewdly. Frankie saw Claudia's hands moving down around the large curve of her ass and he realized that she was taking off her bikini bottom. In another half second, the bottom of the bikini had joined the top on the patio.

Now Claudia was standing completely naked, just a few inches in front of Frankie. Frankie had only ever had actual sex one time in his life. It had been in the dark, in the girl's bedroom. She had...guided him into her. He'd never even really been able to see her body. This was, by far, the closest he'd ever been to a woman's vagina in broad daylight and he was spellbound. She was waxed completely bare and had done an exceptional job of keeping her skin smooth and supple. The skin was completely tanned and Frankie realized that she must've tanned nude. Her pussy lips were very tight and a small amount of pink labia poked out from the middle of it. Frankie didn't know it, but Claudia's small clitoris had hardened as she disrobed in the backyard, and it was also visible at the top of her well-manicured slit.

Claudia stood there for a few seconds more, her eyes casually scanning the pool. She had no idea that just a few feet away, Frankie McCall was watching her every movement. Eventually, Claudia walked over to the pool chair closest to Frankie and adjusted it so that it was laying out like a bed. She then flopped down on her back, letting out a sigh of relief. Her breasts splayed out across her chest, her nipples point up and out. Her legs were spread slightly and Frankie could make out the folds of her labia.

She nestled herself in the seat and quickly became comfortable. Frankie realized that she was laying in the sunniest part of the backyard, likely trying to maintain her line-less tan. He decided that he could keep his eyes on her as long as she wanted to tan. They stayed there for a very long time, perhaps half an hour. He, of course, knew what he was doing was wrong. But he didn't even really know how to stop. She was going to be naked and he was trapped here, so he might as well look. It was not like he had been trying to make this happen. What's more, any thought or concern that Frankie had once had about hiding in the wicker bin was now totally gone. He had basically forgotten that he wasn't supposed to be there or that he could get caught. He'd basically forgotten that he even had a body, he was just a pair of eyes desperately drinking in Claudia's body.

Frankie's understanding of the precarious situation he was in (what if someone wanted a towel?) was suddenly driven home to him when he heard a familiar scraping sound. He recognized the sound of the doorknob turning and instantly remembered who he was and what he was doing. He held his breath. The door opened quickly. Out stepped a 5'10, 19-year old kid with a black bowl cut, thick glasses, a smooth thin chest, long arms, long legs, and a casually comfortable air. Frankie could see Claudia's features in the young man's face and he instantly knew that it was her son, Kurt. He was wearing a Speedo bathing suit and carrying a towel.

Frankie expected Claudia to reach quickly for her clothes or for her to shoo her son back inside so that he wouldn't see her naked. She clear heard him open the door, her head cocked to the side slightly. But she remained lying down, passive and almost disinterested. In fact, one of her hands rose up briefly and scratched the side of her breast, making them both jiggle wildly.

"Hi Kurt, honey. You thinking about taking a swim?" Claudia asked casually. Kurt walked forward, between the two pool chairs. He looked down at his mother's body. It was clear that his eyes were moving over her ample curves and taking in her body. But he hardly seemed surprised to be seeing it. It was like he appreciated his mother's good looks, but he had been expecting to see them there.

"Yeah, I guess," he said, with equal nonchalance, "If it isn't too cold." Claudia sat up in the chair, her breasts bouncing heavily as she moved. Kurt watched, but didn't seem concerned. Inside the bin, Frankie's head was whirring a mile a second. What was going on? Why were they pretending like this was normal? But he was too shocked by what the situation and still overwhelmed by his arousal at seeing Claudia. He just kept watching silently.

"Can you do me a quick favor before you get in?" Claudia asked.

"Sure mom," Kurt said, sitting down on the other pool chair next to his naked mother.