Death By Fucking Ch. 04

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Passion or Love?
11.6k words

Part 4 of the 22 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 08/08/2003
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Chapter 4: Andrew's Story

We had spent an evening of love and sex, Dee Dee and I. It was time for me to be off. We both have work in the morning. Oh, boy. Wonder what that's going to be like?

She was lying partially under the cover, one arm thrown carelessly above her head, her eyes closed and a sensual, lazy smile on her face. I could see her semi-nude form looking so warm and inviting and could feel myself stirring once again.

I finished dressing and walked over to her bed, kneeled at the bedside and put my arms around her. I took her in my arms and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Thank you, Dee Dee, for a wonderful evening. You know that if you ever need anything from me, all you have to do is ask."

She never opened her eyes. She seemed like a sleepy kitten. "Thank you Andrew. That was lovely!"

And just like that, she was asleep. I can take a hint. I kissed her cheek once more, and then made my way out and home.

I figured if this wouldn't change the dynamic in our relationship, nothing would. I was more than a little apprehensive that Thursday morning as I entered the conference room. I saw that I was the first to arrive. Well, there are only two of us, so I could only be first or last.

The previous three days of meetings with the lovely Ms. Martin had been tense, to use her word. Mostly I was in a constant state of arousal whenever she was near me. I split my time between worrying about a sexual harassment lawsuit and wondering about how I could get her to bed.

Well I don't have to worry or wonder anymore. But I know Deirdre well enough to know that she is going to be all business. She's probably already had second and third thoughts about last night. She's worried about the appearance of impropriety. She may be worried about my respect for her as a business associate after I fucked her senseless and had her begging for mercy.

Yes, this morning would be interesting.

She came breezing into the conference room looking business-casual stunning.

She said "Oh, hello Andrew. I'm glad you're here already. We have a lot of work to catch up on. Now that the tension is, ahem… broken, if you know what I mean." And then she laughed.

I had to laugh myself. The woman is funny in a cute, up-front sort of way. She doesn't avoid problems. She confronts them. But she confronts them with her little throw-away jokes that seem to defuse the problem as she confronts it.

Actually this joke didn't exactly defuse my problem. Yes, I was glad to see Deirdre's reaction to our night before. But I thought she would be cool about it. She's always cool.

But if I thought that a little tension relieving would alleviate my natural physical reaction to her presence, I was sadly (or happily as the case may be) mistaken. There was an stirring at my midsection and suddenly my pants were again pointing towards Deirdre.

If she noticed, she only showed it by allowing her smile to broaden a bit. Her whole being seemed to emanate contentedness, kind of like a warm, well-fed kitten.

Deirdre could have acted a number of ways when she came to work. She could have been nervous and self-conscious; acting like the whole thing had been a terrible mistake. She could have acted like a love sick teenager, allowing our mutual attraction to interfere with the jobs we both had to do. Instead she was all business with just this veneer of relaxed, happy sexuality. She was for all the world like a competent businesswoman, but one who had been thoroughly and pleasantly fucked and was basking luxuriously in the afterglow.

This beautiful girl seemed incapable of being anything but desirable. Every aspect of her personality as it was revealed showed her to be sexy, warm, and fully comfortable with herself.

Deirdre and I spent the morning actually working and making great progress. I don't know if I mentioned it, but Deirdre is a brain. If she has an idea that I disagree with, with just a little explanation on her part I can be brought around to her point of view. I'm a logical kind of guy, and I succumb to impeccable logic.

Yeah, right. I'll admit that it's difficult to be objective while staring into Deirdre's eyes. Generally speaking, if she wants something, I'll agree to it.

Let me rephrase that. It's to the point that I'll do anything she wants. If she wants it, I'll do it. All she needs do is ask, and I'll give it to her. Anything; anything at all, I'll do.

This places me in a somewhat weakened negotiating position.

I'm into theories. I like to translate the happenings of the world and of my life into logical wholes to understand the meaning behind the facts, the 'why' of the 'what'. I often have insights, flashes of inspiration that reveal the mysterious workings of the world. Well, most of the time I have such insights it's when I'm high. The next morning I can never remember what they were. But I'm pretty certain they were insightful.

Man thinks with his dick. Okay, you're saying that you may have heard this theory before and it's not exactly original, and by the way buddy, where's your proof? To the simple statement that 'man thinks with his dick' I add the codicil that 'dick-thinking' if you care to call it that, dovetails nicely with my theory of chemical attractors. As I work with this theory, I realize I am approaching a kind of 'unified theory', marrying the various theories into a single, workable whole.

My 'chemical attractors' theory has it that very occasionally two people's body chemistries are so compatible that the people become almost like a drug to each other. It's something to do with receptors within one person that perfectly fit the pheromones or chemical secretions or skin or something of the other person. Well I'll admit that this aspect of my theory needs a little work.

So we can use my 'chemical attractors' theory as the mechanism that drives my 'man thinks with his dick' theory. The likelihood of two people who are chemical attractors actually meeting each other is so small that it rarely ever happens.

But when it does, it answers another universal question. You can look back in history; you sometimes see it manifested by people in your own life, sometimes even people in your own family, sometimes even yourself. Someone does something just crazy. And you say to yourself, "What the fuck was he thinking?"

We have the answer. He was thinking with his dick; the fatal result of his being intellectually in thrall to his chemical attractor.

This is a good theory! I'm not expecting the Nobel Prize or anything, but maybe the Pulitzer would be in order.

This is all in explanation of the fact that I will do whatever Deirdre wants me to do, and gladly. I'm living proof of the 'man thinks with his dick' theory.

We had been at it for about an hour. I was sitting to Deirdre's left at the conference table since we were both looking at numbers being displayed on her laptop. Suddenly out of the blue I felt a hand on my dick. It went from three-quarters hard to full extension so fast I thought it was going to tear a whole in my pants. I must have jumped two feet in the air.

I said, "Deirdre! What are you doing?"

She removed her hand, smiled and said, "Just checking", and returned to the work as if nothing had happened. That kind of thing can make you crazy.

An hour later she did it again. All of a sudden her hand was on my dick, just kind of patting it like a favored dog. She shook her head with a mock-sad look on her face and said, "You poor thing. It must be awful to feel that way."

I said, "It's way better than the alternative."

She looked puzzled. "What's the alternative?"

"Not feeling that way."

She said "Oh" and then returned to the work with no further comment. She just kept to the job, but her demeanor all morning was so alluring that I was practically panting by lunch time.

She glanced at her watch at about 12:15 and said, "Are you ready for lunch?"

Food was the furthest thing from my mind, but I responded "I could eat."

She nodded her head and said, "So can I".

Deirdre stood and walked to the door of the conference room. I was expecting her to leave, perhaps go to the Ladies room to freshen up. Instead she locked the door and turned to me.

"We're on our break now. We're off the clock. Now I can do something I've wanted to do all day."

She walked over to me. I was still seated, but turned my chair away from the conference table so I was facing her. She stood between my legs, took my face in her hands and brought our lips together in a kiss of greeting and promise. I felt those wonderful lips working their magic. I was enthralled with her again.

She finally broke the kiss and said, "Thanks, I needed that."

I was shocked as she slowly dropped to her knees in front of me. Her hands went to my belt, then to my zipper. She grabbed the top of my pants with each hand and looked into my eyes expectantly. I got the picture. I lifted my hips. She dragged my pants and boxers down with one motion and my dick jumped up and hit her on the cheek.

She laughed and grabbed for it with that dainty hand. She held my dick in her hand, only inches from her face. Her lovely eyes looked up at mine and she smiled.

"I've never done this before. I've never even thought about it before. Andrew, I've been thinking about virtually nothing else since Monday morning. And, you poor dear: you need to work off some of the tension that's developed this morning. I think I can help you with that."

She brought my dick up and planted a gentle kiss on the head. It lurched up so fast I thought it was going to put her eye out. She licked the underside.

"Oh, God!" I groaned. The woman made my head spin. She sucked the head of my dick into her mouth and I felt her tongue licking the head, swirling around the hole. Her hands cupped my balls, massaging them, gently squeezing them.

She took several inches down her throat. She was on her knees, her head at my lap, but her eyes never left mine. Let me tell you, this is the best way to get a blow job. That's a stupid statement. Any way you get a blow job is the best way to get a blow job. But eye to eye contact adds a thrill of intimacy to the act. It ceases being just a mechanical function.

She was pleasuring me and loving it. I don't know if she found the act itself exciting, but I could tell that my reaction to what she was doing directly fed her desire to do more.

If I didn't know better, I would swear she was acting like a person bestowing a special gift on the one she loves.

Her head was moving up and down, going deeper, and then pulling out. Her tongue was doing magical things. I was moaning. My hips took on a mind of their own, pushing into her mouth, timing the thrusts with the movement of her head. I'd been hard all day. I needed relief desperately. My eyes were half closed; I was losing my sense of reason. I was rotating my hips on her face. My breath was coming in short gasps.

Her eyes were still locked on mine. My balls tightened up. My dick started to swell. It was as if she sensed what was about to happen. Her eyes lit up! She turned on this switch and I was dazzled by the light in her eyes. It was all I could take. I began to cum. My hands were on the sides of her head, guiding her, holding her, as I shot my load down her throat. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head as she milked every drop of juice from my cock. I collapsed into the chair as Deirdre continued to gently lick my softening dick.

I should note that we didn't have a discussion about me cumming in her mouth as it were. Perhaps I should have asked. Perhaps a true gentleman would have pulled out. But I'm not only a gentleman, I'm a systems analyst. I realized that had I pulled out of her mouth, I could have sprayed semen all over the place, even on that gorgeous business-casual outfit of Deirdre's. So it was in the best interests of all involved that I cum in her mouth. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Deirdre's mouth was still on my now-soft dick when I finally recovered enough to open my eyes and look at her. She was still looking directly in my eyes. She slowly, almost reluctantly, backed her mouth away from my dick. When she was sure that I was watching she opened her mouth and I could see it was filled to the brim with my cum. Then she closed her mouth and swallowed.

Christ! It was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen in my life. I pulled her from her knees into my arms and kissed her. It was a passionate kiss of almost animal lust and I tasted myself in her mouth.

She pulled away from the kiss and said "I know you're not going to believe this, but I'm still hungry. How about lunch?"

What do you say to something like that? We kissed one last lingering time and then popped off to the corner deli for sandwiches.

The afternoon went much as the morning. We were putting together our part of the project in a really timely fashion. Too damn timely as far as I was concerned. We had been allocated three weeks to get this done, but I could see now that it wouldn't take nearly that long. My time was running out.

Several times in the afternoon, Deirdre suddenly touched my erection through my pants. It sounds erotic, but let me tell you, it scares the hell out of you to have someone grab your dick when you aren't expecting it.

Finally I couldn't take it any more. She grabbed me and squeezed. Then started rubbing my length with her palm. It was exasperating.

I wasn't exactly angry. How can you be angry at a girl who likes to feel your dick? But it was making me crazy. I said "Deirdre, stop that!"

She looked repentant. "I'm sorry, Andrew. I just need to know that it still wants me."

I lowered my voice. I was afraid I might yell so loud that they could hear me in Cincinnati.

"Dee Dee! At 5:00 this afternoon we are leaving this office. We are going straight back to your hotel room. And I am going to fuck you senseless. Don't argue with me. Don't tell me you're hungry. Don't tell me you're not in the mood. We'll take care of any needs you have afterwards. But first I've got to fuck the living shit out of you. Do you understand?"

She nodded her head solemnly. "Yes, Andrew."

"Good. Let's get back to work then."

But the closer we got to 5:00, the more pressure built in me. It felt almost like anger but it wasn't. Maybe it was powerful anticipation, how do I know what the hell it was? I was ready to explode. My only desire in the world was to get my dick into Deirdre. I was fucking obsessed.

Finally it was 5:00! I hurried Deirdre along, but she got the picture. She knew what I was going through and realized she better put out and fast, if only for the state of my mental health.

She walked to the door of the conference room and turned back to me.

"Andrew honey, wait here ten minutes before you follow me to my hotel, okay?"

I was like a petulant child. "Ten minutes?" I asked. It sounded like ten hours to me. I was horny!

"Yes, Andrew, ten minutes. I have to pee. You will give the condemned prisoner a chance to pee before the execution, won't you?"

"All right! All right! Go! You're cutting in to my ten minute allotment here." She kissed my cheek, then opened the conference room door and was gone.

Ten minutes takes a long time when you are counting backwards from six hundred. I felt like I was a kid again when my dad wouldn't let us go downstairs on Christmas until 7AM. Since we were always awake by 6, it made Christmas morning a living hell for us, watching that clock move slowly towards 7.

I was out the door on the count of 1 and went straight to the hotel. I was overflowing with need. I needed her and only her right now.

I knocked on her hotel room door. It opened. She was there, wearing only a silken robe. I quickly stepped in, closed the door behind me and took her in my arms.

We kissed. It was a kiss of passion, romance, and lust. My hands opened her robe. It dropped to the floor and suddenly she stood naked in my arms. I didn't have time for niceties. I scooped her up and carried her to the bed. I tore at my clothes, throwing them everywhere in my haste. I clamored onto the bed and suddenly I was home.

I was deep within her, driving into her, claiming her for my own. She was a full partner in her ravishment, her face a mask of lust. Her arms were around my back, her fingernails ineffectually clawing at me. Her legs were spread, her knees bent, her feet flat on the bed. I was roaring my passion, she was screaming hers. We were lust-crazed, primal animals.

As I rode her she had several orgasms, but my dick was like steel. I couldn't even slow down, I couldn't give her a break. I needed to pour my seed into her. I needed to show her down in the most primitive parts of her organism that she belonged to only me. She had to know that. I couldn't share her with anyone. She was mine!

I was building to a massive release. Somehow I was driving into her even harder than before. I felt it coming, and then I was there! My prick exploded as her pussy was bathed in my seed. Her orgasm was triggered by the flow. She screamed her release, her head thrown back, body arched and frozen in its passion.

And then she collapsed. She lay there with her arms extended, her legs extended, like a rag doll. Her eyes were closed and she was muttering something so quietly that I couldn't make it out.

I lay by her side and took her into my arms once again. When her eyes opened I could see tears. I tried to comfort her. I stroked her face; I told her I loved her.

"Sweetheart, was I too rough for you? I'm so sorry." I just wanted her to be happy. I just wanted her to love me.

She put on a brave smile and shook her head. "No, Andrew. You could never be too rough for me when you are like that. I don't know how to thank you for these last two nights. They are just so special to me."

I kissed her and her soft passionate embrace was enough to stoke my fires yet again. I could never get enough of her. Never.

I worked my kisses down her body, spending time to worship and adore every spot along the way. My mouth came to her sex and I began to worship her in earnest. I worked her over slowly, bringing up her passion in a lazy curve, but always increasing. I so enjoy going down on Deirdre.

I inserted a finger into her and began a stroking motion as my mouth continued to make love to her pussy. She was starting to hump my face, her moans continuous as she was rocketing toward another mind-numbing orgasm.

But I had other ideas. I'm not a cruel person, you understand. But I needed to know something. I needed to know how she felt about me. She seemed reluctant to tell me how she felt. Perhaps with a little incentive I could get it out of her.

I could tell she was close to her orgasm, so I backed off a little, brought her down just enough to keep her near the edge but unable to go over the top. Several times she approached her climax, and each time she was denied. She was getting delirious.

I gave her pussy a passionate kiss, ran my tongue over her clitoris, and then raised my head. My finger continued to plunge in and out of her pussy.

"Dee Dee. Dee Dee, honey. I need to ask you something."

Her eyes shot open. She was confused. "What? What? What do you want?"

"Dee Dee, I need to know how you feel about me. I'm kind of lonely out here all by myself. Why don't you tell me how you feel?"

She shook her head. "No. Don't ask that, please. I'm sorry, but don't ask that."

I licked her clit a few times just to get her attention. I slid a second finger into her pussy. My other hand reached around and I gently rubbed her other hole with one finger.

"Come on, Dee Dee. All you have to do is tell me, and I'll finish you off."

"God, Andrew. How could you be so mean!? Oh, Oh God, OH GOD, Please. PLEASE! ANDREW! PLEASE!"