Island for Dickgirls: Lost Aunt


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"It's just sort of everything Aunt Aynsley," she said, sighing deeply.

"What do you mean sweetie?" Aynsley asked, brushing the hair out of her own face and smiling sweetly to the girl.

"Well first its school you know? I just go there and I feel like everyone sees right through me. I go into classes and it isn't like anyone is mean to me or teases me or anything. It's worse. I can't get anyone to talk to me or anything. I mean I know that most of it is my fault..."

"No. No it isn't your fault," Aynsley said, feeling her heart breaking.

"Yes it is Aunt Aynsley," Kendal said in an earnest and powerful voice, "I think that if I talked to people they wouldn't hate me. I might not be the most popular girl in school but I think I could make friends." Aynsley was confused.

"Then why not talk to people?"

"When I walk up to people I just sort of freeze up. I can't think of a word to say. I just sort of stammer a bit and then the people walk away. I could do it, but I can't get myself to do it," she said and then she began sobbing again. Aynsley put her arm around the girls shoulder and Kendal leaned into her, crying onto the sleeve of her aunt's black t-shirt.

"It's okay Kendal," she said, smoothing the girl's hair, "It isn't as easy as people think. I understand."

"Then I come home and it's like the same thing. My mother just sort of looks through me. The only time she talks to me is when she is yelling. It's like you were saying yesterday about your mom," Kendal said, real bitterness entering her voice now. The source of the girl's lack of confidence was quite clear to Aynsley now.

"Your mother loves you," she said, trying to come up with something, anything, to cheer her niece.

"I know," Kendal said, stopping her crying now, "She just doesn't have any clue how a girl like me needs to know about it." That hit Aynsley in the gut. She knew exactly what Kendal was talking about. She pulled the girl tighter in a hug. She just held her for a long while, letting the girl feel the love. She sensed the tension leave the girl's body and knew she was on the right track. She wanted to continue this path of relaxation and decided to change the subject.

"But you are so beautiful Kendal. I can't believe their aren't girls knocking down your door," she said smiling. Kendal giggled a little bit and then bit her lip.

"Lots of girls have asked me out on dates. Especially girls who haven't heard me bumble and sputter when I am talking," she explained, "But mom won't let me date." Aynsley winced. She wanted to keep conversation away from Eileen and anything negative. She changed her tone to a bit more conspiratorial clip. "Not until college."

"What class are you?" she asked. The young girl blushed and turned away, "Oh come on. You can tell me, I am your aunt!" Aynsley poked the girl playfully on the shoulder and she heard Kendal giggle.

"I don't know. Mom told me not to talk about that from the time I was a little girl," Kendal replied. Aynsley almost pulled her hair out of her head. She was tired of hearing about Eileen. She made an executive decision.

"It can't be any more embarrassing than me," she explained, "I am a C-Class. It's only like three and a half incheslong." Aynsley was very sensitive about her girldick. She often made lovers wait a dozen dates before she would show it to them. Most Hish's enjoyed a big cock for getting fuck with and a little one for sucking, but Aynsley took no solace from the fact that some people found it very sexy to have a small cock. She had always wanted a big one. She had thought it would give her confidence.

"I am an A-Class," Kendal said, with a little bit of confidence. She stopped there for a moment. Her aunt raised her eyebrows at her inquisitively, "Fine. It is about ten inches long." Aynsley couldn't believe what she was hearing. She thought that maybe the girl was pulling her leg, but she didn't even flinch.

"That is crazy!" she said finally and her jaw dropped. Kendal blushed and turned away, "No honey. Don't feel bad, believe me. I have never been with a girl that big. I have never heard of a girl that big. But it is a major fantasy of every girl I have ever met. If you want to be the most popular girl in school, you should stop wearing panties when you change in gym class," she said.

Aynsley couldn't believe that this delicate little girl had such a huge cock. She found herself fantasizing about what it would look like and feel like. She had to shake her head to get herself back into the moment.

"Are you serious?" the girl asked. She was surprised too. She figured she was a freak and that no one would ever want her except for maybe large, unattractive girls.

"Believe me," she said. She could almost feel Kendal smiling. They both were sitting on the bed now and considering this new information. Aynsley was more confused than she had ever been in her life and Kendal felt more confident. Suddenly the young girl was struck by an idea.

"Aunt Aysnley?" she asked in a soft, nervous voice.

"Yes dear," her aunt replied.

"What is the biggest person you have ever...been with?" she asked. Aynsley felt a chill run through her body. She loved to talk about sex and she was incredibly excited.

"Well I guess that is like two questions," she explained without pause. She didn't want the girl to think that it was in any way an inappropriate question, "You see there are two different ways I guess to have sex. Well I mean, more than two ways, but two main categories when you are considering size. There is vaginal sex and there is anal sex."

"Anal sex?" Kendal asked.

"Jesus Kendal," Aynsley said incredulously, "Your mother needs to back off a little bit and let you live. Vaginal sex, obviously, is when the girlcock goes in your pussy. Anal sex is when it goes up your ass."

"People like that?" Aynsley said, now it was her turn to be incredulous.

"It is an amazing feeling. Both of them. I really like it in my ass though. Don't knock it til you try it sweetie," Aynsley said, a bit defensively.

"Well how big?!" Kendal asked, bouncing on the bed with anticipation.

"I once took an 8 inch dick in my pussy. I took a 7 inch cock in my ass one time. I felt like that one was going to split me in half but it was amazing," she explained. She felt her asshole tingle even as she explained it. Suddenly she felt a bit nervous and looked at the clock. It was getting late.

"You mean I am way bigger?" Kendal asked, feeling excited now.

"Yes honey," Aynsley said, feeling like her whole body was on fire, "But it is late now and I need to get some sleep. Why don't we talk more when you get home from school tomorrow?" she suggested. She needed to get to bed. She didn't know where these sexual feelings were coming from, but they felt wrong on many different levels. Kendal looked a bit disappointed but she nodded her head.

"But Aunt Aynsley," she said suddenly, "I don't have school tomorrow. It is a teacher workday."

"Well then we can spend the whole day together," Aynsley said and found that she was already looking forward to it. Kendal was in a better mood now and she skipped out of the room.

"Good night. I am going to go right to sleep because I want it to be tomorrow. Love you Aunt Aynsley," Kendal said in a light hearted voice. Aynsley had a tough time falling asleep, but finally, she managed to do it.

The next morning she was awoken by a gentle knock on her door. She shook her head and realized that it was probably Kendal. "Come on in!" she said. Eileen walked in through the door. She looked flustered and unhappy.

"Watch Kendal for me," she ordered, "She didn't tell me she didn't have school and I don't want her home alone." Aynsley didn't care for Eileen's tone and she was still angry at her for making Kendal upset. She crossed her arms.

"I don't know," she said haughtily, "I was planning on going out of town to look for a job today." Eileen rolled her eyes but she knew she was caught. If she had to bring Kendal to work with her it would be a disaster. That girl was always so mopey and unhappy; it just made the day crawl by.

"Here is fifty bucks. Take her to the movies or, better yet, take her down to the beach and get a swim in or something," she suggested.


"And I'll pay for you to go out to dinner or out on a date or something later this week after I get paid," she said desperately.

"Deal," Aynsley said and Eileen quickly dropped the cash on the table and left for work. Aynsley laughed to herself. She would've gladly done it for free. She went back to sleep for a few hours and then Kendal knocked on the door and woke her for good.

"Aunt Aynsley, are you up?" the girl asked, inching the door open slightly.

"Yes Kendal," She said, wiping the sleep from her eyes, "Want to go down to the beach?" she asked. Kendal smiled and laughed happily.

"I have to go get a bathing suit on," she said and rushed out. Aynsley got up and went to get her bathing suit as well. Within a few minutes they were cruising in Aynsley's tiny car on their way out to the beach. Kendal was wearing a pair of tight white shorts and a yellow tank-top over her bathing suit. Aynsley was wearing a black t-shirt and a red skirt. They listened to music and chatted sweetly for the five mile ride out to the ocean.

It was a bit of a chilly day and most people were at school or work for the day. When they closed the door to their cars and looked down at the ocean, there were only a few people down into the water. They trudged through the thick sand and made their way near the water.

"I used to swim down here in high school," Aynsley explained, "Follow me. I know a good spot." Kendal nodded and the two walked along the beach for a while towards a large cliff that jutted out into the water. Aynsley waded out into the water ankle deep and they both shivered as they walked out around the outside of the cliff. Finally, they rounded the corner.

There, they saw was Aynsley remembered from her wild high school days. Behind them was the cliff jutting out into the ocean that they had seen before. In front of them was a similar cliff. The two cliffs angled back from the water into a tight corner. There was essentially a small triangular shaped, smooth rocky area that was sunk deep into the cliffs and bounded by the ocean. It was supremely secluded, sunny, and quiet.

"This place is beautiful!" Kendal said as she spread her blanket out on the warm rock. Aynsley did the same. Aynsley slipped off her t-shirt and skirt and reveal a tight, black bikini underneath, also revealing her bellybutton stud. She felt the young girl's eyes on her body. Then Kendal started to slip out of her own clothes. She was wearing a red bikini that she had bought a year before but never worn. It was a bit small for her and her small breasts were pouring out the sides. Aynsley could clearly see the outline of the girl's massive cock inside the bottoms. She was shocked. The girl had not been lying.

They both lay down on their towels with their sunglasses on and soaked in the rays. They both fell asleep for a while and then Aynsley awoke when she felt the water rise to the point where it tickled her feet. She quickly stood and moved her towel back to the point where it would not be wet. She looked over at Kendal who was still sleeping, having placed her towel a little ways back.

Aynsley looked the girl all over and was surprised by how beautiful the girl looked. She noticed that something was strange and the almost immediately realized what it was. She looked over at her niece and saw that the tip of the girl's massive dick had slipped out of the ill-fitting bathing suit bottom. Aynsley was mesmerized. It was as though it had its own life force and was staring her down. It was circumcised and it had a big, pink tip, probably the size of a golf-ball. Only about two inches were poking out, but it was more than Aynsley could handle.

She got down on her hands and knees and started to crawl towards her young niece who remained completely asleep. Aynsley was right next to Kendal now and she could smell her light perfume. Her skin was so creamy and looked so soft. Aynsley wanted so badly to touch her. She looked at the penis. It was so gorgeous. Aynsley loved big cocks. She had a bit of a reputation as an easy chick if you were an A-class around Camelot. People knew that she would blow just about anyone.

Something caught her eye. A bit of string. She realized that the corners of Kendal's bikini were held together with drawstrings. She thought for a moment about what she was going to do. She had two conflicting feelings. She knew what her body wanted. Her mouth was watering, her pussy was tingling, and her asshole was trying to gape open to accept the tight little package into her body. On the other hand, she was related to this girl. Even with a massive cock, Kendal was still just a teen girl, just barely a woman. She agonized over her emotions for several minutes, but in the end, she was a slave to her body.

Aynsley took hold of the drawstrings on either side of Kendal's bikini and gently pulled. They untied easily and the material lay only loosely over Kendal's body. Aynsley paused now for a moment. Her heart was beating a million times a minute and her entire body felt tight and claustrophobic. Her hands were shaking as she gently lifted the fabric up and exposed her niece's massive cock.

The aunt gasped as she saw it. Kendal had clearly not been exaggerating. Coiled against the girl's body was a massive cock. Aynsley was very surprised by its obvious soft texture and uniform pink color. Aynsley wanted the cock so bad. She loved the way A-class cock's looked when they were limp. She had always wanted to suck off an impotent A-class Hish, just to feel the thick, soft flesh enter into her mouth and feel the cum shoot out of it like a fire hose into her throat.

Aynsley got down on her stomach between Kendal's legs, moving carefully so as not to disturb the girl. She placed her head on her hands and set her elbows on the rock beneath her body. Her face was just a few inches from Kendal's cock and she could smell the girl's musk. She breathed it in and tried not to moan out loud. Tentatively she moved her hand out and with two fingers, lifted the limp cock away from Kendal's body. She felt its weight in her hand and tried to control it as it immense weight flopped in her hand. Eventually she moved her two fingers up to just below the tip.

She was moving faster now, her body moving knowingly and skillfully. She always remembered why she loved being a slut when she was around a big dick. She opened her mouth now and took the massive head into her mouth. She loved the smooth feeling of the dome against her tongue. She turned her eyes upward and saw the small swell of her niece's breast and her angelic face, still sleeping deeply.

Aynsley started to feed the cock into her mouth, going deeper and deeper. Feeling the silky skin slide into her throat. Her body felt electric and all her senses were severely heightened. She closed her eyes and kept moving her head farther and farther down. She was uncontrollably rubbing her own cock against the flat rock she was laying on. She was so excited. She was grinding her hard cock on something hard and there was a dick in her mouth, she was in heaven.

Suddenly, the cock seemed to swell in Aynsley's mouth. She knew what was about to happen and she smiled to herself. This was her favorite part. Suddenly a thick load of hot sperm shot down into Aynsley throat. She was amazed by the amount. She started to inch the cock out of her mouth to avoid choking and the thick liquid filled her mouth. It was the consistency of honey and tasted salty and sweet. It was the most delicious thing Aynsley had ever tasted. She allowed it to fill her mouth and she swallowed it down quickly. It started to fill again and overflowed from her mouth and covered her bikini and breasts. Finally, at long last, the orgasm stopped and Aynsley swallowed again.

She sat for a moment and took in what had occurred. Suddenly, the gravity of what she had done hit her and her eyes flew open. The large, mournful eyes of her niece were staring at her in dumfounded disbelief. The girl was propped up on her shoulders and her chest was heaving from the exertions in her sleep.

"Aunt Aynsley?" The girl asked tentatively in a shaking voice. Aynsley decided not to look back for a second. Aynsley took the cock in her hand and finally took the tip out of her mouth.

"Just do what feels natural my beautiful girl," She said and the girl smiled nervously. Aynsley decided to act. She got up on her knees and reached behind her back an unhooked her bikini top. Next she flopped back on her butt and gently worked her bikini bottom off of her body. Her cock was hard and erect and she could see Kendal staring at it, "You want this?" she asked.

"Okay," Kendal said, biting her lip and giggling. The cock was tiny and Aynsley probably would've laughed if another girl wanted to fuck her with it, but Kendal was a virgin and it was just perfect for her. Aynsley inched forward on her knees and then draped herself over her niece. She felt the girl's massive, soft dick against her body. She leaned forward now, her breasts against Kendal's breasts. She looked deeply into the girl's eyes and kissed her on the lips. Kendal could taste her own cum on her aunt's mouth, and found that she liked it.

Aynsley continued to kiss the girl and they both were silent. Only the gentle crash of the surf against their tiny rock upset the total silence. Aynsley put her hands against the girl's hips. She carefully found her bearings and felt the tip of her tiny cock rub against Kendal's pussy. The girl shivered and was completely still.

"Breathe," Aynsley said and then slowly slid her cock in the girl. She felt the intense warmth on the inside of the girl's body. She felt the cum on her tits rub against the girl's bikini top, and mostly she felt with intense desire the large cock coiled against her stomach. Slowly she began to thrust her hips into Kendal's body. The girl moaned in a high pitched voice and Aynsley felt love. The girl was so cute, squirming on her back and enjoying the tiny cock spearing her insides.

They moved together in a slow, loving rhythm for several minutes. Kendal had her legs spread wide and her head rolled back against the rock with her eyes closed. Her hands were on Aynsley's wrists and her Aunt's hands were on Kendal's hips. Suddenly, Aynsley began to pump harder. She knew that she was about to cum and she could tell it was going to be intense. She closed her eyes and her whole body shook. She began to cum hard. Her entire body ached from it, her pussy and her asshole tightened as she shot her hot cum into Kendal's pussy.

"Put some in my mouth," Kendal said, surprising even herself, as she moaned loudly as the cock continued to slam into her. Aynsley felt a rush deep inside of her and liked this nasty side of her niece. It reminded her of herself in high school. Aynsley pulled the still cumming dick out of Kendal's body. It shot cum all over the girl's stomach and even as Aynsley stood and walked to Kendal's mouth, it shot cum on the girl's tits and face. Desperately, Kendal took the cock in her hand and guided it into her mouth. She sucked the last few drops of cum out of her Aunt's body, Enjoying the sweet flavor. Finally, Aynsley collapsed next to her niece, exhausted.

They lay there for a few moments, panting next to one another. They both felt a bit embarrassed now and neither wanted to break the silence. But they were still both very horny. They both knew what they wanted and after a few moments of recuperation, they began to move together as though there had been a plan. Kendal's cock was hard now and it was an amazing sight. It was now about as wide around as a Red Bull can. The girl sat down with her back against a rock.