Hunting the Hunter Ch. 02


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"Easy big fella" she crooned, running a hand down his neck and back, that was the last thing they needed. "Remember...not a big mean cat...who's going to rip their throats out...right? That's my job. You're innocent bystander." She gasped out between thrusts.

He nipped her neck where it met her shoulder in silent response, making her shiver again. He was really good at that.

"If you're good, I'll give you the rest of my neck and let you make me your chew toy again later" she whispered heatedly in his ear. It was his turn to shiver. 'Oh you like that do you.' She was so lost in the little exchange and the exquisite feel of him moving inside of her that she nearly forgot about the banging on the door. He gave her one last pounding for good measure, making her strangle out a cry just as the door broke in and a guard followed by two hunters stumble through the door.

A second before they knew what they were looking at however, namely a slinky naked Dunmer wrapped around a big, naked piece of heaven, a cup smashed behind the head of one of the hunters and a second was in mid flight, headed for the second hunter's chest. The second hunter ducked to the side then looked back in shock where it shattered over the bed. "Max!" Inanna shouted in fury jumping up from the table as soon as Green released her.

Her big mean cat was trying to reign his own fury in, and he was obviously in possessive mode because he shunted her behind him before she could charge off, and let out a menacing sound. Always the gentleman. She bit back a smile. She went around the other side instead, grabbing a dagger off a shelf where she'd left it for this purpose, and marched up to him, Max that is, naked, furious and wild eyed. He was eying the naked man on her heels. It looked like he caught on because he looked down at her finally and gave her a subtly sheepish look. Max always did try to look out for her.

She got right up into his face and snarled pointing the business end of her dagger at him and poking it into the well polished steel of his cuirass. He knew she wouldn't use it on him, but it emphasized her it were. He looked suitably wary. He knew her well enough for that at least, he was an imperial, not an idiot, though the two things usually overlapped in her opinion.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't flay the lot of you right now." She snarled giving the other two looks that would sear the wool off a sheep's back. She even let the fire bubble up with a little barely controlled sizzle in her eyes. They both backed up until they were more or less on the safer side of the doorway. Max cleared his throat.

"I apologize Ina, these...people, led us to believe you were in danger." She glared at him and snorted once the other two were safely intimidated back out the door. She imagined her cat was giving them quite the look as well. She could feel him behind her emanating malice and frustration in heady waves making the hairs on the back of her neck raise up. Oh please let them finish later.

"You were worried about Me? Seriously Max?" He sighed.

"They brought the captain in on it. I wouldn't have let them, you know that." She sneered. The new captain was an ass. He was little more than a pasty faced juvenile with an uncle on the council.

"Tell me, how exactly did they convince junior that I was in danger?" She put her hands on her hips and leaned forward. He failed to repressed his smirk, and cleared his throat again.

"They said a.." he paused and glanced at the big, still naked man glaring at him over her head, "well that you were harboring a..."

"Spit it out."

"Werewolf...or something...of some kind."

She let her face fall into the best 'oh my god what kind of idiot are you, you can't be serious, are you completely brainless' look she could muster. He almost blushed. Score another one for the evil dark elf. Cue the sinister laugh.

"Max" she said, softly this time, sweetly even.

"Would you tell your captain I need a minute to get dressed, then I'll come outside and we can settle this matter, but" and here her voice hardened, "if those fetchers take one step in my house again, I will gut them for trespassing and hang their heads over my door as a warning. Got it?" He didn't look intimidated before, just embarrassed and a little concerned, but now he did. They'd fought together, and he knew well the devastation she could wreak when she had the mind to, and like most people, he was under the impression that she was every bit as hot-headed and reckless as she let on.

He nodded and left, not taking his eyes off her face until he was out the door. Her big cat leaned in over her shoulder and she felt his breath against her ear.

"I believe you about that bandit now." She whirled around on him giving him a look of mock consternation.

"And you didn't before?"

He grinned.

"Come on," she said, patting his arm, "put your war face back on, it's time for the second round." He sobered and nodded, grabbing his discarded robe as she dug out fresh leathers and a corseted blouse. It was her 'dashing rogue' look. The local boys loved it. Not least of all the straight laced imperial guards. 'I'm sure junior's no different.' She mused.

Then again he might swing in another direction, in which case, that was a bonus for them, because even in a pilgrim's robe her cat looked good enough to eat. On the other hand she wasn't sure she wanted someone else drooling over him but her. She frowned. She was getting possessive. She grinned to herself. Must be love.

"How do you want me to play this?" he asked tying his belt. She shrugged.

"However you feel comfortable. If you want to be the strong silent type that's fine, but if you think you can talk them down...I trust you. What can I say? I'm flexible."

He smirked. "I noticed." He walked past her letting his hand brush lingeringly against her hip.

'Be still my heart it is love. You naughty little...' she bit down another grin and reapplied her pissy look. It wasn't hard, all she had to do was imagine they were going to take him away from her, and she would be left lonely and frustrated. Round two. Fight.

He strode out first and set up shop in the corner of her little porch, leaning back against the rail with his arms crossed over his chest in a menacing fashion. Strong and silent it is then. He glared them all down with a more than convincing, mostly because it was true, 'I'm going to rip out your hearts because you just kept me from getting laid' look. That was the look she'd been going for after all.

She noticed with pleasure that not one of the men could look him in the eye, not even the hunters. A man's a man after all, even when he was Mer or beast. They felt his pain. One of the hunters frowned at her.

"That's her...I'm sure of it." He muttered. She was hoping they wouldn't have seen her face earlier. Damn.

She ignored the hunters and approached the pasty, sallow eyed Captain, and gave him a patient, just for you, type smile.

"Sir, can I ask why your men just broke down my door and interrupted me with my...guest?" He already looked uncomfortable and embarrassed, this shouldn't be too hard.

"Captain, this man is dangerous, we need to take him into custody. He and this...elf girl killed our men and escaped across the Rumare. They need to be arrested." One of the hunters said, stepping forward. He was a hard looking Imperial. He was also mercenary, in all senses of the word, she could see the cold flint of it in his eyes.

This must be their fearless leader. Pretty ballsy of him, making that claim with nothing backing him up but the word of his own men. 'Who's paying you and how much,' she wondered. Must be a lot, this was some dedication for one guy, magnificent though he was, in any form.

'Hands off s'wit, I saw him first.' She growled mentally at him. She gave the man a dry look.

"And who might you be?"

"My name's not important." he snarked back.

"Really? If you're so unimportant than why have you wasted mine and the captain's precious time with foolish fairy tales. If you want to play with undead things, I'm sure I can find you directions that don't involve kicking in the doors of taxpaying citizens."

"How kind" he sneered.

"I do love to be of service, Sera."

'See, I can be civilized too'. She turned away abruptly and dismissively, filling the captain's vision with her own lithe self and smiled. "I understand your need to be concerned for the citizens under your watch Captain, but, and forgive me if I offend, it would seem odd to take the word of these...strangers over that of one of your own." She let her eyes go a little wide and glassy.

He blushed and straightened. He is young, she thought. Of course she had laced those last four words with something mildly suggestive. Well perhaps a little more than mildly. She continued before he could speak.

"I'm sure your lieutenant here can testify that I've been a remarkably upstanding member of the community. Though, with a story about...what was it...werewolves? Well, it certainly makes their claims a tad... dubious. I'm sure you'll find the obvious and most reasonable answer is the correct one. Namely that these people are mistaken, or confused, and have, very rudely, interrupted my night off and destroyed a perfectly good door for nothing." She pouted and glared at the lead hunter in a very put out manner.

It was all true. She'd been helping pay taxes for at least four people on the waterfront since the new ridiculous tax laws were introduced by that S'wit Lex, and she'd helped clear all the goblin dens along the waterfront among other things. Max very helpfully described just that to his superior, who nodded in a wise and thoughtful way that no one was buying. Then, as if by divine intervention her neighbor showed up, one of the ones who tended to drink away his tax money. A sweet imperial drunk who frowned and stumbled over.

"These Sssssss'wit bothering you, Ina?" It was so cute how he used Dunmeri curses...she'd taught him after all. "She's all right now, you leave her" She smiled sweetly. This was just her tax septims hard at work.

"No love, don't bother yourself. Our captains going to set things straight, don't worry, you go home and get some sleep." He grinned and nodded, saluting her and the Captain sloppily. Ha! That ought to cinch it. The little tyke would feel compelled to now. Must put up a good show for the rabble after all. He looked like one of those types who think people need to like you to be an effective leader. Well whatever floats his boat. As an added bonus, people were starting to gather down the street and in doorways. She turned back and gave the Captain a trusting and expectant look. 'So easy'.

Max, she could see, wasn't buying it, but he was already on her side, so who cared, this show wasn't for him. The Captain sighed and cast an irritated look at the hunters for making him look bad in front of his adoring people.

"I apologize for the inconvenience madam, I will have someone come to rectify the damage in the morning."

"I appreciate that sir." the hunters started sputtering and the captain turned on his heel and marched off waving away their objections in irritation. The fearless leader took off after him, and the other three were left standing around and only grudgingly followed when Max told them to shove off, though more politely and officially than she would have.

She knew they wouldn't go far. That left Max and his little trainee Burt, her, and her unhappy cat.

"So...what the hell is going on Inanna?" Ah Max, why can't you just be dumb like everyone else?

"Why, what makes you think there is?"

"I know you." He smiled and leaned forward in a real friendly way. She saw Green straighten and saunter over. It was casual...but not too casual. Max caught it too and gave her a little more room. Men.


"People don't just kick down your door for no reason. Who'd you piss off? And they especially don't do it with bull reasons like werewolves..." he added "though with you I wouldn't be completely shocked."

She shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know." She smiled remembering yesterday's adventures, "Well there was that coven of vampires up north....but they don't know who they're pissed off at." He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Seriously though, werewolves, couldn't they come up with better? I think they must be loonies or something. That's just nutty. I can't even believe the captain went for that crap, wet as he is." She paused for effect to look pensive. "Maybe though...their more dangerous than they look," she said looking off thoughtfully, "I mean if they actually believe what they're think I should be worried? What if they come back?"

She did look worried. She was worried. She couldn't lie to him, he was too slick, but she could stretch and mold the truth, and she needed him to have their back.

He bit. How could he not, she was technically telling the truth...enough of it the truth that is.

"They did seem pretty gung ho." She only gnawed her lip and watched the road they had disappeared down."Look Inanna, we'll keep an eye out, yes? Can't have strangers picking on one of OURS now can we?" She smirked at him and he chuckled. "You worked him pretty quick lady, it was embarrassing to watch."

"Yeah well, he's what, all of ten years old? I've got a few years on him."

"He's thirty."

She shrugged. "A child either way, and clearly a stranger to the fine art of manipulation."

"Speaking of strangers, are you going to introduce us to your friend?" she looked up to see the two men staring each other down over her head. Ah, here we go.

"Sure. Max, friend, friend, Max. Huzza." She chewed her lip and looked down the road as if ignoring them in favor of worrying about the crazy werewolf hunters, though she kept them firmly in the corner of her eye. They were giving each other the up and down/test your manly mettle kind of look. It was best not to get involved with this sort of thing. Especially when you've slept with both men. Eventually they seemed to come to some sort of conclusion on their own and both puffed up a little. Green moved first. He held out a hand.

"Feric." It was the first thing he'd said since they'd come out, and the first thing he'd said to anyone besides her. The way he said it told her instantly that it was his actual name. Max shook the proffered hand and nodded in an approving way, apparently also picking up on the truth of it.

"Maximus Severin. Inanna and I are... old friends. We go back."

'You've been fairly warned stranger' Inanna mocked in her head.

"You got a last name?"

She continued to feign disinterest and flay her lip but she caught the smile on the corner of Feric's mouth.

"Some call me Green." She was glad she was looking away and already biting her lip, it made it easier to contain her laugh.

"That's an odd name."

"An unusual woman gave it to me." Well no lie there.

"So you're a pilgrim are you?' he was looking the man over. "Don't look like the pilgrimage type."

"More a traveler really. Looking for a new place to settle down. "

"And you got stuck with her, huh? Hard luck friend." He gave him another up and down look. "That can get dangerous, traveling on your own."

"Indeed it can."

"You fight?"

"When I have to."

She raised her thumb to worry the nail, or rather to look like she was, really she was just covering her smile. 'boys will be boys.' She looked back at the two, looking mildly interested, knowing full well Max's next question. He thinks he's found a new buddy and wants to share his toys.

"What do you carry?" 'Hah!' She was so good. Green, Feric...she liked that, Feric, it sounded...masculine, and a little bit dangerous, like...feral. Well he open his manly mouth to answer when she pushed off the rail and interrupted.

"I'll go get it. You should see it Max, its real pretty." They both blinked at her in surprise. She smiled sweetly at Feric as she passed and he frowned slightly in return. "Don't go anywhere."

She went over to where her gear still lay piled on the floor behind the bed and surveyed the damage. She frowned. The sheathe was still damp. Ah well, she'd take it naked. Most things were better that way. She came out whistling and swung the blade in a jaunty arc. Feric looked at her over his shoulder and raised a brow. Max looked suitably impressed.

"That is right pretty." The glow of magica was restrained but still noticeable. "What's it do?" She swung again before anyone could answer and the blade bit into the wood rail sending a stream of ice crystals careening along the banister. So that's what it did. Pretty indeed. Max whistled appreciatively. "May I?" he asked looking between them. Feric laced his hands behind his back and gave a placid shrug as she handed it over.

She had to admire how unperturbed he looked. Cool as a frost atronach. The more she saw of this man the more she liked what she saw.

Feric watched in apprehensive curiosity as the little imp handed the sword over to Maximus. He liked the man. He got that same feeling of trust when he looked at him as he had with Inanna. He was honorable. Inanna liked him, hell she'd slept with him, he could tell, but they were clearly friends for more reasons than that, and he instinctively trusted her judgment. So far she'd not led him astray.

In fact she just kept proving him right, and in the most delightful fashions. But now he wondered what she was up to.

The two guards both looked the weapon over admiringly. Feric did too, it was clearly a very fine blade, worth quite a bit. He was curious how she got it, and why she was calling it his. He didn't normally have to use weapons, he came equipped with his own, but he'd figured long ago it couldn't hurt to learn.

He could probably put that pretty little piece of razor-sharp heaven to good use. He smirked to himself, the sword too.

After a fair amount of hefting and commentary the sword was handed back. He could see her moving in. He smiled. She wasn't sure he could use it and was going to try and keep the fact that he couldn't from becoming common knowledge. He got it now. This was just a show for her friend so he'd seem a normal fellow with neat toys. No werewolf there. His trust in her was well placed. He stepped forward, taking the blade before she got the chance to grab it with some sorry excuse about putting it away before it drew attention or some other rubbish...though he had to admit, her lines so far had been well placed. She read people well.

He hefted the blade lightly. Very light, excellent balance. A fine and dangerous weapon. He turned it once and stood it beside him, having no scabbard, then rested lightly on the pommel and proceeded to ignore it, why should he show interest in his own weapon after all. He did look at Inanna however, whose eyes were positively glowing. Apparently she approved.

"So," he asked. "should we be worried about them? Is it safe to stay here? I wouldn't want Inanna to be in harm's way because they've mistaken me for some sort of mythical creature." The guards wholly approved of that sentiment. Ferric knew they would. He could read people to.

"We'll post a guard in the area, keep them out of the waterfront till this can get cleared up. Course, like I said, I know you Ina, so if you go sneaking off when no one's looking, none'll be surprised. You like watching your own back, I know."

"Like, perhaps if there were some kind of distraction and I took advantage of it?"

"Sure it could hour?"

"That would be convenient."

"Stranger things have happened."

Feric looked back between the two and resisted the urge to smile. He wondered how many times he'd done this for her. Who had he gotten involved with? Necromancers, and now Vampires? Remarkable creature.