Extending the MILF List Ch. 09


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I patted her flank. "I will take you to bed." I said, undoing another button. The next three exposed her lank stomach. For her size, the woman was not fat. She was just built large, curved and curvaceous. Her body had matured into the perfect Rubenesque woman, big broad planes with profound arching curves.

Up into the shadow of her breasts, my hands moved. Her sweater had lots of buttons. One by one I opened them and revealed more and more of her straight, tight belly. I kissed it, licking around her belly button.

Becky gasped and her belly flinched.

More buttons, up under the eaves of her breasts and then over the crest.

"Oh my god, I, I am so excited. Sonny, having your hands on me like this..." She could not finish because I pulled the sweater away from her breasts and clasped both in my hands, squeezing the stout bra that covered them. I thought for sure she had a corset on but her body was shaped already and a corset only decorated her.

I finished undoing the buttons and skimmed the sweater down her arms. She arched her back. I held onto the sweater and dropped it beside me on the bed. Then I hugged her torso, fitting the top of my head below her breasts and wrapping my arms around her broad hips. I clasped her ass through the drape of her long skirt. I squeezed the breath out of her.

"Oh, oh Sonny." She gasped.

I moved my hands up and unhooked her bra. Her breasts pushed it away, an explicit rejection. They had little need of it. They towered over me and she bent a little. I kissed along the lower curve of her left breast, licking and sucking at her milk-smooth flesh, then switching to the other and kissing around its crest.

Becky trembled, the shaking infecting her like a fever. She panted but refused to move unless I moved her, except, she rested both hands lightly on my shoulders. I kissed and licked her breasts for maybe ten minutes. I kept expecting her to complain about standing still for so long but Becky never even swayed. She seemed solid as an oak. Her breasts were plush and as I kissed them they turned rosy red, heating as her body pulsed with her desire.

"Say it." I muttered.

"Suck my nipples!" Becky growled immediately. "Oh god, if you do, I think, I might come if you bite them." She whined then, like a she-wolf crying for a lost cub.

I kissed around first one nipple then the other, circling and circling till I felt her shaking with desire. When I fit my lips over the left nipple, she exhaled like she'd been holding her breath since Christmas. I sucked it hard and her hips rammed against my stomach. She tried to grind against me but could not.

"I am so hot." She whispered. "God, I have never been like this, not ever. I, I feel like I am an entirely different woman, changed into something, someone I barely recognize. I, if you didn't fuck me, I would find someone downstairs, maybe everyone." She chuckled. "I'd put up a sign that announced free pussy in room 909."

I moved to the other breast.

"Oh god, Sonny. I, I never imagined reality could surpass those, ugh, ugh, those dreams. I, I am more, more excited then when I dreamed of you touching me, uh, uh, under my dress."

I took her hint and instead of handling her tits, I just kissed them and sucked them while with my hands I bunched up her skirt between her legs. Her hands shook on my shoulders. She wore nothing underneath the skirt. Her pussy appeared and I moved hands to the sides of her thighs.

"Oh god, I love the feeling of your hands on my body like that!" She whispered.

I moved them up to her hips, the skirt dragging at my movements. Her hips rocked forward and back, making her breasts move. When she realized she was moving them making it more difficult for my lips to capture her nipples, she ceased moving altogether.

I sucked her nipple into my mouth. Her tits were handfuls, plentiful and proud. Despite her age and motherhood, her tits remained firm. Sucking on it, I felt the nub of her nipple, hard and firm, inverted so that it formed a cone but a hard cone, tight and smooth with arousal. I thrummed it with my tongue. She moaned. Her hands gripped my shoulders hard, tightening the harder I sucked.

I moved to the other nipple and she made to say something but my teeth touched it and she grunted into silence. Her body quivered. I bit down on her nipple and she screamed. Her hips rammed against me, grinding her pussy against my stomach. Her hands were claws on my shoulders.

"Oh god, Sonny, once more and I'll come."

I took the hint. I bit her other nipple and she screamed again. Her hands crushed me against her breasts, smothering me with them while her body pulsed against me. I felt her ass clinch and tighten under my hands.

"Oh, oh, oh!" She cried as the surge of pleasure controlled her.

I let her coast for a few minutes. Her body seemed to sing with arousal. My hands drifted down to her bare thighs. Finally, I pushed her away, separating us. She looked down on me, her eyes were bleary.

"I cannot believe what I am feeling!" She whispered. "I am alive with sensual feelings, they shoot through me and I feel like I have lost myself. That I am an entirely different woman; one alive to sex for the first time in my life."

She stepped back and unwrapped the skirt and stood nude before me."

"I'd have you eat me, Sonny, but I am sure I am still full of another man's come. So, please, please take me. Lay me down and fuck me, please!"

I groaned, standing and in a gull's wink, I was naked as she was. I helped her onto her back and did as she suggested. Between her full thighs, she directed my cock to her entrance and when she had me hooked, she sighed, closed her eyes and lay back. I crouched over her, lowering my hips as my cock slid into her.

Becky groaned. "You are pushing it into me." She said, her voice tight with arousal and from my weight on her abdomen. "Oh, fuck me, Sonny."

Instead, I hovered over her and bent to kiss her mouth. It was like she hadn't been kissed in a hundred years, and she was awakening from a deep sleep. Her kiss tore at me, shredding my last vestiges of restraint. I slapped my hips down, thrusting into her as hard as I could from a dead stop. Becky hunched up under me and we joined together, cock and pussy, completing the circuit such that the erogenous current rushed through us.

"Oh god, Sonny, fuck me!" Becky cried. Her voice tinny with need. "Fuck me!"

I withdrew, racking the flared head of my cock through the clasping, weeping folds of her pussy. She shivered as I pulled out of her. I sat up between her legs staring at the panting woman.

"Put it back in." She pleaded. "Please, Sonny. I want to feel your rock hard cock paint the back of my vagina. Please write your name on my wall of shame and make me come!"

I bent over her instead and sucked a nipple into my mouth, fitting as much of it as I could past my lips, sucking her hard. When I pressed her nipple against my back teeth, she grunted. I found my cock with one hand and sought to enter her again, her tit tightly in my mouth.

Becky growled loudly, offering a hand to help me enter her. We made the connection again. As I slammed my cock into her, I bit down on her shaped nipple.

Becky came.

Her body arched under me, lifting me on the wave of her arousal and the orgasm that it birthed. She bucked under me, her pussy gripping me and pulling me as she ground us together. I ground down into her till I felt her pubic bone against mine. When I increased the pressure, Becky screamed and her body jerked and jerked and jerked. I guessed I had managed to pinch her clit between our pubic bones and now she was coming with both the outer stimulation and the inner stimulation. Her body surged under me, bounding up and down as she cried. We were like two people dancing but not together, one hearing smooth jazz and the other hearing hard rock and roll.

My orgasm arrived in a roar of pleasure that deafened and blinded me. Eyes tightly shut, I hammered Becky Kline to the bed, ramming into her with greater and greater force even as my strength flagged, pumping cum into her and draining me of energy.

Becky panted and gasped and held her breath while her body bucked under me. Her legs clinched about my body, lifting beside me like railings. Her hands held to my hips, pulling at me each time I pulled back and punched my ass against her crotch, piercing her deeply with my cock each time I spewed cum into her.

Finally the orgasm ran its course and our intercourse subsided into gasping, panting, heaving exhaustion. I slipped to the side. My cock refused to deflate, remaining stubbornly hard. After a moment, I think I was unconscious, I revived, and began to suck at her tits. She lay under me. Her hands found my dewy cock and directed it once more into her sanctuary of sex. I plunged into her pussy. I opened my eyes and a moment later Becky opened hers. We stared into each other's eyes as I moved about her breasts, sucking and licking them.

"Bite me." She whispered. "God, I want you to. Bite me. Mark me!"

When I did, her body arched under me and her hips shimmied, quaking with a new version of passion. I put a large bruise above each nipple. Becky began to pant heavily and then her body jerked. My cock swam in our milky cum. I pulled back and rammed into her and felt her overflow, flooding us both with the remains of that last climax.

"God, I could fuck you forever!" Becky grated. Her body shifted underneath me and she was clearly preparing to roll us onto my back so she could mount me properly when not one but two phones rang.

We looked at each other, neither moving. By mutual assent, we rolled apart with a wet pop as my cock exited her clasping cunt. She crawled past me to get to her phone. She picked it up and walked into the bath and closed the door. I answered mine, out of breath.

I held it to my ear and heard nothing only realizing after several mindless glances at the screen that it hadn't been the phone but a text message. I found that app and opened it.


It was from Sean. "Shit." I muttered but I was prepared. I knew what I wanted to do.

I sat on the bed and called Laura. When she answered I heard screaming in the background.

"It's Sonny!" I heard panic in Laura's voice. Then I heard Lydia ask, "Who?" When Laura repeated my name the ruckus went away.

"Hi Sonny." Laura said, her voice a bit tremulous.

"Hey, sweet thing, where are you? You busy?"

"No, Sonny. Not busy."

"Listen to me carefully. Do not let Lydia push you around. Just tell her if she gets nasty then you'll tell me about your little fling with Sean, okay? That should fix things till I can get her sorted out."

"No, Sonny. No plans tonight. Sure. Sure, I can meet you. Seven? Okay. Sure. No. I'll be there. No. No, I'm not doing anything. It's fine. Really. No, don't. I, well, I'm not at home. No, I'll, I'll be home soon. Okay, then. Bye."

I understood where Chris got his acting chops. She hung up and I stared at the phone. I glanced up.

Becky stood staring at me from the bathroom door. She looked like she'd seen a ghost and it turned out to be hers.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly.

"That, that was Lovely. She, she's coming here. She, she, I always come here when I am upset and she guessed so she is almost here. Five minutes maybe ten away."

Lovely? Here? My cock perked up.

"She is, I, I told her the room number. She demanded I tell her. She'll be right up."

Becky looked like she was about to cry.

"I, I told her everything."

"That I was here?"

"No. No, she didn't think, she never suspected I would ask anyone for sex. She, she, I told her I was desperate for sex, that, that I am crazed with it, the need in my body to have a man between my legs. She told me that if I could make her come, if I could lick her pussy and make her come...she said it just that way. If I could make her come with my mouth on her pussy, she'd, she'd find us a man to share. She, she said I had to be shared."

I wondered at that word.

"Well, you're a little ahead of her. About time, don't you think? You are the mom, after all."

For a moment Becky looked haunted and hurt. "Sonny, you, you want to stay? I mean, do you want me to go? You, you can have her, I know she'll, she'd be happy to see you and, and she'd definitely fuck you. I know she would. I'll, I'll go if you want."

I cocked my head, confused. I was missing something. Again.

"Why would you leave?"

"So you can be alone with my daughter. Isn't that what you want?"

I shook my head. "I don't think you understand the whole mother-daughter fantasy."

"The what?"

The blank look told me everything. "The mother-daughter fantasy." I repeated. This was taking too long.

"I don't understand. What is a mother and daughter fantasy?"

That was when I realized that Becky was fucking with me. Sure enough, when the knock sounded on the door, Becky looked triumphant. The bitch had been stalling. The fantasy, it turned out, was hers. I bet she told her daughter where she'd be!

The knock sounded again.

Suddenly, Becky looked panicked. "Oh god." She whispered. "I am giving my daughter to a man." She walked past me to the door. She opened it just as I grabbed the last of my clothes and skittered into the bathroom.


I heard Lovely's voice clearly from the hall.

"Why are you naked?"

"I, uh, I told you, I am, I am crazed for sex. You, you have made me want it all the time."

"And you came here? Never mind. Let me in."

The door clanked closed. I turned off the bathroom light and pushed the door closed, not completely, leaving it open enough so I could see at least the bed.

"Mother, I know you want sex, you need a lot of sex. I have four guys for us tonight. I need to call them and tell them to come here. I, I was going to have them at the house but you are right, a hotel is better. These are strangers, well, two are Ron's friends and the other," Lovely giggled. "The other I just found for us. I told them they could have me if they fucked you first. Mother, then daughter. He said you should be shared so I am sharing you." She positioned Becky with her back to the bed, that put Lovely's back to me. I pushed open the door. Becky could see me easily. Her eyes went wide.

"You, you need to get better at eating my pussy, mother. If, if you are not good at it, I have to act or they will think one of us doesn't like it. I want men to see us having sweet orgasms so, so you must learn. Here, let me show you. I want you to feel my mouth on your pussy and..." she pushed her naked mother onto her back on the bed.

It seemed odd to see that slight woman with the lank hair and big tits commanding her mother. Lovely seemed utterly unconscious of her domination of her mother. Becky lay on her back, staring at the ceiling. Her position, on the bed and in her relationship to her daughter seemed to confuse her, it confused her to the point of utter compliance, like she was in a sort of sexual shock. While her daughter got to her knees, she began to rub her own tits, pulling at the nipples.

"You never suck my breasts." Becky said, her voice high and tinny.

"You never asked. You don't need practice at that. You do fine. We'll worry about your tits after you learn to suck a man's cock and make him come and make a woman come with your mouth on her pussy."

Lovely bent forward over Becky's crotch and lapped at it, one or two large swipes of her long tongue. She kissed the inside of each thigh. Becky's legs widened each time. Lovely fastened her mouth to Becky's pouting pussy and sucked. For a moment, the sound of her slurping suction filled the room.

Abruptly, Lovely sat up on her heels. "I taste come. A man's come and it is fresh. Minty!" She sounded terribly surprised.

I exited the bath and Lovely twisted at the sound of the opening door.

"Sonny! I, I mean, Mr. Duncan!" Lovely shrieked.

I patted the air. "Sonny is fine." I whispered.

Lovely looked at her naked mother and than at naked little old me.

"You were fucking my mother." She said, a statement replete with wonder, like she just discovered her own clit.

"Yes, Lovely, I was making love to your mother."

Her face clouded. "I, I arranged for, to share mother with four men. They, they wanted us together. Mother and daughter. Mother needs help learning to make a man come with her mouth." Her words rattled like a clanking chain falling into a pile, tense and hurried.

I nodded. "Practice makes perfect."

"What do you want? They, I told them six o'clock." She looked around for the clock. "It is after five. Shall, I call them and tell them not to come or, or do you want to be here and have us with them?"

Lovely seemed utterly unperturbed.

"You are giving your mother to strange men?"

"Oh yes, she loves it. I like watching her come when they enter her. She gets so excited I think she blacks out and then they fuck her hard and come in her. I am sharing my mother like you said." She looked around. "Do you want to share us?"

"Six you said?"

Lovely nodded.

"I'll take you and then go." I was thinking of all the work I still needed to do. What a pervert, thinking about homework with two women who wanted to fuck me within arm's reach. What sacrilege!

"Take off your clothes." I suggested.

Lovely smiled that honeyed smile of hers, threw off her coat and began to unbutton her blouse.

I stood and watched but then realized that Becky was watching us too; she was naked, and she was lying on the bed. I moved Lovely away from the bed and moved Becky to the middle of the bed. I mounted her. Becky cooed as my cock slipped once more into her syrupy center. She felt like hot caramel looks, silky smooth, hot and saucy.

Becky lifted her legs and used her heels to press me tight between her legs.

"Where do you want me?" Lovely asked behind me.

I twisted to look at her. She was nude, her breasts swayed before my very eyes. I blinked and patted the bed beside Becky. "Right there. On your back. I am going to fuck a mother and her daughter." I looked back at Becky. "That is the mother and daughter fantasy. Putting our cock in one and then the other and back again till you come."

Becky chortled. "I know. I was fucking with you."

I ground my cock deep into her body, crushing her chuckle. I was fucking with her. Lovely lay down beside us, pressing her leg against her mother. I immediately bent over her and, while I continued to pump my cock between her mother's legs, I kissed Lovely on the mouth. She put a hand to my face and kissed me back very carefully.

I pulled out of Becky and knee-walked over between Lovely's legs. Lovely shuddered and grunted. One hand found my wet cock and directed it to her pussy. I shoved into the young woman.

Where Becky was soft and strong at the same time, Lovely was tight and slick. I felt the tension in her body. I bent over her and kissed her. Her chin lifted and she met my lips with her open mouth, our tongues touching and twisting together. I descended circle after circle of taut pussy while Lovely hummed into my mouth. When she finally broke the kiss, she was panting.

"Kiss, kiss mother." She gasped.

I started to withdraw from her but she grunted and held me in place with her hands and heels.

I understood, late, but not too late. I twisted, keeping my cock firmly planted in Lovely, and kissed Becky on the mouth.

"Oh god, you are in my daughter and you are kissing me!" She whispered.

"I know. Shut up. You're making me nervous. We, we don't have much time and I am going to come in your mouth after, if I can make Lovely come." I began to hump between Lovely's legs.

Lovely keened as I fucked her. Her hands directed me, pulling and gently lifting. She moved her feet up so her legs arched on either side of me.