Please Me

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Victoria Beckham takes control of the Board.
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It was Ten am and the group of businessmen sat around the swish boardroom table. They were a diverse bunch; all were powerful within the organization, all considered themselves as successful. Each and every one of them knew and competed to a degree with each other. Not all were of the same company rank. The top boss, the Company CEO; the lowest a man with a reputation as being the best troubleshooter the company ever had. There was quite a big range of salaries between the highest paid, the CEO and the lowest, the man in charge of Human Affairs. It was significant that this powerful group were all men. There were a number of women who out ranked five or six amongst the fifteen assembled. Quite a few had noted this fact.

The troubleshooter smiled to himself. 'What trouble had the company got itself into this time? It was unusual for him to be present when the shit hit the fan, The CEO usually called him in to get the shit cleaned away.'

The CEO called the group to order. "Gentlemen this is going to be a long meeting so please feel free to avail yourselves of the facilities when-ever you feel the need and despite the time of day the Bar is open. Now before any of you get the wrong idea..." The CEO looked straight at me as he said this. "We are not in trouble, indeed we are doing so well we are going to have a think tank session. A brainstorming session to analyze just why and how we became so successful and how to get better at it."

"I have been monitoring the company performance and as I said we have been extraordinarily successful, but the data I have been monitoring has dropped a notch or two over the last two months so I have decided to find out why and fix it."

There were looks passed around the table and not a few groans. Our CEO was known for his team building sessions, but this was by far the largest group I had ever attended. It was usually less than eight. What was the old man up to? Hell, he was only two years older than I was and younger than some, yet he was always 'The Old Man' while somehow I had earned the title of 'Dear Boy' a nickname everyone in the room had used more than once. A name for the life of me I never understood. I had a sneaking suspicion that I was about to get some insight from this session.

My mind rejoined the speech as the CEO began to wind up his introduction. "I am going to introduce our facilitator and from that moment on we all absolutely equal. Reports upon our performances will be made available to us as a group, me included. Oh, one last item the door will be locked for the duration. As I said there is food and drink available and I propose to start with a stiff scotch."

He went to the wet bar and poured himself a good three fingers of a good malt scotch. "Any one else want a drink before I introduce our tormentor?"

Four other executives joined him and he let them pour their own drinks. He returned to the table. This consisted of several smaller tables. "Now we have to rearrange the furniture round the three sides. A table and two chairs then another table. I recommend that you remember where you are sitting at least for the first hour. You are not expected to take notes, and I am told there is no test, now, or later, on what we learn, but I have been told that some of us will not make it to the next session whenever that occurs and no I do not have a schedule, it depends upon our performance I am told."

We had been moving the tables around as he spoke, he sat in the middle of the back wall and waited till we settled down in the new arrangement. He had pulled my sleeve and I found myself sitting next to him, a situation noted by more than a few.

"Ok gentlemen my watch says we have just two minutes and a few seconds. Any Questions?"

A lot of voices were raised, but the theme seemed to be about performance assessment and the revelations.

The Old Man, waved his hand and silence of a sort descended. "Yes performance will be made available to all of us, a group score if you like; it should be considered privileged information. And be restricted to attendees only."

He was about to say more when there was a sharp rapping at the door. He stood up as the door opened and a young woman immaculately dressed!

Stunningly beautiful, dressed in a dress straight from a high fashion cat walk. "Gentlemen please welcome Victoria!" From the roar of appreciation and loud clapping, it was obvious that we all recognized her.

The Old Man sat down as Victoria shut the door double locked it, bent down and pushed the card key under the door.

She moved forward and stopped midway between the last occupied chairs; there was about ten feet between the rows and she was about fifteen feet from me and the old Man.

She waited until the greeting had died down smiling round the room and showing her tongue at her lips, keeping the gloss moist.

I noticed she had no purse, no document case, no teaching aids and apart from the bar and fridge which was now behind her there seemed to be no teaching aids available. 'Just what sort of think tank session was this?' I mused.

Victoria began to speak, "Gentlemen as you know this is a group assessment session. You are all going to be assessed and you will all know how your assessment deferrers from everyone else's and there are a number of criteria that will be used. Before you ask I am not going to tell you what they are!" Her smile swept the room like a high-powered laser. She continued; we were already her captive audience.

"Now here are a few facts. That door will not be opened until I give the signal, which will probably be after four pm. I hope you all left pagers and mobile phones at your desk and that your secretaries know you are not contactable today!" People were nodding and a few murmured yeses. One voice was heard to say

"Shit!" and Cliff the HR man hurriedly turned off his phone.

Victoria held out her hand and glared at him. He got the message, sheepishly rose to his feet, and handed the mobile over.

"Not a good start Cliff!" She said. We all gasped as she dropped the device to the floor and stomped on it. She kicked the bigger pieces aside. "Come pick the rest up Cliff!"

Cliff virtually crawled to the debris and on hands and knees; almost touching Victoria began picking up the small shards. "Anyone else forget the instructions." I felt fortunate that 'The Old Man' had reminded me. I had worn my pager and mobile absolutely everywhere for years. I felt uncomfortable without them.

Victoria scanned the floor and pointed to another small shard with an elegant toe. Cliff hastened to pick it up. "There will be a bin dustpan and brush behind the bar Cliff; better be sure you got it all." Cliff hurriedly found them and made a big performance of sweeping up the bits from all around Victoria's feet. I smelt a rat and for a moment wondered what the view from down there at her feet was like. I watched Cliff very carefully and caught him take a quick look at her legs and up. My suspicion was confirmed this was a put up job to intimidate the troops. Cliff knew what was going down and Cliff was sat across the table beside me.

There was a small clatter as the destroyed phone was tipped in the bin. Cliff looked at Victoria for approval and when she smiled at him, he scooted back behind the bar and replaced the brush and pan.

As he made his way back to his seat I managed to catch his eye and winked. He grimaced and shook his head, he was not happy to have been made!

Victoria had waited smiling around the room until he regained his seat. "Gentlemen I suppose I had better tell you the rules, and Cliff has just illustrated the first. I am in charge here. The second rule is that everything is totally confidential. The third rule is that there are no other rules." Her smile blazed at us all, and again like rabbits in headlights we froze.

"Now there are a few recommendations that you should be aware of. This is a team session, it is about how you react and interact. With me and with each other." That smile was hypnotic. I was sure we were all behaving exactly as predicted. Victoria had us exactly where she wanted us.

"Now perhaps we should start the session proper, I will forgive Cliff for the phone. Slate wiped clear Cliff." She smiled at him and a finger was beckoning him. Cliff stood rather hesitantly and walked forward. He had glanced at me as he got to his feet. The look on his face told me that this was not what he had expected. He was in the dark as well. Illumination was seconds away.

Cliff walked the few steps to stand well outside Victoria's personal space. Victoria was having none of that and took a short step towards him.

"Cliff I am rather warm can you un-do me please!" and she turned round offering the back of her smart designer dress. She stood chest thrust forwards hands at her shoulders releasing pressure from the dresses fastening.

Cliff was frozen, his hands halfway to the fastener.

"Come on Cliff it's just a simple hook and eye. I will do the zip."

Cliff's hands moved and he fumbled a little and then stepped back the fastener was undone.

Victoria turned round and motioned Cliff back to his seat. "Ok that's another thing I should tell you. Please me and you stand a chance of coming back to another session displease me and you won't."

She paused for effect.

She was reaching behind her.

"You will very definitely, desperately; want to come back!" Her voice was accompanied by the hiss of a zip. A gasp went round the room as Victoria shrugged her shoulders and the dress fell away from her body to pool in a heap at her feet. She stood there in under slip, underwear, hose and shoes.

"Would someone like to pick this up please?" She made a small motion with a dainty foot.

There was a blur of movement and three men hurled themselves forwards.

"Gentlemen back to your seats please; there is no need to rush." The three men at her feet slunk back to their seats. I ventured a hand and that smile was turned upon me. "Thank you Michael. Please treat it well it's a very expensive little black come fuck me dress." I beamed back at her, bent in front of her, and held the dress for her to step out of it. I pulled the zipper back up, shook the creases out of it, and folded it over the back of an empty chair.

Victoria smiled at me and I returned to my seat. I winked at Cliff just as I turned to sit down. His smile back was a little sick.

"Now gentlemen there is perhaps another point to note, do not rush in, and learn to ask for and get the required permission. Now I want a tall man, over six feet, for the next task." Three hands went up, Victoria chose, and another lamb went to the slaughter.

"Stand behind me please hold my slip at the hem and when I lift my arms please remove it up and off in one movement." She waited until he was ready then lifted her arms. And the garment slid up and off revealing her undergarments and quite a lot of flesh.

"Thank you Charles." And he was dismissed.

She knew all our names; she obviously had seen photos of us all and must have a good memory for faces because I was certain I had never met her.

Victoria waited while Charles regained his seat. I took a quick look at The Old Man he was sweating quite a bit, he gave me a wan smile and his attention returned to Victoria.

"Now gentlemen I need at least two of you to work as a team." The Company Finance manager and The old man put up hands and others that had been half way up dropped. Victoria noticed this but accepted the offered bodies.

"Now one of you can touch my left stocking and only the stocking, the other cannot touch the stocking, but can touch elsewhere. I want you to decide who does what, but your task is to remove the left stocking replacing the shoe after it is removed. Oh and I will not help."

The old Man and John whispered a few words and John bent to Victoria's feet and undid the strap from the high heel He then stood behind her and placed his hand round her waist and picked her up but of course, the shoe did not fall off. The old Man was laughing like a drain. "Come on John I can only touch the stocking and she has still got the shoe on." Victoria was holding herself as stiff as she could and despite her small size, John was having difficulty trying to shake the offending shoe clear. He tried to return her to her feet but was having trouble getting her upright. We were all beginning to laugh. John said "we need help, delegate man, delegate." The Old man laughed and a third person was called in and John lifted again. And the shoe was removed.

Victoria said. "I forgot to tell you I must not touch the floor unless I have both shoes on and the shoe cannot touch the floor with-out me in it!"

We were all roaring now. This was fun; sexy as all get out fun!

Another recruit was enjoined and the stocking was released from the garter belt, but I noticed that individual had held the stocking while undoing the fastener. I saw others notice this. Eventually The stocking was off and the shoe returned, but left undone Victoria seemed unable to stand and it was The old man who figured it out. The shoe was fastened and Victoria smiled at them and dismissed them with a smile.

"Now I need another two men."

And several hands went up; two men were selected and went forward.

"Now only one can touch the Garment as before! I want you to remove my Bra and my breasts must remain covered until I tell you to reveal them."

The men looked taken aback. One took a look at the Bra 'It's a back opening. How are you at undoing Bra's' The other man laughed, we all knew he had a bra fetish always snapping bra straps. "Ok you stand behind her and get ready to grab two hands full while I remove this delightful piece of clothing!"

The man took his allotted place and the bra was removed. I do not think anyone got a look but am sure the breast holder had touched the bra as it was removed.

Victoria began to move around and the man holding on was hard put to it to keep her breasts covered. "Now I want another team to remove the other Stocking." All eight hands went up.

"No not all of you, select a team of three or four and come remove the stocking same conditions as before."

The eight volunteers saw where this was going and a reluctant four began the process, which was now hampered by an un-co-operative Victoria and the man holding on to her breasts. Eventually the stocking was removed and Victoria was back on her feet.

"Now a team to remove the suspender belt, but you can only use your teeth!" The four remaining men played paper scissors rock to select the two individuals. Again, after much effort the garment was removed. They had almost dropped her once and one breast had been exposed for a second or so.

"Ok you can decide who removes my thong again teeth only." She gave a wicked smile.

It took a while but eventually Victoria was naked except for the shoes. "Ok James you can release my breasts now. James was sweating profusely and reluctant but relieved and Victoria was standing nakedly before us.

"Well you seen to be as hot as I was so perhaps you would like to get comfortable and I would like a glass of Champagne."

While there was a mad scrabble to remove clothes, I went behind the bar and found a bottle of good Champagne and popped the cork. I filled a glass and took it to Victoria who was watching the antics of fourteen men getting naked. She seemed to notice the proffered glass and then turned to watch me disrobe, a factor I had not anticipated. I had a hard on before my underwear was off. I got a cheer from the rest of them Victoria blew me a kiss.

She sipped her drink and smiled at us making eye contact as she scanned the naked men.

"Now remember please me until at least Four Pm to pass this test. I recommend you split up into teams or you won't last till then!"

Her smile was an intense Laser.

There was an instant shift of people into two teams. The Finance officers and Mine. There were a few who were undecided and I watched with a wry smile as the Human Resources Manager dithered. He saw me watching and decided to join me he knew that I was the only person who knew he was Gay. 'The Old Man' also joined my team. We were split ten and five.

"Ok Cliff as you have twice as many people would you please Victoria for 40 minutes," I spoke quite forcefully, "and then we will please her for 20?"

Cliff agreed and so...

The Pleasing of Victoria Beckham began.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Naughty Victoria

Would love to hear what happens to Victoria and the big group of men, particularly if she has lots of anal sex and double penetration.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
great story

love this story, would love to hear its conclusion, and what happens to Victoria.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Great opener...

Can't wait for some more tales of Victoria Beckham. Awaiting the continuance of this tale. Itrust she we will Take everything...everywhere. Maybe even forced into doing something she doesn't care for...i.e., made air-tight.

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