My Dragonfly

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Maria's wish to escape her world leads to adventure and love.
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She fluffed her blue lace collar and tried to loosen her dark blue skirts. Tossing her hairpiece to the ground, she let her soft copper hair cascade softly over her shoulders. Her frown wore heavily on her face, darkening her usually bright green eyes. So much, work to escape the preparations for a wedding, a pre-arranged wedding. “In this day and age,” she frowned to herself, tossing herself down into the blooming daisies, the quiet wild flowers. The grass was tall and lying on the damp spring ground made her feel nearly invisible. She rolled to her back; not even slightly worried that her mother would be angry that her “spinster” daughter had grass stains on one of her best Sunday dresses. She would probably foam at the mouth like the Pastor’s dog had when it had gone mad and attacked the Young’s children.

The sun shined softly onto her face through the wonderfully green leaves of the huge oaks and birches around her. It wasn’t even midday yet. Her sigh chased away curious butterflies and she marveled at their pretty colors as they flew past. “What ever do I need a gentleman for?” She frowned and marveled at the way her breasts heaved while she lay on her back.

She tugged her skirt up around her waist, revealing her nakedness to the fresh spring air. A quiet giggle escaped her lips at the thought of the look her mother would have on her face if she knew that she was out without neither her stockings nor her knickers. The cool breeze felt great. Lying back, she let the gentle rays of sun soak into her. It wasn’t so long ago that she had learned there was more to life than waiting for a man to explore her inner self. Her soft fingers caressed lightly over the short soft hairs on her mound.

The world seemed to fade from her vision as she touched. A shiny armored knight lifted her casually to his horse, his hands firmly placed on either sides of her ribs. Her fingers explored the growing warmth, seeking the wetness. The horse galloped at a fast pace, taking her to his huge castle, there he would lay her on soft bearskin rugs, touch her tender eager flesh. His lips would press against hers.

She moaned gently as her fingers slid into the swollen lips and softly caressed her rising blossom. His hands would fumble at first, grabbing a bit roughly at her breasts, sucking and nibbling at her hard nipples. Gentle gasps of pleasure escaped her as she circled her blossom, feeling it throb lightly under her fingers. His clothes would suddenly crash to the floor, as he could no longer wait to embed his hard member into her. Oh, what her mother would say to know what her great aunt had told her not three summers ago.

His manhood would be hard, seeking and penetrating her, he would press deep into her as he sought to fill her with his seed. Her moans increased and she lustfully thrust two fingers into her throbbing hole. The sounds of his groans would bring her intense pleasure. Her thumb rubbed firmly against her blossom and her other hand began to massage her breast through her heavy clothes. Warmth was filling her, building hunger that filled her being, inch by inch. Intense desire to have something thrust into her, to feel the ecstasy that she had been told of. Her heart raced as she worked -her face flushing, her eyes rolled slowly up into her head. It would grow harder and harder as it filled her, needed to fill her to accomplish the thing that men needed. It would bring her to match his groans and moaning with her own.

She thrust her hips up as if to met him, but met something else instead. With a gasp she stopped, frozen to have been caught. Her eyes wide and searching, nothing was there, nothing but a small beautiful dragonfly that stared intently at her. Perched softly on her upper thigh, it sat there as if the very smell of her dripping flower pulled it near. Colorful, bright wings frozen, not moving. Then suddenly it was up; it’s wings caressing her legs like snowflakes during summer. A gasp broke from her lips as a sudden wave of passion broke over her. Her back arched, her eyes stared as it fluttered over her.

Slowly it came to her face, the suddenness of her orgasm leaving her breathing roughly, her eyes dilated as they tried to watch the swift movement of the purples and greens on it’s wings. It touched her eyelids, her checks, her lips, ever so softly and she gasped again. Then it was flying off.

Her heart racing, she jumped to her feet. “No,” she whispered. Strangely, she felt she must follow it, it mustn’t escape her. It wandered into the woods and she chased it. Her mind racing, not thinking clearly as sections of her clothes caught on the branches and tore. The bitter taste of blood, from a flying branch, went unnoticed as she wiped her face, never stopping her pace, never letting it escape her sight. She needed it, she didn’t understand how, but somehow she knew she needed that dragonfly.

Many times, she lost sight of it, but then like a ray of light it would be there, barely a few feet away. She hurried after it. Suddenly she watched as it entered a very dark cave. Summer moss gently grew around the rocks that lined it. Her breathing was ragged from the chase, her heart raced as if on fire. Nothing seemed to exist besides getting to the dragonfly. The summer breeze forgotten, the quiet meadow, long left behind.

Her footstep into the small cave created an echo, it made her freeze. Somewhere in the depths she could hear what sounded like a waterfall, but in the darkness she could make out nothing. A musty smell filled her nose, and she felt mildly dizzy. It was as if the darkness seeped into her, filling her with a light chill that made her nipples harder and goose bumps crawl across her skin.

If it could be heard, the dashing sounds of her heart would have echoed dramatically through the cave. She stared about in defeat, how would she ever find the beautiful creature in here? Carefully she took another step. The echo sounded again, this time a gentle scuffle seemed to follow, and on the edge of her hearing -what seemed to be hushed voices.

“Good day,” she called timidly. Fear was creeping in to replace the excitement that had pressed her on this far. “Anyone there?” Risking another step, she moved further into the darkness.

A small light glowed from someplace; she was not sure where but it was there. Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears now, she shook throughout her entire being, but something urged her on. Another footstep, the hushed voices seemingly louder, her fingers rubbed against the rough cool walls of the inside of the cave.

Eagerness began to get the better of her, just a few steps more, to see if her mind played tricks on her. Somewhere she wondered if demons could be about. She had heard of such things, far into the woods that lured in women and slaughtered them, after raping them horribly.

Her feet moved away from her, the ground broke away and a scream burst from her lungs. She was falling, fast. Hands and legs kicked out; nothing to grab to, as even the wall evaded her touch. Cool air pushed her skirts up around her waist, flooding the warmth of her nakedness and sending a tremble through her frightened body. Then the blackness was complete, only broken by her fearful cries.

Glowing green lights touched her eyes as they opened. Blinking rapidly, she tried to recall what had happened. Something soft lay beneath her head, and something moved at her shoulder, causing her to startle.

“There, there, li’le one. Nothing ‘o be frigh’ened of in this place. Migh’ be a nigh surprise’, but na’ afrai’.” A quiet, friendly voice spoke as something damp touched her forehead.

Her eyes closed, as the soft dampness seemed to penetrate her skin and make the mild throbbing of her skull settle down. “Where am I?” She asked.

“Well, to hear i’ from the others here, you fell in’o our laps.” The voice chuckled. “Or rather in’o Borik’s lap. Which, if I hear i’ righ’, he rather enjoyed.”

A smile played on her lips as she considered asking who Borik was. The warmth between her legs was distracting her and she wondered if she could leave soon. Unable to decide if it would be rude to ask her host if she might be going she lay there a moment longer, desperately trying to ignore the gentle throbbing of her blossom.

“Migh’ I ask wha’ you were doing to have taken such a fall?” He asked, changing the cloth on her forehead.

“There was a dragonfly, it was so beautiful,” her voice stopped, unable to find exactly why she had chased it so far.

“Ah, of course, M’Lady, I should’a recognized you immediately!” The fingers that pressed the cloth to her forehead vanished as she started to open her mouth to speak.

Opening her eyes she looked around, it was hard to see, but small mushrooms created the greenish light that filtered all around her. She was still in the cave, least it looked like a cave. Her fingers explored the softness beneath; it felt nearly as if the entire quilt that she lay on was created from the softest flower petals. Her eyes roamed the decorated doorway that her host must have taken. It was embedded by golden symbols, flowing, curving around the archway.

Her mind must be playing tricks on her, she thought. Reaching over she pinched her inner arm. A little too hard from the small squeal that broke her lips. She lay back down, trying to determine how this could be, but pinching had not awakened her, and yet this was obviously not real.

The ceiling above her was clouded in the darkness, but still her eyes focused on it, willing herself to wake. Suddenly, a noise startled her from the focus.

“He awai’s thee, M’Lady.” The voice that had attended her said. Sitting up she saw before her a man, not bigger than a young man, but obviously much older. His face covered in hair, but the rest of his body very nude. Averting her eyes, she tried to determine what this was. Her host was a brown-skinned naked half man. ‘Well,’ she corrected herself in her head. ‘Not half a man, a whole man, if that is his member.’ She giggled at her thoughts. She nearly decided to take a quick look again but he had a hold of her hand, pulling her to her feet.

“M’Lady, i’ would be mos’ inappropriate to keep him wai’ing.” She stood to her feet and followed him slowly, avoiding looking at his naked behind that moved before her.

They walked through gently lit corridors, lined in the same rock as the room she had lain in. Each adorned in many places with more golden symbols, soft silver flowers, and elaborately configured things she did not recognize. Soon the smell of the dampness of the cave was replaced by the sweet smell of blooming flowers and fresh water. She could hear a waterfall barely up before them, and a bit of what seemed as if moonlight shined along their path.

Her guide stepped out before her, carefully watching as she followed. She did not see him though, looking about her at the most beautiful, moonlit-garden that she could have ever imagined. Her senses were astounded, everywhere, every plant of beauty, of scent, not even one clashing with another. Dragonflies and butterflies wandered about, even in the darkness, and amongst the sounds of the chuckling water were singing birds.

Sitting on what looked like branches woven and littered with flowers that seemed to be a throne, was a man, naked as the small man that stood beside her. His height and royal standing not deprived of their due even with the lack of elaborate clothing. Pointed ears gracefully stood surrounded by earth brown hair, long to his shoulders, his dark eyes penetrating and encompassing. His face was soft, commanding but seemed to hold a boyish charm. Unable to pull her eyes from his, she froze.

“Welcome to my kingdom, M’Lady.” His smile seemed to hold a secretive grin. “If you so kindly would remove those garments we may get to business.”

Her mouth fell agape and she stared in shock at him. No words moved from her throat and her mind could not conceive that the words she had heard could be correct.

“Come now, Maria, you seem so taken aback by it all.” Now his grin lit his whole face. “Remove them, you have no desire to wear those horrible things.” When she still did not move. “Would it help M’Lady’s honor to have them forcefully removed?” His eyes held mischief.

“But,” was all she stuttered out that was even close to words.

“M’Lady hides not her sweet smelling sex with the garments that cover thy supple breasts, and voluptuous thighs.” He was out of his seat with a graceful hop, quickly across the short distance of grass to stand before her. “She hides not her copper hair, filled with the sweet smell of meadow grass and wildflowers. Yet, she withholds from me the soft tender skin of her stomach, the tantalizing folds of her womanhood. Covered by drabs of rags fashioned by some fashion exploiting simpleton of the human world.” Her eyes remained locked on his, her heart thumping wildly and her face flushing lightly.

“Come, M’Lady, share thy bountiful beauty with me?” He stopped mere inches from her face and a hunger to feel his lips on hers invaded her very soul.

“Yes, M’Lord,” her breathless answer came as she lifted her fingers to the many fastenings that bound the clothing to her body. She wanted to tear it from her to show him what he sought. Locked in no other thought then to feel his hands on her skin, flesh to flesh, amongst the grass and flowers that sweetened the air around her.

She could not smell the wetness that filled the air, but her womanhood dripped the honey scented sweetness that drove him to need, to desire, just as she had in the meadow. His manhood held to a light hardness, attempting to not completely scare off his little flower, for as a hummingbird might the evening blossom. He much intended to drink of her sweet nectars before the sun awoke to see what he had won and take from him his love.

Clothing fell to the ground, piece by piece, revealing inch by inch of soft white flesh. Parts of her never exposed to the harsh rays of the sun that tanned her hands golden and brought out her freckles. Her nipples sprang lose, hard and perky. She looked up into his eyes, saw his smile, his happiness in what she was doing. As the final article of clothing fell from her body, he smiled brightly at her. Though he did not touch her, she felt as if the winds and the air itself caressed all over her for him.

“Is that not much better, M’Lady?” He asked, slowly moving around to admire every inch of her scrumptious form. “I have a proposition for you, if you are so inclined to hear it.” His voice was in her ear and his warm breath brushed over her neck. A tremble coursed through her body.

“Yes,” was the only word that could find it’s way out.

“If M’Lady, My Sweet Maria, will stay here with me,” his fingers softly caressed up her spine sending tingling sensations all through her chest and middle, causing a near eruption in her womanhood. “I will show thee the pleasures of the naked body.” Warm breath touched above her bottom and her knees tried to drop her to the ground. His strong hands held to her hips. “I will love thee as no other can.” Soft as petals his lips kissed the center of her back, just above the crease of her bottom. “I will give thee the wonders of this world.” Another kiss closer to her hip, and then another. She could barely think, she didn’t want him to stop, never stop.

“I will treat thee as a Princess, a Queen. As My Sweet Maria would be Queen of our world.” His lips found their way over her hip and was kissing down her stomach. “What say'th thee, My Maria?” He asked, his eyes staring up to look into hers. There were no words in her mind, none to speak half the beauty he had spoken to her. Yet, she did not wish him to stop, not ever stop.

“Yes,” she whispered as she slid her fingers into his soft hair. “Yes, please, M’Lord.” “Speak, My Sweet Maria, tell me you will be my Queen.” He whispered letting his hands grip firmly to her hips but never pulling his eyes from hers.

“Yes,” her voice quiet but eager. “I will be your Queen, M’Lord.” She squealed with delight as he pressed his face to her mound and planted kiss after kiss over it.

Soon he was lowering her to the soft ground beneath him, his mouth buried in her sweet blossom, her womanhood, his tongue gathering her sweet nectars to him. Thrusting his tongue into her again and again and bringing her to heights she could not have imagined. Wave after wave of melodious bliss flooded her body. Then suddenly he was above her, his lips on hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth, filling her.

As fingers gracefully explored over her breasts and stomach, she found new heights of bliss that became conquered, her body trembling beneath his every touch, exploding with fire that nearly consumed her. Then he sought her, with the hardness she needed tremendously. It probed lightly while his kisses filled her, carefully seeking the place in which it would call home.

Her hips pressed up to met him, but he pulled back slightly, making her go slowly, making her wait. His touches soft on her, caressing and letting her wetness slowly cover his entire staff. “Please,” her eyes found his and he saw the need that burnt in her. “Please,” she whispered again.

Slowly it slid into her warmth, the wetness wrapping around him, and his mind joined her in the engulfing bliss. Carefully he penetrated her, whispering his love and devotion into her ear. Gentle thrusts, slow but firm, and as he moved faster she climbed upwards; a spiraling trail to ecstasy as she had not dreamed could exist. Rocking into her, moving against her. Her body responded and met his patient rocking, every part of her trembled. Even her muscles that encompassed his hard manhood quaked tightly over him with each upward thrust.

He was going to, she felt it, he was tightening in her, his lips pressed to hers. Somehow she knew this time she would explode, rocking into the bliss of completeness, his lips and eyes held her tightly as he pushed in deeper, harder, faster. Her body began to do things of it’s own accord, sensations impossible for her mind to explain, and then it happened.

Exploding deep into her belly was the sweetest, most encompassing warmth she could have ever imagined. It soaked through her, flooding her senses from head to toe. She screamed into his mouth as he groaned. Thrusting, shooting deep into her belly the warmth encompassing her, and again to pass the crest she thought was the top; and then, as he thrust once more, her mind escaped her. Flashes of colors, of what she could only imagine heaven must be like, filled her. Her heart danced, fluttering beats that measured in time to his as his chest lay against hers. His lips were planting small little kisses down her check. “I love you, my sweet Maria, My Queen.” He whispered over and over again in adoration.

“I love you, My King.” She answered him as she sunk into a restful, peaceful, content sleep.

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