Patrick Ch. 15


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"What? No... I"

"You just thought it! I heard it!"

"Let me explain, you didn't hear all of my..."

"You chased me until I agreed to be with you! You got me here.... You know what? Go to hell!"

"Kevyn! Wait!" Patrick called out to her but she was already gone. A few minutes later, he heard the door to one of the spare bedrooms slam closed.


Kevyn took a hot shower and crawled into bed. She was exhausted emotionally and physically. Too much had taken place in too short a period for the both of them. They both had issues she realized but now, she was too tired to think about it anymore.

As she closed her eyes, she thought about how horrible it must have been to find out that the rapes weren't necessary and they had been lied to for centuries. She felt not just for Patrick but the whole family. She also wondered how the raped mates had gotten to the point where they were able to forgive enough that they married and raised children with their rapist. In her mind, that made them stronger women than she could ever dream of being.

She missed feeling Patrick pressed against her but she refused to go to him, she didn't want to be with a man who regretted being with her. She finally fell into a fitful sleep with the thought that she should have let him explain in the back of her mind.


Louise felt the tension in the house increase and knew the cause or thought she did. Patrick and Kevyn were having problems that would be solved if they just talked to each other. She heard the door of one of the spare bedrooms slam shut, knew that it was Kevyn and resisted the urge to go to her. Whatever the problem was, they had to work it out and besides, she had some things to work out for herself.


Patrick lay on his back staring up at the ceiling mentally kicking himself in the ass. He had hurt Kevyn without meaning to. He should have known better than to think what he had been thinking and she had completely misunderstood what he meant. He glanced over at the phone and wondered if Ethan or Martin were up and then decided against calling them. This was his mess and he had to figure out how to clean it up himself, the question was how to go about it.

As soon as it was dark enough, he went outside, picked flowers from the yard and put them in a vase. The next thing he did was to cook dinner, place it on a tray and carry it up to the room where Kevyn had been since she left their bedroom earlier in the morning.

The door opened without him touching the knob and he went in setting the tray on the dresser by the door. The room was completely dark but his eyes easily adjusted and made out her form in the bed curled on her side and facing away from him.


She didn't reply at first but rolled over and looked at him.

"What do you want?" she asked she asked after several seconds.

"I made dinner."

"I don't want it."

"Fine, but I need for you to listen to me." Patrick replied.

He took her silence as consent, made his way across the room and sat down on the side of the bed.

"I hurt you and I'm sorry. I ... all I can think about is that this happened because of what I did. It was bad enough that it was Veronica but that could have been you!"

"But it wasn't..."

"But it could have been! When you heard that I regretted finding you, it wasn't what you thought I meant. I meant that I hate that I brought you into this, that you would have been safe if I hadn't found you. If there was one like him, then there are others and I have endangered you and Louise both. I don't regret being with you but I do regret the circumstances that I brought you into."

"Why do you insist on taking personal responsibility for what happened?" Kevyn asked.

"She was one of my victims! That makes it my responsibility and if anything happens to you because of what I've done, I'll never forgive myself."

"Have you changed your mind about wanting me here and you're too chicken shit to say it?" Kevyn asked.

"I told you that this was forever." Patrick replied.

"So now I'm here so that you can keep your word, is that it?" Kevyn asked angrily. "You know, once I caught on to Lonn...."

"Don't you even compare me to that bastard!" Patrick interrupted her now as angry as she was. "You're not the only one who can read thoughts!" he snapped.

Kevyn's face burned, she hadn't thought about the fact that Patrick could read her.

"Unlike him, I love you and I will grant you that I'm really fucking up here but don't you ever, ever doubt that I love you!"

"Then why won't you talk to me?" she asked.

"Kevyn, I think that we've got two separate issues here that need to be dealt with, Lonnie and this." Patrick sighed, "This is so far from how I envisioned us beginning our lives together. Sweetheart I'm sorry that I yelled at you and I'm sorry that I haven't been talking to you. I've been hurting you although that wasn't my intent. I keep thinking that this is part of the consequences that Ethan and Martin keep talking about, the suffering alone I mean."

"But they talk to their mates don't they?" Kevyn asked. "They don't keep things from each other, that's how they make it work and if this is going to work, we've got to trust each other enough to talk."

Patrick moved so that he was lying next to Kevyn and put his arms around her, "tell me about Lonnie. I want to know what he did or didn't do to take care of you and I mean everything."

"I'm sorry that I compared you to him." Kevyn said quietly.

"It's alright, just tell me about him." Patrick urged.

At the end of three hours, Patrick had a good idea of what Kevyn's life with Lonnie had been like. Lonnie had expected her to take care of him in everyway possible and had gone outside of the marriage for the things that she wouldn't do. He had expected her to please him orally while refusing to reciprocate going so far as to "gag" when he "tried" the bottom line was that he tried to change her into something that she wasn't and never had been, a subservient woman.

"Why did you wait so long to leave?" Patrick asked.

"My parents loved each other." Kevyn replied, "There wasn't anything that they wouldn't do for each other and that's what I wanted. They had been married for thirty years when dad died. He never so much as looked at another woman. My mother was his world. When I met Lonnie, I was young, stupid and naïve. He promised me everything that my parents had and well, you know me well enough to know that I'm not a quitter so I hung with it giving him chance after chance until I just couldn't do it any more and so I left."

"Lonnie was a fool and he isn't the only one." Patrick said, "I'm making the same mistake that he did, in spite of what I've seen, I keep underestimating your strength and to a degree, you were right about something, I didn't trust you but not because I didn't want to. You've been through so much and I didn't know how much more you could take but at any rate, let's finish with Lonnie. I will never ask you to do anything that I am not willing to do myself and it doesn't matter what it is. I also want you to know that I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. I promise to do my level best to make you as happy as possible. I won't promise you that I won't screw up but I'll try not to, you have my word on that. And there's one more thing, I will never invade your privacy by listening in on your thoughts unless I have no other choice. When I heard you thinking about Lonnie, it was an accident and once again, I'm sorry that I yelled at you like that."

Kevyn sat up, "it's alright and I'm sorry that I keep running whenever there's a problem but Patrick, you can't tell me that mates share everything and then pick and choose what you tell me. You carried not only me but also Louise when we were in Pennsylvania and I couldn't have survived last week without you, it's my turn to carry you. So please, talk to me. Tell me why you insist that you're solely responsible for what happened."

"I don't know if I can." Patrick replied intertwining her fingers with his.

"Try." Kevyn said and then waited.

"That woman was someone's mate and I took her from him. I didn't kill her but I might as well have... She took her own life. The reasons why I raped don't matter, what does is that I did it. I never really understood what Ethan and Martin meant when they said that they didn't deserve their mates and now I do. I guess in a way, I was trying to push you away and if you had wanted to go, I wouldn't have stopped you. Another vampire and family almost lost someone because me..."

"Stop it!" Kevyn shouted. "Just stop it with the poor me bullshit! You weren't the only one in your family who raped. It was the luck of the draw that the vampire was a mate to one of your victims. And until Victoria relayed the message that you knew the woman, you had no idea of whom we were dealing with. For all you knew, that woman could have been a victim of your dead brother Jesse!

I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel guilt because you always will but I am saying that you shouldn't take the entire thing on your shoulders, it's a shared guilt. As far as Veronica and Vanessa, they weren't chosen to get at you. Bradford or whatever the hell is name was had no idea which one of you raped his mate, he was aiming at the Sinclaire family as a whole. It just happened to be Ethan's family that he chose but let's think about that, who is it that publicly announced that he was responsible for anything that happened after he realized that the rapes were wrong? Ethan wasn't it? Who was in the forefront of the stopping the rape campaign? Ethan! Therefore, if he was after anyone, it was Ethan because he by his own admission could have ended the rapes. That doesn't let you or anyone off the hook but the blame isn't entirely yours either.

In addition, not only that, that vampire had other options! He didn't have to stalk your family! All he had to do was ask for a meeting but he didn't! He involved innocents when he didn't have to, why didn't he say who he was and demand to meet with the men of the family? His issue was with the men of the family and if you ask me, it was mainly Ethan because he is the one most seen and heard.

And speaking of Ethan, why haven't you called him or any of your family for that matter?

Oh yes, it's because of guilt that you insist only belongs to you. Patrick Sinclaire, you are a fucking coward! You're too afraid to call your niece and to ask her for forgiveness because it's easier to wallow in self pity..."

Kevyn stopped talking realizing that she was sounding anything but sympathetic.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn't sound very sympathetic did I?"

"No but you told me the truth." Patrick said quietly. "There's this part of me that feels as though I need to suffer through this alone and there's another part of me that is so glad that you're here and recognizes that by not talking to you, I'm hurting not just you but us."

"So what happens now?" Kevyn asked, "Do you keep hurting us or do we go through this together?"

"I call my family, and we start going through this together." Patrick replied.


Victoria was beating Ethan in a game of scrabble when Patrick called. Since she was closest to the phone, she answered it.

"Uncle Patrick! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine pumpkin, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm beating papa in scrabble." Victoria replied, the pride evident in her voice.

"Why am I not surprised?" Patrick asked with a chuckle, "but guess what? Both of your new aunts like scrabble and have already beaten me."

"Really? That's cool! The playing scrabble I mean."

"I knew what you meant pumpkin." Patrick said laughing. "I want to tell you something else, I am very proud of you. You were very brave in a frightening situation and sweetheart? It wasn't your fault that he took Veronica."

"But she went to get me cookies." Victoria replied softly. She couldn't even bring herself to say the name of the cookies.

"Yes she did but Victoria, it wasn't your fault." Patrick reiterated, "Alright?"

"Okay and Uncle Patrick? I love you.' Victoria replied.

"And I love you, is your papa around?"

Ethan was on the phone a few minutes later.

"Patrick? Are you all right? We were beginning to worry about you."

"I'm better... I ... I guess I was feeling too guilty to call."

"Katrina was right then." Ethan replied, "She said that you would make what happened your fault when the fault lies with all of us."

"Kevyn just gave me a good talking to and pointed that out to me... how are the girls?"

"As well as can be expected... you should call Veronica, she's worried about you probably more than the rest of us." Ethan replied.

"I'll call her after I'm through with you."

"Good and Katrina wants to know when we'll officially meet Kevyn and Louise."

"In a few days, I have some serious making up to do." Patrick replied.

"Ahh yes, the life of a mated Sinclaire man." Ethan replied chuckling, "call us in a couple of days and we'll have an official welcome to the family dinner."

Patrick hung up, looked at Kevyn and dialed Veronica's number.


Veronica paced back and forth concerned about Patrick. Of the remaining brothers, he was the most sensitive one. It hadn't really struck her as odd that he hadn't been able to remember what his victims looked like and she was sure that he was beating himself up over her abduction and attempted murder. She had decided that if no one had heard from either him or Kevyn in the next day or so, she was going to call or go over to their house.

She heard the phone ring and then Rik's soft voice talking to someone. They were having their own issues and were finally getting to the point where he was letting go of some of the guilt about letting her go into the kitchen alone that night. It was finally sinking in that had it not been her it would have been Vanessa, Katrina or worse yet, Victoria. She still maintained that of all of them, she had been the one best suited to take Bradford on and while the first day or two after it was over were rough, she was all right. The nightmares were already diminishing and she didn't wake up trying to loosen chains that weren't there.

"Veronica!" Rik called to her, "telephone!"

She sighed in relief when she heard Patrick's voice.

"Uncle Patrick? Are you alright?" she asked anxiously.

"I'm better but how are you?"

"I'm getting there... you do know that this wasn't your fault don't you?" she asked in her typical straightforward manner.

"Maybe not personally but collectively." Patrick replied

Veronica didn't contradict him, she knew that every male in their family felt the same way and she couldn't deny that they were right.

"I understand... how are Kevyn and Louise doing? They were just phenomenal!"

"They're good and as I told Victoria, they love scrabble and other word games." Patrick replied.

"So when do we get to officially meet them?"

"Soon." Patrick replied, "I'll let you know."

"Will you thank both of them again for me?" Veronica asked relieved that Patrick seemed to be all right.

"I'll do that... Ronnie, you were amazing and I'm glad that you're home unharmed.

They talked for a few more minutes and then he called Vanessa.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Kevyn asked when he hung up.

"No... you were right and they're all wondering when they will get to meet you and Louise." Patrick replied tightening his arms around her. "I told them in a couple of days... do you think that Louise will be alright alone for a couple of days? There's someplace that I want to take you."

"I suppose so but I have to do something about work and class." she replied.

"Tomorrow is Sunday and class is on Tuesday, when are you due back at work?" Patrick asked.

"Wednesday and I have to take care of my apartment too."

"How about this? You call your job on Monday and see what you can do about your schedule. You want to work part time right? You're way behind in the reading for class so we'll work on that together and I'll have someone pack up your apartment." Patrick said.

"What about this place that you want to take me to?"

"We'll go the next weekend you're off and caught up with school. If you're off on Thursday, we can get together with everyone then. What do you think?" Patrick asked.

"I think that it sounds like a plan. Are you going to tell me about this place?"

"No it's a surprise. Are we good?" Patrick asked hugging her.

"We're good but let's not do this again." Kevyn said. "We have to keep talking or else we'll be miserable."

"Agreed, I'm hungry... How about Del taco?"


Louise gently closed her door breathing a sigh of relief. The house had settled again and felt the way a home should feel, peaceful. Whatever the issues had been between Kevyn and Patrick seemed to have been resolved at least for the time being. She jumped when her cell phone rang, she knew who it was even before she answered it, and he had been calling her several times a day.

"Hello sweetheart." a deep masculine voice said.

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redone6566redone6566over 7 years ago
something missing

I think from what I read that a whole chapter is missing? in chap 14 Patrick and the girls are landing at the airport and at the beginning of chap 15 the rescue has been done? what lead up to the rescue/kidnapping, revenge and a whole lot of other stuff is missing?

ShamuloveShamuloveover 8 years ago
Wrong forum

Someone lied to get this series marked as Hot. There is virtually no sex in the entire series. You are a very good writer but the reason I am on is because i want to read about sex. My second complaint is that you should explain that Patrick is a vampire earlier in the story. The blazé way rape is mentioned is a complete turn off and actually made me want to quit reading. This last chapter (15) is so confusing when it starts since it does not seem to connect with the previous chapter at all.

flowerbloomflowerbloomover 10 years ago
Enjoy the story

This is for some of the reader's with their comments, this is a free site for stories many of these authors will published and some will not. If you go to amazon and buy a ebook label under interracial romance, some of these authors are bad. Their writing lack characters development and their is no editing done what so ever. It's so easy for non-writers to tell an author about editing and grammar issues when the story is free. Sit back and enjoy the author stories before they are removed for published, because some people will not pay for the book.

D3stin2L0v3D3stin2L0v3over 10 years ago
Good Story

However I really wish I was able to read Ethan before removed it from this site. Kevyn & Patrick's was a good back story for me as I have already read, Thorne, Louise, Mason, and the first Chapter of Joseph. Although I do not like the Barb character, I do she that on some level she can be redeemed and go back to Thorne and their son. Now that would make for very interesting reading then we can see what her gift is. Although it seems that she cannot only hear the fates she can talk to them as well. You have very good storytelling and writing skills; however, I good proofreader would help.

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
so damn good

on to louise thank you so much for your writing it was so captivating

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