I Will Love You Forever Pt. 2 Ch. 20


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He was coming out of the back door when he saw her and Maeve walk into the yard. He barely gave Maeve a glance as his eyes were on Isadora. He liked the way the pale yellow dress contrasted with her smooth, dark skin. A thought began to creep into his mind and he stopped it before it took hold. He handed the box that he was carrying to whoever walked by and began to make his way to Isadora. However, before he was halfway across the yard; Lucas was already talking to Isadora. Not to be deterred, Saul continued on his way not stopping until he reached the small group.

"Hello Isadora, Lucas" he said with a smile that reached his eyes. He almost shouted with happiness when Isadora turned away from Lucas and gave him a full smile.

"Hello Saul," she said in that low husky voice that made his knees weak. "This is my friend Maeve."

"Hello," he greeted with a nod of his head.

"Saul is going to be starting classes soon," Isadora explained.

"Really?" Maeve asked. "What will you be studying?"

"Eventually I hope to go into the ministry," Saul replied ignoring the glare that Lucas gave him.

"Interesting," Maeve commented as she looked at Isadora. So this was him, she thought to herself. On the face of it, she liked Saul much better than she did Lucas and it had nothing to do with skin color. The black man who had introduced himself as Lucas Newton didn't feel real to her. His presentation seemed fake. It was as if he was trying to be someone that he wasn't. Maeve had the feeling that the man really didn't care about Isadora or her plans but she didn't know why he would pretend until she met Saul. He was competing with Saul only because he was white. This, she thought was the real deal when Isadora introduced Saul to her. She had only just met him, but there was something about him that she liked. Maybe it was the way that he spoke softly or... the way that he looked at Isadora. The man was head over heels in love with her best friend! She wondered if Isadora knew, but suspected not. It was time to have a talk with her friend, but not before she talked to Saul.

Lucas listened without comment. He was seeing what Maeve was seeing and not liking it. He was forced to ask himself the question- what he would do if he had managed to sway Isadora his way. Marry her? No- he couldn't and he wouldn't. Isadora Hughes was too independent for him. He had meant it when he made the comment about her staying home and having babies. As much as he hated the idea of a white man wanting and having a black woman, he didn't hate it enough that he was willing to take his place. He slipped away without saying anything. There were other women who were much better marriage material than Isadora Hughes.

Saul felt it when Lucas symbolically called 'uncle' and smiled. It was far from over, but his main competitor was out of the picture. As far as he knew, there was no one else interested. It was time to take a small step forward.

"Isadora, would you and your friend care to sit with me?"

Time seemed to stop as Isadora considered her answer.

"We would love to," Maeve replied for the both of them. "Lead the way."

"Isadora?" Saul asked wanting her to have a say in the matter. "Is that alright with you?"

Isadora hesitated for a few seconds before nodding her head yes. Maeve and Saul both breathed a sigh of relief. Whether she knew it or not, that was when Isadora began to truly fall for the tall white man from South Carolina.


Theodore Ellis was a very unhappy man. Not only was his political career not going as well as he had hoped, his wife was demanding more of him sexually. It seemed that the further the pregnancy went, the more demanding she became. If he came home late in the hopes that she was asleep, she would be awake with her legs spread wide open when he walked into the bedroom. The sight of her nude body almost made him sick. She was no longer accepting the excuses that he was too tired and pestered him until he gave in. To complicate things even more, she had refused to get rid of the maid. To compensate for his attraction to her, he often spoke to Millie harshly even though she had done nothing to deserve it. But at night.... At night when his head was between his wife's thin, pale thighs; it was Millie that he thought of. It was Millie that he was sliding in and out of and Millie that he shot his seed into. He didn't understand it. Prior to her, he had never thought of being with a black woman in a sexual way. So why her? It was a question that he asked himself every time he saw her and every time he sated his perpetually horny wife. Every time he looked at Hazel, he wished that she and the kid were gone.

Reminding himself that they were a means to an end was no longer effective. He wanted to crawl out of bed, go to the bathroom and wash the taste of her out of his mouth. At the time he had been eating her out, he had been fantasizing that it had been Millie, but now reality was lying on the bed to the right of him and its taste in his mouth. The sounds of her soft snores grated on his ears and nerves. The sight of her huge white belly nauseated him. Unable to stand it any longer, he slowly crept out of bed and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, took a shower and went to his office locking the door behind him. That he wore nothing but a towel didn't bother him. He was comfortable with his body even though he hated sharing it with the nympho as he had taken to calling his wife in private.

He looked at the letter on his desk not believing that he had forgotten to open it. Then he remembered why. He had been practically raped as soon as he walked into the house. He sat at his desk and opened the letter. He skimmed down the page looking for a signature becoming curious when there was none. He looked at the envelope and frowned when he saw that there was no return address on it. He almost threw the letter in the trash, but something told him to read it.

"Warden Ellis,

You don't know me, but I know you. I was a prisoner at your fine establishment when that whole Jacob Lincoln thing went down."

Ellis's heart raced as he continued to read the letter.

"Now, I'm no fan of the black man, but we both know what you did was murder. Actually, you killed two men-Lawrence Goodman and Jacob Lincoln. I know that you think that you got away with it-maybe you did, but then again; maybe you didn't. It may surprise you to know that people actually care enough about that black man that they're asking questions. Do you know what will happen to your political aspirations if it comes to light that you facilitated murder? Hell- forget about your political aspirations... your life as you know it will be over. You may even get to occupy the same cell as Lawrence did. Imagine living out the rest of your days with the men that you once lorded over- how long do you think you would last? I can see the headlines now- former warden incarcerated for murder- body found burned to a crisp."

Ellis stopped reading. Suddenly a life with Hazel and their brat didn't seem so bad. He fought his panic and continued to read.

"Here's the thing, I have proof of what I'm telling you. I can prove that you helped Jacob Lincoln kill Lawrence Goodman. The question is how much are you willing to pay for the proof? I'm sure that you think that I'm shitting you, but I'm not and as a measure of good faith- I'll tell you who I'm not. "I'm not that kid that you let out early so don't go bothering his family- they don't know anything. By the way, that kid should have never gone to prison- his father was a bastard. Now, Teddy; watch your mail."

"Shit..." Ellis whispered. "Shit."

He ignored the jiggling of the door knob to his office glad that he had locked it. He ignored Hazel's stupid question as to whether he was in there. Who the fuck did she think was in there? After several minutes of calling his name and jiggling the doorknob, she went away. Ellis spent the rest of the night trying to figure out who the letter had come from. His one and only suspect had been eliminated. Then he had a horrifying thought. If one person knew, then so did others and one of them would be believed even if he managed to get rid of the writer of the letter. For the first time in his life, Theodore Ellis, aspiring governor was afraid.


Nick checked his brief case several times and counted the envelopes. Satisfied that he had more one for each person involved, he closed it and put it by the door to the garage. Hana was packing up the egg rolls that Patricia always requested for the family gatherings. When she was done, Nick swept her up into his arms and kissed her. He hadn't even told her about his surprise. It was an easy secret to keep since Hana avoided anything political. Her time in prison and then the internment camp had done that. The only person that wouldn't be able to take part in his surprise was Hiroshi. He and Nick had already talked and both decided not to take the risk. The only thing that marred Nick's mood was the fact that the case against Ellis was moving so slowly. The longer it went the more the chance that he would get wind of the fact that he was being investigated went up.

"Nick?" Hana called bringing him back from his thoughts. "Why are you taking your briefcase?"

"Oh- I have some papers for Will to look at and I don't want the kids to get into them," he lied. He kissed her again and put her on her feet. "Do we have time for a fast one?" he asked suddenly horny.

Hana blushed, but didn't say no.

"I'm taking that as a yes," Nick said as he picked her up and carried her to his office. Minutes later he was sitting behind his desk, pants around his ankles with Hana firmly impaled on him with her arms around his neck. He pressed his lips into her shoulder and lightly bit down. Hana jumped and then ground down hard against him. Hana came with a low moan with him following her seconds later. It wouldn't be the first time that he wished that he was a much younger man. They cuddled for a few minutes and then got ready to leave. As he loaded the car, Nick planned when he was going to make his big announcement.


Florrie was having the time of her life. Not one cross word had been spoken by and to anyone and she loved it. She watched as an adult gently corrected Marie when she got a little too rambunctious. If Marie would have been at her house, she would have had a sore bottom and a bruise to go along with it. The other thing that she noticed was Marie's hair. It was fixed with two neat braids that hung down her back. Unconsciously she touched her dirty blond hair and wished that it looked as nice as Marie's did. She blinked back tears when she remembered that in a few hours; all that she was experiencing would be nothing but a memory.

Abby watched the girl and took note of her wistful expression. She left her chair and went over to her.

"Hello, my name is Abby; what's yours?"


"Is that short for Florence?" Abby asked.

"It was my grandmother's name- is Abby short for something?"

"Abigail although I don't like it much," Abby replied.

"It's prettier than Florrie."

"I happen to like the name Florence," Abby said as she sat in the chair next to Florrie. "There was a very famous woman by the name of Florence- do you know who she is?"

Florrie forgot about Niko and his promise to bring her a cookie and a drink when Abby began telling her about Florence Nightingale.

"She was real?" Florrie asked awed.

"She was," Abby confirmed. "She was a very strong woman- someone to look up to. The next time you're in school, ask your teacher about her."

Niko came back with the promised drink and cookies. "I'm sorry that I took so long," he said. "I spilled the drink and dropped the cookies. I had to go back."

Another first. A sincere apology. Her father had apologized many times but he had never meant it. Here was Niko apologizing because he took so long bringing her a drink. As much as she hated knowing that the day would end, she couldn't wait to tell her mother that things didn't have to be the way they were. They didn't have to be scared of being hurt, they could be happy like Niko's family was.

Florrie took the offered snack and smiled at him before saying thank you- that was the one thing that her father enforced; good manners. Niko sat next to her and watched her from the corner of his eye. Her questions about his family had concerned him. He had always felt some concern for her, but today it was worse. The joy of having her at the house was diminished by the concern that he didn't understand. His parents felt it too- he saw it in their faces and somehow that scared him more than what he felt. He was going to say something when Nick's voice boomed across the yard.

"If I can have everyone's attention!"

The chatter died and everyone looked toward Nick.

"I need everyone to come closer so that I don't have to shout!"

Niko looked at Florrie and took her hand. For just a moment, Florrie didn't move. Finally she allowed herself to be led to where Nick was standing. When everyone was surrounding him, Nick spoke.

"I have good news for Kenji, Hana, Hiroshi and Dai. The Walter-McCarran act has passed. What that means is that the four of you are able to become American citizens."

Hana, Dai, Hiroshi and Kenji looked at each other speechless. Kenji was usually up on what was happening politically, but lately he had been far too busy.

"I have the papers here for you to fill out..."

Suddenly, everyone was talking at the same time. Patricia hugged Kenji, Hana and then Dai. After the briefest of hesitations, she hugged Hiroshi who to her surprise; hugged her hard. John, Patricia's father watched as his daughter hugged the man that had planned her death and felt a small amount of guilt. It wasn't just because guilt that he hadn't forgiven Hiroshi, it was guilt because he had turned her away when she had needed him the most. He released Hattie's hand, walked over to Hiroshi and extended his hand. Patricia and Hattie looked at each other and smiled. John had finally let go of the old hatred.

The picnic which had been waning now had a new energy. The women were sitting together already planning the celebratory party. Kenji pulled Nick aside and asked about Hiroshi.

"Is it wise that he do this?"

"No it isn't," Nick replied, "and he knows it. He won't apply-there's too much of a chance that someone will realize who he was."

Kenji was relieved and turned to the next topic at hand-Florrie. Nick listened as Kenji told him of his suspicions. Nick was silent for a long time before he replied.

"I understand what you're saying, but unfortunately there's nothing that I can do from a legal standpoint unless the mother comes forward, but Kenji; there are other issues. Chances are she doesn't work- who will support her and the girl? How will they survive if he goes to jail? Does she want to leave?"

"There is nothing?" Kenji asked.

"Kenji, it hasn't been that long since women were allowed to vote- look, I know that this is hard and I know that you want to help; but right now, there's nothing that we can do until..."

"He kills her," Kenji said softly.

Nick didn't know what to say. The fact of the matter was that Kenji was right. The man wouldn't be charged until he killed the girl, the woman or both of them. Then the question would be why she didn't go to the police. The thing that really stuck in his crawl was that if the woman made a pre-emptive strike to save her and her child, it was over. She was going to prison.


Florrie's parents were an hour late in coming to get her. To Florrie it was bitter-sweet. It gave her another hour of peace, but it also prolonged the agony of going home. She and Niko were playing in the living room when the car peeled into the driveway.

"What on earth is that?" Abby asked.

"That's my dad's car," Florrie replied softly. Reality was back.

Abby stood up when the Florrie's father laid into the horn. She went out to the driveway and stood there looking into the car. She could see a woman that she assumed was Florrie's mother slouched down in the seat as if hiding in embarrassment. Finally the woman got out of the car and hugged herself.

"I'm sorry we're late- is Florrie ready?"

Abby eyed the woman for several seconds before replying.

"She's ready, why don't you come in for a moment? I believe we packed up a box of left overs for you."

Florrie's father laid on the horn again and gave Abby an angry, impatient stare.

"We need to get going, but thank you."

"I insist," Abby said reaching for the woman. "It won't take long."

By this time, Florrie's father was out of the car. His face was red with anger at being made to wait.

"Go on in there and get her! The card game starts in an hour- shit!"

Florrie's mother glanced at her husband and followed Abby into the house. She noticed how the woman guarded her left side and knew that she had been hit. She felt a pain in her own side as she remembered her time with her husband. Now that she had the woman in the house, she didn't know what to do. She looked around for Nick and caught his eye. He looked at her and made his way to her.

"Nick this is Florrie's mother- I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."


"Ruthie, this is my friend Nick, he's a lawyer...."

"I don't need a lawyer," the woman said clearly panicked. "Where's Florrie? We need to get going."

She walked away calling Florrie's name. Abby grabbed the box of food from the table and followed her out of the house. "Wait!" she called, "your food!" Florrie's mother didn't stop. She grabbed Florrie and hurried out of the house. She opened the back door of the car, pushed Florrie in and quickly got in behind her. Abby watched helplessly as the car pulled away. She didn't hear Kenji come up from behind her, didn't know that he was there until he spoke.

"Nick says that there is nothing that we can do."

"Yes there is," Abby said. "We got you and Hana out of that camp didn't we? If we could do that, then we can help them." Just saying the words made Abby realize what her problem was- she needed to be needed. Kenji and Patricia no longer needed her as they had before. They loved her, but they didn't need her. Florrie and her mother had just become her next mission.

She turned around, looked at Kenji and gave him a big smile which he returned. This was the Abby that they hadn't seen in a long time. She started to go to the house and he stopped her.

"Patricia told me of your past- it has no bearing on how we feel about you. Please- let us know how we can help you with your mission."

Abby hugged him in relief, but she wasn't going to involve them in her plans to help the Lanes. They had more than enough to on their plates. She thanked Kenji and followed him back to the house with a spring in her step. Someone needed her even if they didn't know it.


Saul made Isadora and Maeve sit while he went to get them something to drink.

"He's cute," Maeve said as soon as they were alone, "and he likes you."

Isadora ignored her and looked around. She wasn't going to have this conversation with Maeve or anyone else she decided when she saw Bella and a few other ladies smiling at her. Besides, there was nothing to discuss. Saul came back with the drinks and served Isadora first. She gave him a small smile and murmured a quiet thank you. When it came time to eat, they went up together, but he made Isadora go first, then Maeve before helping himself. He kept the conversation at the table superficial when he really wanted to know everything about Isadora. He wanted to know what her plans were, her hopes and dreams, but more importantly; he wanted to know what happened to her.

She had a 'tell' as Jacob would say. It was an almost imperceptible one, but it was there. He saw it each time they met. Her eyes would shift just a little to the right before she looked at him. After a minute or two, she was fine. He wondered if Maeve knew anything and decided not to ask. Whatever it was, it had to come from Isadora. He looked at Isadora, noting the fullness of her lips. He wondered what they would feel like pressed against his. He tried to remember the last time he kissed a girl and found that he couldn't unless the stolen kiss from Nina Willows counted. He shifted in his chair and forced himself to think about something else.
