Memories of a Holiday Slut Ch. 01

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She knew exactly what she needed -- & he had it all.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/01/2007
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My name's Ellie -- and I'm a slut.

Well, I must be -- if you look in a dictionary, it describes me just right. Well, some of the time anyway. Most of the time, the dictionary is wrong about me. But then, every now and again, I get a deep aching in the base of my belly, an aching that reaches up to my breasts and down to my pussy, an aching that makes my nipples hard and my breasts and pussy tingle, an aching that will only go away if I behave like the slut I really am.

So when the aching comes, I book a holiday -- and I ease that ache.

This is what happened the last time that ache came along, and I went away for a week. This is what happened on Monday, the first day of my holiday.



"Here they come!"

I glanced sideways as Ali, my fellow Air Hostess spoke, and sure enough the first passengers were just appearing along the passageway leading to the plane. I greeted them as they came onto the plane, pointing out the way to their seats with a fixed smile and a friendly "to your left" or "down to the right", but all the time thinking that it was only a four hour flight -- and that an hour or so after that I would be at my hotel and ready to start easing my ache.

I enjoy my job, and the perks - like being able to book holidays and hotels at short notice. This time I'd been able to arrange to take this flight to the Canary Islands, and then stay a week rather than coming back with the return flight. Ali and the others thought I was just lucky -- it was probably just as well that they didn't know what I had planned!

Once everybody was aboard, we ran through all the usual pre fight checks and warnings, before settling down in our jump seats next to the kitchen area at the front of the plane ready for take off. Ali announced the safety video, and I sat back, only half listening to the soundtrack I'd heard a thousand times before, thankful that it wasn't my turn to point out the emergency exits.

As soon as it ended, Ali thanked everyone for their attention, going on to say that if there was anything anyone wanted during the flight then they had only to ask.

"How about a blow job?"

I looked across at Ali and raised an eyebrow, both of us wishing we had a pound for every time we'd heard someone say something like that. I then looked across to where the comment had come from. There were two men, maybe in their early twenties, sat in the front row and looking a bit sheepish, clearly aware that they had been overheard. One of them, who actually looked to be a real hunk, blushed as I looked at him, so clearly it was him who had spoken. Mmmm, I told myself as I felt a tingle run through me, maybe ......

For the next three hours I had no time to think of anything but work as we rushed through the routine of serving the passengers with drinks and a meal, before clearing everything away and moving onto the duty free goods. After that, I had a moment to sit down and grab a drink -- and to think about the week ahead. Now that made me horny all over again as memories of my last holiday came flooding back. And then the hunk from the front row squeezed past me to go to the toilets at the front of the plane.

I didn't even think about it as I stood up a minute later, glanced around to make sure I couldn't be seen, and then moved towards the toilet door. My timing was perfect -- just as the door opened outwards, I placed a hand on the startled hunks chest and pushed him back into the cubicle, quietly pulling the door closed behind me. As I turned him around, I locked the door and then sat down on the toilet seat before looking up into his stunned face.

"A blow job was it, Sir?" I enquired, my face a picture of innocence as I looked up at him, my finger tips tracing the line of his cock down the front of his jeans.

Before he could speak, I had popped his jeans open, eased his boxers down - and released his rapidly hardening cock. My pussy was throbbing as I stroked his shaft before leaning forward and slowly running my tongue along his cock, licking him from his balls up to the very tip. He groaned as I swirled my tongue around his cock head, before sucking him deep into my mouth.

I would loved to have taken my time, to really enjoy his cock, but I knew I'd be missed soon. I felt his hands on my head as I sank down on his cock, relaxing enough to take all of him into my mouth. He gasped as I almost swallowed him, my nose rubbing against the mat of wiry hair above his cock. I eased back and started to suck again, my hand stroking his thick shaft.

I could feel my pony tail tapping on my back as my head bobbed up and down. He grabbed hold of it, his hips rocking as he groaned again, louder this time, as he started to fuck my mouth. I let him, my hand around him stopping him from going too deep as he fucked me faster and faster, my tongue lashing across his cock head, my teeth scraping lightly along his shaft. I reached for his balls, squeezing them lightly, my fingers probing for his ass.

With a long, drawn out groan he came, his thick stream of cum erupting into my mouth. I sealed my lips around his cock, sliding my hand along his shaft as he filled my mouth. I squeezed the last drops from him, and only then let his cock slip from my mouth. I looked up at him, knowing that a dribble of cum had escaped from the corner of my mouth. His eyes opened wide as I swallowed hard, and then carefully wiped the dribble away with my finger before licking it clean.

I pushed his cock back into his boxers, before watching as he did up his jeans. I stood up awkwardly in the confined space, grinned at him, kissed him quickly, and then reached behind him to unlock the door. Praying that there was nobody waiting outside, I pushed him gently out of the door, and pulled it shut behind him. I locked it again, and by the time I had sat back down my hand was already inside my wet panties.

My pussy was on fire as I rubbed my clit quickly before plunging two, then three, fingers inside my body. I stifled a groan, biting my lip, as I squeezed an erect nipple with my other hand, as I started to finger myself faster and faster. Reluctantly leaving my nipple alone, I slid that hand onto my clit, swirling my fingers around the hard, rubbery flesh while plunging others deep into my pussy.

I came in what seemed like seconds, my juices flooding onto my hand as my pussy convulsed around my fingers. I squeezed my thighs together, trapping my fingers, as the effect of my orgasm travelled the length and breadth of my body. I felt like I was tingling all over until gradually I calmed down. I stood up slowly and cleaned up my juices, hoping that my skirt didn't have a tell tale wet patch anywhere. I straightened my clothes, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

I don't think I was missed -- or at least nothing was said. The rest of the flight passed quickly. I could feel the hunks eyes on me, and I did wonder where he was staying. As soon as we landed, and the passengers had left, I grabbed my case and got through the airport as fast as I could. I grabbed a taxi, and hour later I was at the resort. I was soon dropped off at the hotel, and a few minutes after that I had booked in and was up in my room. I dropped everything and headed straight for the balcony, undoing my hair and shaking it loose as I went.

The view was stunning. The pool was below me, while the beach was straight in front. I needed to freshen up -- and the quickest way was the pool. I went back into the room, undressing as I went, a trail of clothes behind me. Naked, I rummaged through my case and pulled out the first bikini I could find. I dressed quickly, grabbed the pool towel from the bed, and, taking only my key card, headed back downstairs to the pool.

I dropped my towel on a spare sun bed and dived straight in. The water was just right, and five minutes later I felt a whole lot better. I climbed out of the pool and stretched out on the sun bed, enjoying the heat of the sun. I reached behind me and unclipped my top. A few minutes later, I rolled over - and only seconds after that I felt my nipples tingling and tightening in the late afternoon sun.

After an hour of enjoying the sun on my almost naked body, I reluctantly headed back to my room. I had a shower and washed my hair, preparing myself for what I hoped would be an exciting evening! I wandered around the room naked, unpacking the stuff from my case. It didn't take long -- a weeks supply of skimpy bikinis, short skirts, tight tops and sexy undies!

As I walked around, I caught sight of myself in the full length mirror. My red hair hung loosely around my shoulders, framing my face. I always thought my nose was too small, but my bright eyes and full lips more than made up for it. I turned sideways, and checked out the upward tilt of my full breasts, the hard, pointed nipples. I shivered as I ran a hand over my flat stomach, before turning around to check out my firm, rounded ass and long, slender legs in the mirror.

"Not bad," I murmured to myself as I turned to face the mirror again, casting my eyes one more time over my lightly tanned body, with only my mound standing out, plump and white, its covering of short red hair doing little to hide what lay beneath.

I quickly combed my hair out, leaving it loose around my shoulders. I pulled on my favourite black bra and thong, a tight vee neck shirt with buttons up the front that showed off my breasts to perfection, and a short flared skirt. A quick spray of perfume, and I was ready.

"Girl," I told myself in the mirror, "you're looking good!"

With that, I grabbed my bag and headed out of the room. As I got out of the lift and walked across the bar area towards the restaurant, I enjoyed the looks I was getting, both the sly glances and the more open stares. At the door of the restaurant I was greeted by the head waiter -- tall, dark and handsome just about summed him up.

I saw from his name badge that his name was Tony. I looked him up and down as he turned to check my room number on his list, admiring how his impossibly tight trousers clung to his ass. I was soon heading off towards the table he pointed out to me. As I walked, I put an extra little sway into my hips, feeling his eyes burning into me as I mentally added him to me "to do" list. The smile on my face became a grin -- I knew then that this holiday was going to be a lot of fun!

It was only as I cast my eyes over the wide range of food on the buffet that I realised how hungry I was. But an hour later, after nice glass of wine with my food, I was more than to start my holiday with a bang!

I had planned to head off outside and see what clubs and bars there were around, but as I crossed the bar again, I spotted a familiar face. It was the hunk from the plane, sat alone at the bar. After a moment's hesitation, during which I could taste -- and almost feel -- his gorgeous cock in my mouth again, I headed his way, my pussy already telling me what was needed.

"You owe me," I told him as I stood by his shoulder.

He looked around, and for a moment didn't recognise me. I suppose I looked very different -- instead of a ponytail, my hair tumbled around my shoulders, and my short skirt and tight top had replaced the rather practical uniform I had to wear on the plane. I ran the tip of my tongue around my lips -- and his face broke out into a grin.

I eased myself up onto the bar stool next to him, not bothering to stop my skirt from riding up onto my thighs, knowing that his eyes were torn between lingering there and trying to catch a good view of my breasts down my top. To be honest, I didn't mind which he looked at, as long as he wanted to look!

A few minutes later I had a drink in front of me, I'd told him my name was Ellie, and I'd found out that his name was Pete, that his mate had already disappeared and wouldn't be back until breakfast -- all of which suited me, and -- based on the growing bulge in his jeans -- suited Pete as well.

I rested my hand on his leg, gently squeezing the strong muscles I found there. I slipped my hand higher, running a fingertip across the bulge as I finished my drink. Pete gulped his drink down, and then I let him lead me towards the lifts.

It was a struggle to keep our hands off each other in the lift, but we managed it, settling instead for a long, lingering kiss which sent the tingles in my body into overdrive. I loved the way he held me tight as his tongue slipped into my mouth, his hand on the small of my back pulling me closer. I pressed my pussy closer to him, my breasts squashed against his muscular chest as his hand slid down onto my ass.

We jumped apart as the lift doors opened. Pete led the way out, but I skipped past him and sat down on one of the marble benches that decorated each of the wide landings by the lifts, which in turn led to the passageways to the bedrooms. I glanced around quickly then called across to a slightly confused looking Pete.

"You owe me," I reminded him, easing my legs apart to show him my wet panties as I luridly waggled my tongue at him.

Without a word, he dropped to his knees in front of me. His hands slid up my thighs, pushing my already short skirt even higher. He paused for a moment, staring at my pussy, which was clearly outlined by the wet, almost see through material, of my thong. With a groan, he slid his hands under my ass and eased me forward so that he could lick slowly along my pussy, through my panties, almost poking the wet material inside me.

It felt delicious, but I wanted more, so I quickly dragged the material to one side so that he could plunge his tongue inside me. It felt wonderful as his long, rubbery tongue delved inside my wanton cunt. I reached for my clit, starting to rub it gently in time to his tongue, but he pushed it away, wanting it all for himself. I'm glad he did, because seconds later I was on fire as his tongue flicked across my clit and he eased a finger deep inside me.

His finger and tongue moved in unison, sending waves of pleasure through me. I held his head, my fingers gripping his hair and pulling him to. I pressed my mound to his face, holding him tight as his fingers and tongue and lips and mouth sent me screaming to a wonderful climax. I squeezed his head between my thighs, holding him tight, his fingers caught by my throbbing pussy as I gasped through my orgasm.

I slumped back against the wall, only opening my eyes when my legs relaxed, and I unwound my fingers from his hair. He grinned up at me, leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on my pussy before pulling my thong back across. He stood up, and held out his hand to me. I let him pull me to my feet, and held me tight.

"Now let's fuck," he murmured, his lips almost touching mine.

Who was I to argue?

A few minutes later we were outside his room. He fumbled for his key card, and we only just made it inside before tearing at each others clothes. Pete kicked the door shut as he backed me against the wall, his hand cupping my breast as our lips met and I plunged my tongue into his mouth. He tugged at the buttons of my shirt, sending one of them flying across the room in his haste. I pressed myself against him as he dragged it down my arms and off.

My breasts sprung free, my nipples dark and erect, as Pete pulled my bra away from me. He reached for me, cupping my full breasts in his hands before dipping his head and sucking a rubbery nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking around my sensitive flesh as I held his head tight, wanting, needing, more. I moaned out loud, pushing my breasts forward towards his eager mouth, pulling his head from one ripe breast to the other as he devoured me.

My pussy was throbbing madly as I pulled Pete back up to me and thrust my tongue into his mouth again. We kissed urgently as I reached down and undid his jeans, quickly pushing them -- and his boxers -- down to his thighs. I reached for his cock as it sprung free, thick, hard and dripping with pre cum.

Pete backed me against the wall again as we kissed frantically. He held both of my hands in his, holding them high above my head. With his other hand, he found and pulled at the ties on the side of my thong, before dragging it from between my legs, leaving me naked apart from the skirt bunched up around my waist.

I moaned into Pete's mouth as my thong was dragged over my pussy and clit, shivers of pleasure, of anticipation, running through me. I fucked his mouth with my tongue as he hooked my leg up over his hip, leaving my pussy wide open to him. He guided his cock towards me, easing just the tip inside my hot, wet body before he reached for my breasts and nipples, his other hand still holding my hands above her head.

With deep groan, he plunged his cock into me, driving me back against the wall with the force of his thrusts. My pussy stretched around his thick shaft, sucking all him deep inside my needy body. His hand clawed at my breasts, pinching and pulling my nipples, as he fucked me, as I fucked him back. Our mouths were locked together, muffling our cries. I could hear my ass slapping against the wall with every thrust of Pete's hips.

I came almost straight away, my cries filling the room as waves of pleasure ripped through me. Pete continued fucking me, sending more shockwaves through me as his mouth hungrily latched onto my swollen nipples. Moments later, Pete came, his cum erupting inside me. He held his pulsing cock deep inside me, reaching for my ass and pulling me tight to him as my pussy moulded itself to him, as his balls sent jet after jet of cum into wanton body.

We slumped against each other, breathing heavily, satisfied for a moment. We kissed again, until Pete's cock slowly slipped out of me. I went to the bathroom, dropping my skirt on the floor before walking back into bedroom naked. I stretched on the bed while Pete took his turn in the bathroom, my hands idly roaming over my body.

When Pete came out of the bathroom, he looked around a little uncertainly. He had done his clothes up again, but he eyes lit up when he saw me naked on the bed, with one hand cupping my mound, the other a full breast. I stood up and took the few steps towards him. I could feel the heat of his body against my naked skin through his shirt as I pressed myself against him. I wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him to me, my tongue snaking into his mouth even as our lips met.

Our kiss set my pussy off throbbing all over again, and I clung to him, my knees feeling weak as a fresh surge of desire washed through me. I fell back on the bed, beckoning him to join me. He stripped in record time, and for the first time I saw him naked. My eyes raked over his powerful chest, his hard, flat belly, and his muscular thighs just as his ran over my breasts and everything else. He moved to the side of the bed, his cock leading the way.

For a few seconds I just stared at his cock, watching it swaying in front of me. I moved towards him, swinging my legs around so that I was sat on the edge of the bed, and reached out to take his shaft in my hand, squeezing him as I flicked a bead of pre cum away from his cock head with my tongue. I reached for his balls as I held his cock flat against his belly, listening to his deep moans as I licked slowly along his cock, from the base of his shaft to the tip.

I ran my lips back down Pete's cock, leaving wet trails behind from my tongue. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth, rolling it gently around with my tongue while my hand slid slowly up and down his shaft. Pete eased his legs apart as I slipped my hand between them, probing gently with my fingers as my mouth moved from his balls back up to his cock.

I pulled Pete's cock towards me and sunk my mouth down onto him, making him cry out as I sucked half his length into my hungry mouth. He reached for my head, his fingers entwined in my mass of hair as his hips jerked forward, fucking my mouth, my tongue rubbing across his cock head and along his shaft.