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Sorority initiation leads to something else.
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Ashley took another big gulp of her rum breezer and glanced at Wanda. The brunette was smiling as she drove, but Ashley knew her well enough to see how nervous she was. Ashley laughed as she wondered what Wanda was nervous about; she wasn't the one who was going to have sex with a total stranger, for money.

In the back of Wanda's mustang Cheryl Ritigliano and Jessica Vernon sat on the edge of the small bench seat and drank heavily. The whole thing was surreal to Ashley, but she wasn't sure if that was because it was so strange or because of the drinks.

Ashley looked back out the windshield at the road flying by and wondered how she had gotten herself into this. She was a tall girl, with brown hair and eyes, a trim figure that made her look like a dancer and pale skin. Daughter of a blue blooded Virginia family, her parents had pulled a lot of strings to get her into the exclusive girl's college. She wondered what they would think if they ever found out just how wild the students were at Groton.

Ashley wasn't even sure why she was here. An indifferent student, she found the regimented lifestyle hard to swallow and her already poor grades suffered. If it weren't for Wanda she would have probably dropped out already.

Wanda was a vivacious girl from New Jersey. Her father was a noted politician on the rise and his daughter's antics had already cost him politically when he shipped her off to Groton. Faced with banishment, she had totally gone wild, and had decided to join Chi Alpha Alpha, the most notorious sorority on campus. Determined to move up, she had convinced Ashley to join and this was to be her initiation.

Basically, to show her dedication to the sorority, she was going to let Wanda pimp her out at the truck stop over on the interstate. The money would go for drinks for the party they would throw for her joining. In truth, Ashley didn't give a damn about the sorority and didn't even particularly like any of the "sisters". In her opinion, the whole thing was just an excuse for them to get drunk, drugged up and laid without guilt. Some girls just needed peer pressure to let go. She was perfectly comfortable drinking by herself, didn't care for any of the drugs she had tried and was indifferent to getting laid.

In fact, she was indifferent to just about everything lately. She felt adrift, with no anchors and life had become more of a chore than a joy. One of the few things she wasn't indifferent to was Wanda. Her roommate and best friend had always been there for her and had never done her wrong. Since it meant so much to her, Ashley was willing to go along.

'Hell, it might even provide some diversion,' she thought.

"Hey, here comes a trucker!" Cheryl called.

The top was down and it was hard to hear her words, but Wanda apparently caught it.

"Quick Ash, pull your skirt up and put your legs up on the dash!"

Feeling a lot more silly than sexy, Ashley bunched her skirt around her waist, revealing her pink panties and put her long legs up, showing off the stockings, garter clips and pink, come-fuck-me pumps she was wearing. The big rig pulled even with them as Wanda let off the accelerator and Ashley glanced up.

The driver was a woman! Even so, she was staring so hard the big truck veered perilously close to them before she caught it.

She was tanned and her lean face was weather-beaten. Dark shades hid her eyes and she wore a cowboy hat and flannel shirt. She continued to glance down, keeping even with the little mustang for about a mile. Cheryl was laughing and Wanda tromped on the accelerator. Ashley waved as the little car shot off down the road and the truck fell far behind.


Ash sat in the booth by the window, sipping a glass of iced tea while Wanda sat across from her and nibbled on a burger. Cheryl and Jessica sat several booths away, watching, but trying to be unobtrusive.

Wanda was taping her foot on the linoleum floor and it was driving Ashley nuts.

"What are you so fucking nervous for?"

"I don't know! I wasn't this nervous when I was the one in your place."

"Well stop, you're making me antsy."

"I wish I could," she said, leaning closer to Ashley.

"You sure you're o.k. with this?" she whispered.

"If I wasn't, what would you do?"

"We could just leave."

"Nah, I'm good."

Wanda studied her closely and then nodded, but the worry lines never left her face and her eyes still showed her misgivings.

"Jesus Wanda, Lighten up, its just sex. It isn't like I'm a virgin or anything."

Wanda started to speak, but the words froze on her lips. She was staring past Ashley's shoulder and the tall girl suddenly felt a presence behind her.

"Howdy," a strong feminine voice with a strong Texas twang sounded behind her.

"Hello," Wanda said.

"Mind if I have a seat?" the voice inquired.


The tall trucker she had teased earlier slid into the seat across from Wanda and beside Ashley. She was tall, but rail thin and her skin had the look of someone who had spent quite a bit of time in the sun. She wore jeans that had seen better days and cowboy boots that were slightly down at the heel. Even in here, she wore her shades and hat, leaving Ashley curious as to what her eyes and hair were like.

"Couldn't help but notice ya'll on the road, your friend has great legs," she said conversationally.

Wanda gave Ashley a questioning look. The tall girl shrugged and took another sip of tea.

"She's available, if you're interested," Wanda said.

Her voice was tight and she was starting to blush. Ashley found it the most hilarious thing she had ever seen and had to fight hard to suppress her laughter. This was actually exciting and she felt alive for the first time in many months.

"Oh, I'm interested all right. How much?"

"Hundred bucks."

"Whoa, that's steep. What do I get for that?"

"Whatever you want," Ash said, when Wanda hesitated.

The woman nodded, reached into her shirt pocket and pulled out a neatly folded stack of bills. She peeled off five twenties and handed them to Wanda.

"I'll be back in a minute or two," she said and walked back out to her rig.

"Ash! Are you sure about this?" Wanda asked urgently.

"No, but what the hell? At least I won't have some fat guy pawing me. It might even be fun."

"I didn't know you swung both ways," Wanda said.

Something in her voice was strange, a kind of questioning tone with something else, incredulousness? Ashley couldn't be sure.

"Never have before. Never even really gave it serious thought, but then again, I wasn't planning on hoeing either," she said with a forced laugh.


"Dammit, what the fuck is wrong?" Ash said in exasperation.

"Nothing. It's just…I know you're doing this for me and I don't want you to get hurt or anything."

"Don't sweat it. If I wasn't here, I'd be in the room three sheets to the wind by now."

"You really gotta lay off the booze."


"You're drinking too much."

"Not really. It's a diversion, not an addiction," she said with a shrug.

"I know this isn't a good time, but are you all right? You seem so…distracted lately."

"I'm okay, just bored and tired of school. There's got to be something better out there. I just don't know what it is or where to look."

"Well, you won't be bored after today, there's always something going on at the Alpha house."

"Who knows? At least I'm not sitting in the room watching the walls close in."

"Here she comes," Wanda whispered.

The woman had a gym bag over her shoulder and a ticket in her hand.

"Come on girl," she said to Ashley.

Ash slid out of the seat and followed the woman back to the shower rooms. She watched as the woman found one that was vacant and slid the ticket into the slot, opening the door to the small room. The room was small, with the shower stall taking up most of it. A small bench sat on the wall opposite the stall and the whole thing was tiled in drab gray.

"Got a name?" the woman said, as she placed her bag on the bench.

"Ashley, but most folks call me Ash."

"Well, I'm Cody, but everyone calls me Dutch," she said, sticking her hand out. Ashley shook it, finding the woman's grasp strong.

"Why Dutch?" Ashley asked as the woman removed her hat.

"It's my handle. Don't recollect exactly how I came by it."

Her hair was blonde and cut short. Not exactly in a crew cut, but definitely on the verge of being too short for a woman. When she removed her shades Ash found she had washed out blue eyes.

"You're not a pro." she said after giving Ashley a long, measuring once over.


"Must be one of those college girls," Cody said as she began unbuttoning her shirt.

"Pretty much," Ash replied.

Cody wore no bra and when the shirt came off Ashley found herself staring. The woman was very thin, her ribs and pelvic bones easily visible. Her breasts were flat disks against her chest, with small nipples and aureoles. It was easy to see why she went braless, she just didn't need one.

"Don't just stand there, strip, unless you want to get your clothes wet," she said with a grin as she stepped on the heel of her boot and pulled her foot out.

Ashley dutifully unbuttoned her blouse, but she found to her surprise the trucker wasn't even watching her. She had turned her back and was adjusting the spray of water. Ash had been with enough guys to know they always watched when she undressed. She wondered if it was different with women, or just this woman. In any case, she stripped quickly, not worrying about giving the thin woman a show.

When Cody turned around, she smiled warmly as her eyes roved over Ashley's body. Ash felt strange, a kind of tingly anticipation that was far different from what she usually felt. She found to her amazement she was nervous and blushing.

"Nice rack," the trucker drawled as she unbuttoned the jeans and slid the zipper down.

"Thank you," Ashley mumbled, lowering her eyes as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

"I didn't think you had that much."

"Not all that much," Ash said, looking up.

Cody laughed as she wiggled out of the tight jeans. Her laugh was easy, genuine and strangely attractive to Ash. She was used to drunken giggles or forced laughter from Wanda's friends and it had been a while since she heard just genuine mirth.

Cody's mound was trim like the rest of her body, the pubes growing thick and wild over it. Her legs were the only things that seemed out of proportion, well muscled and shapely, rather than thin. Her tummy was very flat, but Ash could see the bands of muscles under Cody's tanned skin.

"Well honey, when you have what I do, most anything seems like a lot," she said with another of those brilliant smiles.

"I guess," Ash replied, blushing again.

She wasn't used to compliments and didn't really know how to take them from this strange woman. Everyone at the school was so false, so concerned with keeping up appearances. The faculty acted like it was their job to be dour and aloof; the students were all cliquish and phony; even the girls in the sorority put on an act, trying to seem ostentatiously wild and rebellious.

This woman seemed to have absolutely no pretensions. Ash found it both appealing and exciting.

Cody reached into her bag and dug out a bottle of scentless shower gel and a squishy, which she handed to Ash. Without comment she stepped into the hot spray and let the water cascade down her body.

"Come on in, before it gets cold."

Ashley stepped into the steamy stall and felt the warm water spatter off Cody's body and onto her own.

"Soap me up. I've been on the road thirty six hours and believe me, you'll be happier if I'm clean."

Ashley started. She mechanically squirted a generous amount of gel into the squishy and began to work up a lather. She was stunned to realize she had totally forgotten why she was here!

Ashley started with Cody's back, working the lather into the soft skin as she worked down. She paused at the rise of the trucker's behind, before soaping it up too and working on down the backs of her legs. When she reached her ankles the tall woman turned around, letting the spray rinse her back off. Ashley glanced up, but the woman's eyes were closed and she looked to be very relaxed, almost asleep.

Working up the fronts of her legs, Ashley noticed several small scars and one long one on the trucker's left knee. The thick pink marks contrasted to her bronzed skin and were the only mark she had seen so far.

"What happened to your knee?" Ashley asked as she moved up to the woman's muscular thighs.

"I wrecked my bike a few years back. Tore it up bad. Luckily it's not the clutch leg or I might have been out of a job. It gets stiff pretty often, specially before a storm."

"Can't they do anything for it?"

"Already have done all they can. Most of the cartilage is gone, the tendons and ligaments were re-attached. I'm really lucky to be able to walk."

Ashley was only half listening, she was done with the trucker's legs and hesitated before she began to gently soap up the woman's pussy. If she expected some sign of arousal she was disappointed. Cody gave no sign of even noticing as Ashley soaped up her flat tummy and small breasts. When she was done, the trucker turned and let the water rinse her off.

"There's a bottle of shampoo in my bag." she said.

Ashley stepped out of the hot stall and shivered. She quickly found a half empty bottle of shampoo in the gym bag and stepped back into the warm stall. She soaped up Cody's short hair and helped her rinse it out. Cody killed the water and stepped out. She toweled off briskly as steam rose from her skin. Ashley also dried off and put her clothes back on.

Ashley watched as Cody pulled on a pair of fresh, but equally faded jeans. Apparently she went commando regularly. A black tee followed and her boots. She repacked her small bag and led the way into the restaurant where she sat and ordered a big meal. Ashley was beginning to think she was dreaming this, the woman seemed totally uninterested in her sexually.

"So you're really a college girl?" Cody asked, after the waitress left.


"Like it?"

"No. Not really."

"What's your major?"


"Wish I could have gone."

"Why didn't you?"

"Money was tight. Ma had three more kids to feed. She didn't say it, but she needed help, so I went and got my CDL."

"What about your dad?"

"Marine Corps. He was killed in a plane crash when I was eight. Ma was pregnant with the twins and his pension wasn't much. She refused to remarry and got a job on post as a stenographer after she gave birth."

Cody accepted her tea from the waitress and waited until she had moved off to continue.

"I pretty much raised little Tony and the girls so my grades weren't that good anyway."

"I can't even relate. I grew up with everything."

"No big deal. I was just discovering girls then anyway. I probably would have flunked out. I figure there are a lot of hotties on a college campus."

"Yeah, I guess. I never really thought about it."

"Ain't my place to say, but you seem damn unhappy with it."

"I feel like I'm wasting my life. I'm not interested in school and I'm not looking for an M.R.S. degree. I'm just really bored with it all."

"That why you're here? Tricking for excitement?"

"No. It's an initiation for the sorority. I wouldn't have thought this up to find some excitement in a million years. It's too weird."

"So it's a one time deal?"

"Yeah, I guess. Why?"

"I make it by here every other Thursday. Haven't seen you before. I don't normally have anything to do with lot lizards, but you seemed different."

"Lot lizards?"

"Prostitutes. Of course all the drivers know about you college girls coming out occasionally, but most figured you just needed cash and were horny. Would probably burst a lot of bubbles if they found out why ya'll come out."

"We aren't supposed to tell."

"Why did you then?" she asked with a quizzical expression

"I don't know. I guess 'cause you asked."

"You're a real riddle, make no mistake about it."

"You're the same. I mean, you paid a lot of money to have sex with me and you haven't even touched me."

"Not what you expected, huh?"

"No, not at all."

The waitress brought her food and the tall woman began to eat. She seemed absorbed in the food and the conversation died. It was getting uncomfortably awkward when she pushed the empty plate away and sighed contentedly.

"First real meal I've eaten in a week. Not the best, but beats McDonalds all to hell."

"Yeah, fast food gets old," Ashley replied, more to say something than anything else.

"Think I'll have a piece of apple pie," she said signaling the waitress.

"Want something?"

"No; food'll kill my buzz."

Cody laughed and ordered pie with ice-cream, once it came she began to pick at it while watching Ashley.

"Talk to me Ashley, I don't bite."

"What should I say?"

"Don't matter. A woman gets tired of her own voice sometimes."

As Cody ate, Ashley talked about her family, school, her friends, anything that came to mind. She found herself being far more open than she would have believed. The woman was a good listener and more, Ashley felt an affinity to her. She was real, no façade or pretensions. It was refreshing to her.

"Ever think of giving the road a try?" Cody asked as she finished and dropped some bills on the table.


"Driving, riding, whatever," she said as she stood and slung her bag on her shoulder.

"No. I've thought of just up and leaving, hitchhiking across country or something, but I wouldn't."

Cody nodded and headed out to her truck, with Ashley following. The big rig was painted black and had a confederate flag on the grill. Cody opened the door and motioned for Ashley to enter. Once she did, the tall woman followed her up into the cab.

Ashley had never been in a truck and was surprised at how spacious it was. There was a bed in back, with cubbyholes for gear, a few books and even a small refrigerator. Cody stowed her bag in one of the cubbys and tossed her hat on the driver's side seat.

She said nothing, but stared intently at Ash as she kicked out of the boots and wiggled out of her jeans. She held that intense eye contact as she sat on the bed and spread her legs wide. Ashley felt like a bird, trapped by a snake's gaze. She couldn't break that electric eye contact to save her soul.

"You haven't got a fucking clue what to do, have you?" Cody observed after a long pause.

"Well, no. I mean, I guess I know, but I've never been with a woman before."

"Damn. Well, first you can get out of those clothes," she said as she began to stroke her pussy.

Ashley started to remove her blouse, but found herself trembling. Her hands were shaking and her fingers seemed fat and awkward. It was such a change from the easy, almost casual way she had disrobed in the shower room that it set her head spinning. She finally got her blouse off and reached behind her back to take off her bra.

"No, leave it on a while please," Cody said in a husky voice.

Ash nodded mutely and unzipped her short skirt, letting it slide over her hips and fall to the floor. Standing there in only her heels and lingerie she felt very self-conscious. Cody smiled.

"Come here and lie on the bed."

Ashley took a faltering step, froze for just a moment and considered bolting. She overcame her hesitation and lowered herself to the bed on her tummy, with her face only a few inches from Cody's pussy. She could smell the trucker's arousal, a heady musk that seemed to surround her. Cody used both hands to spread her thin lips apart, revealing the brighter pink of her inner folds.

"Eat me, baby," she encouraged.

Ashley hesitated. She was unsure of what to do or even if she wanted to do anything. Her ex had eaten her out occasionally, but with him it was always a short precursor to intercourse. She remembered how good it felt, but also the frustration that he never stayed with it long enough to satisfy her. She bit her lower lip as she thought and for a long instant, action hung in the balance. Her buzz was gone and she was suddenly, acutely aware of herself, where she was and what she was about to do.