Dani Undressed


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Dani seemed to know that some part of me (other than the obvious one) had relented. She leaned back against the wall and spread her feet far apart to allow me access to that place that most brothers never visit. Dani wrapped her arms around my neck. I glanced down and practically came at the sight of my naked sister. Her tits were small and bouncy, her tummy flat and beckoning, her pussy bare and wet. Her naked legs seemed to stretch down forever, all the way to her dainty ankles and her high heels.

I bent my legs enough so that I could place the tip of my cock at Dani's smooth wet hole. I felt like I was three feet long. Every bit of me was on fire as I straightened my legs. I pushed my way into my little sister, her slick box gripping me tightly. Dani started panting, her breath coming in ragged gasps as her feet were lifted from the ground and she was impaled.

I cupped her little ass in my hands. God, it was so different from Joanne. I never felt like I could ever hold all of Joanne's ass - it was just too plump. But Dani's butt settled into my palms as if it was made to be there. My middle fingers touched at her asshole, which was slick from Dani's cum. I lifted up and took her weight into my hands.

I slid my shaft out of her slowly, almost all of the way. Then I pushed myself back into her welcoming hole. Dani moaned and picked her feet up, letting my hands, the brick wall, and my dick hold her off the ground. I took a deep breath, trying not to cum, and then I did it again. And again. With each thrust she drew her legs up a little higher, her heels dragging up the back of my legs. Faster and faster I went, and in a minute I was fucking my naked little sister outside of the Sakura Square restaurant just as hard as I could.

Dani curled into a little ball with me in the center and wrapped her long legs around me. I could feel her lock her heels behind my back as I bounced her against the wall. She began to cum, and she bit down hard on my shoulder to muffle the moan that escaped her lips.

Dani took me over the edge with her. My dick swelled even bigger, and then with a mind-blowing rush of ecstasy I started squirting hot sperm deep into my little sister. We froze together as I emptied myself, my hands cradling her wet ass and her teeth fastened securely to my shoulder. My dick had a mind of its own. It turned into a mindless pump, siphoning the sperm out of my balls in pulses that threatened to never end. I don't think that I've ever cum so much.

Finally my dick spurted its last, and I suddenly started gasping, trying to replenish the air that Dani had stolen from me. My sister trembled in my arms, trying to catch her own share of the oxygen that was mysteriously missing from the air around us.

Enough of my senses returned to me to make me realize how uncomfortable I was, trying to hold Dani's slippery ass on my dick out where anyone could see us. I bent my legs so that I could slide out of her.

I felt feel Dani start to lower her legs to the ground, and I reluctantly let go of her gorgeous little ass. I was dizzy and exhausted, and I placed my palms against the wall behind her. I felt like I had poured all of my energy into her along with my seed.

Dani's tiny tittys pressed into my chest. She looked up at me and gently gave me a long wet kiss. I returned it greedily, and an all-consuming dizziness washed over me. I would have fallen if I wasn't holding the wall. It was the first time that we'd ever kissed like that - exploring, teasing, tasting. After our lovemaking, that kiss melded us together forever. I'll never forget it.

I was still trying to catch my breath, to recoup enough energy to move. Dani apparently had no such problems, because she ducked out of my arms and bent over to pick up her dress and panties from the sidewalk. Even though I was so drained that it was impossible, some part of me wanted to start all over when I saw her little ass and skinny legs. If you'd asked me at that moment, I wouldn't have even known my own name. Dani stood back up with her hands inside the dress. She put her hands high up above her head and it slipped down easily over her skinny body, and in a few seconds she was transformed from naked-just-fucked slut to hot-girl-on-a-date. She smoothed the ruffled fabric over her hips.

Dani's red silk panties were in her hand. I watched amazed as she lifted her dress and used them to wipe between her legs, closing her eyes and savoring the feel of the wet silk on her bare pussy. Then she really surprised me. Sis picked up her purse and took out a plastic bag. She ceremoniously dropped the wet panties inside, zipped it shut and tucked it back into her purse.

"Let's go," she said brightly. She pretended to just notice that I was still hanging out, my dick shiny with her cum. "Come, on. Come on. Take care of that and let's go." Dani waved her hand in the direction of my crotch and stood there expectantly.

I couldn't even begin to speak. There were too many emotions trying to force their way to my attention. Guilt. Betrayal. Lust. How long had Dani wanted this? Why me? What was I going to do about Joanne? God, but that was the hottest fuck I'd ever had. What was the deal with the panties? Could I keep her a secret from my fiancée? Was this a one-time thing? My thoughts were practically incoherent, but I somehow managed to put my flaccid equipment away and make myself presentable. Dani reached out to me and took my hand. She led me out of the courtyard and back to our parking spot on the street.

We got back in the car without a word. I knew that it wouldn't do me any good to grill her about what we had just done. Dani would tell me in her own time or not at all. In my mind's eye I could see very clearly her sitting there with a secretive smile on her face refusing to answer all of the questions that I had. So I didn't even try.

I drove quietly, my mind endlessly replaying what we'd just done. Why did it have to be outside? Did anybody see us? How come I didn't know that my little sister was so damned sexy? I had a whole new appreciation for her skinny legs and I kept glancing at them. Dani seemed to enjoy the attention, because she hiked her skirt just a little and crossed her legs to give me a better view. She smiled at me, and she obviously enjoyed watching the confusion play over my face. Jesus. I always knew that Dani had thoughts that she wasn't sharing. But I never imagined she was harboring such dirty feelings for her big brother.

I glanced at her legs again. A stray rivulet of cum, missed when she had cleaned up with the panties, had trickled down the inside of her tanned thigh. Dani noticed me looking and followed my eyes down to it. Ceremoniously she wiped it up with her finger and popped it in her mouth. She giggled at the look on my face. I dragged my overloaded brain back to my driving.

There was also the whole matter of Joanne to consider. Ohmigod, if she ever found out she'd have my balls. I mean, it's not like we were married yet, but that didn't really matter, did it? I'd betrayed her. And with my sister no less. God, she'd never understand. Not in a million years. I resolved to never speak a word of this to anybody. Ever. And to find some way to exact a similar promise from Dani.

Sis interrupted my dizzying train of thought. "Stop here."

I was still driving on automatic pilot, so I obeyed her instructions and pulled up in front of a Kinko's print shop. Dani said, "I have to go use the computer for a few minutes. I'll be right back."

I spent the time while Dani was inside trying to come up with the right words to make her tell me out what the hell was going on in her pretty little head. I didn't really make much progress. True to her word, Dani was back in a few minutes and I pulled away and headed for home. I had pretty much decided to go for an all-purpose 'What the hell was that all about?' when she spoke up.

"It was an initiation."


"When you were going to Hamilton did you ever hear of the Panty Girls Club?"

I shook my head. I sure as hell would have remembered something about a Panty Girls Club. The fact was that I didn't know anybody who was in Dani's school, because there was enough difference in our ages that everybody I was in high school with had graduated the year before she started.

"Well it's a secret society. For girls." Dani giggled, and went on in a singsong voice. "And I just became a card-carrying member."

I couldn't believe it. "Let me get this straight. You just joined some secret club by fucking your brother?"

Dani laughed again. "No, that part was entirely my idea. I just had to go to a public place with a boy and bring back the panties with some sperm on them."

I couldn't believe it. My sister had fucked me just to get into a club, and my sperm was her proof? Ohmigod.

I suddenly remembered how she'd started this - with a video camera. The picture was becoming clearer. "And that's what the video was for? To prove that you'd done it?"

Dani giggled again. This was turning into a real chuckle-fest for her. "No, that was for something else. Do you know Jill Ashton? Well, she was there watching from the end of the building. She was my witness, so that I wouldn't cheat by getting some boy to jack off into my panties."

I was aghast. "Let me get this straight. You wanted to join some secret club, so you stripped outside and fucked your big brother in front of a witness?"

"Well, yeah. But she didn't know it was you. Remember how I kept my face on your shoulder? She couldn't see your face from where she was." I thought back, and she was right. The end of the block with the people going by had been off to my right, and with Dani's left cheek against the right side of my face no one watching from the open end of the courtyard could have seen that it was me.

"But if you had a witness, then what was the video camera for?"

Dani's voice was as calm as if we were discussing what Mom was making for dinner. "Do you remember when I took the camera from you and put it on the table? I left it running. It caught everything. I know because I just watched the video on a computer at Kinko's."

"But if you didn't need the video to join the club, then what was it for?"

Dani bit her lip and seemed to be gathering her courage before she could tell me. She turned to stare out her window as if contemplating the right words to use. She finally spoke with a feigned indifference in her voice. "Joanne. I emailed her a copy of the video. I sent you a copy too."

I don't know how I managed to keep the car from crashing. I know that there was the sound of squealing tires and several horns honked at me before I regained enough control to scream at her at the top of my lungs.

"You did what?"

Dani was all done talking to me. She just sat there looking out her window as if I wasn't even in the car with her. I screamed at her. I yelled. Now I knew why she had chosen me. This wasn't just about some secret club. This was about me. About screwing things up with my fiancée. I would have never thought that you could get so mad at a girl you'd just slept with. And I wouldn't have thought that my little sister could do something like this to me. But I was learning lots of new stuff that day.

Obviously Dani had sent it from the Kinko's. Jesus! I was the one who took her right to the store, and I was sitting in my car while she sent it! If I had known what she was doing I could have stopped her. But she waited until it was too late to tell me. God, she had planned this whole thing down to the last minute.

I was beyond furious. When we got home I dashed into the house and up to my computer. I guess I was hoping that Dani had been lying, and that she hadn't actually sent the video to Joanne. But I was disappointed. In my inbox was a copy of a message to Joanne. The subject line said, "He cheats."

My heart was somewhere in the region of my stomach as I clicked open the attachment. The video popped open, and of course Dani hadn't lied. It showed the two of us making love against the brick wall outside the Sakura Restaurant. Oh, she knew exactly what she had been doing.

The video started with the shot of my back as I walked into the frame. Dani had edited out the first part of the shot where she had undressed and gotten me so turned on. I watched in amazement as my sister stroked my cock through my pants. As she unzipped me. As she whispered in my ear and I pushed myself into her and fucked her against the wall of Sakura Square.

I could even see people walking by the open end of the courtyard. Most of them didn't look towards us at all. The ones that did look obviously didn't realize what they were seeing, because they just walked on by.

One young girl spotted us and did know what she was seeing. She tugged on her boyfriend's sleeve to get his attention. They both smiled as they walked by, watching Dani's bare legs wrapped around my butt as I fucked her against the wall. I had a feeling they were going to do some fucking of their own later on.

I was even able to spot the girl who must have been Dani's witness, Jill. She appeared in the background several times, walking by in one direction and then the other. Her eyes never left us each time she went by. When Dani and I finally got to it she stopped behind the corner of the building with just her face showing and watched while I filled Dani with sperm.

You could easily see that it was me in the video fucking a naked girl outside of the restaurant. Dani's bare legs were wrapped around my back as I plunged into her over and over. She had deliberately kept her face out of the frame by keeping it on the wrong side of my face, a move that also hid my face from Jill. Oh, Sis had thought this out pretty thoroughly.

I sank down into my seat. There was no doubt that when Joanne saw this that my engagement was over. I wasn't even going to call her to try to explain, because there was no way I could. Fucking outside a restaurant in broad daylight? I couldn't even kid myself that my fiancée would understand. Dani had cut Joanne from my life as easily as a hot knife through butter.

"Told you." I looked up to see Dani leaning in my doorway. I was too bummed at what she'd done to say anything. In one short hour Dani had joined some secret club, made a porn video worthy of Aurora Snow, permanently gotten rid of my fiancée and seduced her big brother. Amazing.

Dani walked over to my chair and stood in front of me. She ruffled my hair and said, "Don't be sad, Paul. You don't know it yet, but you don't love Joanne. Not really."

My sister casually hiked her dress up so that she could spread her legs and straddle me. I caught a glimpse of her bald tiny slit as she sat down, her skinny legs spread wide and her bare ass on my lap. She looked in my eyes for a moment and then leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss.

"It isn't all that bad, is it? You can do better than Joanne." I couldn't believe it. She sounded like she really cared after what she'd done to me. I couldn't even begin to answer her. But my dick apparently didn't have the remorse for my lost fiancée that I did. The temptation of my sister's velvet box only inches away was too much for it, and it started to grow.

I resigned myself to Dani's resolve and the end of Joanne. As angry as I was at her, I could feel my animosity towards my sister start to wane. She just did what she felt like she had to in order get rid of a girl that she thought wasn't right for me. It was kind of flattering that she went to such lengths just to keep me from marrying someone she thought was the wrong girl. Besides, maybe she was right. Maybe I could do better than Joanne. Hell, maybe I already had.

Dani pushed the slinky dress off her left shoulder, exposing her tiny white breast. Her nipple obviously hadn't gotten enough at our afternoon fuck, because it was still stiff and begging for more attention. Dani held her naked breast up for me and pulled my head towards her nipple. I didn't fight her one bit. I suddenly wanted that little nubbin between my lips more than anything.

"There you go, big brother."

Dani gasped as I slurped her love apple into my mouth. She held my head in her hands as I flicked my tongue over her erect nipple. I could feel little shivers course through her body as I suckled my little sister.

"Joanne's not the right girl for you," she said. "She never was."

And you know what? She was right. Joanne wasn't the right girl for me.

Thank you for reading - I hope you enjoyed it! For those of you who might not know, this is a sequel of sorts to another of my tales called The Panty Girls Society. There is also one with a similar theme called Video of the Week. Please do check out my other stories and let me know what you think about them also. Thanks for your comments.

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MoMiner64MeteMoMiner64Mete7 months ago

Preposterous at best. The author describes a brother who ps as stupid as that-box of rocks. He pught tp try writing stories that are somewhere in the realm of believability. MM

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

what an stupid whore und idiotic MC


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Excellent story with a very determined leading lady!

Would I be happy if this happened to me, or react exactly the same way? Probably not, but this story works as is, is hot, resolved, and yet points to an interesting future.

That future is seemingly complicated enough that more story would be good, but, you seem to have moved on from this site.

Good luck wherever....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I agree a 100% with Joshuad2477s

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

You should have kept it up... I mean your writing. :-)

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