Our Steven, Our Stephanie Ch. 02

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Diane chastises Steven for his silly notions.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/20/2009
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This is part two of my second story, "Our Steven, Our Stephanie". I want to thank the readers out there who have offered their kind words of support and desires for continuation for this story. I realize the chapters seem a bit short, but I like to try to end my stories at the cliffhanger points so as to leave the readers on the edge of their seats, so to speak. Future chapters are much longer than these first two introductory chapters, as well as more action-packed. Please hang in there - You should not be disappointed. :-)


Steven groaned, rolling over on his bed, looking with disgust at the blank television screen. Another Friday night stuck at home and not a darn thing to watch on the tube! Jeez! He was just getting up to raid the kitchen when his sister called him.


Steven, already on his way down the hall, stopped at his sister's door as requested. He saw she had her regular "crew" of girlfriends with her in for a sleepover and that they were all in their nightgowns.

"Hey, girls," he said, then asked, "Whaddya want, sis?"

"Hey, Steven," Diane answered. "I just heard that mom asked you to look me up for some hand-me-downs I might be able to give over to you to help stretch our already strained family budget and I wanted to talk to you about it."

"Shit, Diane," he said blushing as he remembered the near order. "Can't we talk about this later? I mean, it's really kinda embarrassing to talk about this in front of your friends here."

"Now, now Steven," Diane replied. "Don't be such a baby. Besides, the girls here already know all about it. You know we keep no secrets from one another. Right, girls?"

A giggling chortle of "Right, Diane!" sounded from all corners of her room, causing Steven to blush an even deeper shade of red when he realized this personal family matter was suddenly food for the masses.

"Be that as it may, bro," Diane started. "I heard you essentially told Mother to shove it when she told you her plan. Told her you would do no such thing, eh?"

"But Diane," Steven complained. "No red-blooded American boy wants to wear his sister's clothes, whether they're new or hand-me-downs. It just isn't done!"

"Well golly-gee, Steven," Diane replied as if talking to a retard. "Yes, of course, you're right. In most cases, it isn't normal. But these aren't normal times for us, Steven.

"When Dad died, he left us with a stack of unpaid bills and very little insurance benefits to help pay them off. Mother has been trying to make ends meet by working two jobs.

"As such, the money will be tight for some time yet, and what extra we have can only be spent in emergencies, and for the additional bills we receive and food. None of us have been able to get any new clothes for months now nor are we likely to for some time to come.

"Mother was only trying to get you to help out in this time of need by seeing if she couldn't extend the life of your clothes by adding some of mine to your wardrobe.

"And anyway, who's to notice if you wear a pair of my soft, silky panties instead of your awful coarse underwear under your pants?

"Nobody will see them and at least this way you'll be helping to do your part to get us through this financial bind we're in."

"Wow," a thoroughly cowed and chastened Steven spoke up. "I didn't know that things were that bad around here. I mean, yeah, I knew we were hurting a little, but Mother never let on it was that bad. And when you lay it out like that, I guess I was really being a bastard about the whole affair.

"Sure, if you can pick out some stuff for me that isn't too blatantly girlish, I guess I can do my part for the war effort and wear it.

I'll apologize to Mother tomorrow for being so rude to her and tell her I've changed my mind. That should make her very happy."

"Good, good," Diane said. "I'm very proud of you, Steven. You've made the right decision here and you won't regret it, I'm sure.

"Oh, and if you really want to get on Mother's good side after the mess you made, call her Mumsie when you talk to her. You know how old-fashioned she is. That will really mollify her anger toward you when you apologize."

"Uh, sure Diane. Ah, whatever you think is best," the blushing boy said as he disappeared back into his own room.

Heading down the hall, he could hear the peals of laughter coming from Diane's girl friends as they talked into the night about what they had just witnessed.

Diane could barely keep from laughing at her gullible twin. She'd always been able to manipulate him into doing anything she wanted, without him realizing he was being so manipulated.

Now that she'd been informed of her Mother's plan to turn Steven into Stephanie, she was really going to have fun with her little brother, planning all sorts of ways to turn his life upside-down.

The best part of it all now was that there would be very little opposition against anything she wished to do to him. If anything, she would be cheered on and given a great deal of support from their Mother.

Diane had not lied when she said their father had left them little in the way of financial support, but the two jobs their Mother worked actually paid her a very tidy sum. So much so that they were currently better off financially then they had been when their Father was alive.

The statement about none of them buying new clothes for months was also a blatant fabrication, as she and her Mother shopped all the time for new clothes.

The financial situation wasn't as dire as Diane or Vanessa made it out to be. Steven fell for it because his wardrobe hadn't been updated for some months and he knew it.

Knowing that, he just assumed that nobody else's had grown either, and for the reasons that Diane had given.

Yes, her brother was a sap, a simpleton. Yet not because he was unintelligent, because he was smart, yet only used his smarts when he felt the time required him to use them. Most of the time however, if he was told something or given advice, his major flaw was that he listened to and believed what people told him if the tone of their voice was sincere sounding.

Essentially, Steven believed that most people were inherently honest, and heeded their advice when offered, especially if offered from someone older and wiser than he.

Diane, for example, was the one who had convinced him to remove his body hair when he decided to try out for the swim team, telling him that all the professionals did the same thing. She did this long before Vanessa had started on her feminization program.

She'd even convinced him to shave the hair off his groin as well, convincing him that a full body look was much better than just going part way and leaving the job half-finished.

And it was when Vanessa, after accidentally catching Steven stepping out of the shower one day, had noticed that he'd begun shaving his body hair, and actually seen how feminine this made him appear, almost like a little girl.

Mistakenly, she believed Steven's actions to depilitate his body was done out of some hidden feminine need or desire which caused her to decide, then and there, to start Steven on the hormone treatment and thus his ultimate feminization.

Diane lovingly referred to Steven as "little brother" because she was born 3 minutes before him, making her the older of the twin siblings. As the older of the two, she not only liked to see how much she could do to Steven before he caught on to her shenanigans, she especially prided herself on the number of pranks she was able to convince him to pull on himself as well.

Using excuses like, "You really should do this, you know, for the good of the family", or "Shaving off all your body hair like this will really help you out with your sprints", or "after you shampoo, you should wear a towel turban-style on your head to dry your hair", or "Now that your body is free of hair, when you leave the shower, you should wrap a towel around your body under your armpits -- it will feel nicer and dry your body out faster", or "Wearing these hand-me-downs like this will make Mother very proud once you tell her you will do so", without Steven ever realizing it, she made him the butt of many private in-jokes.

She was overjoyed when it seemed that so far, after a year on her own, despite all the occasional stunts she'd pulled to feminize her little brother, he still hadn't caught on. And now, with Mother's added help and OK, Steven's downfall was assured.

Even though Steven never exhibited any sort of effeminate tendencies, he nonetheless always seemed a bit swishy to Diane. Maybe it was the striking difference in their sizes that contributed to her feeling this way about him.

Not that Diane was so much taller than Steven because she really wasn't -- she did stand an impressive 5' 11" in her bare feet and weighed 125 pounds, and Steven was slightly less imposing, standing at 5' 9" and weighed only 115 pounds soaking wet.

The real difference between them was their frame, their physical makeup. While, as Vanessa had noted, Steven was slight, more frail, giving him a more, for the lack of a better word, feminine build, Diane, though still feminine in build, was less slight, more commanding in presence, and domineering in stature.

Whenever Steven thought of going contrary to his sister's wishes and tried to assert his male machismo over her, Diane performed a most impressive technique which she had mastered taking self-defense classes by standing aright and pugnaciously bracing her commanding presence most formidably up against Steven and then wordlessly challenge him into a staring contest that the boy's ego wouldn't allow him to decline.

As always happened, Steven would lose this test of wills and blushingly turn away in defeat and end up caving in to Diane's wishes anyway.

Then again maybe it was because he'd been sporting an overgrown Beatles' style haircut ever since he was 12 years old that gave him such a cute pixieish look. But because his hair was a natural blond and because of his slight build, to others the style always seemed to make him appear more like a "surfer-girl" than one of the Beatles'.

However, each time his Mother asked him to get it cut, he would adamantly refuse because, as he said, "Most boys nowadays have long hair", or "It's the fashion trend, and a statement of rebellion", or some such thing.

Diane always wondered if her pixyish-looking brother ever got curious as to why she never suggested he make any changes to his hair, like she did about so many other things about his life. Thoughts like these always helped brighten Diane's day.

Or maybe it was because of the complete lack of aggression in his demeanor, the fact that he was so gullible and malleable, willing to follow any suggestion put to him as long as there was a hint of logical reasoning behind it.

Most of the time, since their sibling relationship was essentially easy going, amiable and caring, Steven really seemed to listen to Diane like a little sister would her big sister.

Steven always felt that Diane had only his best interest at heart and would never do anything to hurt him, so when she offered him critical advice, he listened and took it to heart, believing her to be a wise, caring and loving sister.

Then, a few days ago, everything suddenly came together into one thought, one purpose, one intent. Diane had been talking to Sarah on the hall telephone that afternoon when Steven walked out of the bathroom down the hall to his room, freshly showered, not knowing any one was around.

He had, as usual, a towel wrapped around his body, tucked under his freshly shaved armpits, and a towel wrapped turban style about his hair.

When Steven finally noticed her there on the phone, he gave a very girlish squeal and scurried most embarrassingly into his bedroom. Diane, upon seeing her brother's newly shaved form, style of dress, and reaction to her presence, was suddenly struck with an amazing revelation.

Suddenly everything became totally focused and crystallized, and there occurred to her a moment of pure clarity, when the cosmic tumblers fell into place and the universe opened itself up just a bit to give her a glimpse of Nirvana.

It was after seeing once again how really girlish Steven looked with his body hair gone, and realizing how easily he accepted the notion of removing it himself, that Diane finally saw that inside Steven there was the complete package of raw feminizing elements and desires just waiting to be tapped.

And once that discovery was made, once Diane really saw the potential there, her imagination began to run wild with ideas.

And as she was working on a truly fantastic plan, her mother had approached her with the hand-me-down proposal which, with her most blessed endorsement, was the first of a one-two punch they were beginning as she started in on the next series of stunts she planned to pull on her hapless brother.

The first punch would be completed once Steven was finally convinced to wear the feminine hand-me-downs, again, for the good of the family, and to make Mother, or rather, soon-to-be Mumsie, proud.

The second punch would be started during tomorrow night's little games, and if she was lucky, continue well into the next couple years of Steven's life, and hopefully, for much, much longer than that.

Yes sir, by tomorrow night, if all went well, Steven would be reeling off the ropes in a massive gender confusion that would last for a long time to come, and Diane relished being asked to help be the one to lead him by the nose down each little twist and turn that was about to befall him.

It would definitely take him a long time to recover, if he was ever able to finally do so.

Oh, yes, I do love my brother so, and I will protect him from harm as he goes on this forbidden journey.

But there's no reason I can't have a little fun at Steven's expense, especially if he's so willing to go where Mother and I lead him, the dolt!

Oh yes, we are both going to have such fun with my soon to be little sister, Diane thought to herself, nearly cumming in her panties as she relished in her devilish plans.

Then she continued her lurid fantasies as she tried to visualize Steven's confrontation with "Mumsie" tomorrow, wondering just how that would turn out.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Other than the other comments, the main issue here is the unbearable slow witted and beyond naive attitude from the boy. Why does he have to share sis clothes and not her? The guy's character being so stupid and spineless, the story loses most appeal.

Veronica_E_DayVeronica_E_Dayalmost 2 years ago

Interesting chapter, Stephen is going down the rabbit hole and he doesn’t even know there is hole.


NicoleAlldredgeNicoleAlldredgeabout 8 years ago
Not my cup of tea

I had hopes but the story seems to be developing into nothin more than use and abuse delt out by mom and sister. Regardless of the fact that he is an all around good boy his mom and sis feminized him, which in itself is not a bad thing.However, they abuse him and make him nothing more than a pathetic joke for them to laugh at as they manipulate or coerce him into doing or submitting to acts designed for no other reason but to humiliate and degrade him for their amusement.

Think I will just skip the rest of the story

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
misogyny ?

You have the gaul to suggest someone else seek therapy? What you call misogyny, I call self-defense! They are assaulting this kid. Fantasy though it may be the intent is not to suspend the impact of the actions these lunatic bitches are taking. My reactions to their actions are the result of an empathetic and intelligent person. Suspend your sense of equity... you probably don't find that very hard.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Not a loving family to treat a son this way.

With Steven only being 18 and in high school, he is not that small of a man and still will grow some more. With his sister and his mother trying to feminize him against his will and unknown to him at the time; this is so wrong on many moral and legal ways. Steven believes what he is being told because he loves his family and trusts them. They say that they love him too and are doing this for his own good. But they can not love him for what he is and will not be honest with him and tell him what their plans are for poor Steven. Steven does not want to be turned into a girl/shemale. To change a person this way without their permission us not how you treat a member of your own family, especially if you love them. All they can think of is the fun that they will have to change Steven. THIS IS SO WRONG.

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