Beauty and the Geek Ch. 13


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"Sure." Brian said, squeezing her hand back. "And I won't go anywhere, whatever you decide. I'll be here to help you every step of the way."

Stacy smiled warmly and leaned her head to rest on Brian's shoulder. "That sounded much better than a proposal."

PART 2 - Discovered


Olivia White carried a laundry basket filled with her son's recently washed clothes into Charlie's bedroom, setting the basket on his bed. She looked around his messy room with a sigh, "Why are teenaged boys such slobs?" Glancing out the bedroom window she saw Charlie out back mowing the lawn and added, "At least he does his chores without complaint."

Shaking her head with a motherly smile, Olivia began picking up various discarded clothes strewn around the floor and put them in a hamper. She made his bed, stacked some comic books on a shelf, and gathered some dirty dishes that littered Charlie's desk. Glancing down, she spotted a receipt from a jewelry store and became curious as to what Charlie would buy; her son was never one to wear jewelry.

Olivia gasped when she picked up the receipt and saw that Charlie had paid just over two thousand dollars for a ring! Before that information even registered in her brain, Olivia heard the doorbell.

"Hi Mrs. White." Miley greeted with a smile when Olivia opened the door. She was clad in a pair of faded jean shorts and a skimpy tank top; perfect attire for Florida's summer humidity.

"Miley." Olivia greeted back, still in shock from the receipt she found.

"I heard the lawn mower out back; Charlie must be cutting the grass?"

"Yes," Olivia confirmed, "But come in dear, I'm sure he's almost done."

"It's so hot out today." Miley commented, stepping into the house. "He must be working up quite a sweat."

Olivia wasn't interested in talking about the weather, "Miley, do you know anything about Charlie spending two thousand dollars for a ring?"

Miley bit her lower lip, "Um..."

"I just found a receipt in his room as I was picking up." Olivia pressed, "Charlie doesn't wear rings, so I am guessing the item was meant for you?"

Miley winced sheepishly. She didn't want to lie to Olivia, and figured there wasn't much point to it since Olivia obviously knew something was going on, so she reached under the hem of her top and withdrew the end of a thin gold chain hanging about her neck. Hanging from the chain was her engagement ring, a gold band set with three small diamonds. Miley had been wearing it on the chain, rather than her finger, for the very reason that she and Charlie hadn't told anyone but Brian and Stacy about the engagement.

Olivia studied the ring, "Is that a...?"

Miley nodded meekly, "He proposed to me." then offered a small smile.

Lifting a hand to her temple, Olivia let out a heavy breath.

"We were going to tell you and Mr. White." Miley said gently, "We were waiting for a good time."

"I see." Olivia said.

Miley fidgeted.

"Do your parents know?" Olivia asked.

Miley shook her head. "Um, we were waiting for a good time to tell them too."

The door opened again as Charlie entered, finished with the lawn. He was wearing plain sweat shorts and a muscle shirt that displayed his slender arms and shoulders. "Hey Miley." he greeted with a bright smile, but then he saw the expression on his mother's face. "Um, what's up?"

"I just found a jeweler's receipt in your room as I was picking up." Olivia stated.

Charlie swallowed and looked to Miley, who was wearing an apologetic expression.

"When I asked Miley about it, she told me you've proposed to her."

"We were going to tell you..." Charlie started.

"Yes, I heard" Olivia said. "You were waiting for the 'right time'. Charlie, where did you get two thousand dollars?"

"It was leftover from my student loans." Charlie explained.

"I thought you were going to use that money to get a car?" Olivia asked.

"I was, but... well, I changed my mind."

Olivia sighed. "Charlie, Miley, you're too young to be thinking about marriage. Both of you are just getting started in life. And Charlie, you need to be more responsible with your money! You can't be spending..."

"I'll take it back." Miley suddenly interrupted.

"Miley, no!" Charlie started.

"Charlie, hush." Miley instructed.

Charlie paused and said no more, causing Olivia to smirk privately.

Miley continued, "Mrs. White, Olivia, I'll take the ring back. But it won't change the fact that Charlie and I are engaged."

Olivia's brows rose as she listened to Miley.

"I love your son." Miley said. "I love him with all my heart. Before I knew Charlie, I was just an immature high school girl. My only priorities were shopping and deciding what party to go to on Friday night. But Charlie changed all that. He has shown me things that are far more important in life. Like love, friendships, and what it means to care for someone besides myself. He's shown me how to sacrifice things for the sake of another, and how good that can make a person feel. He's taught me not to judge a book by its cover, and he's made me happier than I ever knew I could be."

Reaching her hand to Charlie's, Miley concluded by saying. "I love Charlie, and I want to spend every one of my remaining days knowing he is at my side. Maybe we're not ready to get married right now, and we did plan on waiting, but we're not too young to know that we love each other as much as a man and a woman possibly can."

Charlie was glad he shut his mouth and squeezed Miley's hand thankfully.

Olivia fought to hold back her tears, touched by Miley's words. She felt a swell of pride for her son, and knew suddenly that he had chosen well in Miley. "Maybe you should keep the ring." she decided.

"Really?" Charlie's expression brightened.

Olivia nodded, wiping a tear off her cheek. "I've been thinking about getting a new car, I suppose you can have my old one. As an engagement present." She stepped forward and spread her arms to hug Miley, "Welcome to the family sweetie, I always wanted a daughter."

Miley hugged right back, smiling brightly. "Really? Because I've always wanted a mom who wasn't a self-absorbed bitch."

Both women laughed at that, and Olivia moved to hug Charlie next. "Congratulations honey, I'm so happy for you. For both of you. I'm sorry I got upset, it was just a shock."

"Thanks mom." Charlie smiled, hugging his mother back.

"Now we just have to explain this to your father once he gets home from his fishing trip."


"That was awesome!" Charlie declared, once he and Miley were alone in his room.

Miley grinned proudly.

"How did you know what to say?" Charlie asked.

"I only said what was in my heart, Charlie. I knew that if I did that, your mom would see what we mean to each other."

Charlie wrapped his arms around Miley and hugged her close, "I love you so much."

"I love you too baby." Miley said, curling her arms around Charlie's neck.

The two held each other for several long moments before Charlie asked, "What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know." Miley replied. "It's Sunday, and your day off, so I want to do something fun."

"Well, after the speech my mom just gave me about being responsible with my money, whatever we do better be cheap."

"Don't worry about it, babe. I've got money." Miley said. "Well, I have daddy's money."

Charlie frowned, "I hate that you're always paying."

"Look at it this way." Miley said, "I'm supporting you now, then after you become a rich and famous comic book writer you'll be supporting me."

"You really think I'll be a comic book writer someday?" Charlie grinned.

Miley put her hands to Charlie's cheeks and kissed him. "Of course you will. You can do anything you want to do. You got me after all!"

Charlie laughed, "Uh, I'm pretty sure I was snared in your net."

"True." Miley winked. "How about we go to the arcade? You can win me lots of prizes, like a BIG stuffed animal."

"Yeah, okay." Charlie agreed. "That sounds like fun."

"Then go shower that hot, sweaty bod of yours and change." Miley ordered. "I'll wait downstairs."

Charlie grinned, kissed Miley's cheek, and moved to the bathroom.

As Miley left Charlie's room and walked down the hallway, she found Olivia by the door.

"Where's Charlie?" Olivia asked.

"He's taking a shower, and then we're going to the arcade." Miley answered.

"Oh, okay." Olivia dug the car keys from her purse. "Will you tell him I'm going to the mall for a few things, then grocery shopping? I'll be home later this afternoon if you two want me to make you dinner."

"Sure." Miley replied. "That would be great."

Olivia leaned and kissed Miley's cheek, "I'm so happy Charlie found you, Miley. I want you to know that."

Miley beamed, "Thanks Olivia. Me too. Have fun shopping!"

"Bye!" Olivia called as she headed out the door.


Charlie was busy rubbing soap under his armpits and letting the shower water spray against his chest, so he didn't hear the bathroom door open. The stall was foggy from the steam, so he didn't see a figure approach and reach for the door.

"Miley!" Charlie was surprised when the shower door opened.

"Hey big guy." Miley grinned. She stepped into the stall, naked as the day she was born. "Are you all clean yet?"

"What are you doing?" Charlie sounded worried. "My mom..."

"Just left." Miley interrupted, pulling the shower door closed behind her. "She wanted me to tell you she was going shopping and would be gone for a few hours, but that she would make dinner later. I rushed back to tell you, but I didn't want to get my clothes all wet."

Charlie laughed, "You couldn't wait until after I got out?"

Miley stretched out her body against Charlie's, pressing her naked form against his, and curled her wrists about his neck. "I suppose I could have. Do you want me to leave?"

The bar of soap slipped from Charlie's hand to clatter on the shower floor, "No, no, definitely not."

Miley smiled languidly and kissed Charlie on his jaw line. She felt something poke at her hip as Charlie's penis began to grow erect. "Mmm, someone else wants me to stay too, I see."

"Yeah, well, he's got a one-track mind." Charlie joked.

"Him and me both." Miley commented as she bent at the knees and lowered herself. The shower water sprayed over Miley's head, soaking her dark curly tendrils as she grabbed a firm hold of Charlie's cock and slipped the head of it between her lips.

"Oh god." Charlie breathed, leaning against the back of the shower stall.

Miley gripped the base of Charlie's shaft and nibbled on the head, until his cock was fully erect and pulsing in her hand. She swathed her tongue along his soft underside several times before taking hold of Charlie's balls. Squealing with delight she noticed, "You shaved yourself!"

Charlie smiled, looking down at her, "Just my scrotum. You like?"

Miley looked back into his eyes, licked her lips, then gathered Charlie's balls into her hand before enveloping them with her mouth.

Charlie gasped and shivered from the sensation, his sensitive scrotum suddenly surrounded by Miley's warm mouth. He could feel her tongue licking and teasing the skin of his sac, rolling his balls within her lips. Miley pressed his erection against her face, rubbing Charlie's cock against her cheeks and nose as she sucked on his nuts.

Miley spit him out but kept using the flat of her palm to caress Charlie's penis against herself, "Do you like it when I rub your cock all over my face? Do I look like one of those slutty porn stars, my chin decorated with your balls?"

"You're sexier than any porn star, baby." Charlie said.

Miley beamed and opened her mouth, letting Charlie's cock rub against her lips. She lapped at the skin of his shaft with her tongue, causing Charlie's length to twitch and thicken. Reaching for a shampoo bottle, Miley squeezed out a palm full and began applying it over Charlie's length, letting it and the warm water lubricate her stroking grip.

"Oh god, Miley." Charlie moaned, "I love it when you rub me like that."

"I know you do sweetie." Miley said, "It's your favorite, isn't it? When I jerk you off like this?"

"Yes." Charlie admitted softly, overcome by the sensations of Miley's stroking hand.

"Do you like it even better than my pussy?"

Charlie's silence was conflicted.

"My pussy is so sweet." Miley teased. "So tight and moist for your big cock. Do you really like my hand better?"

"No..." Charlie started. Then, "I don't know."

Miley smiled, her fist performing long and slow strokes. "It's okay baby. I know why you like my hand so much. I jerked you off our first time. Remember?"

Charlie nodded, his mouth hanging open in arousal.

"I drove you home from school after seeing your cock for the first time. I couldn't wait to see it again." Miley cupped Charlie's balls in her free hand, squeezing and manipulating them in her fingers as she continued to stroke him. "Then I jerked you off. You came so much, you sprayed it all over my face and tits, do you remember Charlie? You even got it in my hair."

Charlie groaned, "I remember. You were so sexy; you took your shirt off and showed me your beautiful breasts. You were fearless."

"I jerked you off and your cock spit out its love all over me." Miley remembered. "God, I was transfixed. And ever since, your cock has been in love with my hand." She hastened her jacking motions, the slick noises of her pumping mingling with the spray of the shower water. The shampoo began to lather along Charlie's shaft, further lubricating Miley's efforts.

"You're right." Charlie gasped, "Fuck Miley, I've been addicted to your hand ever since."

"I know baby. And I love doing it for you. I love making your cock give me its special mess with my hand. Do you want to cum on me?"

Charlie nodded his knees weak with pleasure. His eyes were closed as he fought off the inevitable orgasm.

"Do you want to cum on my face?" Miley offered. "You can decorate me with your seed. You always cum so much that it hangs off my cheeks and dribbles down onto my chest. I look so dirty and slutty that way."

Charlie gasped and his cock jumped in Miley's hand.

"Or do you want to coat my little breasts? Is that what you want Charlie? To goo on my titties so your seed hangs off my nipples in thick globs?"

Charlie grunted, his expression locked in a struggle against his orgasm. He could feel the heat rising up the inside of his shaft, but wanted to last as long as possible. Miley's dirty talk was making that nearly impossible.

Miley knew how close he was, she could feel it in his shaft, the way it had thickened to steel. "I know! I'll aim it all over my pussy. That way I can rub your cum all over my clit and massage it between my cunt lips so your sticky strands stretch between them. Then you can fuck me, using your own mess as lubrication."

Charlie screamed as his orgasm erupted. A jet of semen shot forward and splattered against Miley's cheek. She kept stroking, pumping more streams of pearly fluid and aiming them at her chest. Charlie had to place his palms against the walls of the shower to keep his balance as his cock pumped continuous ropes out onto Miley's body, where it gathered on her skin and mingled with the beading shower water.

"Oh my god, Charlie, look at it all!" Miley kept at it, rubbing and yanking on his cock until it was spent of all of its milk. "It's fucking everywhere!"

Charlie gasped for breath, looking down at Miley. She was a mess, coated with his jizm from neck to stomach. "Holy shit." he exclaimed.

Miley started laughing, scooping up Charlie's sperm with her fingers and letting the shower water wash it from her hands. "I've never seen you cum so much, baby. That was amazing!"

"You were talking so dirty, you know how much that turns me on."

Miley rose and turned towards the jet of shower water, letting it cleanse her torso of Charlie's slime. "Yeah, but I didn't expect you to spill out a gallon of your stuff all over me." She wiped at her flat stomach with a palm, letting the semen fall to the shower floor and flow down the drain.

Charlie moved behind Miley, wrapping her in his arms and pulling her backwards so that her shoulders bumped against his chest. She could feel his still semi-erect cock between her ass cheeks. "I love you." he whispered.

Miley smiled warmly over her shoulder and nuzzled a kiss against Charlie's lips. "Your mom won't be home for hours, stud. We're just getting started."

(edited by: manda126)

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