Jenny Plays with the Big Girls Ch. 03

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Jimmy gets practice as Jenny while going out for pizza.
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Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 09/30/2009
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Below is part 3 of the continuing saga of "Jenny Plays with the Big Girls", the ongoing story of a college freshman, Jimmy, whose sister, Lori, a Junior at the same college, had talked him into playing on her sorority's volleyball team which was representing the college in the state finals. I want to thank all readers for their kind words and support for the previous 2 chapters and can only barely hope for the same for this and any upcoming chapters. I hope you enjoy the read here as you did the previous chapters.


After the decision was made to take Jimmy with me and the girls for a night out on the town, I brought him back into the bathroom to change his outfit and makeup accordingly. I looked through items I had dumped from the bag that Julie had brought. There was almost a complete wardrobe there. After removing the swimsuit, I had him put on a pair of panties, again tucking him back, a pair of nude pantyhose, a padded bra with foam inserts, a pink, floral sun-dress, and a pair of white 2-inch heels. There was also a pair of 3-inch heels, but I was sure Jimmy was not yet ready for those. I added a few more curls to his hair and a little heavier make-up to his face since we were going out for the evening. This gave his blue eyes a very alluring appeal. I gave him a girl's watch and matching necklace and bracelet, and finished off his new look by adding an old pair of Mother's clip-on earrings, thinking that later we may have to think about piercing his ears. When I was done, though, he definitely looked like one of the team as I walked him out the door to Julie's car.

As we drove, Jimmy was fully embarrassed at being out with the girls, dressed as one of them, especially as they fussed over him like mother hens over a new-born chick. They kissed his cheeks good-naturedly, plucking at the hem of his dress while constantly saying how proud they were of him for letting his feminine nature take over and letting the girl he was inside finally come out to play. By the time we arrived at the pizza parlor, Jimmy was almost convinced he was always meant to be a girl, and thus, should be proud to be a girl from now on. From this point on I suggested and everyone agreed, though Jimmy more reluctantly so, that in order for this plan to succeed, we should all start to refer to Jimmy as Jenny, even Jimmy himself, so that there would be no slip-ups or embarrassing moments down the line.

When we walked through the doors of the parlor, Cindi seized Jenny as the two of them and the rest of the girls grabbed a corner booth while I went on to the counter to order some drinks to start us off. Getting back to the booth, I sat next to Cindi after noticing that she had forced Jenny to sit on her lap while she and the others discussed the order they were about to place with the waitress who had just arrived after me.

"We'll have two medium pizzas," Cindi said, placing the order. "One with sausage and mushrooms, the other with pepperoni and extra sauce. And two orders of chewy bread sticks. We girls need to keep working our throat and oral muscles -- both on and off the field!" she added with a chuckle.

Giving the waitress and the table of us girls a broad wink at that last statement, all the girls laughed heartily at her comment while Jenny looked about confusedly, trying to figure out just what was so funny.

As we waited for the pizzas, Cindi picked up one of Jenny's hands and lay it down next to hers. "Hey girls," she noted. "What's wrong with this picture here?"

"Oh my goodness," I said. "How did I forget that?"

"What?" Jenny asked. "What are you girls talking about?"

"Your nails, dummy," I said. "All this work I did to make you perfect, and I can't believe I forgot to do your nails. I am such a dunce!"

"Yeah Lori," Cindi corrected. "And you also forgot her perfume, but not to worry. I just happen to have some of both that I think will match her outfit and smell real nice on her. Let's try it out, shall we?"

At that, Cindi removed some red nail polish from her purse that very closely matched his lipstick and, after filing his nails to a softer, more feminine look, started painting them with it. While waiting for them to dry, she sprayed him with some "Passion" perfume she kept in her purse, and then pronounced him completely Jenny.

When the order arrived, Cindi insisted on feeding Jenny herself, treating her the way a possessive boyfriend would his best girl, making sure everyone around was made aware that Jenny was her property. I could see Cindi's left hand moving beneath the tablecloth, mischievously teasing around Jenny's legs and crotch. Suddenly we all noticed Jenny jump with a squeal, and realized that Cindi had pinched her. Watching them, I gasped as I saw Cindi slide Jenny's hose and panties down to her ankles while she was still up in the air from the mischievous trick Cindi had pulled on her.

Curious beyond words, I lifted a portion of the tablecloth near to myself so as to get a better look. There in shocking bemusement I watched as Cindi began jerking my little brother off with her hidden hand while feeding him a slice of pizza with her other. I could see that poor Jenny looked like she was ready to jump and run away the first chance she had to escape the humiliating treatment she was receiving at Cindi's hands.

But as the scene played out, I realized she felt that if she tried such a thing, she would most likely trip and fall over the panties and hose that were hobbling her ankles, and that such a fall would most likely cause her dress to flip up and expose her nakedness, revealing to everybody that she was actually a boy dressed in girl's clothing, and thus show all that he, a boy, had allowed himself to be manhandled by a girl.

Therefore, as shameful as she might feel about her present situation, I knew then that Jenny would rather remain there, believing her humiliation, though embarrassing, was nonetheless unseen, than free herself from said humiliation by telling everyone what Cindi was doing to her.

Therefore she forced herself to remain seated, while continuing to endure Cindi's caresses and tauntings. And the longer Jenny did so, I noticed, the more she finally seemed to accept and enjoy it as part of the rite of passage every girl must go through in order to become a fully blossomed woman.

She seemed too far gone to complain by this point, and, remembering the fun I'd had with our little girl earlier today, I could barely suppress a giggle imagining what those creative fingers of Cindi's were doing to torment my little sister, as well as what thoughts and fantasies were running through my little sister's head, as well as Cindi's.

When she finished a slice of pizza, Cindi brought a bread stick up to Jenny's lips while instructing her to relax her lips just a bit. Upon doing so, Cindi gently slid the stick into Jenny's mouth as far as she could before the gag reflex kicked in. Then she pulled it back slightly and from there began a gentle in and out movement, and I started listening closer to what was being said.

"Yes, girl, that's the way," Cindi was whispering to Jenny, though in a theatrical manner, loud enough for the rest of us to listen in. "Yeah bitch, that's right. You'll see. If little Jenny's going to pretend to be a girl for the team, then she's going to have to learn everything that will be asked of her because this is how the big girls play ball in the real world. And once you get this mouth action down just right, Jenny, then you'll be able to suck off all the boy's big, hard cocks and swallow down their juicy, baby-making come, and don't worry, I know a slut like you will just love it, because it tastes oh, so good."

As Jenny got more and more into playing the role of sex slut for Cindi, I noticed that the other teammates started leaning closer and listening more intently to Cindi's description of the fun and games that lay ahead for my little sissy Jenny. I also noticed their breathing as well became faster and heavier, panting as though they were bitches in heat, ready to take their turn with my hapless brother, staring almost bug-eyed at the ensuing scene taking place.

Then, almost as one, each girl began to slowly unbutton their blouses, rubbing and squeezing their bra-encased tits as they watched the scene unfolding before them. Then, as they got even more excited, they slipped their breasts from their bras and began openly fondling their bare tits into tortuous excitement, pulling and twisting their hardening nipples, moaning in lustful desire while imagining their new teammate sucking on some handsome stud's huge cock and then eagerly swallowing his man-seed down into her tummy. At that moment, Cindi lifted Jenny's dress up to her chin to reveal her bra-encased tits, and hooking it over his shoulders.

Shocked at this even greater exposure of my feminized brother in such a public place, I began looking around the restaurant even more. Doing this I noticed other patrons and store employees, complete strangers to us, also watching this scene play out just as intently. Some guys, watching what was happening at our booth, had taken their cocks out and who had begun jerking themselves off because what was unfolding at our table had gotten them that excited.

Some of the waitresses, having gotten so excited at both watching the proceedings at our table and also from having seen the other boys jerking off, got on their knees before these boys and took over sucking off their cocks.

Other boys who had brought dates with them took their cocks out and forced their girlfriends to suck them off while they watched the goings-on at the corner booth. As for me, upon witnessing all this, I finally could take it no longer. I pulled up my skirt and pushed my hand down into my panties and curled my first two fingers into my cunt and began fingering myself while taking in the entire erotic scene going on around me. The sights, the sounds, the aromas -- everything, combined to throw me into such a state of high-pitched arousal as I'd never felt before. Suddenly, next to me, I heard my little Jenny cry out.

"Gaahhhd!" she cried shrilly. "That's it! Oh, oh, I'm coming, I coming so good!"

And as if a dam broke, there followed wails of ecstasy all around us, as boys and girls all around the pizza parlor finally capitulated in thunderous waves of sexual bliss. Soon afterwards, there was much heavy breathing and sighing, as dozens of half-naked boys and girls tried to get their breath and put themselves back in order.

As far as we girls were concerned, we agreed we'd had enough pizza and decided to head for the movie. After the girls put themselves back into their blouses and bras, we headed out. Cindi, however, was still in a playful mood and, slipping a still drained Jenny off her lap, removed her panties and hose completely and refused to give them back to her. We stood back to watch as Jenny, unable to run in her 2-inch heels, could only shyly lower her head in a shameful blush and mince slowly to the car, doing her best to carefully hold her dress down with both hands so as not to let any part of her nakedness be exposed. Everything went fine until we got to the car. Everybody held back getting in which caused Jenny to have to open the car door first. When she reached for the door handle, a gust of wind came up and whisked her dress up over her ass, exposing it to two boys who just happened to be walking by. Luckily, all they saw was her ass, and in passing, they gave her a loud wolf call and one of them slapped her ass soundly before she was able to slip safely inside.

"Oooh girl," Cindi teased, sliding in to her right. "I knew you'd be a willing slut once you learned the rules of the game, once we got you started. But I sure didn't know you'd turn into such an eager piece of tail. You go, girl! Yeah!"

"Yeah Jenny," I agreed with a giggle. "If you're going to be that brazen, I'm going to have to get you a couple packs of condoms to pass out -- at least until I can get you on the pill or something."

"Aw girls," Jimmy moaned embarrassingly. "Cut it out now. I'm not going to be doing anything with any guys, and you know it! I wish you'd stop picking on me. And Cindi, I'd really like to have my panties back -- that was really embarrassing, what happened back there!"

"Aw," Cindi replied, unable to stop now that she seemed to know just what buttons to push to get Jenny going. She continued on, this time in a much more seductive tone,"Do you mean to say that my little girlfriend didn't get off on that little bit of foolishness we played out in the pizza parlor? Didn't my little girl come like gangbusters while I played with her pretty pussy there right in front of all those boys and girls while she imagined them laying her out in the middle of the floor and plugging her holes one after another while filling her up with all their baby-making juices? Are you trying to tell me that you didn't enjoy that fantasy just a little bit, as it ran through that girlish little head of yours? Cause I could have sworn I saw you come all over yourself. And not just me, but the rest of your teammates sat right there with me and watched the whole megillah of your induction into girlhood while playing with their pussies and coming off at the same time.

Girl, you may have been a boy at one time, but since you put those girly clothes on, you have become all woman to us. And I have a sneaking suspicion if you keep them on much longer, which you'll have to do in order to play out the volleyball tournament, you're probably going to end up growing tits and a real pussy before we finish with you."

This time, without even a touch or caress, using only her words as erotic nuances, I noticed Cindi had Jenny caught, spellbound almost, in the web of sensuous, carnal delights she was weaving for Jenny as she described in detail the acts he, as Jimmy, had already performed this night while dressed as Jenny, and then spoke of her girlish reactions to the words and images she had earlier planted in her mind while making her think how nice it would be to have sex with another boy, again, while dressed as Jenny. As she related these details again to her, Jenny's eyes seemed to glaze over as if in a trance, while her head fell back onto Cindi's shoulder, her breathing coming in soft, panting breaths.

"That's it, missy," Cindi said, hugging her closer. "You just lean back there and think of all those big, handsome men who are soon going to be coming your way. Once they see how important you are to the team, why they're gonna be breaking down the door just to get to see you and know you better. And once you let them through that door, you'll be letting them into those luscious lips of yours and, if you're really nice to them, they'll even want to plow into that sweet chocolate highway you've been saving for that special someone."

"Oh, oh Cindi, stop, please stop," Jenny moaned helplessly.

"Now girl, I want you to do me a favor," Cindi said. "Here, I'm gonna raise your dress up, like this. Yeah. Aw heck, why don't we just take it off altogether, yeah, like that. Now, I want you to put your hands on your little clittie, like that, yeah. Now, imagine I'm that handsome stud you've been thinking about so much lately. Yeah, that's right. Now, I want you to start jerkin' off to me. Yeah, now think about all the stuff I'm about to do to you, all the fuckin' and suckin' that you've been dreaming of getting done to that sweet, sexy body all your life. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, good, good."

As Cindi spoke and stripped our little Jenny, we decided to pull over and watch once again the events unfolding before us. Again we were mesmerized as our Jenny sat there in the back seat, naked, except for her padded bra, and, in an almost hypnotic state, obey the commands given her. Soon she was jerking herself off as naturally as if she'd done it in front of us hundreds of times before. Before long, we saw her do a quick jerk and then, after a sudden spasm, she spurted her seed high into the air, which fell back onto her groin and into her palm. But as her cum wads slowed to a halt and pooled into her hand, Cindi took her cum-filled hand and brought it up to Jenny's lips, forcing her to lick and swallow it down.

"There you go, you pretty little cum slut," she said. "Now you're on your way to being a natural cock-sucker. Now you're ready to join the ranks of the big girls, the real girls. Like I said earlier, tastes good, don't it?"

"Mmmm, yeah, Cindi. You're right. Tastes great," Jenny said, slowly coming to. Then realizing what he'd just done and said, he gasped, "Uck! Cindi! What did you just make me do? I can't believe you just did that, that you just made me do that!! Gosh, you girls are mean! I don't think I want to help you out anymore! And give me my clothes back, darn it all!"

"Go ahead, Cindi, give him his dress back," I said, unable to suppress a giggle at my little brother's discomfort. "He's definitely earned it -- in more ways than one!"

All the girls got a big laugh out of that, while Jimmy turned red as a beet but said nothing as he wanted only to get his nakedness covered up as quickly as possible.

"As for not playing on the team, Jenny," I told him. "I think you might want to reconsider that decision."

At that I held out my cell phone and showed him some of the pictures I'd taken of him over the past couple of hours.

"Jimmy," I said. "I not only have pictures of you letting me turn you into a girl, most of us have pictures on our phones or digital cameras of you in the pizza parlor or just now in the car showing the ecstasy you felt being pleasured in your girlish clothes. If you don't agree to help us with our team, we'll put these pictures up on the bulletin board at school and in the next issue of the college paper and ruin your ass. Your choice, honey. Stay as my sister and our teammate for awhile longer and we'll keep your secret, or become the sissy-boy of the college and your ass will be grass. What do you say?"

"Oh Lori, why?" Jenny moaned in abject misery. "What did I ever do to you to deserve this?"

"Listen Jenny," I told him. "Stop complaining so much about all this, will you? Look, just learn to take it all in stride, OK? Pretend all that you have been through has been a little hazing for the new girl. An initiation period that all newbies go through when they first join the team and the Sorority. I went through a period of hazing much the same as you my freshman year, as did Cindi and Laurie. It's all part of college life and it will be over before you know it."

"But Lori," Jimmy started.

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny," I interrupted. "If you had gotten onto the boy's volleyball team or into one of their fraternities, you know they would have hazed you some before you were first allowed in, right? I can't remember which one it is, but there's one who uses an old canoe paddle they have hanging on their wall they bring out and give plebes enough swats with it to redden your ass for a week just to be sure you were man enough to make it on their team, or in their house. I've heard lots of stories of guys who dropped out after getting 50 swats with that mother. You should thank your lucky stars we don't go that far.

Besides, Jimmy, I kind of like the way you fill out and fit into your new role as my little sister and teammate, Jenny, we all do. And we'd like to see you stick around awhile, even after volleyball season is over. I don't want to have to force you to stick around -- in fact, I'd like to throw these pictures away. And I will, I promise, if you'll just be willing to stay on our team and be our little girl for awhile longer and let us play around with you once in a while. Come on Jenny, you didn't dislike everything that was done to you, did you? Admit it, now. You did like some of the things that happened, right? Maybe they were just a bit surprising to you? Didn't see them coming, did you, and wham! When they did, you were maybe just a bit overwhelmed with girlish sensations. All of them good, nice even, right? Just unfamiliar and strange, right?" "Well gee, Lori," Jenny said hesitatingly. "I really like to play volleyball. And, uh, well, I guess I could eventually get used wearing these girlish things, as long as no one teases me, or anything. But you gotta promise this hazing crap's gotta stop soon. It's just too embarrassing."