Naughty Girl Ch. 05


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He took his hand away and smoothed down her skirt.

Looking at the expression of dismay and love on his face left her feeling ashamed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I, I'm sorry," she whispered.

"No! It was good. I enjoyed it, err. Did you?" he needlessly asked.

"Thank you, yes," she sheepishly answered. She felt foolish, naughty, and deliriously happy.

Looking around at the others, it was obvious they were absorbed in their own intimacies. Sharing jokes, teasing, and furtive kisses. No one had noticed. It had been a sordid sexual experience with a stranger, yet she felt it was nice. Not good, or exciting, just nice.

She kissed him on the lips. He smiled warmly. As though nothing happened they continued studying the maths books. For no apparent reason they occasionally laughed together.

"It's lunch time. We need to go to our lockers," he said.

He stood up and helped her to her feet. She smoothed down the skirt and adjusted the top. Walking with him back to the school building she felt lightheaded. She was a teenager again, experiencing innocent young love.

The big smile on his face reminded her of past times. The thought of him bragging to his friends frightened her.

"You won't tell anyone will you!" she blurted out.

"No, of course not," he reassured her.

"You won't tell your friends?" she asked.

"No. It's our secret, honest," he warmly smiled. "Can I see you after school," he asked.

"I'm not sure. My uncle is strict," she nervously said.

The two worlds seemed to collide. She wavered on her feet, with legs threatening to give way. What she had done with this boy was so wrong! He gripped her arm to steady her.

"If I can, I will," she lied. The imploring look on his face was too much to resist. She just couldn't spoil his moment. He would have to be let down gently.

"I've got to go," she firmly said.

It was lunch time! Hell! She had to go and see Miss Perez.


"Yes, miss, sorry miss," Bernice trotted out the usual replies.

It was so easy to sink back into the role of student. Just being in school was enough to bring back those familiar attitudes. Fellow students and teachers reinforced the role. She was slight in build, which left her feeling intimidated by everyone around her. The school was for delinquents and misfits. She felt she fit into both categories.

"Your late, can't you tell the time?" Miss Perez crossly derided.

"No miss, yes miss," she blustered.

"Those clothes your wearing are disgraceful. What have you done to them?" Miss Perez demanded.

"They, err, shrunk in the wash miss," she stammered.

"You're not only dressed like a slut, you're lying to me," Miss Perez told her.

"Get them off now!" she stipulated.

Bernice wanted to cry. Yet again she was forced to strip off in the changing room, in front of the harsh teacher. She had been warned to dress decently, and had been kindly given these clothes. What had happened to them she had no idea. It was difficult to think straight under an onslaught of demands.

Miss Perez examined the skirt and decided the girl had altered them. The stitching was obviously amateurish. She took a good look at her before deciding what to do.

"Those panties! They're soaking wet. Give them to me," she said.

She sniffed them, and held them out at arm's length in front of the girls face. "What have you been up to?" Miss Perez asked..

"Nothing miss," she sheepishly replied. The feeling of being a naughty little girl was overwhelming. She had let down Paul, and everyone else.

"They stink of your sex. Tell me what you've been doing, now!" Miss Perez harshly demanded.

"I, err, let a boy play with me," she whimpered. She didn't want to admit to it, but guilt forced it from her.

"You what? Here in school?" Miss shouted.

Bernice was shaking. Hearing someone walking in she tried to cover her nakedness.

"Stand still. Arms at your sides, and stand straight!" the teacher warned her.

Lara walked in with a couple of friends. They were no friends of hers. The girl had bullied her yesterday, and ended up spanking her in public. The humiliation hurt her pride more than her ass. Seeing the tall girls made her feel even smaller and more insignificant.

"Don't laugh at the naughty girl. She's been playing bad games with some boy. Look at the state of these disgusting panties. You let him finger you, did you?" Miss Perez asked.

"Yes, miss, sorry miss," she murmured.

The girls were looking at her with mock disgust on their faces. They were trying hard not to laugh. Bernice wanted to run and hide from the shame.

"Did you orgasm?" Miss Perez asked, pointedly showing off her victim to the girls.

"Yes, miss," she answered. Not wanting to reveal the sordid details, the teacher relentlessly dragged them from her.

"Remember her aunt said she should be spanked, if she misbehaves," Lara piped up.

"Obviously anticipating the dirty little girls behaviour. Bend over the bench," Miss Perez told her.

"But, miss, I'm, err." she quavered.

She wanted to tell them she wasn't a schoolgirl, she was an adult. She was a mature married woman, and couldn't be treated this way. How could she? She was naked, showing off her slender little body. She had admitted to letting a boy finger fuck her. Her husband had left her, so was she really married now. Of course she was technically, but she didn't feel it anymore. She felt she was a pathetic little schoolgirl, and a disgrace.

"What are you? Speak up girl," the teacher growled at her.

"I'm, I'm a dirty little slut, miss," she answered, with a frail voice.

"In consequence you deserve what?" Miss Perez asked.

"A spanking miss," she conceded.

"You shall have a spanking, to make you think about being a good girl," the teacher self-righteously spoke.

"Oww!" she cried out. The slap to her bare bottom stung. It wasn't a hand it was a wooden paddle! Again and again she yelped as her ass was flogged.

"Stand up! What do you say?" the ogre asked.

"Thank you miss for spanking me," she murmured.

"What are you going to do in future, and speak up," the teacher warned her.

"I'm, I'm not going to let boys play with me, and I'm going to be a good girl, miss," she said, before the sniggering girls.

"Good! Make sure you are a good girl, and behave yourself in school. I'll get you a decent pair of panties, then you can go," Miss Perez said, sounding warm and solicitous.

Not given permission to move, Bernice stood up straight with hands to her sides, before the bully and her friends.

"You are such a disgusting little slut. You haven't been in school two days and you've let some boy finger fuck you? Did you charge him, whore," Lara laughed, provoking the others.

"She can't help it, must be a nympho," one of the others suggested.

"Look at her little girls sex. She's not even got hair yet," another added.

"Waiting for breasts too. No wonder she doesn't wear a bra," the first one jibed.

Inwardly Bernice cried. Those years in high school felt so close, as though she were back there. She was a little undeveloped girl, being bullied by big girls, for no reason, just because they could. As an experienced woman she should have been able to fight them, if not physically at least verbally. Instead she was naked, feeling sick.

"Here, put these on," Miss Perez told her.

Gratefully Bernice got dressed. She pulled the clothes on quickly. She didn't feel much better once dressed.

"Lara, make sure she gets to her class. You! Be here on time tomorrow lunchtime. I will be waiting for you," Miss Perez warned her.

She slapped her panty clad ass under the short skirt. "Run along girl, and don't forget to be a good little girl," the teacher smiled.

Once outside Lara grabbed her hand. "Come along little girl," she smirked.

Looking up at Lara, Bernice wanted to tell her to leave her alone. She remembered all the hurts and pitiful pleas of long ago, and fell silent.

"I'll keep you away from her, if you agree to be my little pet-girl. What do you say?" Lara asked.

"I don't know. Can you protect me? What will I have to do?" Bernice asked.

"Do as you're told, that means whatever I say. Otherwise, you get sent back to her," Lara laughed.

Would it be any better than being thrashed by that teacher. Lara would have her running around like a slave. At least none of the others would bully her.

"I'll think about it," she dared to say.

Lara snorted, "You do that, little girl."

Lara looked her up and down with disdain. The girl was obviously older than eighteen. The principal must have been slipped something extra to let her in. Perhaps Betty had been right about her being a nympho. The uncle must have given up trying to keep her out of trouble, and sent her here as a last resort. Not that it would do any good, the place was a joke.

Bernice walked into class. The boy was there. She carefully lowered herself next to him. The hard chair made her bottom throb. Her heart fluttered from him being so close. It was the only nice thing about being in school. The feelings engendered from furtive passion, the mysteries of adolescent sex, passionate embraces, and instant love, all combined to thrill her like a storm rushing through her.

He took hold of her hand, which was limp from being so foolishly disturbed by him.

Her face flushed red. Of course she knew all about sex, she was an experienced married woman. It just felt new and exciting. Hell! She had an enormous crush on him. Her heart thumped loudly, feeling as though it was pulsing in and out of the tight top.

His finger delicately traced her palm, sending wonderful sensations through her body. She tightened her grip on his hand, wishing she could get a grip upon her feelings so easily.

The lesson seemed to drag on for an age. All the while she sank further into being a foolish schoolgirl again. At last it was over. They both dragged out the process of piling books into their packs. Everyone was gone, leaving them alone.

"We can't not here, I've got to go," she whispered, yet continued to stand close to him.

"Just a kiss," he whispered into her ear.

Her acquiescence was all he needed. He wrapped his arms around her and licked an ear, breathing heavily upon it. Feeling his kisses upon her neck sent shivers of delight down her spine. A warning over how submissive she became when aroused was drowned by desire.

He nibbled upon her lips. She opened her mouth, for him to enter her. She was ready for him, and ached to feel him really enter her. It seemed a long time ago that she had sunk so low as to kneel before a lover. Without thought she sank to her knees, pushing him against the desk.

Pulling his cock from his jeans, she kissed it, then sucked it into her mouth. Flirting and kissing, with the occasional grope, was all she had allowed with earlier encounters with boys. As a mature woman she was prepared to give more of herself.

She couldn't see the shock on his face. Her head bobbed up and down his cock, gaining enthusiasm and a faster rhythm. He glanced at the classroom door with a look of fear. His face became screwed up as his sex face took over.

He shot his load into her mouth. He watched her swallow it. The amazement on his face showed clearly. He wondered how she could have possibly submitted to such a brazen act, let alone commit it in class. He helped her up and clung on to her. Her nipples were hard, pointing at him through the tight top.

He gently squeezed one to find out what it felt like. He cupped both her breasts, holding them as though they were precious. To his surprise she lifted the top to reveal them. He hesitated, so she guided his hands to her bare breasts. He clutched them awkwardly, then began to knead the lovely soft flesh.

She was breathing more fiercely from arousal. She would do whatever was necessary to get what she wanted. Sucking him back to life would be a pleasure.

They heard footsteps in the corridor and froze. They quickly pulled their clothes together and stepped toward the door. There was no one there, so they scampered toward the exit. At least they weren't the last to leave school.

Near the gate she turned to him. "Wait till I've gone. I don't want my aunt to see us together," she explained.

Bernice skipped passed the school guard, and continuing with light steps toward her waiting ride home. She gave Susan a big smile and jumped in next to her.

Susan looked at the woman, wondering what she was so pleased about. It wasn't just over leaving school. On the drive home Bernice chattered about lessons. Susan glanced at her occasionally, wondering what the woman had been up to.

When they arrived home she stopped Bernice going to her room.

"So, what have you been up to today? Besides classes," Susan asked.

Bernice flushed, with her face and neck turning bright red. The guilty look was enough for Susan. Paul had emphasised the woman should be a good girl. He had let something slip about boys, without details, and tried to cover it up. Was this why Bernice was being sent to school? She couldn't figure it out and hated mysteries, especially when money was involved. If she found out what was going on, maybe she could screw more money out of her uncle.

"Nothing. Like really," Bernice emphasised too strongly.

"Lift that skirt," Susan said. "Come on, show me."

Reluctantly Bernice lifted the hem. She could feel how wet they were.

"They're soaking wet! I can smell you from here. Where did you get those from, you wore something else this morning!" Susan exclaimed.

"Sorry. Err. Like, I wet myself, and a teacher gave me these," she lied.

"You wet them like these are now?" Susan asked.

"Yes, no!" she said, with a voice changing from shame to denial.

"You're lying. You are a dirty little slut. You've been playing with boys. Haven't you!" Susan crossly stated.

"I'm sorry, really. Please don't tell Paul. Please, Susan," she cried in alarm.

The woman was reacting like a silly young girl, caught out over mischief. The game she had been playing was more serious than some mischief. Having her squirm was delightful. It was clear this was no young girl, but that was only because she knew it. The way she dressed and behaved would fool most people. Especially now she was so well practiced in the pretence.

Going to school was one thing, but having sex there was outrageous. Maybe they were setting up a teacher. Was Paul investigating someone for a client? In any event, she would take the money, and for fun would make this woman squirm.

"Take them off. Give them to me," Susan demanded. She held them at arms' length.

"These are disgusting. So you dirtied your panties this morning, and again you cum into these this afternoon," Susan surmised.

"Please don't tell Paul, please," Bernice cringed.

The woman didn't deny it. "You are such a dirty little girl, he needs to know. You promised to be a good girl, didn't you," Susan heavily stated.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I let Paul down. I didn't mean to, honest," Bernice whined.

"From now on you'll do as I say. I won't tell Paul, just as long as you tell me everything. Got it?" Susan stipulated.

"Yes, Susan, I will," Bernice muttered.

Feeling sick from shame, she recounted that day at school. It felt so bad to admit to letting a young guy play with her until she had an orgasm. After recounting the sordid episode in class, she blurted out that she was infatuated with him. She only just choked off that she was in love with him.

It sounded pathetic, leaving her feeling wretched. She was a grown woman admitting to having a thing for an adolescent. The sad truth was, that she was still feeling a strong attachment to him.

"Please don't tell Paul. I'll do whatever you want, honest," Bernice enthusiastically promised.

Susan stared at the woman until she looked down with shame and guilt. She had the woman beaten. She would keep an eye on her, and find out what kind of game they were playing, then decide what to do about it.

"Go to your room and tidy it up. You had better get some decent clothes on before Paul gets home," Susan forcefully said.

Watching the woman scamper off, she felt pleased. She wondered why. It was just a bit of fun telling a grown woman what to do, and treating her like a kid. She would have her running around like a slave, given the chance.

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PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 5 years ago
Thank you

As she sinks deeper it gets more intriguing

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Brilliant story

I really love this story please keep writing it,love watching Berenice becoming against her will a young girl again.Hurry and write more.

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