Big Girls Don't Cry Ch. 01


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To say I was dumbfounded would be to put it lightly; Lena? My kid sister? ("but she's not your kid sister, is she? She's something else, entirely, isn't she?" whispered a small voice inside me...)

I stroked her hair, conscious of the fact that my erection hadn't abated in the slightest.

"So what is it you want from me, sis?" I asked her.

Lena slid her hand down and wrapped it around my straining cock shaft.

"I want this, with you attached, of course, Darryl," she grinned, "I want to own you and be owned by you, I want you in the morning, at midday, and at dead of night, any way I can have you, and any way you want to have me. I've waited 20 years for you; you owe me for that, even if you were too dense to see the debt accumulating!"

I swallowed hard; it was hard to resist her when her hand was slowly sliding up and down my bone-hard cock; at the end of the day, she was a lovely girl, and I'd already thought it before; if she wasn't my sister, I'd have made a serious pass at her, so the thought, if not the intent, was already there.

"Lena, you're my sister..."

She brushed that away.

"That doesn't matter, Dar; what my parents said and did yesterday threw you out of their family like you were never part of them; as far as I'm concerned, that makes you all mine; besides, if they're to be believed, and I'm still having a debate about that, I'm not your sister, I'm your real mother's half sister, my damned mother isn't yours, my father isn't yours, so we only have a vague connection at best. That doesn't matter, though; I still want you, and I know you want me; this tells me so."

She gave my hard cock a squeeze, making me groan. I thought I'd better come clean (no pun intended) about earlier that morning.

"Umm, Lena, there's one other thing; this morning, when I came in with breakfast, I sort of saw you, you know, doing...I'm sorry, I heard you call my name..."

She giggled.

"Don't worry, Dar, I saw you, it didn't make any difference; matter of fact, it made it even better for me!"

I was stunned.

"You saw...?"

She grinned back.

"Of course I saw you; I was wanking, not comatose!"

I grinned, and she chose that moment to pull herself up to me and kiss me, a proper, full-contact, lips, tongue and serious-intent type of kiss, and it nearly blew my cork there and then; a light went on somewhere inside my head, and all I knew right then was that I wanted, no, I needed her to kiss me like that again, and again, and again.

She rolled me onto my back as she kissed me, her hair a sweet-smelling net over both our faces as my hands, released of all inhibition, slid down her back to hold and squeeze her lovely, firm, squeezable bum cheeks. I felt her grin against me as I gave in to her, finally letting go of all the past, and concentrated on groping and feeling-up the lovely girl I had here in bed with me.

Lena slid on top of me, her knees on either side of my torso as she straddled me. I continued holding her arse; it was so worth holding on to, believe me! My cock was lying along my stomach, and I could feel the tip just barely rubbing against her moist slit. Lena grinned at me and slid herself back slightly to allow me to just slip between her labia, then looked down at me.

"Go easy with me, Darryl, OK?" she asked as she slid further down me, and my eyes widened as I realised what she was saying.

"What, never, Lena, really?" I whispered, and she nodded.

"I only ever wanted this from you, and you were never there, and I wasn't going to do this with just anyone! Now just shut up and fuck me, Darryl!"

I grinned as I arched my back, Lena pushing herself even further back, and then I was sliding into her, her lips opening to accommodate me as I sank fully into her. Lena's eyes opened wide, her lips forming an 'O' as she felt the full 7 inches of my fat cock stretch her open, and she slumped down on me, gasping for breath.

"Wait Dar, please, let me get used to this. Slowly, please, slowly...ooohhh yes, like that Dar, yes, like that!" as I pumped slowly into her. She pushed herself upright, her hands flat on my chest as she slid herself up and down on me, feeling a cock inside her for the first time.

As I squeezed and kneaded her lovely bum, she leaned back and clutched her breasts, rubbing her nipples as she rolled her hips around me, her hips sliding back and forth like a champion bull-rider; she may have been doing this for the first time, but by God she was doing it right!

She began to speed up, her pussy squeezing and releasing me as she pumped and rolled on me, and her face flushed as she began to approach her climax. I pumped and thrust harder, making her breasts jiggle with every thrust, our combined motion finally pushing her over the edge.

Lena leaned back, a guttural moan escaping her as she climaxed, and she rested her hands on my thighs as her pussy clamped down tight on me, a gush of warmth flooding my cock and lower belly. She continued to spasm above me, her hands seeking out mine, and her fingers interlaced with mine as she spasmed again and again. She gasped out loud as each new wave of pleasure billowed through her, the spasms rippling in her pussy as it clenched and released me rhythmically. At last she slumped down onto me, her face and neck flushed, to lay her head against my chest.

"Wow, Dar, that was...incredible, thank you!" she grinned, her hands going around me to hold herself tight against me. "Did you...?"

I smiled down at her.

"No, I want to do this another way. Careful now!"

With that, I rolled over, taking her with me, to rear above her with my weight on my hands and knees. Lena smiled and spread her arms, relaxing her legs and arching her back, allowing me to slide my forearms under her and push her nipples up to where I could get to them with my lips. As I sucked and nibbled at the delectable pink little pillars, her pussy continued to gently squeeze and release me, and her sighs and moans became more pronounced. She began to move against me, gently raising her hips as I slowly slid in and out of her, both of us gradually speeding-up as our excitement mounted until I was pumping into her as fast and hard as I could. Her legs wrapped tight around me as she pushed herself against me, meeting me thrust for thrust as we pumped and humped against each other.

Lena suddenly pulled herself tight against me, her fingers digging painfully into my back and her teeth sinking in my shoulder almost hard enough to draw blood as she orgasmed, a whistling scream of release escaping from her, and this time the sensation of her pussy clamping tight around me was too much to bear.

I groaned out loud as I came in a spray of spunk, jet after jet of hot semen pumping into my sister/aunt, weeks of pent-up pressure hosing into her in long, endless, satisfying spurts; I can truthfully state I have never come so much in my entire life; it felt like I pumped a pint of sperm into her! The sensation was so overwhelming I continued to pump into her long after I had finished ejaculating, with my exertions finally leaving me drained and weak.

I rolled off before I collapsed on her, slumping down next to her as I tried to catch my breath. She rolled on her side to look at me sleepily, a big smile on her face.

"Is it always this good, Dar, or were you making a special effort?" she teased, and I turned to face her, letting her slide her arms around me as I held her to me.

"I'm always going to make a special effort for you, Lena. You said it earlier; all we have now is each other, we have to make it special for each other now."

Lena smiled, but there were tears trembling on her lashes.

"I've got you now, that was all I wanted, Daryl, and I've never been happier; I just never thought I'd have to lose my parents to get you!"

I pulled her tight against me.

"Lena, you don't have to lose them, you know; they'll always love you, and they never threw you out or anything like that; you'll always have a home to go back to."

She pulled away and looked up at me.

"And if I do that, I lose you! No Dar, if that's the price I'll have to pay, it's far too high, I won't do it. I want to be with them, of course I do, but I need to be with you; does that make sense? I love them, yes, but I'll never forgive them for lying to us all our lives, and for cutting you out of our family with a couple of sentences; that was just cruel, that whole, 'by the way, I'm not your father and she's not your mother, but we like to think of you as our son' fucking bullshit! That was unforgiveable!"

I grinned; Christ, she really was mad over the way things had turned out, but I was still sad that she'd had to give up her family for me; sad, and humbled at the same time; she really did love me so much she was prepared to give up her mum and dad for me! As I thought about them my eyes started to fill. I'd tried to avoid thinking about them, but now the facts were staring me in the face; they used to be my mum and dad, too, until they'd taken that away from me forever, and I missed them desperately.

But things had changed irrevocably, and I could never change them back; I could never again have someone I could call 'Dad', never again have a Mum to ring on Christmas Day, all that was gone because they'd lied to me. Humpty Dumpty had well and truly fallen off the wall, now his life was in a million pieces, and there was no possible way to put it back together. The tears spilled out then, and Lena sat up with an exclamation, pulling me close as I cried against her. She knew exactly why I was crying, and hugged me close as she stroked my hair, just like mum had done when I was small; but she wasn't my mum, was she...?

I just have been really tired and drained, because I woke up and bright, late morning sunshine was spilling into the room. Someone was spooned against me, and as I turned to see who it was, memory flooded back. Equal parts guilt, arousal, love and attraction chased through me as I remembered the sweaty interlude of the previous night with Lena, and the declaration she'd made to me. Sometime during my time asleep, the part of me deep down inside that made the real decisions had concluded that she was the one for me, our past relationship was just that, in the past, and now it was time to move forward. I loved her, and I wanted her, and I was going to keep her, no matter what; if she decided to leave me at some point, I would have to let her go, but I would fight to convince her to stay; everything worthwhile is worth fighting for.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled as she touched the tip of my nose with her forefinger.

"Good morning, sleepyhead, how's my favourite nephew?"

She laughed at my grimace of distaste at the expression, knowing full well I didn't want reminding of what our actual relationship was. I decided to pay her back in her own coin.

"I'm fine, Aunty! How's my favourite Maiden Aunt?" I grinned maliciously, watching her expression, especially the dangerous way her eyes narrowed.

"Maiden Aunt, eh? She gritted, her hand diving under the covers and gripping hold of my most precious possession.

"Come, on Smart-Boy, say that again and see what your 'Aunty' does to your favourite piece of hardware!"

I held up my hands in surrender, noting how, whether in peril or not, my cock decided to flex and start firming-up. As I started planning another frontal assault on her, a sudden thought stuck.

"Darling, do you have protection? We just went at it last night like a pair of crazed mink, and I never even thought to check. Should we be concerned?"

Lena looked unconcerned, although she did smile at the endearment, the first time I'd used one on her.

"You are so sweet! And no, actually, I don't, but it's my safe time, so..."

I climbed out of bed and went into my office, rummaging around inside the bureau until I found what I was looking for. Then I went to the fridge and got a bottle of mineral water, bringing both back to the bed and handing them to her.

Lena looked at the foil-wrapped tablet in her hand.

"Dar, what's this?"

"It's Levonorgestrel, sweetheart, it's a 'morning-after' pill, emergency hormonal contraception." I told her.

"Back in my single days, I had the occasional female med-student of questionable morals up here for a night of uninhibited point-and-shoot rumpy-pumpy; having these on hand meant we never had to pay for a night of thrills with a lifetime of bills!"

Lena laughed and swallowed the tablet with a gulp of water, re-capped the bottle and put it on the night-stand, and grinned widely at me.

"So, you had women up here, eh? In this bed? Eewww, remind me to have it boiled, and maybe you as well, I don't know where you've been!"

I slid back into bed with her, pulling her down to me to share a long, happy 'Good Morning' kiss. Lena happily cuddled up next to me, her hand snaking down to gently cup and squeeze my scrotum, grinning as my cock twitched and started to stiffen-up.

"So, Darryl what were you planning for this morning?" she grinned up at me, her eyes dancing as her hand worked my cock and balls, both of them responding to the stimulation. I pulled her closer, dipping my head down and drawing her nipple gently through my teeth, the sensation making her gasp sharply. I switched to the other nipple, just in the name of balance, you understand, and also to hear that sexy sharp intake of breath again.

I lifted back up and kissed her on her beautiful rosy lips, enjoying the feel, the warmth, the softness, and the joy of ownership; these were my lips now, for me alone, and I would never let anyone come between us now.

Lena seemed to be having the same thoughts, her hand coming away from me to cup the back of my head and draw me even closer as we kissed.

"I'll never let you go, Darryl, you're mine now!" she breathed as her lips searched and teased mine, both of us looking for new places we hadn't kissed yet.

Her hand had been doing a sterling job on my precious package, but that kiss did it all, and my cock stretched out painfully, straining out to her even harder and more erect than last night, it that was possible.

Lena felt the rigid bar of flesh pressing into her, and slid her hand down to pump me again, making me groan softly at the sensation. She smiled at me mischievously and slid down the bed to kiss my shaft lightly, making me twitch in anticipation. She giggled softly at that, and did it again, feeling the answering twitch again at the feel of her warm lips against me. She looked up at me, her eyes dancing, and slowly licked the entire length of my cock in one long, slow lick, making me shudder at the sensation. She did it again, teasing me, although it felt like she was torturing me. She did it again, her eyes narrowed as she watched me writhe in an agony of anticipation, and then she slowly, oh! So slowly! slid her lips over the engorged glans, enveloping me in wet warmth.

I watched in a haze of arousal, twitching as I fought to control my impulse to just ram myself into her mouth and fuck her face; I wouldn't do that; this was my sister!

Lena leaned-up over me, resting on her knees, her lovely heart-shaped bum in the air as her head bobbed slowly on me, her hot wet mouth engulfing my cock as she sucked me. As she sucked, she squeezed and pumped me, and the three things combined were working their magic; that tensing of the backs of my thighs and behind my scrotum told me I was getting close.

"Uh, Lena...!" I gasped, and she glanced at me, smiling around her mouthful of me, and sucked even harder, pushing me over the edge. As the head of my penis swelled, she sucked one last time, and that was it. I came in a rush of sperm, long spurts filling her mouth, and she gulped and swallowed each pulse of spunk as I ejaculated. My back arched and my stomach muscles tightened as I came, endlessly, it seemed, my eyes whiting-out with the intensity of my climax.

At last I stopped spurting, Lena licking and sucking the last remnants of sperm as it bubbled and oozed from my still-rigid cock, before swirling her tongue around the head, cleaning me off, and then sliding back up to hold me close.

"There, baby, a present all for you!" she grinned, and I had to smile back; I couldn't speak, my heart was trip-hammering and I was still trying to catch my breath! Eventually things calmed down and I was able to speak again.

"Wow, Lena, where the hell did you learn that?" I grinned, and she looked at me with hooded eyes, a small, secret smile on her lips.

"Sunday School...!" she replied, and knowing Lena as well as I did, that was all the answer I was ever going to get...

Something else had been buzzing in my head, and with that reminder of school it suddenly popped into focus.

"Lena, you said you were a virgin, but I remember, Jason Lawrence told all his friends that you and know...! I beat the ugly off him, then beat it back on again for telling that story around, but it wasn't true, was it?"

Lena smiled up at me, one eyebrow cocked.

"No, it wasn't true, you were my first, OK?"

I back-pedalled furiously.

"Look, sweetheart, I wasn't doubting you, and it makes no difference to me, I wasn't exactly pure as the driven snow myself, but I thought...and after just now, well, there's a little...experience there, yes?"

She smiled archly at me.

"Darryl Morgan, if you're asking about my sex-life before you, I was a true, blue, card-carrying virgin until you relieved me of that blessed state, but I wasn't locked in a chastity belt, and I certainly didn't spend my spare time playing scrabble and drinking cocoa with nuns! I've had a few...adventures, okay? I even met a few boys I thought could be the one, but none of them was convincing enough to turn me off you, so I never went all the way with any of them; I'd just about decided to take a crack at you this summer anyway."

"If you rejected me, or told me you didn't feel that way about me, well and good, I'd at least be able to move on and try and find someone I could have, who I'd want as much as I wanted you. Then all that stuff happened at home and I finally had you all to myself, for the first time ever. Think of the irony; it took my family throwing you away to let me finally catch you!"

I had to grin at that. Without conscious thought my hand slipped down her back to cup her wonderful behind, and I began to squeeze and massage a cheek as my hand caressed her satiny skin, enjoying the feel of her lovely, plush girl-flesh. My other hand slid lower, to slip between her legs and rub lightly between her lips, feeling the soft damp folds open under my fingers.

I slipped one finger inside her, making her gasp and grind against me, and we kissed as I continued to slip one finger in and out of her moist pussy, teasing her and making her gasp and wriggle against me. She began to push herself against my hand, sliding my finger deeper inside her with every thrust of her hips, and I obliged, rubbing her pussy faster and more firmly with my free hand.

As I rubbed and frigged her, I slid down the bed and between her parted legs, kissing slowly and softly up her inner thighs, and blowing gently on her puffy lips, making her writhe and hold my head still.

"Damn it, Darryl, don't torture me, just do it!" she gritted, and I grinned at the note of pleading in her voice. I kissed her vulva, dragging my tongue lightly over the crease between her lips, feeling them swell and open as I lingered there. A rich, sweet, musky, earthy scent was rising from her, the scent of her arousal, powerful and alluring, flicking switches up and down my limbic system, pulling me in as I lapped and gently sucked her. Lena responded by moaning and squirming against me, pushing her mound back into my mouth as I pressed forward.

I reached under her and took a double handful of her firm backside, and lifted her hips so I could attack her mons better with my tongue. Lena responded by gently thrusting against me as my tongue delved deeper and deeper into her, licking and sucking at her succulent, syrup-drenched flesh. When I sucked her clitoris, she gasped and stiffened, her breathing becoming faster and more ragged, and her movements against me became more pronounced, more rhythmic, building to her climax.