My Day at the Mall Ch. 04

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An ex-Marine finds himself embroiled in a fight for his life
2.6k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/24/2007
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I dropped the knife I had been holding and raced for the girls' room. I drew my weapon as I approached their door. Ray and Jerry were only a few steps behind me and stayed outside to cover the hall, pistols drawn and eyes alert. I flew into the room and saw Rachel cradling Becca and stroking her hair as they rocked slowly back and forth.

As I approached them Rachel held a finger to her lips to silence me. I heard her cooing softly, "It's all right, Becca. Softly then, love… shhh. Its okay, we're safe now. Wayne will keep us safe." As she stroked Becca's hair I saw the tears trailing down Rachel's cheeks.

I motioned for Jerry and Ray to go ahead that everything was being taken care of. Jerry said softly, "We've got the watch, boss. Take care of the ladies and we'll keep an eye on things." They turned and moved back towards the kitchen and sent Maggie to us.

Maggie came into the room with her med kit, and quickly moved over to the bed. She moved so that Becca could see her before she sat on the bed, so as not to panic the stricken woman, and began trying to calm her hysteria. I watched as she swabbed Becca's arm and gave her an injection. A few minutes later Becca drifted off to sleep and they laid the sleeping woman on the bed. I mentioned the burn on her leg and Maggie, cursing Winslow the whole time, cleaned and dressed the wound before covering her up and bringing Rachel out of the room with her.

Maggie turned to Rachel and asked, "What set her off? When I looked in on you a bit ago you were both sleeping fine."

A tear ran down Rachel's face as she said, "She woke me and asked me where her master was. I told her that Roger wasn't her master anymore and that she had no master and as near as I can fathom, she panicked."

I took the elfin woman in my arms and held her for a few moments and moved all of us into the lounge and onto the couch. Maggie took a chair and asked "Do you know what he was doing to her? How did he get her to call him master?"

Rachel wiped her face on her sleeve and told us "I don't know what he was giving her but that vile Arab he kept at the house was giving her injections of some drug several times a day. The day they took me, the Arab did what he called a 'scratch test' on me with some drug and it made the site swell immediately and was painful for two more days. The Arab told him that if they used the drug on me it would kill me almost immediately. They started… raping me after the test showed he couldn't use his drug on me."

Rachel began to rock back and forth and I again held her and stroked her hair until she calmed down some.

Maggie frowned at me and said, "We need to call Mel and have her look for those drugs. If I know what he was giving her I may be able to counter its effects. At the very least I'll know better how to treat her."

I held out the encrypted phone and said "She's speed dial one. Keep it brief, they don't have that number and can't get it from our end but they may be able to track her end of things" She nodded and went into the kitchen as she dialed Mel's number.

When Maggie came back she handed Rachel a pill and a glass of water and said, "Take this. Your sister will be out for a least the next ten hours. She needs the rest and by then I should have some idea of what is going on and how to begin fixing it. That pill will help you sleep. You need to rest, too. This should let you get about six hours of uninterrupted sleep. It should prevent any nightmares and let you rest peacefully. I won't give these to you often but I think you need it right now."

Rachel took the pill and drank the water. Soon Rachel had nodded off as the drug took effect, so I picked her up gently, carried her up to her room and laid her gently on the bed. She snuggled into her pillow without as much as a whimper. She looked so calm and peaceful lying there.

I turned and limped over to my own room. I pulled out my swim trunks and quickly changed. As I was exiting my room I heard a low whistle. I turned and Maggie was standing in the hall; she was still in her scrubs from the hospital.

I smiled grimly and said, "Doctors must have a depraved sense of humor if you like what you see."

She cocked and eyebrow at me and asked, "What do you think I see, cowboy?"

I grunted, "A tired, overweight, half-crippled warhorse that would like to take a soak in that hot tub. I didn't bring my meds and my leg is killing me."

She frowned and shook her head at me when I told her I was in pain. "Unh uhn. Back in the bedroom for a minute, soldier boy, I'm going to check you out. Maybe I can help. We'll finish this conversation after I take a good look at you." I started to protest and she cut me off. "Stow it, Grunt! Rumor has it I'm a pretty fair doctor so go in there while I get my kit. Doctors orders!" She punctuated each word with a poke in my chest.

In my defense I was just too damned tired to argue. I was starting to come down from the adrenaline rush of the raid and flight. We were relatively safe for the moment. My mind knew this and had told my body, so I was crashing.

Maggie came back into my room with her doctor's bag and the large carryall containing the drugs Red had provided her. She had changed and was wearing an oversized terrycloth bathrobe. She smiled and said "This shouldn't hurt a bit."

She quickly looked me over and checked me for any other injuries. While she was examining the mound of scar tissue that used to be my right knee she got a thoughtful look on her face and asked "What does the knee feel like right now?"

I looked at her and said "It feels like it always feels. When I bend my knee I can feel something grinding in there but the surgeon says it's just my imagination. I had an appointment to see another doctor next week but it looks like I'm gonna miss that one."

She frowned and shook her head. "Let me guess: When you're on your feet for very long your knee aches and after a while it becomes inflamed and you have to get off it and soak it or put ice on it to reduce the swelling. Your therapist believes you but can't figure out what's going on or thinks you're not telling them everything you are doing to stress the joint."

My jaw dropped. "That's almost a verbatim quote of… of what they said last time I was in."

She ran her hand up my knee pushing gently. At one spot to the outside of the joint pain flared in my knee and I hissed and I jerked in pain. "I suspect that that is where you have something embedded in the connective tissues of your knee. The doctor who repaired your knee was either incompetent and missed something or he closed something up in there. When you walk it saws back and forth and this causes the inflammation. The inflammation puts pressure on the nerves and the result is flaring pain. I'd need an X-ray to see what exactly is going on in there but from the position I think it's working its way out and I might be able to remove it with a local and the field kit you got for me. I don't want to wait to long though. Every step you take puts more stress on the knee and it could end up cutting a nerve or tendon or ligament."

I looked at her skeptically. She said, "Trust me. I've removed my share of shrapnel from guys in Afghanistan. I could do this one in my sleep."

"If this works, I owe you big time. They tried to talk to me about putting me on stronger painkillers but I refused. Then they accused me of being addicted to the ones I'm on except that they are non-addictive. That's why I was going to see someone else next week." I couldn't help but to wonder how some people got their medical license.

Grimacing I said, "I'll ask Red if there is anywhere close we could get an X-ray off the books. If not, I've lived with it this long; it'll keep a while longer."

She stood and held out a hand to me and said, "In that case, grab your phone, your towel, and anything else you need and let's go imitate a couple of lobsters in a pot by boiling in that hot tub for awhile."

I took her hand and grabbed my stuff as she sashayed out the door. I may be dense but even I could see this offer on its way.

I called Red as we walked to the tub and he said "Let me work on it. I have a friend I have to check with first but I'll let you know tomorrow morning before ten." I closed the phone and as I walked through the door I was stunned. Maggie was standing there next to the hot tub. NEKKID!

(For those not raised in the south we have words that ya'll don't. There is Nude - meaning sans apparel, without clothing. Then there is Naked- meaning bare skin and nothing more. Then you have NEKKID which means hotter than a firebomb and twice as dangerous.)

So friends and neighbors let me tell you, Maggie was NEKKID! I had never seen a sexier sight in my life. She stood there beautifully posed with one foot slightly in front of the other, hands on her hips. The light coming through the windows highlighted her curves and they were generous let me tell you! Maggie had the classic hourglass figure. While Sally was wiry and strong Maggie was lush and very sensuous. She had a light, narrow racing stripe of brown curls above her clit but was bare everywhere else.

Maggie smiled at me and said, "I was supposed to have the night and the next three days off. I haven't had a day off in more than two months and I haven't been laid in three. I was going to try to find a nice guy to have fun with tonight but this came up instead. If you don't mind I'd like to pick up the conversation we were having earlier?" At my nod she continued.

"What do I see when I look at you? I see a nice, strong, caring, stubborn man who can't stand to see someone abused. I see a man who has had his body abused recently and is coping quite well. I see a man who cares enough about people to put himself in harm's way to protect them and not expect or want pats on the back, or parades and parties for having done so. I see a man that I would not be ashamed to wake up next to in the morning or even to take home to meet my mamma." She wore a little smirk as she said the last part and held out a hand to me. "I would like it very much if we could get to know each other better. I would also like to spend the night… well day now, with you. If you'd rather not, I understand but I think I can say we'd both enjoy it."

I took in her beauty and swallowed. She was a stunning woman. It also didn't help that I hadn't had sex in more than three months either. As I thought about it, it had been closer to five months since I'd split with my last girlfriend. We were just getting started in our relationship and her company offered her a pay raise, twice what she was making at the time, plus relocation expenses to move to Seattle to open their new corporate division there. I was saddened by her departure but encouraged her to go. It was the right thing to do at the time.

Now here was a beautiful woman making a pass at me. Two beautiful women interested in me in one day? I didn't know what was going on but I wasn't going to turn it down either. I stepped towards her and took her in my arms. "I would be honored to spend the night with you. What did you have in mind?"

She pulled me to the side of the hot tub. Its waters were already boiling and she said "First, I want you to sit and relax for a bit. I'd like a little cuddle to see if there is anything more than just a physical attraction before we see if tab A will fit into slot B." She grinned at me.

I smiled. "That would be fine by me. Cuddling is always good" I stepped into the tub and sighed as the soothing waters did their job. I could feel my muscles unwinding and could feel my knee relaxing.

Maggie climbed in and sat next to me and draped my right arm over her shoulder as she snuggled into my chest. She spoke softly as she told me about her life. She had been a Navy hospital corpsman. (The U.S. Marines don't have their own hospital corps; they use Navy Hospital Corpsman) and so spent four years attached to the Marines.

She spent three years posted to Afghanistan and Iraq during the hottest of the ground fighting there. She worked at a mobile field hospital and had been in the thick of it when their position had been overrun twice. When her tour was up she decided that she had had enough and resigned her commission. Since then she had come home and been working at the hospital in Torrington.

She hadn't had a stable relationship since college. The men she dated couldn't handle her hours or her dedication to her profession. As a result she had one failed relationship after another. Her supervisor was worried she was going to burn out and had ordered her to take the time she was spending here off or be fired for her own good.

As she spoke she gently ran her hand over my chest and played with the few hairs she found there. I'm part Native American Indian ― a quarter Cherokee ― and my chest hair, what there is of it, is sparse. I hugged her and told her about myself and what I had been through and had been doing the past few years. We made an odd pair I'm sure.

I had just finished my story when the timer shut off the hot tub signaling that we needed to get out. I stood and held my hand out to her. "I think we've proven that we both want more than a little cuddle. Shall we see if that tab will fit that slot now?"

With a wicked grin Maggie took my hand and pulled me towards her room.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

1. GnySgt by age 24?

2. MDs are not MOS "HM-Hospital Corpsmen" but 26xx "Medical Doctors"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Get sucked in for a wounded vet trying to do the right thing. FBI has no jurisdiction over hostage and kidnapping as well as murder and rape with drugs?

Elite corruption with trafficking stealing inheritances and murder by collusion bribery conspiracy and high powerful influence? Shares of Jeffery eastern!

There's more here than meets the eye, Sherlock!

A mass murder cover-up would end this series, eh?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It had better be worth it because we are 4 parts in and he hasn't even got to rub one out, let alone nail one of these women!!

Other than a lack of sex I'm enjoying your yarn :)

Regards Steve

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

The obligatory love interest


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Navy surgeon not a Corpsman. Corpsman are enlisted, not officers, and don't have MD degrees.

I'm in a medical field with an advanced degree, spent quality time around MCB Quantico, and have a few friends who have been Navy Surgeons or Corpsmen.

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