Getting to Know Mom


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She opened her eyes and said, "Take me there Paulie, I want you to." She said, "Yes," almost to herself. Then she said, "I never let anyone before, but I want you to." I was taken aback. I hadn't thought about having anal sex. I was just getting used to the idea of any sex with my mother.

I said, "Mom, it might hurt you."

She said, "I was always afraid of it, but I know it'll be good with you. I want to baby...if you want to."

I looked at her round ass and the small inviting hole and said, "Yeah I want to mom." She took some saliva from her mouth and put in on the small hole. She didn't need to, because when I took my cock out of her pussy, it was soaked with my mother's juices. I placed the head on the rosy circle.

As gently as I could I pressed in. Mom took a deep inhale and said, "OH."

I said, "Is it okay mom?"

She said, "Yes baby, I'm okay."

The anal ring squeezed my shaft just below the knob that was now inside her. It was tight. It was hot. And when I pushed in, it felt good. It was like a hot fist clutching my cock and massaging its way up and down its length as I managed to get a stroke going. It was more than I expected. It was more than mom expected. She said, "Oh God Paulie, oh God, you're so big inside me, yes baby, yes...don't stop, don't stop."

I was so glad it felt good for mom, because it felt great to me, and the last thing I wanted to do was to stop. I penetrated her a little faster to see how much she could take and she kept saying "Yes," so I stroked harder and deeper until I had inserted myself completely into her. I couldn't believe I had gone from total inexperience with any women to the point where I was buried to the hilt inside my mother's ass. She moaned as I pressed my balls against the sweet round globes at the end of each stroke.

As I penetrated and stroked, I understood that it was more than sex that my mother was giving to me. I told her, "I love you mom; I never felt this close to anybody, I'm inside you, and you're inside me."

She knew I wasn't only talking about where my cock was. She said, "Yes baby, that's what I've always wanted, and I'm glad it's with you. Yes love, yes, you're inside my heart." I continued to accelerate the pace and despite the heat and friction of her tight hole, I was able to get a rhythm going. She said, "Yes honey, do it like that. Oh love, I didn't know it could be this good. Don't stop, don't stop."

With one hand I fondled one tit and then the other. I slid my hand over her belly down to her pussy and used my thumb to stimulate her clit. She surprised me by starting to come after a few seconds. She cried out "Aaaaiiieee..." and grabbed onto my back for support as she gyrated and thrashed from side to side.

I was close enough to my own orgasm to let go and begin filling her with my cum. I said, "MOM YES, OH FUCK YES..." as her tight ring milked my cock of all its juices.

I could see the pearly semen on my shaft and on her pucker as I moved faster in her now well lubricated hole. She kept calling out to me, "Paul, Paul, OH YES Baby, OH...OH...OH..." It felt as if I was filling her with the love that was flowing through me. I knew what it meant for my mother to be giving herself the way she was, and for me, it was our most beautiful act of love.

As we both finished coming her tight grasp kept me inside her. Mom sighed and wrapped her arms around me as I eased myself on top of her. She gave me a long soft satisfied kiss and I said, "Mom, I'm going to love you forever."

She smiled and said, "I know."

It sounds like the ending of a story, but in real life, things go on, things happen. Not we weren't happy for a long time, we were, for years. It was a new chapter in both our lives. I went to school, got a part-time job and mom worked. We struggled financially, but we got by. We lived as lovers, as husband and wife whenever we closed the door to our home. It sounds strange, but to us it was the most natural thing in the world, we loved each other and that's how we acted. In public we were more careful, because it's foolish to ask for trouble. We didn't care that few would understand.

We did make friends with one couple that we met on the internet, Jim and Sandy. They were a couple of years older than we were, but not much. They also were a mother and son and had been living together for seven years. They didn't live far from us and we spent enough time to get close to each other.

At that time, I was twenty-three, mom had turned forty and I got this idea in my head. It started because of all the attention I gave to her nipples. I loved sucking on them and she loved my sucking on them. I did it so much of it that she told me one day that for hours after making love her nipples ached. When I apologized she said, "Oh no baby, I love that feeling. It's like when you make me sore sometimes from being in me for a long time." She smiled and said, "It's like having you at work with me the next day, I feel you, and I think about you."

The idea had its genesis after the first six months of making love, when I began tasting a sweet fluid from mom's big nipples. Mom said it couldn't be, but when we looked it up, we found that a woman doesn't have to be pregnant to lactate, and that constant stimulation could start it. After that, the sweet juice coming from her nipples gave me ideas. I thought about her having my baby. And then every time I came inside her pussy with my bare flesh inside hers, I had the urge to make her pregnant. Of course I knew that she was taking the pill but I started imagining what it would be like.

Jim and Sandy probably added fuel to the fire by telling us that they had actually tried to have a baby, but they couldn't get pregnant. And that led to one of our fights. When I first said something about it, she said, "You're kidding, right?" When I told her I wasn't, she became anxious about it. She said, "Let's think about this; I'm not a kid anymore."

I said, "Mom, you're young, you're strong, and you'd be beautiful." I kissed her and took her tit in my hand. I said, "I can just imagine what your tits and nipples would look like swollen with milk, and your belly carrying our baby."

She said, "Oh sweetheart, believe me, if I were younger I would love to have your baby, I would be proud to, I mean it love, but I don't think I could go through all that at this stage of my life. It's hard, believe me. Listen honey, haven't things been good with us, don't you always know how much I love you, don't I show you?"

I said, "Yes mom."

She said, "Do you ever want anything from me in bed that I don't give you?"

I said, "No mom." It was true there were times when the urge would just strike me. She'd be reading a magazine or something and I'd go up to with a bulge in my pants and before I knew it I was in her mouth. I said, "Okay, forget it."

"Then let's not mess up a good thing," she said. "This would be crazy. We both work; I can't do it. Just listen to me and let it go. And why are calling me 'Mom' all of a sudden?" Since we'd been living together as lovers, I'd almost always called her Paula.

I said, "Maybe because you're making decisions as if I was your boy again. And maybe it's because you don't want to have my baby, maybe you're ashamed of me, and what we do, and who we are."

I just ran off at the mouth and mom became livid. She said, "How could you?" She was almost spluttering. "How could you say something like that to me when you know damn well how I feel, and how I show you the way I feel every day. When did I ever give you one reason to doubt me? That's God..." She went from angry to crushed in one moment. The tears rolled down her cheeks and said, "All I do is love you...I'm never ashamed...never..."

I felt awful and I went to her and put my arms around her. I said, "You're right mom, it was a terrible thing to say. I know you're not ashamed. I just got this thing in my head. It seemed like you wouldn't even talk to me about it, but it still wasn't right. Do you forgive me love?" I kissed her wet eyes.

She said, "Oh honey, of course I forgive you. You know I'm proud of you don't you, and proud of us? I didn't mean we can't talk about it. But when you said I treated you like you were still my'll always be my boy, won't you?" She gave me a hurt look.

I said, "Of course I'll always be your boy." She kissed me and caressed my cock the way she did whenever she thought I was upset with her. She usually tried to make me feel better with sex, and usually it worked, because, why wouldn't I feel better after coming in my mother's mouth, or pussy? She made me stiff and told me how proud she was to be the woman I wanted. She whispered in my ear as she wrapped her fingers around my cock. "And I'm proud of what you do to do me with make me come so hard baby, you know that don't you, don't you?"

I said, "I do know it Paula, and I'm proud that you're my lover, and my mom, and you're my wife too, aren't you baby?"

She said, "Yes I'm your wife always. And maybe for now we could just think about me having your baby, and it could be a sweet fantasy for both of us to think about when you're inside me?"

I said, "Yes Paula...Paula, my sweet wife."

We made love. As I stroked her she said, "One day you're going to come inside me and make me pregnant, and mommy's going to have your baby, and I'll be so proud that you wanted it to be me." Mom's orgasm was quick and intense and she held me fiercely after she came.

And then Hell came up and swallowed us whole. Mom and Sandy were coming back from the supermarket when a fucking drunk driver ran a stop sign and broadsided their car. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life. Sandy was killed. This beautiful loving person that I saw hours before was gone forever.

Mom was critical and comatose. They thought that somehow her head had banged sideways into the window even though the bag had inflated. She was on the opposite side of the impact and had only minor physical injuries. The trauma was causing her brain to swell. It was a horror show.

I spent day and night there. After a two days Jim came and stayed with me. We waited and waited and most of time they told us nothing except, 'We're doing all we can.' Fuck. My life was going down the drain. Jim cried and held mom's hand as if hoping that if she lived, somehow his mother would also. On the second day he said that mom squeezed his hand. I ran to get the doctor, but the nurse said that it was just a reflex and very common. We waited some more.

Jim was distraught, and I wasn't far behind. All I had was the hope that the doctors held out that she could come out of it at any time. What her condition might be they couldn't tell because of the head trauma.

On the fifth day mom woke up. It was wonderful and terrible. She was confused and didn't remember anything. She hardly spoke and slept all the time. It wasn't like in the movies where the person wakes up and everybody is cheerfully getting back to their lives. The next day while the doctor was examining her, she pointed to me as if trying to remember and said, "Is that my husband?"

The doctor said, "No Mrs. Miler, that's your son, and he's been here since the accident, looking after you."

She said, "Oh." She looked off into the distance and said, "There was an accident." You could tell by her flat tone that she had no idea about any of it. During the next two days it became apparent that there was a change in her personality, a definite lack of emotion. I hoped it was temporary. Mom had been a passionate person, whether we were talking about a movie, or fighting, or, making love. Now, nothing fired her up. She was quiet, docile, and spoke in a monotone that I hated to hear.

After a few more days, the doctors said there wasn't more that they could do and that since she had begun to remember some small details of the past, hopefully her progress would accelerate. They also said that the longer it took, the less chance of it all coming back.

When the swelling went down, I took her home and although she could get around, she spent a lot time in bed. She was a strange mixture of able and unable. If I told her what to do, she was fine. Left to her own devices, she could hardly initiate any actions. I left her lists of things to do and Jim and a neighbor stopped in, since we had only one income again and I had to go to work.

A week went by and there was little progress. When I came home one night I found her in bed distractedly putting lotion on the same arm over and over. I said, "Let me do that for you mom." She rested on her side and I put it on her legs and arms. The nightgown was loose and I reached down her back to with the lotion and she made soothing sounds.

The memory of her soft skin against me exploded in my brain. She wasn't completely on her stomach and I slowly stroked over the breast I could reach. I did it again and then stopped, thinking better of it. I didn't know what to expect. She didn't jump or yell and I returned to the back rub. She said, "Paul, why did you do that, I'm your mother."

I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and wanted her, but I said, "Sorry, it was an accident."

She said, "Oh, okay." The repercussions of the touch came the next day. I brought her breakfast before going to work and she said, "Paul I had strange dreams last night, I don't remember the details. Paul, will you tell me the truth about something?"

I said, "Of course mom."

She said, "Did you ever touch me like you did yesterday...while I was asleep?"

I was horrified. I said, "Mom! I would never do that."

She was very dispassionate about the whole thing and kept asking me questions seemingly more out of curiosity than anything else. I think that her body remembered my hands on it, and I was glad of that. She said, "Paul were we ever intimate?"

I thought that the truth might upset her, but she asked calmly and I just said, "Yes."

She made a little 'Hmm' sound and said, "Were we intimate more than once?"

I said, "Yes."

She said, "Many times?"

I said, "Many...many times."

She said, "Did I seduce you, or did you seduce me?"

I said, "We seduced each other."

She said, "Do you think that's why I thought you were my husband after the accident?"

I couldn't take the questions anymore. I rested my head on her breasts and just said, "Oh mom..."

She stroked my hair and said, "I guess that's a son was my lover." She sounded far off. "But I can almost understand it, you're good looking, and so sweet, and so loving. You know Paul, it doesn't seem wrong to me, but I can't remember. Was it good Paul, did we love each other well?"

I said, "It was perfect mom, even when we fought, it was perfect."

She said, "Do you want to touch me can if you want to."

I was in a state of turmoil. She was inviting me to touch her, but she wasn't Paula. I gave in to my temptation hoping we could both wake up from this bad dream. I pulled down the top of her nightgown and cupped one of her tits pushing the flesh toward her expanding nipple. I put it in my mouth as I had so many times before. I sucked hard on the nipple and mom said, "Oh that's nice Paul; that feels nice." It wasn't Paula talking, it wasn't my mom. I couldn't go on.

I pulled the nightgown back up over her breasts and said, "I have to go to work now mom, I'll see you soon, okay?"

She said, "Okay," as if nothing had just happened. I knew that if I had slept with her, I would never forgive myself. It would have felt as if I were taking advantage of the stranger my mother had become. It would have felt like I was cheating on mom.

As more time passed I worried. I had no encouragement until I came home from work one day and mom said, "Oh Paul, I'm glad you're home." That statement under normal circumstances would not be remarkable at all." But my heart jumped, because she had smiled and there was some life and excitement in her words for the first time since the accident. She said, "I remembered some things. We went to the lake and rented a paddleboat, and we had ice cream on the lawn and it dripped on my white dress, didn't it?"

I said, "Yes mom it did; that's great! The doctor said that it may come back little by little. I went to kiss her as I normally did, but I thought I might freak her out so I kissed her on both cheeks. She kissed my lips, but not for long. She gave me a warm smile. She shook her head, and said, "Are you sure you didn't tell me we were lovers just so you could get in my pants?"

I said, "Mom!"

She laughed, "I was only kidding." I was relieved. It was her first joke. She said, "I know we were close, I can feel it, I'm sorry Paul."

I said, "There's nothing to be sorry about; I'm just happy you're getting better."

She said, "Give me a kiss." This time it was a lover's kiss and it lasted, and she said, "Mmm nice."

The next night she remembered more things that we'd done, and lots of what was going on in the world, but nothing about our lovemaking. So I was surprised that when I was about to go to bed, she called me into her bedroom and said, "Paul it doesn't matter if I remember or not, I want you to touch me like you did the other night." Most of my reluctance was washed away by the tone of her voice.

I began by sucking on her nipples and this time I did it for a while. I remembered what she had once told me, that a mother's tits were made for her child. As I fondled and sucked on hers, I believed that they were made for me. I tasted some sweet fluid and I left it on my tongue and took it to mom's mouth. When she tasted it she looked at me in surprise. I said, "It's okay mom, it's because I do this a lot...we both used to like it."

She smiled and said, "We still do sweetie." It was nice to hear an endearment from her, I had missed them. I lifted her nightgown and kissed her belly down to the top of her panties to gauge her reaction. She was breathing harder and obviously didn't want me to stop. I pulled her panties down. I licked her the way she liked; I sucked her the way she liked. She closed her eyes and gave in to it.

I used the tip of my tongue on her clit and she made some of the old noises. Her juices were flowing and she was holding my hair and sometimes pulling it as her excitement grew. That was something she hadn't done before. It seemed as if there was newness to the experience for her. When I sucked her whole clit between my lips and massaged it with my tongue, mom started to come. It was great to hear and see her in the throes of her orgasm. She cried out and said, "Ohhhh...yeeessss...ohhhhh....." She sighed as she finished and said, "That was so lovely must know me, don't you, you know how to make me feel good...but I don't remember what you like Paul."

I said, "It doesn't matter, you will."

In the best of all possible worlds or in a movie, her orgasm would trigger a flood of memories and all would be as it was, but I was happy enough with the fact that she had wanted me, and spoke to me lovingly after she finished. She said, "I feel good with you Paul, and close to you; you make me feel safe." I wasn't sure if she wanted me to stay with her for the night, so I kissed her and got up to. She said, "NO!" in an agitated way and she pulled me back down and said, "Stay with me please, I love you, stay with me."

I held her and said, "I'll always stay with you love, I'm here. There's nothing to worry about." She slept quietly in my arms. Even though she had been upset, I was glad to see more of her emotions coming into play.

And that would be the key. In the next five days she began remembering more of the events that were tied to her emotions until she said, "When I called you my husband in the hospital, it was because you are my husband and I'm your wife, aren't I?"