Our Steven, Our Stephanie Ch. 06

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Steven's of a mind (?) to wear Diane's hand-me-downs
3.5k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/20/2009
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Below is part 6 of the continuing saga of "Our Steven, Our Stephanie". Again, I wish to thank everyone who has continued to read these chapters, and who have offered their kind words of support with their many suggestions and feedback offerings. I am open to all ideas and welcome anyone's advice. Please, feel free.

Our Steven, Our Stephanie Ch. 6

Steven came out of his trance, bright and alert, feeling as though nothing at all had happened.

"Well," Steven asked. "We gonna start or what?"

"Steven, dear," Diane replied. "Look at your watch."

Steven did as she said and gasped in shock. It was now 10:00! Two hours had passed since he had first been asked to come to Diane's room to help her out.

"My God," Steven choked out. "Wha..., what, when..."

"Steven, don't worry," Diane assured brightly. "You were a great subject. With the assistance you gave us tonight, we're all bound to get an A+ on this hypnosis project the girls and I have been working on.

I love you so much for what you've done for us here. You really helped us out here tonight and we owe you big time for it, isn't that right,girls?"

"Right, Diane!" the girls responded enthusiastically.

"Gee, Diane, girls," Steven started. "If you say so, I'm glad to have been such a big help. I just can't remember doing a thing, so I feel like I'm taking credit for someone else's work. It's like I lost two hours out of my life and don't know where they went to.

But apparently you do and are happy with what I did during that time, and your happiness really does please me. Again, glad to have been able to help."

As Steven was talking, he couldn't help but squirm a bit on Diane's vanity chair he was sitting in. His butt seemed to sting something fierce, though he thought it might have been from earlier when his Mumsie spanked him, the memory of the entire episode with the pacifier and the apron and everything coming crashing back and causing him to blush a very deep red.

As he squirmed, he also felt the butt plug pushing deeper inside him. Funny, he thought. It almost seems a little looser than usual. In fact, it seemed as if he had to tighten his sphincter muscles a bit more to hold it in and keep it from falling out! How strange, very strange indeed.

Steven also noted that his jaws hurt a little, as though they'd been stretched open really wide for a long time, like he'd spent some time at the dentist's office. But since he couldn't think of any logical reason for it to feel like that, he tried to forget about it.

Diane noticed Steven's squirming about and assumed correctly the reasons for it. She at first cursed herself for not giving him a pain-blocking command, but then thought it might be more fun allowing Steve to let his wild imaginings try working it out.

"Well, dearie," Diane said. "It is getting late, and we girls do need our beauty sleep. So why don't you go on to bed now, or at least back to your room. It's Saturday, and you're allowed to stay up late tonight, if you want to watch TV or something. But we're done here now, so please leave, dear boy."

Feeling most put off after having done Diane such a big favor, Steven just lowered his head in disenchantment and started leaving her room.

"Oh, dear," Diane said. "I almost forgot. That bag by the door – it's yours, from me. The hand-me-downs I picked out for you. Go ahead and take them with you. They belong to you now, girl"

"Uh, yeah," Steven mumbled blushingly, seeing a large garbage bag filled to capacity sitting at the side of Diane's doorway. "Uh, thanks, Diane."

"Hey now, boy," Diane yelled out. "You need to be more thankful than that. Show some gratitude for the time I spent going through everything just to find those things for you. It took me hours, simply hours to find you just the right things. I'm sure Mother wouldn't be very pleased with your attitude right now!"

Now Steven was really crestfallen, positive he could do nothing right. He just had to try and fix it with Diane, he just had to.

"I'm sorry for my ungracious attitude, Diane," he started. "Please, I really am happy to have these new clothes and will wear them as soon as possible, just to show my respect to you. You are much too nice a sister for me, and I know I am just a stupid, callous and ignorant boy who always messes everything up. Please forgive me for my stupidity, Diane."

"I'll tell you what, Steven," Diane said. "That was a very touching and sincere apology and I am sure you meant every word of it. But since you admit you are ungracious, stupid, callous and ignorant, and because you spoke to me so contritely, I think you need to have a spanking to get those naughty traits beaten out of you.

"Why don't you come back here and join me at my vanity chair. That's a good boy. Now, lower your pajama bottoms and underwear, like so. Yes, good. Now, let's get you over my lap like so, yes, that's good."

Steven didn't really understand why he so easily stepped into this situation, and couldn't believe those words had actually come from his lips. But so often lately he was feeling like a very bad boy who needed to be punished. So much so, it almost seemed as though it had become his lot in life, like it was getting to the point that it didn't matter who was doing the punishing.

He was even beginning to worry that someday a stranger would come up to him and blame him for some misdeed, and if Steven felt the stranger was right, he would stop right then and there and ask him to punish him and even agree to whatever punishment that stranger might propose.

"Now Steven," Diane said, interrupting his thoughts. "I am going to give you 25 spanks for your misconduct. If you wish, you may cry. We girls understand, and have seen sissy-boys cry before. If you want, you can even wiggle and squeal like a girl, but only if you want. I wouldn't want to make you, of course, even though I am going to try."

Then Diane raised her right hand high in the air and brought it down hard with a vicious sounding CRACK! Again, SMACK!, as she brought her hand down a second time. Then SMACK! CRACK! CRACK! Came three spanks in rapid succession and by then Steven was writhing about in his sister's lap, moaning in pain. SMACK! SMACK! CRACK! SMACK! CRACK!

"That's ten down, little brother," Diane said. "Only fifteen to go. Ready?"

At that, Diane quickly raised her hand high and brought it down fast, but stopped suddenly without hitting flesh. Steven was so sure of the coming spank he cringed in anticipation of it and raised his butt to meet the oncoming blow in an effort to soften it.

"See how our sissy-boy is looking for the spanks," Diane said, pointing out the phenomena to the avidly watching girls. "He is starting to like his spankings now. See how he is now starting to look forward to the pain. Right, sissy-boy? Does my little brother like his spankie-wankies now? Hmmm?"

"No, no, you're wrong, I don't..." Steven gasped. "It hurts too much!"

But Steven couldn't help but wonder as he felt his cock get hard, harder than he could ever remember it being, and the only sensations he was feeling was the pain brought on by his sister's hand. It couldn't be, she couldn't be right...then...

"Oh yes," Diane chortled leeringly, feeling his little dickie stiffen against her legs and smiling evilly. "There's the proof, all the proof we'll ever need. Little Stevie's got a hard-on, and I never touched him except to spank him. Let's see what happens when I finish up with this round of spankings."

The next 10 spanks were delivered intermittently on the poor boy's upturned bottom. CRACK! WHACK! "You know you love this, right Steven?" SLAP! SWAT! "You know this hurts me more than it does you, because you're turning on to this punishment while my hand just keeps right on burning up, isn't that right, dear boy?

"And how are we doing down here now? Do you need a hand down there, sissy-boy? Do you need a big sister's helping hand, little brother? Here, why don't we take a look see, OK?"

At that Diane slipped her hand underneath her brother's groin and ran her soft fingers gently back and forth over his hot, pulsing rod. Suddenly Steven was really squirming. Once that started, suddenly another CRACK! SPLAT! WHACK! WHACK! CRACK! SLAP! SMACK! SMACK! CRACK! SMACK! CRACK!

"Arrgh!" Steven cried out in humiliation, shooting his cum juices into his sister's hand just as the last spank landed.

"Oh lookie, girls," Diane shouted. "My little brother just came like gangbusters. And just because he got spanked."

At that, she brought her cum-glistened hand up to wave it around to her girlfriends like a proud trophy. Then she brought it up to Steven's mouth and forced him to drink his cum from her hand, licking her fingers clean, sucking off her fingers as if each one was a miniature cock.

"Yes, dear boy," Diane cooed lovingly. "You must be awfully hungry after that extensive workout you just had. This is good protein for you to help keep up your strength. You should always eat this stuff, it will improve you endurance in your long distance swimming. Trust me, we girls know all about this stuff. Now really, off to bed with you, Stevie, and take your stuff with you. Now, what do you say?"

"Uh, gee. Sis," Steven started. "Um, thanks a lot for the clothes, I just know I'll love them. Thanks for the spankings, I know now that I really deserved them, and I'm sorry to have to have made you give them to me. I promise to try to be much better behaved in the future. And thanks for everything else. I loved it and I love you, sis."

With that he leaned up to her and kissed her on the cheek. He then looked away scarlet faced and turned and, taking the bag of hand-me-downs, ran back to his room.

As he was leaving the room, all the girls shouted, "Good night, Stephanie!"

Diane raced to her door. "Stephanie," she chastised. "Proper young ladies walk away, they do not scamper, when they are excused. Right? Now come back here and let's see you do that properly."

Steven returned to Diane's door with a silly blushing smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, Diane," he said contritely. "I can do better."

"Let's just see that you do, dearie," Diane replied. "Now show me!"

With that she gave him a playful whack on his butt as he walked away to his room in a most proper manner. On his way down the hall he turned his head and stuck his tongue out playfully at Diane, who returned the gesture in an equally playful manner.

Steven then returned to his room with no more incident, throwing the bag of hand-me-downs onto the floor next to his bed and then flopping down onto the bed himself, trying to sort out the events of the day and then figure out what importance, if any, they would play, in the upcoming days or weeks.

Meanwhile, back in Diane's room, Diane had just closed her door and leaned against it, letting out a deep whoosh of long-held breath.

"Oh girls," Diane said, a thrill running down to her toes as she curled them into her shag carpet. "We are going to have such fun with that child."

The other girls merely swooned lovingly onto Diane's King-sized bed as visions of their little sugarplum Stephanie in all sorts of mishaps, danced in their heads.

The girls plotted well into the night, coming up with devious and cunning schemes to get poor Steven into dresses, makeup and more, while conjuring up bizarre and fanciful situations to place him in, to further humiliate and feminize the hapless boy even more.

The plan's ultimate goal, to get poor Steven to finally learn to love and accept his sissiness and girlishness, but to allow the girls their fun, was worked on and modified, as the ideas they came up with guaranteed not to make it too easy a transition for him.

Because, as much as they wanted him to learn to enjoy all those things, they also wanted to get Steven to learn to enjoy his humiliations, or at least learn to accept them as a necessary part of his journey into womanhood.

Diane told them of her Mother's complicity in this whole affair, which made them all breathe a lot easier knowing they had her assistance and protection now that they had decided to proceed down this course.

After all their plotting, their final decision was that Diane and her Mother would do all they could to get Stephanie to learn to accept and eventually love his new feminine finery.

However, in order to get her to actually embrace her new-found girlhood, everyone agreed that Steven had to find a boyfriend. Someone who really liked him as Stephanie and didn't just want to use her to tease her because she was an oddity - a she-male, a boy in girls clothing.

He needed someone who kind of thought he was cute even as a boy but who wasn't really gay. Someone who was also not so afraid of his own sexuality that he couldn't make it with a gender-confused pretty-boy.

If they could find someone like that, someone who could take him on a date and then take him through all the rites of passage a normal girl would be taken through – the seduction, the first kiss, the blow job, and finally, the cherry fuck.

They all decided that were that to ever happen, and if it happened in a really smooth, seductive fashion, then Stephanie could indeed be enticed into womanhood forever, and thoroughly enjoy the journey which brought her there. And fortuitously, Diane seemed to have just the young man in mind for Stephanie's first love.

While the girls were plotting away, Steven, now back in his room, emptied the immense bag of clothing his sister gave him onto his bed.

As he did so, he wondered amazingly that she even had this amount of clothes in her possession, let alone an amount this size that she could afford to part with. Gee, just how many articles of clothing does she have anyway, he wondered.

Once the clothes were out of the bag and spread over his bed, Steven suddenly had a bad feeling about having given in to this notion of accepting hand-me-downs from his sister.

Expecting mostly boyish types of jeans, jerseys, and an occasional pair of underwear, Steven was overwhelmed at the sight of panties, bras, slips, camisoles, blouses, skirts, and shoes with and without high heels.

All the lingerie was either trimmed or covered with lace and ruffles, some made of silk, some satin, very few of cotton.

All were of different colors, some bright shades that practically shouted slut!, while others were of a more demure, muted pastel color. The blouses and skirts were of silk or polyester blend and were in bright multicolored hues.

Steven just stared open-mouthed at the clothes, trying to figure out what he should do about them. His Mother had said he would only be wearing Diane's boyish clothing, but there was nothing boyish here, not a single pair of jeans! Of course, he couldn't wear them, that was obvious.

But he remembered his Mumsie's words, how she was proud of him for agreeing to accepting the hand-me-downs, and to thank Diane for everything she gives me. He knew also that Diane would be terribly angry with him if he showed any displeasure to some of the things she gave him, and he knew she would take that anger out on his bare bottom.

As these thoughts and feelings passed through Steven's head, he was also unconsciously touching and feeling the soft, sensuous lingerie items. Doing this only seemed to confuse the poor boy all the more.

The wondrous feel of the material plus seemingly everybody's want and desire to have him wear all the hand-me-downs presented him, and even now the funny sort of feeling going through him that seemed to tell him it might be kind of nice, even right, to wear some of these things.

All of these thoughts and feelings seemed to gang up on and eventually overwhelm the singular initial masculine response he first had when he'd initially dumped the clothes on the bed - that he obviously couldn't wear them.

That thought was now being completely overwhelmed by new desires suddenly coming from nowhere and taking control of every other fiber of his being.

He just couldn't disappoint his Mumsie. He just couldn't disappoint Diane. He just had to wear the clothes. Besides, he thought, they do feel kind of nice anyway. And besides, underwear is underwear, and clothes are just clothes, right?

For the next hour, Steven went through and sorted all the items of clothing his sister gave to him.

All told he had 16 pairs of panties and 16 matching bras, 2 pair of foam inserts, 8 slips, 6 half-slips, 10 camisoles, 4 garter belts, 8 blouses, 8 skirts, 6 dresses, 2 nightgowns, 2 robes, 2 baby doll nighties and 4 eggs of L'egg's nylon pantyhose and 6 pair of sheer nylon stockings.

After hanging up the the dresses, skirts, slips, nightgowns, robes and button-down blouses, he daintily folded up the other items and placed them in the drawers of his dresser.

Unable to come up with a final decision about the hand-me-downs and coming down with a splitting headache from the entire day's events and lack of sleep provided him, Steven decided to take a bath first to calm down his still smarting bottom and hopefully then his aching head, and second, to see if he couldn't come to some sort of decision about these new clothes.

Filling up the tub, he noticed the bath salts his Mumsie and Sister used and thought that it might make the water feel nicer to his reddened bottom cheeks in the same way Epsom salts would.

He picked up one labeled Lavender and poured it in with the running water. Settling into the tub once it was filled, Steven immediately felt the luxurious silkiness of the water and noticed the wonderful scent coming up from the surface.

He'd never known taking a bath could make one feel so sensual, so voluptuous, and promised to treat himself to another of these opulent, sumptuous delights in the very near future.

Is this one of the kind of differences that exist between girl's things and boy's things, he wondered idly. Everything Mumsie and sis have, wear or experience is so much more pleasurable and sensual than those same items that I have, wear or experience. Why, and is it always that way?

Steven, in thinking these thoughts, and others, was unaware of his newly hypnotically awakened senses, and how they were now trained and focused on the acceptance and desire for the more dainty, feminine things life had to offer.

He had no idea that Diane, in her deviousness and devilishness, had so altered his perceptions of the world around him that his mind was now almost totally receptive and open so as to unconsciously seek out and then willingly try girlish things.

When he was finished soaking in the tub, Steven got out and patted himself dry. Then he wrapped his hair turban style as Diane had shown him after which he wrapped himself in one of the large beach towels stored in the closet there. Then he walked listlessly back to his bedroom.

Getting dressed for bed, he put on a pair of white silk nylon panties with lace trim and without even making a conscious decision to do so, reached for and put on the matching bra.

Then, he removed a white satin baby doll nightie and slipped it on over his head, shivering at the sensual feelings it gave him as it covered his hairless body. When he was finished dressing, he removed the towel from his hair and looking into his dresser mirror, brushed it into place.

When he was happy with the look, he took a step back to take a look at his overall appearance in his new clothes.

Well, not bad, I guess, Steven thought. Diane's guess was right about our sizes being close, because the fit is great. And they really don't look that bad on me – at least they really feel nice to wear, which is a plus since I have to wear them.

Hmmm, my hair is looking so limp and dull – I wonder how it would look if I gave it some body. I'll have to talk to Diane about that, she knows more about those things. Maybe she can give me a few tips.