Camping With The Girls


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She stood up and used her hands to play with the ring. As I got closer I could see that it was a red jewel on a small hoop. As I looked at it she began to wave the muscles in her abdomen like a belly dancer and laughing.

“Just a ring,” she said. “But you ought to see what Sue has.”

I looked over at Sue just in time to see her throw a beer cap at Brenda. “Shut up, Brenda.”

“What’s Sue got?”

“Little Susie has a tattoo. She’s got a really fantastic little red rose tattoo.”

I looked over at Sue. “Let me see,” I said.

Sue just shook her head. She was definitely blushing again.

I’m not sure why, but for some reason I just had to see that tattoo. I looked at Brenda. “Where is it?”

She smiled. “Let’s just say it’s in the general area of a belly button ring. Just lower. About six inches lower. Show him, Sue. Let him see your rose.”

I couldn’t believe it as Sue stood up and unbuttoned her shorts. She lowered the zipper and pulled the sides away. From what I could see, she looked better in red panties than she did in purple. Or maybe the angle was just a little better. I guess it could have been the light from the fire. She took her hand and pulled the panties down about two inches. I leaned over and saw a small red rose. I also saw a few strands of black pubic hair. My little head started doing a lot of thinking right then. “That’s nice. I just wish the light was a little better so I could see it.” Suddenly the red panties started to rise again and I sighed with disappointment.

As she started to button the shorts back up a flashlight turned on and spotlighted her groin. “Come on,” Brenda said. “at least let him see it in the light.”

Sue sighed and unbuttoned again, pulling the panties back down. Brenda had moved over right beside me and had the flashlight only a few inches from the tattoo.

“You like it Bennie? Isn’t it lovely?” she asked. I didn’t have to look to know she had that wicked grin on her face again.

Sue had pulled the panties much lower this time.

Now I usually don’t appreciate a tattoo. I’m not into permanently marking a body with some kind of design. But I have to admit that Sue’s rose was the most beautiful piece of body art I had ever seen. Of course, the fact that she was flashing about half of her well-trimmed pubic hair at me didn’t hurt.

I was very proud of myself when I tore my eyes away and looked up at her face. “It’s beautiful, Sue. When did you get it?” I asked, trying to be cool and turning to walk back to my chair. I heard the zipper come back up and mentally cried a little.

“Freshman year. I was dating a guy who talked me into it. I didn’t really want it, but he wouldn’t give up. We both went into the studio to get tattoos. I got mine first and then he chickened out. He was going to get the same design in the same place, but the son-of-a-bitch chickened out. That’s okay. I dumped him two weeks later when I caught him with his hands down Valerie Martin’s jeans at a party.”

I said the only thing I could think of. “That sucks.”

“Not after that, it didn’t,” Sue replied with a giggle.

Brenda looked over at me again. “So what about you, Bennie? Got any tats or piercings you can show us?”

I just shook my head. “Nope. Still as unadorned as the day I was born.”

“What a pity,” Brenda said. “I was hoping for a show after all. You never did tell us if you were planning to sleep nude.”

Actually I was hoping they had forgotten about that. Oh well. I decided to call her bluff. “I will if you two will.”

“Wait a minute,” Sue started. “Since when did I get to be a part of this? I think I’ve flashed about all I’m going to tonight.”

“Then the deal’s off,” I said.

“But now just wait a minute, Ben,” Brenda said. “You haven’t proposed a fair deal here. Sue and I get to look at one man,” she said, holding her finger up for emphasis. I noticed that she was staggering just a bit. “Just one. Uno. You want two naked women? No way. You gotta offer something better than that.”

Suddenly the little head took over completely. “So what do you want?”

“You get naked right now. Spend the rest of the night naked. You can’t get dressed until you crawl out of the tent tomorrow morning. AFTER you crawl out of the tent, that is.”

My mouth dropped open. “No way.”

Sue looked at me and laughed. “That’s only fair. You get two naked women all night, so we deserve a naked man from now until tomorrow morning.”

“But we’ll be asleep for most of the night. My prime viewing time will be mostly while we are out cold.”

“So stay up all night and look.”

I grinned. “If you two are naked in a tent with me I will stay up all night. Even if I fall asleep.”

Brenda tipped her head and raised an eyebrow at me. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. If you want to see us, we get to see you first.”

I wondered how far I could press this. “Alright. Who’s got a watch on? What time is it?”

Brenda looked at her arm. “About nine o’clock.”

“Okay. I’ll take my clothes off now. But I get to take the clothes off of each of you before we go into the tent. And it’s going to be while the fire is still bright enough to see by.”


“Sue, you first at ten o’clock. Then Brenda at eleven. We’ll probably go to bed about midnight or so anyway.”

“Why me first? Why not Brenda? It’s her idea to get naked.”

I smiled at her. “Because I want to see that tattoo again. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Brenda looked over at Sue. “What do you think, Sue? He has to be naked all night.” Suddenly she looked over at me. “What about tomorrow night? Throw in tomorrow night.”

I thought for a minute. “How’s this? As soon as the sun sets tomorrow night I’ll take off all of my clothes. One of you has to do the same. But in return I get to take a nude picture of each of you at each of the arches we visit. I want something I can look at later.”

Brenda got that wicked smile again. “Don’t you mean something you can jack off to later?”

My mouth was suddenly too dry to speak. I nodded.

“What do you think, Sue?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure how I feel knowing he’s going to be jacking off to my picture.”

“I think its kind of wicked,” Brenda said. “Will you jack off for us? Tonight? Out here by the fire?”

“Will you two masturbate for me?”

Brenda’s eyes had glazed a little. She nodded her head slowly up and down. I looked over at Sue and she was just looking over at Brenda with a funny expression on her face. “Sue?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said in a very soft voice.

“One of you goes first. Then me, then the other one of you. Okay?”

Both women nodded. Brenda reached over and touched my arm. “But starting tomorrow everyone stays naked in the campsite for the whole time we’re here. Let’s do it right.”

I shook my head. “At night. People will probably be hiking Cliff Trail during the day. If they did they could see us, and if they report it to the rangers we’ll get kicked out.”

Sue broke her silence. “What about in the tent during the day?”

Brenda smiled again. “We’ll figure that out when we get there. Do we have a deal?”

We all looked at one another. Sue looked a little nervous but a little excited as well. Brenda just looked like she always did, ready to enjoy whatever came her way. I don’t know what I looked like, but I knew that I had the biggest hard-on I had ever had. We all nodded.

“Then get out of those clothes, Bennie boy. I want to see me a nekkid man.”

I don’t know if I had just lost my mind or if the beer had taken over. All I know is that a plan jumped from the little head and the big head shut down for the night.

I smiled at her and stood up. I reached down and grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, tossing it up onto the picnic table. I heard Sue gasp and looked over at her. She looked a little like a deer that got caught in the headlights of my truck when I was driving by Moonshiner’s Arch one night. I looked back at Brenda’s wicked smile as she licked her lips. I lifted my right foot and placed it on her knee. “Will you untie that for me?” I asked. She looked down and pulled the string, sliding my boot and my sock off of my foot. I hobbled over to Sue and put my other foot on her leg; she took the boot and sock off without even having to be asked. I put my foot down and unhooked my belt and then unbuttoned my pants. I pulled the zipper down very slowly, staring at Sue’s face the whole time. She kept looking from my eyes to my pants. My cock was pushing forward behind the thin fabric of my briefs. I started to slide my pants down and leaned forward as they went. As my face approached Sue’s I kissed her. I felt the softness of her lips against mine at the same time the pants passed my knees and fell to the ground. I briefly licked at her lips and felt her moan softly. I stood back upright, her face only a foot or so from my underwear. Then I stepped out of my pants and walked back over to Brenda.

She was smiling and slid forward to the front of her chair, spreading her legs wide. I slid between her legs and leaned down to kiss her. Now I had kissed Brenda a few times before, but they had always been family kind of kisses. This one was more than I had bargained for. I felt her lips open and her tongue passed into my mouth. She snaked her hands up on both sides of my head and twined her fingers into my hair. Two wet muscles began to wrestle and explore each other. When we broke the kiss I looked back over at Sue. She had one hand pressed between her legs and was staring with her mouth open. I felt Brenda’s hands caress my waist, and then she hooked her thumbs under the band of my briefs and slowly pulled them down. Her face was only an inch from my cock as it sprang free. As the briefs fell, Brenda leaned out and softly kissed the tip.

To this day I can’t believe that I didn’t come all over her face right then. Yes, there is a God and He protects little children and drunken fools like me.

“Wow. That was the best strip I’ve ever seen,” she said as she slid back into her chair. “And you didn’t even have any music playing.” She looked over at Sue as I stepped out of my underwear and started to walk around picking up my discarded clothing.

I’ve got to admit, it felt really weird picking up clothes with a complete hard-on while two beautiful and clothed women were staring at me.

“Good enough, Sue?” I asked.

I heard her mumbling something as I laid the clothes on the table and sat in my chair, my dick pointing straight at the stars above.

“So how long can you keep that thing hard?” Brenda asked.

“I’ve never really timed it before.”

“Think you can keep it hard all night?”

The little head was firmly in charge. “That depends on how much help the two of you give me. I need another beer. Anyone else want one?”

Brenda nodded but Sue just shook her head. I went over to the cooler and got two more. As I handed one to Brenda she reached out and squeezed my dick once very quickly then stroked the entire length twice and let go. I flopped in my chair and looked at the two of them. The silence was a little awkward, and I started to wonder if this was a good idea after all.

“So, tell me Ben, just how big is it?” Brenda asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve never really had a reason to measure it before. Probably about seven and a half inches or so. Of course, it’s a little bigger right now than it normally is.” I took another drink to hide my nervousness.

Sue cleared her throat and both Brenda and I looked over at her. “Can I ask you a question, Ben?”

I nodded and took another sip of my beer.

“What’s better, a blowjob or sex? Which one feels better? I mean, I’ve heard guys say that a blowjob was better than sex, but that’s hard to believe.”

I shot beer out of my nose. I didn’t plan on it, it just kind of happened that way. “Where the hell did that come from?” I asked her.

“I heard that in high school and it’s always been in the back on my mind while I was with a guy. I just never asked about it before.”

I took a swallow of my beer and tried to decide if she was asking a serious question or just teasing me. If Brenda had asked I would have known it was a tease. I decided to give Sue the benefit of the doubt and tell her the truth. At least the truth as I saw it.

“I can’t speak for other guys, but oral sex does feel better to me. The women I’ve been with can control the muscles in their tongues and mouths more than the ones between their legs. More control means more stimulation. And she can use her hands on your balls. She can’t do that when you’re inside her. So yes, a blowjob is usually a little better than straight sex. But you can’t kiss a woman and look into her eyes when she has your dick in her mouth. When I’m inside her I want to look in her eyes and see her soul. And since most girls don’t want a guy to come in their mouth sex is ultimately more fulfilling.”

“You like to look into her eyes?” Brenda asked.

I looked over at her and nodded. “Casual sex is fine and I don’t have any problems with it. But if you want to make love instead of having sex there needs to be more. Making love means that sex should be very special between people who care about each other. You should learn a little about a woman when you make love to her, especially the first time. There is a big difference between making love and just fucking.”

“I’ve never heard a guy say that before,” Brenda said.

I just shrugged my shoulders. The air seemed to be getting a little thick and tense. Sue chuckled. “The last guy I was with, Rob. . . .you remember him don’t you, Bren? Well Rob just wanted to do it doggie style. The first time we did it he just shoved it in me a few times and came. If he hadn’t gotten me off with his mouth before that it would have been a complete waste of my time. It was the third or fourth time we did it before we did it face-to-face. And even then he kept his eyes closed the whole time.”

“Then he wasted his opportunities,” I said. “Okay, I’ve got a question for you two. What does it feel like when a man comes inside you?”

Brenda giggled. “Like you just wet the pants you’re not wearing.”

Sue laughed and nodded. “That’s right. All warm and running down your legs.”

“Did you ever fake an orgasm?”

“That’s two questions,” Brenda said.

“One for each of you. Now answer the question.”

Sue shook her head. “I always figured that if he couldn’t get me off he needed to know it so he could get better for the next girl.” She laughed. “And it was definitely for the next girl because if he couldn’t get me off there was no second chance for him. No sir. Definitely not.”

“Brenda?” I asked. “What about you?”

“Once. I was in high school. His name was Billy Thornton. He was a bit of a geek who was the equipment manager for the basketball team. I guess that way he could hang out with the jocks and pretend to be cool. He was my lab partner in science class and I found out he knew a lot about astronomy. I thought that was kind of interesting so I hung out with him a bit. He thought that meant I liked him. Well, Billy had been trying all year to get in my pants, and well, one night I just decided to let him in.” She giggled. “I went up to him one day after last period and told him to come to the bathroom with me. He took about three minutes all together to feel me up, get my panties off, put on the rubber I had to provide and fuck me. He came so quick I barely knew he was in me. Talk about your ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’. When I felt him come I just shook and moaned. I kissed him once and told him he’d better leave before one of the teachers caught him in the girl’s bathroom. He pulled his pants up and left.”

“A true mercy fuck,” Sue said.

“Exactly,” Brenda replied.

“So what did you do then?” I asked.

“Exactly what any other girl would have done. I shoved my fingers in my pussy and got myself off.” She looked at her watch. “By the way, Ben. It’s three after ten. Time to get Susie naked.”

Now I had been thinking about how to do this in the back of my mind all through the conversation. I smiled at Sue and stood up. My cock had sunk to half-mast while we were talking but now it sprang back to full attention. I walked over to her and lowered myself to my knees in front of her. I could hear her breathing get faster. I placed my hands on the outside of her legs and slowly slid them down to her sneakers. I untied the laces and pulled the shoes off. She didn’t have any socks on. I leaned down and took her big toe and put it in my mouth, sucking on it softly and giving her a short foot rub at the same time. Then I did the same for the other foot. After that I moved my head slowly up along the inside of her thighs. I could feel her skin warm from my breath and see the goose bumps pop up as I passed. I stood up, lifting her hand with mine and pulling her from the chair. I pulled her close and kissed the side of her neck. Since both girls already knew I was hard I pressed my hips into hers firmly. As I continued to kiss her neck, I moved around so that I was standing behind her with my hands on each side of her waist. While this was indeed a very convenient position to keep removing her clothes, the truth was that I wanted to see Brenda’s reaction as much as I wanted to get Sue’s clothes off. From there I could see her.

Brenda was sitting forward in her chair, leaning over toward us and looking very happy. She licked her lips.

Turning my attention back to Sue I slowly raised my hands, lifting her t-shirt. I ran my hands across her stomach and up to her breasts, lifting her shirt as I went. She raised her hands and I lifted the shirt over her head. I looked down and noticed that her bra matched the red panties I had seen earlier. I slid one strap off her shoulder and kissed the little ridge it had left in her skin, then did the same for the other side. I felt her tremble and she leaned back against me. I stroked her breasts and felt the nipples harden. Pushing her away from me slightly I moved my hands to her back and undid the clasp, sliding my hands back to cup her as the bra fell to the ground. I licked her softly where her neck and shoulder met, then slid my right hand down until it was between her legs. She was breathing very heavily as she shifted her legs a little farther apart. I could smell her excitement and my left hand could feel the beat of her heart. I let my hand fall south, caressing her skin softly, until both hands could work together to get the shorts unbuttoned and pushed down. I felt them fall.

I looked over at Brenda. She was leaning back in her chair and had one hand on her right breast and the other had lifted her skirt and disappeared between her legs. She was staring at us.

I could feel my erection snuggling against Sue’s backside. It felt good, like it belonged there. I looked down and could see the top of her rose emerging from her panties. I ran my hands up the outside of her legs and then over to the front, sliding both underneath her panties. I could feel her heat and moisture on my fingers as I slid a finger into her. She moaned and let her head fall back against my shoulder. She opened her legs slightly and I pushed her panties to the ground. She inhaled sharply as the air hit her, opening her legs even more. I slid my cock between them and moved slowly along her slit without entering her. She reached down and touched herself. I could feel her fingers on the end of my dick as I slid it between her legs.

Brenda was smiling.

I felt Sue shudder and I backed away from her. “So how was that?” I asked.

Sue’s voice had dropped about an octave. “Pretty good,” she said, clearing her throat. “But I think I need another beer after that.”

Brenda just smiled and put her hands back on the arms of the chair.

As I sat back in my chair Sue brought each of us a beer. My last one had disappeared somewhere. I know I didn’t drink it.