Bully Ch. 06


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'You shouldn't do that,' she said.

'This?' he said, with a finger stroking her clitoris.

'Yes! I mean, no! It's mine, and I don't want you to touch me down there. Oh!' she heavily sighed.

'Do you want me to lock it away again?' he asked, and pressed her button just the way she liked it.

'Oh! No! Not yet! Please!' she allowed.

A protest should have been made, not a weak, not yet. Her breathing was loud in her ears. Of course she was worked up. She was in bed with a stud, and he knew what he was doing to her. Much more of this and she would melt into a pathetic heap of sensitised flesh, groaning for more.

'Please, you mustn't,' she hissed.

'Shouldn't I do this?' he asked, while inserting a finger.

'No! Not that!' she said, playing up to his game.

'I guess not this either,' he stated, while rimming her ass with his other hand.

He was gripping her or holding her down. Both his hands were busy exciting her, and that served to hold her down, to trap her into stillness. She began to whimper. He knew her signs, and what to do next.

He separated her legs, and got comfortable between them. His lips kissed hers. He sucked her bits into his mouth and nibbled on them. She let out a wandering whine of pain which wasn't pain at all. He licked, sucked, and pinched, her thighs and everything between.

An orgasm raced upon her from deep in her belly, up through fiery nerves, out to her fingers, toes, and brain. Her body shivered for a moment or two, then collapsed into the bed covers. They were laying on top, completely naked.

Alicia's breathing slowly came down for a pant, to heavy breathing. Her heart was still thumping.

'No! Please, no!' she shrieked.

Knowing what he was going to do, she had to stop him. Not this, not now. She would have to return home this evening, and it would be so difficult if he continued with his devious plan. He'd done this once before, when she was ignorant of his sexual skills. If they had time it might be nice, but not now!

'Please, James, don't do it to me!' she begged. 'Have mercy, please!'

How did he take her by surprise so often? he had her begging for mercy, and promising to obey him so often, it felt as though she were beholden to him for the rest of her life.

An orgasm shuffled through her body. A ragged underdone orgasm this time. Nothing special, except it was the fourth of many to be wrung out of her poor body.

'Please, James, please, no more, please,' she tried yet again.

'I'll show you mercy if you promise me something,' he said.

'Anything, James, anything you want, I'll do it,' she humbly whispered.

'When I next call you, you come running. Don't dawdle, and come wearing something I like you dressed in. Something slutty, got it,' he demanded.

Without thought she quickly replied, 'Yes, I will, I will, something slutty,' she eagerly promised.

Being let off easy, it was best to agree and think about any possible drawbacks later. A hesitation could earn a slap. If she kept him waiting he would become harsher still.

'Good. I've something for you,' he calmly spoke. 'Here, try this on.'

Alicia held it up to her naked body before a mirror. It was an elegant little black dress. The label said Dior, and the feel of the material confirmed it.

'It's lovely! Thank you James, it's really lovely,' she lamely said.

Since the first time meeting him, she gave him a genuine kiss, on the cheek. He looked embarrassed.

'No! Don't put it on here. Look, you might not want it. I don't mind if you don't, I'll understand. It belonged to my mother. She never wore it. I'd like you to have it,' he gently smiled.

'Oh! I don't know what to say. It's a wonderful dress. I'll wear it you let me, it's too good not be worn,' she carefully said.

He smiled, a pleasant smile, not a devious one from getting his own way.


A couple of days went by without anything happening. It gave her time to get the house into tip-top condition. Harold was pleased with her, thinking she had capitulated to his nagging, and was again subservient to his wishes.

Alicia began to wonder where she was less free, at home, or with James. Even her son was beginning to be demanding of her time, and efforts.

'I'm going on an introductory course. It will be for only one week, so you can survive that long without me,' she declared.

Both of them joined in complaining about needing washing, ironing, and food cooked. Telling them there were several sets of clothes all ready for them, all they had to do is look in the closet, and there was a week's worth of food in the fridge, still didn't keep them from complaining.

'I'm going anyway, whatever you say,' she crossly said, and left the house.

Where was she going? Losing contact with friends after a move, meant knowing no one in town. The coffee shop would be empty this time of day. What if he asked what organisation was doing the training?

'I'm sorry to bother you, James,' she started off saying.

'No problem, come in, can I help you with something,' he said. 'I've been thinking of you. Well, I do all the time, so that's no surprise,' he grinned.

Alicia was taken aback. He seemed so nice. Was this some kind of trick? Was he just buttering her up before slamming her with something awful?

'I need to look up some courses on the internet,' she said.

'Sure, no problem, do you need my help?' he pleasantly asked.

'If you like, thanks, James,' she smiled.

Taking a note of a believable course scheduled for next week, she sat back satisfied. A plausible excuse for her husband was found, for why she would be away next week.

'I need to look for a hotel in that area,' she said.

'So what are you up to?' he suspiciously asked.

'I need a rest from you and my family. They are getting me down. I feel more enslaved by them than with you,' she said, then nervously laughed.

'That's weird. Pretty bad really. What about my dad's cabin. It's nowhere near where that course is being held. It doesn't matter, who's going to check?' he suggested.

'Why are you being so nice, James?' she asked.

'I'm not. I want you with me for a whole week. Just the two of us, no one else,' he said, with a hand on his heart.

'I'm not sure I could stand a whole week of you,' she honestly said.

'You don't have a choice, Mrs Lucas,' he strongly said.

For some reason she felt more relaxed with this heavy attitude. It seemed more real than when he was being nice.


With a suitcase packed she set off. The family weren't even up yet. With her car safely in a long-stay parking lot, she slid into the passenger seat next to James. Of course she was afraid, but what option did she have. A whole week away from home was needed, but not this. How stupid was she to betray that secret to her bully?

He'd lulled her into a false sense of comfort with his kindness. He did that to her when she first visited him. It was one of his bullying tactics.

They pulled into a gas station, and he said, 'I'll fill up, while you change.'

Opening her mouth to object, she saw the determination on his face, and relented. He would just play the record, telling her why she had no choice. As though she needed reminding he was blackmailing her. If she didn't quickly change he was capable of ripping her clothes off, and driving the rest of the way with her naked. The light bag meant it contained very little clothing. As suspected he'd selected a skimpy outfit for her to wear. No wonder the bag was so light.

The skirt was nothing, and the top was a boob tube. No underwear was included, meaning she couldn't wear what she had on. The rules were clear by now. Stripping completely, she reluctantly pulled on the skirt and top. If she wasn't quick he would collect her, and march her back to his car, dressed or not. At least this was an out of the way place, where no one would recognise her.

The old guy in the store stared at her wiggling bottom, every step of the way back to the car.

On their way again, Alicia automatically kept pulling at the skirt. Eventually she got used to the idea of showing off her thighs. Not just most of them as usual, but everything. At a junction a truck pulled up beside them and the guy whistled at her. He was looking down at her pussy, but they were soon away before he could make a big scene.

'There's one rule while we are away,' he opened with a heavy statement.

'Yes, sure,' she said, knowing what was to come.

'You are to be obedient, and do whatever you are told,' he told her.

'You can get my cock out and suck,' he said. 'Don't let me cum, or I'll tan your ass.'

The boy was starting as he meant to go on. The week couldn't be all bad could it? Used to sucking him by now, she quickly got to it. There wasn't much room under the steering, but she managed, by sucking him all in. Her head banged against the wheel occasionally.

Practicing with a banana at home had been awkward. When discovered with a banana, she had explained it was a diet, to her husband, a later to her son. They didn't bother to ask anything about it, they just derided her for dieting.

Her breasts were on the large side, with a slim waist complimenting them. Nevertheless she did start a diet. At least she could deep throat now. Learning new skills had always been an ambition of hers. Though this, learned for an adolescent, had never been dreamed of. In a nightmare, maybe so.

Thirty miles were covered while sucking on his cock, and gripping its base tight. She knew how far it was because her eyes were close to the controls.

'Stop now,' he ordered.

They walked down a sidewalk, into a cafe. It wasn't far from the car, yet nevertheless, an intense walk. By habit she gripped his arm, clinging on for protection. Her bottom was swayed from side to side, throwing the little skirt up as she walked. Not walking like that would receive a punishment of some kind, so she had it down perfectly. Seductively swaying her hips had become a natural way of walking.

'You know how to talk in here. Remember what I taught you,' he smiled at her.

'I'll have a coffee and a ham sandwich on white,' he said.

'What about you missy,' the girl said.

Seeing how Alicia was dressed the girl gave her a scathing look, when neither of the customers were looking. The woman was a tramp. What he was doing with her, Elaine couldn't work out.

'Like, oh, coke, diet, yea? Like, mmm, have you got diet food?' Alicia asked, in a high pitched voice.

She wanted to cringe from sounding like dumb blond. The act was convincing but embarrassing. As instructed by James, she twiddled with her hair, wrapping it around a finger. Pushing a finger into her mouth, and frowning in concentration, added to the effect, James wanted. She stared vacantly at the menu, as though trying hard to understand it.

The girl's name tag said, Elaine. With her head to one side, improvising, Alicia smiled at Elaine, then winked and pouted her lips.

When Elaine poured her coffee, Alicia said, 'Like, your real cute, girl, I like you're hair.'

The dark haired girl actually smiled and touched her hair. When the girl left, they both grinned at each other. Alicia no longer found it embarrassing, it was just a bit of fun. Being blond, Alicia had avoided any resemblance to being dumb. The very idea was hated. Now she was giggling with James, like a naughty schoolgirl, or at least as much as a mature woman could be.

Finishing her salad, Alicia went to find the restroom. Only just remembering his orders, she put on the girly voice to ask the way.

'Here, I'll show you,' Elaine brightly said.

Not just showing the way, the girl walked in behind her.

'Oh! Err, like you want something, yea?' Alicia asked, putting on the dumb blond voice.

It was almost necessary now, to explain away how she was dressed, and not embarrass herself.

'I like blonds, and I like you,' Elaine said.

Alicia's eyes were wide in surprise. She stammered nonsense, trying to work out what to do. The girl wrapped both arms around her in a tight embrace, and kissed her. The full on tongue probing kiss was unexpected, and floored Alicia. She'd never been kissed by a girl before.

It wasn't unpleasant, but she didn't do that sort of thing. The girl put a hand up the skirt and gasped. Alicia did too, but she wasn't freed of the kissing. The fingers slid up her slit, and found her nub. It was hard as hell! Was she turned on by this girl taking advantage?

Her fingering was firm and knowledgeable. She knew her own kitty, and many others, so applied that knowledge to Alicia for predictable results. The dumb woman was breathing heavily and her clit was hard as a nail. Elaine and Marge had a competition, to see who could make the most women orgasm. She was winning and this one would let her draw ahead.

The woman squirted. There was a look of surprise on the woman's face, which made her look pathetic. It missed her uniform, so she didn't smack her face.

'Here. It's a tissue, wipe your cunt, stupid. When you're finished go back to your big lug. I won't tell him if you don't,' Elaine smirked.

The dumb ones never did. They were too shocked to say anything after being brought off so quickly, by a girl. Elaine had learned a lot while working with Marge. She'd spotted this one walking from the car. It was her turn so she bided her time, then unexpectedly pounced. The woman wasn't the boy's son, so she must be a stupid tramp, getting off with a big dumb footballer.

Marge went over to refill their coffee.

'Hi, did you have fun?' she asked, looking directly at Alicia.

Alicia looked down from embarrassment. She felt like a stupid idiot for letting that happen. It was all so quick and unexpected. She was letting a boy control her, and now a girl had taken advantage. What in hell was happening to her? Nothing happened for boring year after year, now she was being sexually abused by eighteen-year-olds.

Damn! She wasn't sure if she enjoyed it, or not. The boy's father said she did. How could she?

'Come on we're going,' he announced.

That meant she had to as he was in charge. Her life was his now. In his car she would have to change the rules. Assert herself. Before anything else happened. The girl must have sensed she was a pushover. Under the control of this boy, she was just that. She'd simply given in.

'James, we can't go on like this,' she firmly announced.

'No need, Mrs Lucas. We're here,' he said, and pulled up outside a log cabin.

'Inside you go, I'll get the luggage,' he told her.

Putting off her rebellion until they were safely inside, she explored the accommodation. Everything was there. It was a home away from home. A rugged man's home. He opened his case on the bed, and told her to put the things away. Either he had a fetish she hadn't known about, or these clothes were for her.

'Where's my case?' she asked.

'In the trunk. You won't need them, this is all you'll need this week,' he told her.

Hanging up a mini skirt, and a skimpy top, she could see what her week was going to be like.

'I need my case, there's no underwear here,' she said.

'Exactly. No need,' he told her.

Pulling a transparent baby-doll from the case, she couldn't find the bottom half. So no panties at all, not even little see-through ones. She looked at him and sighed. Oh! Hell! She'd wanted to get away from the confines of home, only to end up tightly bound by this boy.

He didn't have the moral sense of a man, learnt over years of marriage. He wanted sex and that was it. She was available as far as he was concerned, and she would have to do as she was told. She just hoped he didn't have any kinky ideas. He didn't need them to keep it up. He was very athletic, and knew how to pleasure a woman.

Was that why she was here? Because this boy had a big dick and knew what to do with it? How crude was that! Well, it just might be more honest than she had ever been in her whole life. Damn! She was so confused over what was happening, she'd lost all common sense. Something had to change or she might go mad.

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Sman4444Sman4444almost 2 years ago

Fun story and fun comments - so much control going on in both - seems both like controlling and being controlled. Like waves heading towards shore until they crash and then being drawn back into the ocean to be made ready to become the next crashing wave to hit the shore again.

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyabout 7 years ago

(Endlessly chuckling)....my my..does Romany Gypsy girl tire writer out?! ;))....to breathlessness?!;))

Comment two on your Wife Enslaved...the writer may check out after rejuve sweetest slumbers;))....at the end of Wife Enslaved Chapter 5 of yours!! :))


StoryTeller07StoryTeller07about 7 years agoAuthor

I am romantic, but reserve romance for the ones I care about. The characters in stories are used to illustrate appoint, or a someone's need (not mine). I enjoy the thought that someone is excited by my writing. How good and worthwhile is that?

Gypsy Girl is someone I care about, here in Litorotica world. Maybe I should trap her in a story, as suggested before. Making her react how I want her to, as one of my characters, submitting to my written whims. Difficult to do sometimes. As a character takes on its own personality, and it doesn't read right if out of character. So even a story character can't be forced into something, so how much more difficult a person is to influence. Hypnosis doesn't work. Intimidation only works if the person wants that. Maybe as an excuse to do what ever is demanded, or for a bit of drama in their boring lives.

Fill the sky with fantasies, and chase away the rain. Mighty Ra, give us light enough to write your praises, and fun times too.

Gypsy Girl wants more of me? More shots? Is that a euphemism for something? Can I cope with a demanding woman? I'll find a way, with romancing a Romany Gypsy Girl. I'd have to use my hands in a gentle loving way, as well as the obvious, or risk wearing it out. Don't want to shock the wonderful Gypsy Girl, by saying the wrong thing, or using the wrong words. A hand slipping with essential heady oils, smoothed all over her body, closer and closer to her most sensitive places. In the crease of her crotch, sensitizing he thighs, nearly touching where no man has boldly been before. The virgin remains edged, waiting, wanting more, poor thing, send her over the edge, into bliss, nirvana, where an afterglow shines.

more later, as your writer is tired. Been helping out recently, those in need. Now I need to rest. Will write more as soon as I can. Especially to my lovely Gypsy Girl, xxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Wonderful story

I am looking forward what will happen next

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyabout 7 years ago
@StoryTeller07, Sweet Sirik Music!! ;))

My coolest Writer!;)) does the master know...what the ever so soft jangling of his pretty gypsy girl sex slave's sirik says?!;))....while her so cute,erotic ace master is sending millions of sweet and sexy electric sensations through his new unwilling slave with each passionate kiss?! ;))once before when he blindfolded her and kissed on...she was awash in waves of pleasure!! ;))

oh!! if he sweared,cursed, threatened or whipped her she would have hate and fight left in her....but these kisses...are disarming!! ;)) she would be under his everlasting dominance this way!!...she is struggling to muffle and stifle many a moan of pleasure !!......this overwhelming passion?! her ruby lips are dying to feel him...tease him with ever so light brushings....to drown him in gentle and wild kisses....wishing that he held her close...and never let her go

.....but...suddenly,on impulse, she draws back from his kisses...jolting herself as backward from him as the sirik(in a restless jangle!!) would allow her!! her breathing still ragged from those kisses....she makes a supreme effort such that her doe eyes look at him filled with the glowing embers of defiance, mingling with a very soft feminine erotic protest,complaint and vulnerability...she asks.....not like a raving maniac..but in an erotically wounded soft voice....

" how long are you going to keep me captive and in this sirik?! what are you going to do to me?! you know i am a virgin...are you going to take the virginity very brutally?!please tell me...." her eyes look down...away from his gaze!!

she wonders ruefully...she could not stop herself from speaking when not spoken to....will master Gary answer her?! how will he punish her?! she is new in BDSM and has heard,the barbed bullwhip was the most severe!! is he going to whip her with that?!

she gracefully turns her flawless back to him,on the spot where she is still standing.....and ever so delicately removes her cascading hair exposing her bare back....each curve and bend ever so lovingly sculpted by nature!! ...she gazed to the side and said apologetically," for your whipping,master!! i broke your rules of speaking without permission!! and i am.....not sorry!!"(she gave a pathetic try to hide a naughty and mischievous chuckle!! but it didnt work,the most mischievous twinkle in her eyes,a lively jangle in the sirik....and she quickly closed her eyes tight and thought how much like a bitch would it hurt,for each of the barbed bullwhip strike on her back)...;));));));));));))

Pam or Lynn are called passion flower by you?!:))ok boss....name ommitted by me!! what do i do with my ladykiller,ladies man master?!;));)) does Pam or Lynn write like this...like a naughty tempest?!;));));))and you must know your girls' walk,talk,writing...everything!! ;))maintaining a slave and sub harem not easy!! ;))

for my erotic ace,Master Gary:))

gypsy girl!! :))

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