Playing with the Wife Ch. 01


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Oh shit! He was playing with Mrs Atkins clitoris! What would she say on finding out he'd dressed her up like a tramp, and played with her sex! He'd gone too far already, so he would have to make sure she didn't find out about any of this.

If she didn't remember anything, how could it hurt? Her sex couldn't be worn out, could it? No, that was silly. No one would know if they did it, not even her. She seemed desperate for it, and he wanted it as well. Damn! She'd pulled his cock out! She would pull it off he didn't do something quick. It was his fault she was in this desperate state, so he should help her out.

'Alright,' he croaked from a dry mouth.

In the last of the sunlight he saw her face light up with delight. He wished he was so sure of doing the right thing. He'd told her she was deeply in love with him, and desperately wanted him, so that was why she was acting this way. It didn't make him feel any better.

She pushed a leg over his to sit on his lap, facing him. It was too late to back out now, she was eager to do it. She lowered her sex onto his hardness, and pushed.

'OH! That is so good,' he exclaimed.

'Like wow! I'm so pleased you like fucking me, Leo,' she beamed.

She was riding him hard, pushing and pulling herself on his shaft. Like a machine she pushed up with all her effort, then slid down his slippery cock. Their sex juices had it wet, and she used inner muscles to grip it tight. He'd never experienced anyone else gripping his cock. His hand was stronger, but her pussy was amazing.

He watched Mrs Atkins riding his shaft, with a look of amazement plastered across his face. He wondered what was wrong for a moment, as her expression turned from pleasure to pain. She gritted her teeth, and moaned. It took awhile to realise she was having an orgasm, and wondered if he should have joined her.

At last she opened her eyes, and deeply kissed him. She sat on his cock and slowly raised herself up its length. Even more slowly she pressed down upon it, with a look of contentment on her face. She twisted her hips, seeming to ream herself upon it.

'It feels so big and wonderful inside, I don't want to let it go,' she mused.

A look of understanding then shame crossed her face.

'You haven't cum,' she sadly spoke. 'I'll have to try harder to please my lovely boyfriend,' she sincerely said.

She lifted herself off his penis to sit next to him. He watched her take his cock in both hands and bend to kiss it. It looked wet and sticky, and very uninviting, yet she sucked it into her mouth. It pushed out her cheek, as it was still erect.

'Can you swallow it?' he asked.

'I've never tried, but I'm willing to pleasure my boyfriend in anyway, whatever you want, Leo,' she said.

He watched her lips form a perfect circle, and knew he would always remember this moment. It would be highly embarrassing when she visited his mother, for he would imagine those lips sucking his cock. She pushed down, and choked. He told her not to bother, but his words spurred her on. His mother's friend was trying to deep throat him! All he had to do was lie back, and marvel at the sight of his cock disappearing between rosebud lips.

Eventually she swallowed his cock. Feeling the tightness of her throat gripping his cock, he congratulated her on her success. He watched her head bob up and down, in a steady rhythm. He realised he was supposed to orgasm, but the weirdness of the situation held him back.

He felt her hands gently massaging his balls, and a fingernail circling his anus. She was trying so hard to make him cum, so how could he not play along? He warned her, but she took no notice. He spurted his cum into her mouth, without thought of her, or anything much, except shooting his load. After a moment or two, he opened his eyes. She was looking up at him with a soppy grin on her face. She opened her mouth to show him she'd saved his sperm.

It took an age for him to catch on. 'You can swallow,' he managed to say.

She made a production of swallowing his drop of cum. 'Thank you, Leo, for letting me swallow your cum,' she humbly spoke.

He pulled her to him, and kissed her eyes, and neck, avoiding her lips.

'Is my boyfriend satisfied with his girlfriend?' she asked, sounding worried.

'Oh! Yes! Very satisfied!' he proclaimed.

'Mmmm, scrummy,' she yelped. 'Am I the best?' she asked, again sounding worried.

'Yes, you are the best. You gave me the best blowjob ever!' he declared.

Easy to say because it was the only one. They sat for awhile, cuddling each other. She only had thoughts for him, for he'd told her she was his girlfriend, and that she desperately wanted him. Now he'd made her his, she was over the moon.

Leonard was worried. He'd taken advantage of his mother's friend, while she was hypnotised. If anyone found out he would be in serious trouble. How in hell did he let it get this far? He'd fucked Mrs Atkins, a married woman. Or rather, she'd fucked herself on his cock. That was no excuse, none at all. He'd been thinking of just one thing all the time, not realising he would get the chance to actually fuck her.

What in hell was he going to do now?

He sat with her for awhile, preparing her, for when she returned home. Smelling his sperm on her breath, he gave her gum to chew. He realised he would have to fool her husband too, and not just her.

He gave Liz, the eighteen year old, instructions for when she arrived home. It seemed a clever ploy to send her home, with a memory of something innocent. Once that had been settled, he gave Mrs Atkins instructions to forget she had been Liz. It took longer to put things right than making love. He had to admit it, it was just sex. Wow! Not just, it was sex!

She put on the one piece, and some better clothes over the top. This time she wore the underwear, raided from a neighbours washing line. At least a better image had been established, and she was ready to go home.


Elizabeth walked into the kitchen to find George drinking strong black coffee.

'Where have you been?' he huffily asked.

'Out. You're not my father, your just my guardian, so you can't tell me what to do,' Elizabeth taunted him.

'Oh?' George was taken aback.

His wife was evidently still hypnotised. Thinking it over, it was just as well. The game would be up if she'd been shocked out of the hypnotic influence, while out with that boy. What had they got up to? He'd have to play along with this curious relationship, to see if she would talk.

'Yes, I'm your guardian, so I'm responsible for you. What did you get up to this evening?' he demanded.

'Nothing much. I went for a drive with my boyfriend. We kissed for awhile, then he drove me home,' she explained.

She'd been told by her boyfriend not to tell her guardian what they got up to, so there was no way she would.

'Where did you get those clothes?' he asked.

'His sister,' she lied.

'Did you do it with your boyfriend?' he asked.

'No way!' she lied again, while putting on a face.

George laughed with relief. Of course the boy didn't know the key phrases to take over control, or release her. It had been bad luck that he found her vulnerable earlier. So she was home at last, and vulnerable to questioning. After awhile, he was satisfied she'd arrived home without anything bad happening.

He was relieved Leonard wasn't street wise, with much experience of girls. Thinking of his own teenage years, he remembered it as a time of frustration. He was neither a school athlete, or with the, 'in' crowd. Not that either guaranteed anything, except the right to brag about things that didn't happen.

'Well, I'll let you go on a date with him again, if you're a good girl,' he laughed.

'Whatever. Like, I'm hungry, can I have something to eat?' she asked.

It was strange treating his wife like a teenager, but that was how she acted after being with her so called boyfriend. He found out how unfamiliar with the kitchen he was, but managed to find enough ingredients to make a sandwich.

'How old are you now?' he casually asked.

'Eighteen, like, you should know that,' she pouted.

'Yes, of course. Well, you must be careful with boys. You know they only have one thing on their minds,' he warned.

'Uncle!' she said, looking highly embarrassed.

'If you promise me to be careful, and to be a good girl, I'll let you go on another date,' he teased.

'I will! I promise to be a good girl, and like, be careful,' she sincerely promised.

He almost laughed when she put her hand on her heart, while promising to be a good girl. It was very amusing treating her like a teenager, but he had to play it straight. At last he had her in a position where she had to obey him. Though this wasn't what he'd planned. He could hardly tell her to submit to sex, while she thought he was her guardian.

She crossed her fingers behind her back. Leo had warned her this might happen when she got home. Of all the things in the world, she wanted to be with her boyfriend, so would play along to keep her uncle happy.

It seemed tonight's plans were scuppered thanks to that idiot. The boy was probably scared over what he'd done, and wouldn't dare show his face again. He would have to let her get over this teenage thing, before taking control of her. A little more patience was called for.

'Well, you had better go straight to your room. I'll talk to you in the morning,' he ordered.

She yawned, and said, 'Yes, sir, whatever.'

Anything could of happened while she was vulnerable, but of course she was too straight laced, and highly moral to go too far with him. Eighteen year old girls couldn't be as horny as boys, or the boys would get what they wanted. Even so, he'd have to keep an eye on her, as the last thing they wanted was an unplanned pregnancy.

'Shit!' he shook his head of sleep.

This was his wife he was thinking about, not a niece. From the way she acted, and his own connivance, it seemed real. The thought of his non-existent niece becoming pregnant was inconvenient. Thinking about that boy making his wife pregnant was horrendous. He couldn't let his wife go out with a boyfriend, and risk her coming back pregnant.

He watched her retire to the spare bedroom. In the morning this boyfriend and girlfriend thing would be cleared from her mind. When she was his wife again, he would take control as intended. The Liz persona would have to be cleared from her mind, before something disastrous happened.

'It all seemed so simple. Hypnotising her was supposed to make my life easier to deal with a young wife. Instead, it's more complicated than ever,' he mumbled, while falling asleep.

In the morning he looked in the spare bedroom, to find she was still asleep. Best let her sleep to make sure her mind was clear. Tonight there would be more time to take control of her properly. He drove off to the office, trying to think about work, rather than the disastrous evening.

'I didn't see Mrs Atkins yesterday, I'll go and see if she's in,' Leonard offered, and quickly left.

Having watched Mr Atkins leave, he confidently knocked on the door. She answered the door wearing a dressing gown, and a frown.

'I have a message from mom,' he declared.

'You'd better come in,' she invited him in, without standing aside.

Having been closer than this in his car, he didn't flinch from pressing close in passing. Seeing her lick her lips, he had to try hard to suppress a big grin. She pushed a hand through her hair, and pulled the gown tighter.

'I'm not dressed, and haven't put my make-up on,' she apologised.

He watched her face change to a frown again, as she wondered why she had said that. He smiled at her, and pulled out a chair.

'Would you like some coffee, it's freshly made. I was having some toast, would you like some?' she burbled.

'Sure, that would be nice, Mrs Atkins,' he responded.

'No need to call me that, after all we are, err, neighbours. Call me Liz,' she giggled, then added. 'I mean Elizabeth.'

'Who calls you, Liz?' he asked.

'My lover, err, my boyfriend,' she giggled, and quickly explained. 'When I was in college, around eighteen.'

'Sounds like you had fun in college, Elizabeth,' he smiled.

'You know what it's like,' she smiled back.

'Did you ever get on the back seat with a boy?' he teased.

'No! I was always a good girl. A bit boring really. If I could re-live college again, I would. I'd do all kinds of things,' she said, and went beet red.

'Could you undo this for me,' she asked, and handed him a jar of jelly.

'You're young and strong, you should enjoy yourself while you can, Leo. Sorry, I mean Leonard,' she corrected herself.

'You can call me Leo if you like,' he offered.

Their hands touched around the jar, and she stood looking at him.

'I hardly remember, but I had a boyfriend named, Leo. I was deeply in love,' she mused.

She gently pulled her hand away, and stood looking at him. Eventually she spread jelly on the toast.

'You remind me of him,' she smiled, and quickly looked away.

'You can call me Leo, if it makes you feel good, with nice memories,' he offered.

'Best not mix those memories with you,' she said, sounding worried. 'I didn't mean, not sure what I mean, sorry,' she tried to laugh it off.

'I won't tell. Sounds nice and naughty. I'd like to hear about it,' he suggested.

'No! I couldn't. It wasn't much, we just kissed and cuddled in his car. He had an old Ford like yours, same colour, light blue. Like the sky,' she whispered.

'So you did make out on the back seat,' he chuckled.

'No! I was a good girl and wouldn't. I would now though,' she giggled, then cut it off on realising what she had admitted.

'Is that why you don't want to call me, Leo?' he asked.

'What? Oh! No! Don't be naughty,' she giggled.

Picking up the plates and cups, she started the washing up.

Leonard quietly got behind her, and slipped his arms around her to hold her wrists.

'What!' she jumped.

'I'll do the washing up, after all, you made me breakfast, so it's the least I can do,' he breathed in her ear.

'It's all right, I can manage,' she breathily whispered.

She didn't move, though he detected a tremble to her body, and in her voice. He still had his arms around her, and held her wrists tight. She didn't make a move to pull away. He'd guessed she was confusing him and what they did, placing it in the past. Pushing the boyfriend, Leo, into the past, was safer than trying to justify what happened last night.

The command to be in love with him was stronger than he thought. The command for Liz, the girlfriend to be in love with him, was spilling over to influence Mrs Atkins. Right now she was Mrs Atkins, yet her breathing was deepening, and she hadn't complained, or pushed him away.

Releasing her from the dangerous conflict, he whispered the hypnotic phrase to take her over. She'd revealed all the phrases to him last night, so he could be in control of her, or release her, at any time.

'Turn around,' he ordered.

Within his arms she turned to face him. She was close enough that he could smell the toothpaste she'd used earlier. He gave her a new phrase to put her under command, and ordered her to ignore the original.

'You yearn for me to put my arms around you, and to feel my lips against yours,' he said.

It was something he read in one of his sister's silly novels. She was past that phase, and was onto something more raunchy. It would be fun to see how Mrs Atkins handled this instruction. A yearning didn't sound so bad as being in love. It was something felt from afar, rather than jumping on the back seat to satisfy a need. Anyway, if he wanted more, he could summon her alter ego as Liz, the teenager.

No, this would have to be the last of it. Her husband couldn't gain control of her to find out what really went on, so they were safe. No one else would ever guess what they had been up to. Maybe now, after losing her for an evening, the husband would think again about putting her into such a vulnerable position. Mr Atkins should be happy with a beautiful young wife.

He looked at her and smiled. Mrs Atkins, or at least Liz, had been his first real love. He couldn't help the feelings he had for her, even if they were inappropriate toward a neighbour, who was a married woman. Just a kiss wouldn't hurt.

He tightened his arms around her and a sunshine smile lit her face. She looked as pleased as a lottery winner. He kissed her pursed lips, which she soon parted. She almost sucked his tongue into her mouth. Her hands were all over him, and she was uttering contented sounds from around their long and enduring smooch. They were devouring each other.

Leonard broke from Elizabeth, to take deep breaths, and to calm down. She was definitely vibrating with sexual tension now. He guessed Elizabeth's yearning was combining with Liz's love, to form a deep need. He hadn't thought of that.

'I have to go,' he said.

'Please don't go. I'll do anything, just for you, Leonard,' she promised.

'We mustn't, you know that. Just keep calm,' he said.

Before she kicked off he said the release phrase. She did calm down. At the same time she looked bewildered. The sexual tension hadn't completely drained from her, so she was left wondering why she was worked up.

'Are you all right, Mrs Atkins?' he asked, and guided her onto a chair.

'Let me make you a cup of tea,' he said.

'I need something, not sure its tea,' she seriously spoke.

Her hands shook, as she took the cup. She reached out to him to hold his hand in both of hers.

'You're a strong young man, and kind too. You could help me, couldn't you?' she asked.

'Of course, Mrs Atkins,' he replied.

'I thought you were going to call me Elizabeth,' she smiled.

'Alright, Elizabeth,' he conceded, and withdrew his hand.

He backed toward the door, realising he hadn't done such a good job with the commands as he thought. He should have made a stronger barrier between the two persona's, of Mrs Atkins, and Liz.

Escaping back home, he felt safe in his bedroom. He lay on the bed wondering what to do with them next. First thing was to start thinking of Elizabeth, and Liz, as one person.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great idea awful writing

Most of your other stories good but this is so poorly written almost comical

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Ingmar Bergman

Great re-creation of one of his movies.

Of course, it just might be your hashish brownies talking.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
One star

Never read such a fucking bullshit !

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07almost 8 years agoAuthor
Break in?

In sleepy Ohio towns doors are not locked, and later he says he didn't deliver his moms message. Youths don't bother with meal times. It took her a long time to dress, and you know what women are like. She said she was ready, but that meant almost, so another hour was lost. Then they went to the bathroom, and she noticed her make-up wasn't quite right.

He had a snack in his bedroom because he's a big fat kid. See, now you made me say it, poor kid, nasty Anonymous!

In the heat of the moment, in a panic, all sense of time and sensibility was lost. They rushed around in circles so much they went into a time loop and ended up losing a couple of hours.

Have you ever watched a movie, or read a book? Nothing too taxing for your angry and over emotional brain. Everything that happens can't be included to keep it real. How often do people go to the bathroom in fiction? Do they even have a toilet on the Enterprise in Star Trek? Do they use something as mundane as toilet paper? I bet you use your hand.

Don't worry that women in my stories are being embarrassed and humiliated, its the theme, and some women like it (that's why I'm writing these stories, its what they want, by email).

If that theme isn't liked then read chapter 2 of Mistaken Identity. I enjoyed writing the revenge scene at the end. I wish I could write more gender equal story lines where the woman was the strong hero and they ruled the roost. We have a woman prime minister now, and I'm sure she will be sensible and do a good job. Men tend to play and need to make their mark, in whatever they do, whereas a woman just gets on with the job, and does her best.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Too fucking stupid to enjoy.

No explanation how the neighbours son was able to break into their house or why. No explanation why he wouldn't wake her up. One minute it's daylight, the next its night time. No supper, no anything.

If you're going to write shit, have the common fucking courtesy to keep it to yourself.

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