Going Down Ch. 01

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Love in an elevator?
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/16/2022
Created 08/01/2006
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Author's Note: This is a romantic story with erotic themes, story being the key word here. If you aren't looking for something with a deeper theme, you would be better off reading elsewhere. If you like a good tale then read on. Please send feedback good or bad! It is always appreciated. Thanks and enjoy!


"Wait! Hold the elevator!"

My heels clattered against the floor as I made a run for it. I couldn't afford to be late. I was on my way to a business dinner with my boss and a prospective client for the architectural firm where I was employed. It was an important client, and we really needed the contract. I hadn't met Mr. Grant face to face yet, and I wanted to make a good impression so I took a little extra time with my appearance, hence the rush.

I was in a little black number that hugged every curve, with strappy black sandals adorning my feet. I had left my glossy brown hair down around my shoulders and finished the look with a little mascara and some lip gloss.

The elevator was fairly crowded and I flashed a quick smile of thanks to the man holding the doors open for me. He grinned back and I scooted in next to him giving him the number for the floor I needed.

On the next floor, more people packed into the small space and I found myself scooted in front of him with my back pressed along the front of his body. It was a fairly intimate position to be in with a stranger, even a sexy one. Apparently he thought so too because I felt his cock begin to stir against me.

I turned to glance at him and noted the blush creeping into his cheeks. For whatever reason that turned me on and I let it show in the heated gaze I gave him.

I pressed back closer against him and felt his full erection nestle into the groove between my cheeks. His hand slid forward to rest on the curve of my hip pulling me closer to his heat.

I want to interject here that I am usually fairly conservative, I'd even go so far as to say shy. I figured it was a little harmless flirting. The doors would open, I would walk out, the end. I truly did not expect what happened next.

Once we finally reached the lobby, the elevator cleared out, but as I started forward, the hand at my hip tightened, keeping me pressed against the stranger behind me. He reached around and pressed the button to close the doors before anyone else could get back on.

"Hey! I'm late for a meeting."

My protest sounded feeble even to my ears. Was I breathy? Ha! I didn't really have to ask that question, the heat that was already pooling between my thighs was evidence enough of that. I felt my cheeks flush at my uncharacteristic display of wantonness. What in the hell was I thinking?

I turned around and prepared to object in a more convincing tone, and hopefully, salvage an after-dinner date from the situation. As soon as I clapped eyes on him, any thought I had of protest died a quick and thoroughly painless death. The man was a God.

The brief glance I had gotten when I first saw him did him no justice at all. He was tall, (Everyone is tall to me at my not-so-daunting height of 5'2"). Dark skin covered a body that was obviously in shape, even under the blazer and button down, worn open at the collar. His eyes, Dear Lord his eyes, were almost black. Those incredible eyes were both intense and amused as they regarded me.

Words tried to escape but dried up and washed away in the torrent that was my blood as it pounded through my veins. I have never in my twenty-eight years felt anything as overwhelming as that moment.

"You were saying?"

He stepped towards me, eyes glittering. Gone was the man who showed that endearing bit of bashfulness. In his place was a man fully cognizant of his allure and fully capable of wielding it like a deadly weapon. Here was an alpha-male in his prime.

He backed me against the wall with one arm on either side of my head. The breath I had been holding left in a rush and made no real effort to return in a hurried manner.

His eyes heated a bit and I was sure he made note of every little breath, every expression and every change of color in my cheeks. He seemed the type of man who would miss absolutely no detail.

I finally unearthed my voice from the recesses to which it had fled and managed to squeak out a response.

"A... meeting. I'm late for a meeting."

He raised an eyebrow. I sighed.

"My boss and I are meeting a client, and I can't afford to mess this up."

A slow sexy smile slid across his face.

"Not even for this?"

He leaned down and captured my lips with his before I could even think to object. I stood in shock for a moment before my body exploded in a rush of intense need. I forgot the meeting, my boss and even the fact that I was in an elevator with a perfect stranger. I forgot everything but the feel of his lips gliding over mine.

He tasted like barely controlled power, like tropical heat, like warm sandy beaches and balmy nights, like hot, hot sex. I threw myself back at him in that kiss and suddenly his whole body was pressed into mine, his hands in my hair as he groaned with the intensity of it.

I couldn't tell you how long I stood there making out with a man I didn't even know, but I couldn't have cared less about the time. It ceased to exist. Eventually he stepped back, both of us gasping for air, and struggling to find a foothold in reality. He dropped his forehead against mine, his eyes closed.

"Forgive me."

His breathing was ragged.

I felt a mixture of joy and shame at my behavior, although the thrill far outweighed the embarrassment. I mustered up a smile.

"I don't usually act like a...."

I couldn't find the right term.

He chuckled softly.

"Believe it or not, neither do I."

I raised my gaze to meet his and saw the truth of it in his eyes. That cute little blush had crept back into his cheeks. It made me want to drag his mouth right back to mine. My fingers actually twitched and I clenched my fists to keep from assaulting the man.

"Alright, so what do we do about this?"

His eyes warmed and I knew he was pleased that I was willing to explore a little further.

"When will you be through with this meeting?"

His gaze probed mine.

I gave him my best smile.

"Probably no later than nine."

He nodded slowly.

"I have a meeting of my own, but it should be done about the same time."

Those sexy eyes dropped to my lips and I saw them darken. A shiver snaked through my body.

"Meet me here at nine-thirty."

I was so busy melting at the whisky smooth sound of his voice, it took me a minute to process what he said. I mulled it over for a moment, and slowly nodded.

I know what you're thinking, I had to be nuts, but I had this feeling he would never do anything to hurt me. I felt like I was poised at the starting line for the rest of my life, my feet on the blocks, and the gun had just gone off. If I didn't run now, I'd be left behind forever.

"What's your name? I want to know who's keeping me from getting any business conducted at this meeting I'm going to."



Any remaining regrets I had over this strange liaison melted when I heard my name roll from his lips. My heart immediately picked up the pace.

I raised my eyebrow.

"I think it's only fair that I get the same deal."

He chuckled again. The deep male rumble caused me to shiver. I could really get to like being around this man.


I grinned and let the name roll around my tongue a moment before I let it slip through my lips.


I raised my hand to his cheek.

"I'll see you at nine-thirty."

I stepped forward and planted a chaste kiss on his lips.

The elevator doors opened just as I stepped back, and I turned without a backward glance, and headed for the front doors of the building.


I made it to the restaurant with a scant five minutes to spare. The look my boss sent me clearly said I'd be in career purgatory if Mr. Grant had already arrived. I know I should have been flustered and even a little frightened, but I couldn't be. I had this warm, insular feeling of anticipation that settled itself into my joints. Nothing could have ruined that feeling. Or so I thought.

Beside me my boss rose to his feet and I quickly did the same, turning in preparation to meet our client. The smile I had affixed to my face slid off and probably rolled under the table as I found myself staring into a pair of entrancing black eyes.

I have to give him credit. He hesitated for only a micro-second before offering his hand.

"You must be the charming Miss O'Brien I've heard so much about."

I realized I was still standing there looking like a moron and offered my hand.

"Mr. Grant, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

I was really proud that I sounded passably normal.

A familiar gleam registered in his eyes and he raised my fingertips to his mouth. Electricity danced over my skin from the brief contact.

"Please, call me C.E."

I arched a brow at that.

"C.E. What does that stand for if you don't mind my asking?"

That slow smile lit up his face again.

"Cale Ellison."

That honeyed voice was already repeating its magic on me. I struggled not to shiver visibly.

I licked my lips in a nervous attempt to hide my distress. Cale's eyes zeroed in on the movement like a hunter tracking his prey. Dear God how was I going to make it through this evening?

My boss cleared his throat, reminding us of the reason we were there.

Cale reluctantly dragged his gaze to my companion.

He extended his hand to my boss.

"Brenton, great to see you again of course. I'd like to thank you and Miss O'Brien for taking such a late meeting."

"Not at all, it was our pleasure."

Watching Brent play kiss-up was actually rather amusing. Cale must have thought so too since we shared one of those looks that require no words at all. You know; the ones that border on telepathy.

It frightened me to my bones to be sharing such a look with a man I'd only met an hour ago. I realized in that simple moment that I was in way over my head. The only comfort I could take was in the hope that he was in just as much trouble as I was.

We all took our seats and proceeded to order dinner. Brent wasted no time getting right into the business at hand, and I was relieved to be able to focus on something as normal as work. If I was very lucky, I could survive this evening. The problem with that line of thinking was that I wasn't usually very lucky at all.

We all talked about the project as we ate. I could feel Cale's stare and my nerves stretched closer and closer to the breaking point.

Halfway through dinner, he got a call on his cell and with profound apologies, excused himself from the table. I breathed an audible sigh of relief. Brent shot me a quizzical look, but I ignored it and drained my wineglass.

"Grace. You know how important this is."

My sigh was long and tired. This wasn't a new situation between me and my boss. In fact, there was always some tension there. I hate to sound clichéd, but the guy was a chauvinistic prick. He honestly believed that I couldn't do the job as well because I was a woman.

I knew getting into this field that I'd have to face this type of bullshit, but it still pissed me off, especially since I was an excellent architect. I was better than Brent at any rate.

Maybe he was intimidated by me. Whatever the reason, he took every opportunity to condescend and berate me.

I know, any independent career woman worth her salt would have gotten out early on, right? Not this one. I was building my portfolio, amassing the kind of experience that would net me a position with a better firm. I've always been one to take the long view, even if it meant suffering the assholes in the short-term.

"Brent, I am very well aware of how important this evening is. Probably more than you realize."

My jaw was clenched from the effort not to snarl.

He glowered as he fumbled for a response. I decided in that moment that whatever he was about to say would probably snap the tenuous grasp I held on my self-control, so I decided to take a time out.

"Excuse me. I need to powder my nose."

OK. That was definitely a snarl.

Brent's mouth opened and closed like a fish as I breezed past him and headed towards the ladies room.

I walked down the little hall that led to the ladies room muttering to myself about chauvinistic men and generally doing everything I could to amplify the rage I was feeling. I didn't understand how my night had gone from surreal high to irrational low in such a short time.

OK. Well, learning that the man I was interested in was now a potential client and having a jerk for a boss might have a little something to do with it.

"I hope you weren't talking about me."

I stopped. Breathing.

It would just fit into the pattern of irony my life was beginning to follow that he would be behind me. I could just keep walking, but somehow I didn't think that would work. Chiding myself for my cowardice, I sucked it up and turned to face him.

I met his gaze steadily, but didn't say anything.

He walked toward me, stopping a scant foot away. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I wondered if he could hear my heart trying its damndest to pound right out of my chest and lay itself at his feet.

I had the realization that the elevator incident was no fluke. That quickly, without the protection of work, I was ready for a repeat of our little impromptu make-out session.

Cale must have seen something in my face because he let out a low growl. It was a deep masculine sound that curled low in my belly and woke certain parts of my anatomy. Before I knew it, my back was against the wall and he was plastered up against me, his mouth plundering mine.

Damn, the man knew how to kiss. His lips were soft, but demanding, his tongue sweeping in to twine with mine. I nipped at his lower lip with my teeth and he groaned. I would have melted into a puddle on the floor if he hadn't been holding me up with his body.

I finally came to my senses and gave him a little shove. I rested my forehead against his chest, gasping for air the second time in as many hours.

"We can't do this here."

My voice sounded alien to me. Husky and low pitched.

He slid a hand up to cup the back of my neck, resting his chin on my head.

Cale heaved a sigh.

"You're right."

He stepped back reluctantly.

I brought my eyes up to meet his and had to force myself to keep away.

"So what do we do about..."

My eyes swept around the little hallway.


Meaning the strange situation we found ourselves in, but I knew he understood what I was asking.

His shoulders sagged a little and he sighed.

"I suppose we try and get through the rest of the evening."

It was exactly what I would have suggested, but my heart fell hearing him voice the only logical step to take. I suppose deep down I'm still a princess waiting to be rescued by her white knight. If ever a man met that description, it would be Cale.

"Just so you know, I don't give two shits about this project right now."

My wilting heart leapt at the tone in his voice. It said far more than his words ever could.

I placed my hand on his chest, surprised and not at finding his heart racing as fast as my own.

" We can do this. After dinner we'll figure out the rest."

I was trying to be encouraging. OK. It was more for me than for him. I'll admit it.

Cale lowered his lips to my ear. His breath hot, causing shivers to roll through my body.

"Sweetheart, I've got very definite ideas about what the rest will entail."

The shivers increased, but Cale suddenly turned and strode down the hall without a backward glance. Somehow I made my way into the ladies room and collapsed against the door.

I made my way to the mirror, and with shaking hands re-applied my lip gloss. I stared at my reflection and wondered how the hell my life had changed in the course of a couple of hours. I didn't know where this was going, but I wasn't the type of girl who could survive a one night stand.

I felt like I was on a runaway train. Everything in my life was speeding out of control and I was powerless to stop it.

Everything about Cale seemed very real and sincere, but there were men out there who could play that angle very well to get what they wanted.

Now wasn't the time for this. I had to get through the rest of the evening. Taking a few deep breaths, I headed back to the table.

To be continued...

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tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

add lust, hook-up and a fling....means WOW. TK U MLJ LV NV

slyc_willieslyc_willieabout 17 years ago
Can't believe I waited this long . . .

To read your work. Excellent setting and building of tension, characters that are real and almost tangible. You have definite style and skill, Script.

I won't be a stranger to your work any longer ;)

john-the-authorjohn-the-authorabout 17 years ago

My GAWD, you've done a great job of setting the stage! I'm finding this very hot, positively electrifying. Fantastically good!

drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonover 17 years ago
Very Nice Start

Very nice start. I could feel the electricity between Cale and Grace.

SimonBrookeSimonBrookeover 17 years ago
You write a lovely opening chapter

Warm, sweet, hot, sexy, romantic. Who could ask for more?

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