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The recording ended, Jack flicked on a switch, to flood the box with a colourless, and odourless gas. He watched her collapse onto the cushions. The command had worked upon her subconscious, as she was still hypnotised.

Flicking another switch he made sure the hatch was clear, before winching it down. With his head and shoulders inside the box he rolled her onto the platform, and winched her out of the box.

He carried her upstairs over a shoulder, to gently lay her on the lounge carpet. He made a coffee and sat watching her steady breathing. It was certain Donald hadn't expected her to be dressed in this skimpy little outfit, as it was far too revealing. It was far too sexy, when he was about to become the master of a friend's wife.


Jack intoned a phrase implanted it into her subconscious through hypnosis, then sat back watching her awaken with a yawn and a stretch.

'Stay where you are, Genie. Your master has summoned you,' Jack said, in as masterful manner as he could muster.

'Is this a dream, am I still asleep?' she yawned.

'No, Genie! I have the lamp and you are here at my command. I am a powerful sorcerer, and you will obey me,' Jack said, with as convincing a tone of voice that he could put on.

He had to keep a straight face for he felt foolish, and he needed to laugh. Now he would find out how taken she was with this fantasy. Donald told him she was totally obsessed, and it was ruining their marriage. He was willing to help, though it hadn't been thought through clearly, when they discussed it over a few glasses of wine.

What appealed to him was the opportunity to create a new magic act. Something he hadn't done for years. He still had the ability to hypnotise, with a little help from a hypnotic drug. It was the props that fascinated him. Donald had paid for this one, making it possible to carry out the trick.

He sat on the edge of the comfortable easy chair, wondering how this would go wrong, as it surely must.

She looked up seeing the lamp in his hands, held out in front of him, as an obvious ploy.

'My lamp,' she whispered.

'My lamp, Genie, which means you too are mine, to command,' he informed her, in an imposing voice.

She just sat in the middle of the carpet looking dazed. He expected something, a complaint, a refusal to play, or maybe a fight over the lamp.

Barbara took it all in, and everything fitted with the television show, the books, and her father's stories. Even the confusion on returning to this world from her lamp was true to the stories. No wonder she felt so strongly about the game. It wasn't just a game it was real!

Her father had been preparing her for the day she was old enough and ready to be a genie. Donald had spoilt all his preparation by putting her off, telling her it was just an obsession, and now it was too late. She'd been captured by a powerful wizard!

A few moments ago she had been in that lamp! Reduced to a tiny creature fitting in the lamp he held, meant she was helpless. He knew what he was doing this morning when he took possession of her lamp. He was right, he owned her as long as he possessed the lamp. Just as the cautionary stories foretold, she had to be wary of who took possession of her lamp.

She belonged to a neighbour now.

If she displeased him he would send her back into her lamp, to sit helplessly in that small world, as a tiny helpless creature.

'How may I serve you master?' Barbara hesitantly asked.

The words were said, on a thin wafer of breath, hardly heard. At all costs she must keep him happy.

'Demonstrate your position Genie, prostrate yourself at my feet,' he demanded.

Acting on stage was one thing, but here it felt far too theatrical. He wasn't too surprised to see her go down on all fours, then bend her head to the floor.

Her head was bent over touching the carpet. In a mirror, behind her, he could see a beautiful tight bottom through the sheer pantaloons. He couldn't see anything else, for she rested her rear on her feet. Besides, he would have to concentrate on the plan, and not spend his time ogling a neighbour's near naked body.

'I have been watching you for some time. The power of your lamp interested me. You seem to have lost all your powers over the ages, but the lamp still glows with magic. Do you have nothing to say to your master? Do I have to remind you of your oath?' he asked fiercely.

His booming stage voice was too loud in the room. It had an effect, stirring her into life. In her mind was the idea that she had been unknowingly a genie all these years. Would she find the reality of being a genie, at someone's beck and call all day, tiresome? Would it break her of the obsession? Her husband thought so.

'I am a genie, ready to obey my master's every wish,' Barbara recited, from the childhood book.

This wasn't right, surely? The man in front of her was John, their neighbour, yet he was dressed as a wizard. She felt certain, without doubt, she had been in her lamp. That little lamp he was holding. How could that be possible?

This was no dream, she was really here, in his home, prostrating herself at his feet, just like the illustrations in those childhood books. Is that why she had been so interested in playing the game? It hadn't been just a game, she was a genie!

The thought of it made her want to cry out with happiness. She shouldn't be prostrating herself to him, it should be her husband. Somehow she must escape, or be rescued. In the story the genie was rescued from a wizard, so would her husband save her?

There were so many questions without answers, her head spun. All she knew was that she had to obey the man who last held her lamp. Even if he put it down and she picked it up, she was still his to command. For the moment then, she would have to obey him.

'Very good, Barbara, you are mine to command. You are in my service now, so behave, or I shall send you back to your lamp,' Jack intoned.

'No master! I mean, please, master. I shall be a good genie for you, and will obey your every command,' she gushed.

Out here she might be able to trick him and escape. She looked at the lamp marvelling at how she had been trapped inside it. The shaking she experienced must have been him, rubbing it. The voice was his, summoning her from her lamp.

Despite feeling guilty over betraying her husband, she felt a thrill to actually be a genie. Her wish had come true! Her master was a big powerful man, a powerful wizard! She had no choice except obey him, for it was so important not to be sent back to her lamp. She would be a helpless little thing in there, unable to summon help.

Jack looked her over, deciding to make it a more enjoyable day. It wasn't his fault she was dressed so provocatively. He couldn't take advantage of a neighbour's wife, though he could at least have a bit of fun.

'Stand up and let me look at what kind of genie I own,' Jack told her.

'Yes, master,' she replied.

She stood with head bowed, her face reddening with embarrassment, knowing how much of her body was on view to him.

'Take off the jacket,' he said.

'Oh! Master!' she exclaimed.

Just glancing at his expression was enough for her to comply.

He knew she had large breasts, though now they were on show, he could see how firm and luscious they were. The bra held her breasts up in a deep cleavage, with the nipples on display. As he stared, they were growing, forming into hard pool-cue-tips, pressing at the thin gauze of the sheer top.

Her midriff was bare, revealing a flat tummy. Her slim long legs were wrapped in the same thin gauze as the top. Slits up the sides showed how fresh and smooth her flesh was. Now she stood straight, he could see her panties through the baggy pantaloons.

Any man in the neighbourhood would give a great deal of money to see her like this. On stage as his assistant, she would draw the crowds. He imagined hypnotising her and sending her among the audience, letting them know she was his to command, letting them take small advantages of her. The ticket price for a show could be doubled.

'Turn around,' Jack commanded.

In an agony of embarrassment she did as she was told, knowing her bottom was on view. He had been a neighbour, friends even, yet she was showing off her body to him. A terrible thought occurred, that if he commanded her to strip, she would have to obey.

'Very nice, very nice indeed. I shall enjoy having such an attractive young genie at my command. It will be a pleasure teaching you my needs,' he said, suggesting something without going too far.

After all, she would be rescued by her husband before the end of the day, and certainly before bedtime. Her husband's idea would be that after the rescue, she would agree not to play such a dangerous game, ever again.

All day he had her cleaning the house, fixing food, making drinks, and generally serving him like a maid. A couple of boxes had to be unpacked and re-packed though it didn't matter for she was there to fetch and carry.

It was embarrassing, bending and stretching in front of him, in such a revealing outfit. It was annoying serving him like a humble servant. Whenever she felt like rebelling, she looked at the little lamp, to help her get through the ordeal. The idea of being so small and vulnerable, in her magic lamp, kept her in line.

The hypnotic suggestion kept her fooled into thinking it was possible. Over the years she had wished for it to be possible, making the hypnotic suggestion a powerful influence. Her own imagination had pushed her into believing she had been in the lamp, just as her husband and Jack had suspected.

Time passed quickly, for Jack was enjoying himself, with a nubile, semi-clad young woman. He noticed it was dark outside and wondered where her husband was. He stepped outside, to look at their house, but there wasn't even a light on. Turning to go back in, he noticed a note pinned to the door.

'Damn! The bastard! What the fuck does he think he's playing at?' Jack exclaimed.

Donald had found someone else, and wouldn't be returning home. The house had been sold and would be cleared tomorrow by removers. Do me a favour, and look after Barbara for me. The note stated.

Simple as that, they had both been tricked. Jack walked back in slamming the door behind him.

Barbara jumped, from the loud bang and dropped a glass of orange juice onto the carpet.

'Sorry, master,' she whined.

Up until then she had carried out all his instructions without mishap. The last thing she wanted was to be punished, by being sent back into the lamp.

His harsh look had her jumping back from him. She scampered back to the kitchen and hurried back with a cloth, and the now familiar cleaning things. On hands and knees she scrubbed at the mess, making it worse.

'I'm sorry, master. Please don't send me back into the lamp. Punish me in some other way. Put me over your knee,' she simpered, only just holding back the tears.

Jack was so angry at them both, he considered it. A moment ago he was going to tell her what his anger was all about. It had all been a ruse concocted by her husband. It wasn't to break her out of the stupid obsession, it was to get rid of her. What a terrible thing to do to anyone, especially a beautiful woman like Barbara.

Damn! The guy had sold the house and all their possessions. He had pocketed the money and deserted her, leaving her with nothing. No wonder the note said to look after her. He wouldn't have been able to escape leaving her with nothing, if this stupid plan hadn't been concocted.

He'd been instrumental in planning her ordeal. How could he tell her it was all a plot to dispose of her. On the other hand she had to be told, as he couldn't keep her. Damn! He'd been tricked into this, and if she hadn't had this stupid obsession he wouldn't have been suckered into it.

'Leave it! Come here!' he ordered.

Without being told, she spread herself over his knee. The anger was still there, enough to slap her upturned ass. The flinch of her body from the pain was satisfying. He slapped her ass again. It was turning red, easily seen through the thin gauze covering it.

'Ouch! Sorry, master for spilling on your carpet,' she humbly spoke.

The slaps hurt his hand, though the anger was still there. It was fuelled from being fooled, and being put in a difficult position. If he revealed it had all been a game, she could call the police. He had kidnapped her, and kept her in a box in the basement. It made him feel so stupid to have been tricked so easily.

The woman's husband had him trapped. He would have to keep her entertained, while her husband sold off all their belongings, including the house, without sharing the proceeds with her. How clever was the damn husband, and how stupid was he.

'Oww! Please don't hurt me.'

'Oww! Please, master, I'll be a good genie, honest.'

'Oww! Master, please!'

'Ouch! Sorry, master, I promise to be an obedient genie for you, master,' she eagerly promised.

It was all because he wanted to see if he could still carry out a magic trick, and now he had to face a prosecution.

'Ouch! Sorry, master, please don't hurt your faithful genie, please!' she begged.

'Ouch! I'll be a good girl, and do as I'm told!'

'Ouch! Please, master, I'll be a goof girl, and an obedient genie, honest!'

She feel off his knee, sobbing like a little girl before a demanding father. Standing before him, she dare not rub her sore bottom. It no longer mattered that she was almost naked before him, as she had become used to it during the day. The spanking had a far greater affect upon her. The spanking had confirmed she was his, to do with as he pleased.

She felt like a naughty little girl, after having her bottom spanked by her father. He too had been a big strong man, with a deep voice. The strong parental figure her master became, influenced her thinking. He was being strict and expected her to behave and do as she was told, just as her father had. She looked down at her feet, looking past her large breasts.

'I'll be a good little girl from now on, master. Your genie will behave and comply with your orders, master. Genie promises to obey, honest, master,' she gushed.

'Crawl to me,' he ordered.

On hands and knees, she crawled across the carpet, then pushed her face in his crotch.

Looking up at him she said, 'Your genie will obey her master, whatever master wants,' she sincerely promised.

'You know what your master wants,' he said, with a masterful voice, driven by anger.

All day, Jack had thought of this and other ways of using her. She was a married woman, married to a friend, so she was off limits. Not now she wasn't.

He watched her carefully pull his cock from his pants, and lick it. Her eyes were on him, looking for approval. Those large blue eyes, combined with long blond hair gave her a look of innocence. Her rosebud lips looked as though they were made to be wrapped around his cock.

She was squatting on her haunches between his knees. Her mouth pouted, making it a perfect fit for his cock. She worked hard on his cock, licking its length, until it was thoroughly wet, then she sucked it's head into her mouth.

Barbara new her master was very angry, enough that he was ready to send her back into the lamp. He must have sensed her thoughts of escaping him. How she would do that while he held her lamp, she had no idea. But such thought must be banished from her mind.

As she promised when he spanked her, she would have to be his devoted genie, and obey his every command. He could send her back to the lamp, and forget about her. The last thing she wanted was to be banished to the lamp and spend her remain years there. She was too young to live such a terrible life.

Barbara was determined to prove her worth. Whatever her master wanted, she would do with all her heart and soul. She would do her very best to please him. Beguiling him with her body would keep his interest, and keep her out of the lamp.

She pushed her head down its length, sucking it all in. Her throat was tight, gripping his cock powerfully. It was a wonderful sensation for him, though daunting for her. Then she began the slow journey back up from kissing his pubes, until her lips were once more sucking the head of his cock.

Her tongue ran along its underside, while she pushed her head down, absorbing it all. Speeding up, her head began to bob more quickly, until he let loose a big sigh and moaned in rhythm with her nodding head. She found his rhythm and stuck to it. He yelled he was about to cum, but she didn't care.

A deep breath was taken, and she pushed back down to swallow his cock, then swallow his shots. Streams of cum shot down her throat directly into her tummy. At least that way she didn't have to taste it. Unable to breathe she came up for air.

A couple more shots splashed her lips, and she had to lick them up, and swallow the sticky fluid.

Sitting back on her haunches, she looked very pleased with herself.

Donald wanted him to look after her, and he would, not for that dirty rat of a husband. He would protect her from the truth. Watching her squirming, promising to obey, left him with little choice. He would have to take on the responsibility of looking after a beautiful young woman, who was willing to pander to his whims. Perhaps it wasn't such a bad deal after all.

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StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 6 years agoAuthor

My twist on the story is that she is happy as a genie, with someone who appreciates her and has an interest in helping her be a genie. The husband is happy as he has all the money, and hasn't gone through a messy divorce. The magician is happy because he has a beautiful young woman devoted to his pleasure. Depending on your moral outlook, everyone is a winner.

The woman is to be kept in a fantasy world, is that a bad thing? Lucky her, but then we all live in our own perspective or fantasy view of the world, and life.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
I'm going to be the Grinch

Two Wrongs

make it twice

As Wrong

Timtom12Timtom12over 6 years ago
Loved it

Awesome twist!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
double 5 star !!


acupacupover 6 years ago
Nice Start

but feels unfinished.

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