Extending the MILF List Ch. 07


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"I beg your pardon, Ma'am. I would not have come by at all except Sonny Duncan pays his debts. You know, like the Lannisters on the HBO show? I had no idea he lived here with his mother, though. I thought," I shook my head with a self-deprecating grin, "I don't know what I thought I guess. I just assumed he lived in a condo or apartment or something. When I saw the house, I realized he must be living with roommates. Mother you say? We'll just be going, then. I am terribly sorry to have bothered you."

"Mr. Duncan, I am only going to ask you one more time, what do you want with my son? How do you know Sean? How did you find him here?"

I could see the color rising in her cheeks. There. Time to take step two. "Oh, Mrs. Favors I really don't want to bother you with it. I shouldn't even be here. I never intended..."

"Mr. Duncan!" She said archly. "If you please, explain yourself." She folded her arms up under her breasts, each "O" swelled. The redhead still looked lopsided.

The tone of voice was Mom-pitched and a tingle ran down my back and back up. Shit they all had that tone. I had to eliminate it. Right here. "I wanted to give your son something, in payment for a debt. A debt I owe and I always pay my debts."

"You said that once. A debt? What? Did you borrow money from him or something?"

I laughed then, feeling I was close to being over the next hurdle. "No, nothing like that. I have a gift for him. He did something for me, well for someone close to me whom I cherish and I wanted to repay him for his gallantry."

Mrs. Favors relaxed a little but preened at the same time, her involuntary response to the compliment of her son, creating a confusing expression on her face and in her body. "What did he do?"

"I, I am sure you don't want to hear about my silly sense of honor. I repay my debts."

Now she looked irate. "You said that. Just tell me what happened."

I finally looked directly at her face, leaving off the study of her breasts. "He, yesterday, you know it was icy and once the snow fell, it got terribly slick. My knee, I injured it yesterday."

She shook her head impatiently. "I was out of town." She said softly.

"Oh, well it was terribly slick and one of my girls, she walked out into the street and a car would have run her down if it hadn't been for your son." I looked away, fixing my eyes on Laura. She was looking at her feet, or her tits, one of the two, whichever she could see. When I looked back at Mrs. Favors, I could see the phrase "my girls" had hooked her imagination and she had not heard much else. Perfect.

I continued. "The street was slick and the car was going far too fast for that weather and when the fool put on his brakes, he locked them up and the car was just a big block of stupid hurtling at Angeline. Sean saw what was about to happen and got her out of the way. Saved her life, I say. Or at least kept her available. No one wants a girl in a leg cast or worse. There are some kinks out there but I avoid them if I can."

"Your girls?" Mrs. Favors said softly. Her voice trembled a little. "You are a pimp?"

I bowed my head, smiling from ear to ear like a newly famous singer asked to take the mic at his church. "I prefer to think I am in the entertainment industry, ma'am. But if you want it plain, then yes, I am a pimp."

Mrs. Favors chewed on that. I guessed that she expected me to dissemble and when I agreed with her worst fears, she was at a loss for how to respond. The truth would have made her howl. Time enough for the truth later; now was for a good story and I had it.

Lydia Favors was an intelligent woman, one who understood the world, likely better than I did. After nearly a minute of mutual silence, she nodded. "Okay. You said you wanted to give him something, what do you want to give him?"

I almost hesitated but I assumed I was past the point where that was valuable. I shifted the ball bat to my other hand, balanced awkwardly on one leg and place my hand on the small of Laura Wills' back and gave her a gentle shove. "Her." I said.

Laura squeaked but recovered, smiling a winning smile at Mrs. Favors.

"I was told Sean fancies this one and, well, I pay my debts and I had a cancellation, weather is shutting down the airport so she had some time this afternoon. I decided to use the time profitably and show Sean my appreciation for his noble actions." I stopped and waited.

Mrs. Favors stepped back. "Her?" She said the pronoun like it was a curse.

"Hey!" Laura said.

I slapped her ass and she retreated back to my side. "Yes. Her. Can you think of something, a better reward for a guy Sean's age?"

"Quilla said he hasn't been sleeping at home?"

"Oh, now I don't know about that." I said, not wanting incriminating details to appear that I would want to use later so I fluffed over that comment. "As I said, I shouldn't have come but I wanted to show him my appreciation." I stopped again, waiting again.

Mrs. Favors just stared at me. She was in shock. Her baby boy was chasing hookers; that's what she was thinking. Perfect.

"Mrs. Favors, I don't think he ever saw Laura here before yesterday." I had a moment of terror, wondering if Laura Wills and Mrs. Favors ran in the same social circles. There had been no recognition when we arrived so after a moment of mind-numbing terror, I sighed realizing that such a problem would have appeared before now. "Would you mind if I took her upstairs and let him know he has a 'date' with her?" Perhaps I should have been bolder, more forceful but my natural character interfered and I reverted to form. Easy does it, does it, I generally think.

Mrs. Favors stared. After an unpleasant pause, she blinked her eyes. "What do you mean, you wanted to 'give her' to him? I mean, does that mean what I think it means?"

I shifted the ball bat to my other hand and leaned on it. It pulled her eyes down and suddenly I realized how ingenious that addition was to the milieu. She just stared at it for the longest time.

When her eyes finally came up to mine, I grinned. "I think we both know what I mean. Laura here, she..." I stopped. "Listen, Lydia, we are here. What if she just goes up and surprises your son and when they are done, we'll go. I have paid my debt and you never need to see me again. I shouldn't have come and wouldn't have, had I known, known that he lived with his mother." I could not help it, I guffawed again, but this time made no effort to appear embarrassed. I clearly mocked her son. I felt the shift in the situation and the passage over the next hurdle the moment she looked down at the baseball bat. "I apologize but, if you would make this exception. He saved one of my girls, I think he should have a little taste of the service he did for me."

Lydia Favors blinked hard then stepped back again. "Just this once?"

I think she meant it to be a statement but it came out a question.

Still, it was rude not to answer it, accepting it as a real question and not a dazed noise only words by accident. "I thought one go at Laura was enough, don't you? I don't want to be effusive or crass."

"Effusive? Crass. No. Of course not." Mrs. Favors ran her palms down the arch of each thigh. "This once. A surprise. Of course. Then you'd go, right?" Her eyes flicked down to the baseball bat and back up to my eyes.

I nodded, afraid to speak. I'd said enough, I thought.

Mrs. Favors nodded. "Okay. A surprise. He is upstairs." Her voice was barely more than a whisper. When her eyes flicked to the bat again, they did not leave it.

I leaned the ball bat against the wall by the door. I helped Laura out of her coat, unveiling her outfit, limping painfully. She wore a sheer, black top with no bra, clearly exhibiting her breasts. Her skirt was short and scarlet, tight about her slender hips, short enough to show the garter straps holding her stockings in place. On her neck, the collar sparkled in the light. It did not match her clothing really, so the eyes drifted to the gold band around her neck, drawn by the incongruity.

I saw Mrs. Favors find it and fix there, staring at the collar on the woman's neck.

I touched Laura on the elbow. "Go find him, honey." I said expansively. I touched her neck, fingering the collar and kissed her on the cheek. Laura preened, almost swelling with pride from the attention.

Lydia stared.

"Now, listen, this is a freebie but no cum in you. Get it? He can fuck you but you need to taste clean when you come down. It won't do for you to give that up. Blow him or fuck him but you need to stay tasty clean." I made my voice rough and it hurt my throat.

Lydia was still staring at Laura's gold collar.

Laura bobbed her head. That she did not even make a sound was perfect.

Mrs. Favors and I watched Laura, wearing tall, red heels, navigate the half flight of stairs up to the top level and disappear down the corridor. We heard her knock and the sound of muffled music cleared then lowered.

"Holy shit!"

We heard Sean's voice from where we stood.

When I looked at Lydia, she was looking at me.

At that perfect moment, the doorbell rang.

"That should be the pizza." Mrs. Favors gasped, relief rift in her voice.

I thought it might be Annie, freezing her tosh off. Lydia was right. She made to pay for the pizza but I pulled out my wad of bills and paid the guy, sending him off happy. She stared at my cash and ignored the pizza guy who did not ignore her. He'd noticed Ohio too and only barely managed to notice the cash. I followed Lydia to the kitchen table and set the pizza down.

We stood there staring at each other when we heard an impassioned shriek from upstairs. Lydia did not flinch though her cheeks flushed. She looked at me for a while before finally saying, "Well?"

I shook myself. "I am sorry. I, I planned on waiting here. Usually she doesn't go out alone."

Lydia nodded once. She looked at the pizza. "I doubt Sean will want me to interrupt, uh, him for pizza. Care for a slice?"

I stared at her and then covered my mouth with my hand. "Shit, oh shit!"

"What's wrong?"

"I left Annie out in the car. I thought, I figured I'd surprise him with Laura and then go get Annie. I didn't want him to think he was getting two for free."

"Oh, I see. Who's Annie?"

"Listen, I hate to impose but can we hang out till she's done upstairs? I hate to go off and leave her in a strange house with a stranger." Another muffled scream from upstairs. It did not sound fake. "She better not let him come in her cunt!" I growled and then glanced at Lydia. "I beg your pardon."

"Bring this Annie in. It must be freezing out in the car." Lydia Favors was gracious to a fault, a fault I was about to exploit to another, different fault. Mine.

"Thanks." I went and got Annie. She was freezing and not happy. She made no comment at all though, following me through the snow to the house, stepping like a cat on lily pads, far from shore, trying to keep her high heels from getting wet. I remembered to take the ball bat to aid my limp. When we reentered the house, we made ourselves at home, hanging our coats on the rack just inside the door before moving to the kitchen.

We found Lydia sitting with a bottle of scotch before her and a full tumbler. She drank as I appeared and swore when Annie appeared.

"Holy Christ! Is that Annie?"

I twisted around to look where Annie stood just in the light of the kitchen. It was nearly four and getting dark already as the storm closed in.

Annie had shed her coat and looked every bit the expensive hooker, glowering at us. "Annie, come in. This is Lydia Favors. She is Sean's mother. You know, the guy who saved Angeline."

Annie barely reacted. Her eyes, slits, barely visible, flicked between Lydia and I.

I sat down at the end of the table.

"Care for a scotch?" Lydia asked.

I shook my head. "Driving."

"Annie?" Lydia asked. Her natural social grace had taken over completely.

Annie glowered at me, expectation her her pose.

I turned my knees out from under the table, scooting back. Annie understood immediately and came and sat on my lap, twisting her ass over my cock as she perched on my legs, her back against my chest. She wore black, a stiff taffeta black skirt that barely covered her upper thighs and a tight blouse the zipped up the front, from her waist to just below her chin. Her stocking were black and sheer. Like Laura, once she settled onto my lap, the garter straps appeared. She reached for my right hand and laid it on her leg.

Lydia Favors took a long pull on the scotch. Her eyes never left us.

Annie had her back to me so I could not see her face but I think she was staring Lydia down. Lydia did not break her stare till she ran out of scotch and had to look to pour another full tumbler.

Annie took that moment to move my hand up between her legs, not up her thighs but up between her legs, pressing it against her bare pussy. She was wet. Suddenly, my focus shifted from Lydia Favors to the pussy kissing my hand. I trilled a finger up Annie's cleft, feeling each fold of her pussy with the end of a finger before locating and penetrating the entrance into her body. She grunted and arched her back, pressing herself against my finger.

"Oh god." Mrs. Favors breathed.

From the upper level, we heard two mutual, lustful groans. They must have fucking left the door open.

Lydia looked past us. Annie, as though demanding the woman keep looking at us, shifted around so that she had my knees between her legs. She sat with her legs open, my knees between them in such a way the pushed the skirt high up her thighs, showing my hand between them, twiddling her diddle. She reached behind her and untucked my now erect cock. She fumbled at the zipper but had no luck with one hand.

I grasped her wrist to stop her. I hoped I knew where she was going but did not want to spook the redhead.

"You promise you fuck Annie." Annie said suddenly. "Now. My turn. You fuck Annie. Two days. Now. Fuck Annie now."

Whether she understood what was happening, or she figured asking to be fucked would fit or she genuinely wanted this strange woman to watch while we fucked, I don't know.

Her face was so fierce, so set, I relaxed my hold on her wrist. My finger inside of her swirled around and she grunted with satisfaction. "Want cock." She said. The pidgin fit perfectly. "Finger nice, cock better."

She tried to stand but her legs were not long enough to both reach the floor at once. She scooted off the end of my knees and turned around and unbuckled my belt. She unbuttoned my slacks and opened them, exposing the bow of my cock in my briefs. She pulled the briefs down, exposing my dick. It was below the table but not impossible for Mrs. Favors to see if she sat up straight. I looked up from Annie's fiddling to see where Lydia had her eyes fixed.

They were closed.

Annie fit a fist around my cock and lowered her head. She kissed the end loudly and then sucked the head into her mouth. She bobbed her head violently a couple times, then took a great breath and pushed her head completely down onto my cock, filling her mouth and throat with my cock. She held it for a moment and my eyes closed, or went dark. She came off of it with a gasp and looked up at me, stone serious. She gripped my cock firmly in one hand. She pulled herself to her feet. She turned around. She swung a leg over me and sat down on my thighs. Her grip on my cock was uncomfortable, reaching behind her like that. She realized she'd never be able to sit on it in that position. Her stiff skirt rustled as she moved.

Above us, we heard the regular thumping of rampant copulation on a mattress.

Lydia took another gulp of scotch. Her dreams of a relaxed evening were gone. Her eyes were still closed. Annie's spicy arousal fought with the smell of pepperoni and tomato sauce.

Annie bent forward on my knees, one foot firmly on the floor the other dangling over the other side of my chair, spread over my bare cock. She reached between her legs, found my cock and rocked forward, a forearm on the table steadying her.

I felt her probing her pussy with the end of my cock. When her pussy lips kissed it, she grunted and sat down. My cock slid up into her, maybe half a length.

Annie stood as best she could and tried to twist us so we were more squarely in front of the table. I helped. Once situated, she leaned on the table with both elbows and began to roll her hips over my cock, stirring her pleasure with it.

"Want a piece of pizza with your piece of Annie?" Lydia asked.

I opened my eyes, realizing they had been closed while I focused on the feeling of Annie's velvet interior.

Laura screamed, a full-voiced cry.

Lydia stared at us. She'd been trying to be funny but now seemed abashed when I did not bother to react. Annie's cock-riding intensity pretty much absorbed my capacity for independent thought.

Annie rolled her hips, fucking herself on my cock. Each motion entombed me deeper into her seething body. She was thoroughly aroused!

I lifted her a little and slumped in the chair. It shifted under us and the motion caused Annie to lose a little balance. Her weight shifted back and more of my cock pushed up into her. Her motion with her ass was gentle but insistent, grinding herself down on me, rooting me deeper and deeper into her pussy.

She finally got to me. "Oh god!" I grunted.

"Oh god, is right. Do you know how long it has been since I watched a woman fuck?" Lydia asked, pouring more scotch.

"No." I said through gritted teeth.

"Fifteen years."

"I'd make Sean about twenty, so, when he was still young?"

"I watched our baby sitter fucking her boyfriend." Lydia sipped, slowing her intake a little. She seemed to not merely have jumped the hurdle but she now dived into the deep end of my lurid pool. I hoped she liked the feel of it! "I, we had a fight and I came home early that, and there they were fucking on the kitchen table." She closed her eyes and then opened them again.

Annie continued to fuck me. I put my hands on her hips and began to help, using my ass muscles to rise up under her. That little bit of friction proved effective. Her ass moved faster and faster, rocking and cocking. She leaned forward, both forearms on the table, like she was about to make an important point to Mrs. Favors in a negotiation. All the negotiation was taking place between her legs. I could not see but I hoped her eyes were closed. She got one foot onto the floor and began to move faster, faster and faster. She stood on one leg, lifted her crotch up and then released, dropping down onto me, spearing herself on my cock. I helped with my hands on her hips, but the slick, stiff fabric made it difficult to hold onto her tight enough to be really forceful.

"Uh, uh, uh." Annie grunted.

Lydia watched her through lidded eyes. She had slumped but then sat up. She leered at me. She was watching us with real interest. I released my left hand and reached around Annie, pawing her chest. I touched the sparkling collar on her neck, fumbled below it and found the zipper on the front of Annie's blouse. I pulled it down slowly.

Annie dropped down and ground us together. Her ass rolled over me faster and faster. Lydia's hand suspended in midair, the tumbler halfway to her lips. She kept licking them and pursing them. Annie's ass bobbed on my cock, ramming it into her with regular intensity. I got my fingers on the zipper on her blouse. It zipper descended till Annie's breasts appeared to Lydia. I felt the bare skin as I unzipped the rigid blouse. When it reached Annie's stomach, I moved a hand to grasp her breast. Annie moaned and her hips rapped up and down on me. Her ass smacked on my skin, cracking like an open-handed slap.

Abruptly, Annie went still, tensing. She leaned harder on her elbows, bowing her head over the table. She ground her pussy down hard onto my cock. I lifted up between her legs. She opened them and lost her footing so her body balanced on the cock thrust up into her. I went an inch deeper into the woman spread on my lap. Annie groaned and bucked. Her body surged forward and then back and then she went still.