Cupid's Kiss Ch. 09

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A fight between Psyche and Cybil.
1.7k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 09/20/2004
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Four pair of eyes trailed her down the stairs and made Psyche feel like a fly under a microscope. Cybil's worried looks and Harold's defensive posture over his plate made her want to run back to her room. Somehow life in the mental institution seemed easier to her.

It wasn't enough that she had Aphrodite to deal with but now she was in the middle of a family blow out.

She sat down at the end of the table and glared at her family and her psychiatrist.

"What?" she grouchily murmured and threw a lump of mashed potato on her plate.

"The serving spoon is rather hot so are the mashed potato. Cybil, pass me the chicken." She stared back at her family and at Melissa with a mulish pout. Their concern was pissing her off.

Cybil raised an eyebrow and asked "Lost your manners Psyche? No hugs or kisses for your sister?"

Psyche dropped her gaze and stared at the Chicken Platter. The food looked delicious but she had no appetite left.

She selected a thigh and dropped it on her plate. "There doesn't seem to be much love lost between us, Cybil. You didn't want to acknowledge a mentally deranged sister so why all the concern all of a sudden?"

"That's enough Psyche. It was too painful for your sister. She couldn't deal with the sight of you....." Harold's voice trailed off and he took a quick gulp of his wine.

Psyche let out a sardonic laugh and completed the sentence "Being in a strait jacket? The one time that I needed my family I was let down and now that I am up and about you guys want to throw me back in there. Am I such an inconvenience to have around?

"No one wants to send you back to the hospital." Kevin tried to reason with his irate sister-in law. 'She had seemed to be in a happy mood a while ago but now was acting like a sullen puss. What was going on?' Kevin wondered and then decided to stay out of the family argument.

Psyche glared at Kevin and responded sarcastically "Sure, Kevin, unfortunately for you we aren't the Brady Bunch. Making happy conversation is a rarity for this neurotic family"

The succulent juices flooded her taste buds. Her father had made her favorite dish -- roast chicken and mashed potatoes; Cybil and Kevin had flown half the continent out of concern. Her family was putting their best foot forward and she was being a bitch.

She sighed and said "Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...."

Cybil interrupted her "Act like a spoilt, self-pitying bitch? It's always about you. You have dad wrapped around your little pinky."

Psyche felt a rush anger flood rush through her veins, "I have dad wrapped around my fingers? You are the one who tried to climb into his...."

"Enough!" Harold's voice rang through the kitchen. "I won't have you two tear into each other like a couple of catty women. Both of you need to grow up. The past is in the past, Psyche, you should know better than to throw it at your sister's face."

Psyche opened her mouth to say something but the angry look that clouded her generally congenial father's face quelled the words.

"And, you, Cybil, shouldn't be so fixated on Psyche and me. You have Kevin now. Someday, hopefully, both of you will have your own family. We love you but its time you moved on and led your life in the present and not in the past."

Silence descended on the table; eyes remained on the food and the clatter of the cutlery was all that could be heard.

Psyche couldn't bring herself to eat. She found herself to be stretched thin and could snap at any moment. It was all too much for her to bear. She was in no mood to confront Cybil about her father nor did she want her sister to try and come between Aphrodite and her.

She bit her lip and pushed her food around. She didn't have the time to put up with Cybil's offended sensibilities as to why she had been kept in the dark for so long especially when their very lives could be in jeopardy.

Pushing her chair away, Psyche stood up and said in a strained voice "I'm sorry acting like a grouch but Cybil you should not have come here. There is only so much that I can deal with."

Picking up her plate, she moved towards the kitchen and heard Cybil mutter, "There we go again. Psyche having another one of her break downs."

Tears gathered around her eyes and threatened to spill. She had never felt so alone. Walking towards the kitchen with her unfinished plate Psyche tried to get a hold over her emotions. She could not afford to break down now. There was too much happening and all to fast.

She would have to find some way to try and keep her family from Aphrodite. She would not be able to live with herself if something happened to them.

Putting her hands against the kitchen sink she bent her head down and murmured to her self again and again, "What do I do? What do I do?

As tears began to flow down and she felt a pair of arms encircle her from the back and draw her in.

"Its going to be okay, you will see." Melissa's sympathetic voice broke the dam and Psyche turned around, put her head on her friend's shoulder and began to cry.

Melissa enveloped Psyche in a tight embrace and whispered urgently in her ear "You have to be strong Psyche. We have to keep Cybil and Kevin away from Aphrodite. There is no time to loose. You have to pull yourself together. Where is the fleece?"

Moving away from Melissa Psyche tried to compose herself "Its upstairs next to the mirror"

She blew into a kitchen towel and quietly said "I'm tired Meme. I don't think I can take this any more. Between my raging headache, Aphrodite and now with Cybil here, I feel as if I'm going to break into million little pieces."

Melissa leaned against the sink and quietly said, "Maybe you should tell her. Harold could fill in the details. She is on your side, you do know that right?"

Throwing the tissue in the dustbin Psyche muttered "You are probably right."

Straightening her shoulders she said "Let's go back in there and talk this through. What do you say?"

Melissa patted Psyche's back and nodded.

As they began to walk towards the dining room the stillness in the air made the hair on their nape prickle. Their mouths felt dry and hearts began to pound. Something wasn't right.

Psyche felt her palms get clammy. It couldn't be; Aphrodite couldn't be there with her family.

As she walked into the room with Melissa trailing behind her, she felt her heart sink. The luscious beauty was standing in the middle of the room and her sister was withering in pain.

The men in the room were gaping at Aphrodite with blank eyes. She held them enthralled but her eyes were on Cybil alone. Her pouting red lips were pulled back in a sneer and there was a glazed expression on her face.

Psyche felt her hackles rise, Aphrodite was reliving Cybil's darkest moments. She was intruding into memories that remained unspoken between her father and sister. Psyche gripped the back of chair and said in a strong voice, "Enough Aphrodite. I will not tolerate you treating my family this way. This is between you and me that was the deal."

She felt the adrenaline course through her veins and her breath become shallow as Aphrodite released her hold over Cybil and stared at Psyche with her magnificent eyes.

Nary a word the divine beauty spoke but merely stared at her prey and through the telling silence she broke down Psyche's confidence and pulled out her insecurities,like worms, naked and struggling to the surface.

She had got the fleece, she had managed to stand between the goddess of love and her family but could she trust this being to be true to her word. Would she let her meet Cupid if she managed to perform the deeds?

The food in her stomach seemed to roil up. She didn't want to throw up. God! She stood so close to meeting her maker and all she could think of was Cupid. The pain in her mind raced like a demon on speed and all lucid thoughts escaped her.

Clasping her head she screamed "Stop it. Stop the fucking pain. I have what you want, its up in my bedroom."

Aphrodite laughed, the men withered with pleasure and the women cringed "I have come for you Psyche. You've been cheating, haven't you? They have been helping you."

Her eyes swept the room, dismissed her swooning family members and stared at Psyche who was crying, unable to deal with the pain that threatened to explode her senses.

"You are nothing more than a comely bitch and its time you suffered for what you have done to my son."

She glided towards Psyche and grabbed her by the hair. Pain prickled through Psyche's body as she felt herself be yanked towards the stairs.

Her family stayed rooted in their places, silent, horrified and aroused. Melissa cried out "No, please don't hurt her. It isn't her fault."

Aphrodite merely glanced over her shoulder as she dragged Psyche up the stair into the room that held the mirror and said "If your mistress is unable to fulfill her last two deeds even Hades won't not want her soul once I am done with her."

Melissa tried to follow but her feet refused to move. She watched with horror as Psyche tried to scratch and push at Aphrodite who merely batted her resistance as if she was no more than a fly and pulled her into the bedroom and the door shut with a ringing finally sound.

She heard herself scream in horror and felt blinding terror grip her mind "No, please no....oh god! Someone help us. What are we to do?"

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