Awakening the Deluca Family


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"Jackie," Janine said and the girl turned to her and looked expectedly, "I need to talk to you about two things."

"Sure mom, what's up?" Jackie asked. She was the most helpful of all of Janine's daughters, despite their conflicts.

"First, the easy thing, you sure you can't take your sisters to your dad's place?"

"No, please no," Jackie groaned.

"Okay, then can you watch the house on Friday when I am driving them up? Your dad will be bringing them back on Sunday and I will be back late of Friday night probably. It will just be a couple of hours really."

"Sure," Jackie said, "We can figure out something to do," she said and then dealt another hand out to Tera.

"Hey, it was my turn to deal," Tera said. Tera was a born competitor. And a win isn't as sweet if it isn't done by the book. Jackie was the only person who could put up with the stickler in her sister.

"What was the other thing," Jackie said, silently collecting the cards back together and handing the whole deck to Jackie.

"Rachel," Janine said, raising her eyebrows. Jackie rolled her eyes and stared blankly and angrily at her mother. This had the potential to be a knock down drag out and Janine wasn't in the mood, "Alright listen, I didn't ever tell anyone who they could date. I think I was pretty good about that with you wasn't I? I was never the overbearing mother who said 'no you can't date' was I?"

"No," Jackie said, softening a little.

"With that said, I am not going to tell you that you have to let your sister date your friend. I just think that maybe you should think about it," Janine said and let it go at that. Jackie didn't say anything, but Janine could tell that she had had the desired result on her daughter. She was thinking about it at least.

With that, Janine felt back in control. She largely forgot about the incident that had occurred earlier. She felt clean from her bath and relaxed as she watched TV and rapidly fell asleep. The next day went better as well. She was able to schedule her performance review during the week and smoothed things over with her supervisor. She was able to finish up a few small jobs and managed to avoid getting anything new. She even got the chance to go for a run during her lunch hour.

She got back home and all of her children were home. She wanted to ask about the date situation, but decided that it was probably best to ignore it unless it reared its ugly head and forced her to act. She was excited because the twins had decided to cook dinner that night. The only thing they knew how to cook was pizza, but they were very good at it and Janine was excited. They made a healthy pizza with vegetables and olive oil. Janine went for a swim after dinner and felt a hundred percent better than she had after work the day before. She stayed up late that night to watch a movie, long after the girls had gone to bed and she felt very relaxed as she jumped into bed for the night.

She was feeling so good that night that she started to feel something that she didn't experience that often. She started to feel a bit excited and felt blood rushing to certain parts of her anatomy. A myriad of ill-defined and transient fantasies flitted through her mind and finally she realized that she wanted and needed some relief. As the idea of sex was so foreign to her now as to be completely absent from her brain, the first thing she thought of was to get naked in her bed and play with herself.

She was wearing a pair of pajama pants, a thong, and a small black tank top, as was her normal bed time clothing choice. She quickly slipped off her pajama pants and threw them onto the floor. She stood up from her bed and turned the lights out. This was not a completely abnormal behavior for Janine and she had myriad of candles placed around the room and as she walked around the bed she light each one of them and breathed in their smell. She slinked back to her bed, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror and feeling quite sexy.

She sat down on her bed and quickly removed her tank top. She felt her breasts bounce as they were freed from the shirt and she looked down on them. She was immensely proud of her breasts. She had medium sized, pink areolas and long nipples. The breasts themselves were teardrop shaped and completely perfect in every way. Janine slowly took her breasts in either hand and squeezed them gently. She felt a tingle go through her body, the excitement of contact. She continued to gently knead her breasts, while leaving her nipples alone. After teasing herself for a long period of time in this way, she gently took each nipple between her thumbs and forefingers and gently twisted them. She moaned and arched her back into the feeling, closing her eyes and smiling. She started to pull and tug on the nipples harder.

She felt her cock getting harder, filling with blood and she felt her hips moving in rhythmic fashion completely on their own accord. She was moaning louder now and she knew that she was reaching a peak of excitement. She took her hands from her breasts and frantically removed her panties. Her cock was a full, hard 5-inches now. It was a small, cute thing, completely waxed and delicate even when hard. She rubbed her breasts a few more times, feeling the exquisite naughtiness of feeling her breasts while staring at her cock. Finally, she snaked her right hand down her body and cupped her hairless testicles. She rubbed them softly, feeling the delicious pain of her balls tightened in her hand. After a few moments and moved her hand up, sliding it over her shaft. She held it loosely, letting her hand glide over the cock, without tugging it hard.

She started to move her other hand now, spreading her legs and releasing her breasts. She brought her left hand down now and started to slowly and softly stroke her cock with it. She turned now and reached into the bureau next to her bed. She reached inside and pulled out a small object. In her hand was a small vial of lube. She squirted some of it into her right hand.

With her left hand she again began to stroke her cock. Her right hand she placed against her anus. Her legs were spread now and she rubbed the lube gently against her asshole. It felt cool against her body and she felt a sexy shiver. Touched her balls with her lubed hands and giggled to herself. She continued to stroke her cock and circled her anus with the fingers on her right hand. Slowly she began to work the fingers into her anus. She groaned deeply as her index finger carefully poked its way into her asshole. She stroked more softly now, focusing her attention on her asshole. She pushed the finger farther and deeper, moving it in and out to keep it well lubed. Slowly, but surely, she was able to insert her index finger completely into her asshole. She worked it back and forth. Janine moaned and thrust her hips forward as she did.

A small drip of pre-cum swelled out of the tip of her cock. Janine swiped it up with her index finger and plunged the salty liquid into her mouth, moaning and sucking on the finger. She always loved the taste of her own cum. It turned her on just to taste it. As she did this, she felt a wild streak run through her. The taste of her cum always excited her and made her wild. She decided to act boldly. She moved down and started to stroke her cock again and as she did this she shoved another finger, her middle finger, deep into her ass. The abrupt action was a bit painful and Janine bit her lip and moaned as she started to stroke the slick, wet inside of her asshole. She was stroking hard now and she felt like she was about to cum. She opened her mouth, hoping she was horny enough to shoot her cum all the way to her mouth.

"Mom, I forgot to ask what time we were going to Dad's..." She heard a voice say and Janine quickly turned and looked at the door. Roseanna was standing in front of her in her pajama pants and band t-shirt, staring wide-eyed as her mother stroked her cock and push her fingers into her ass, "Nevermind," the girl said after a minute and then quickly ran out of the room. Janine felt her cock quickly go limp and she pulled her fingers out of her asshole. She lay on her bed for a moment and her mind was reeling. She had no idea what she needed to do. Her mind was jumbled from the pleasure she had been feeling and her daughter's sudden appearance had only increased it. All she knew was that her greatest fear had been realized. One of her daughters and learned her greatest secret. She was terrified she had lost one or all of her children's affections forever.

Suddenly, she sprang into action. She felt like crying but she wouldn't let herself do it. There was too much to do. She quickly picked her pajama pants up off of the floor and slipped them on. She frantically searched around her bed until she found her tank top. She put it on quickly, realized that it was on backwards and fixed it, and then rushed barefoot out of her room. The hallway was quiet and all of the doors were closed and the lights behind them were off. This was a good sign. It meant that Roseanna had run to her room in the attic, rather than to one of her sister's rooms. Janine walked down the hall and up the stairs to the attic.

She was not surprised to find that the door was closed and that the light behind the door was on. Janine stood outside of the door for a moment and tried to think. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. This was not the sort of thing that happened in a normal family and she had no guide as to what she was going to say to her daughter. She decided she would just knock on the door and do what she could as the moments passed. She knocked on the door. And nothing happened. She stood for a few moments and then she knocked again, a little harder this time.

"Who is it?" a voice asked which was high and nervous, not the voice that Roseanna normally used, instead the voice she used when she was a scared little girl.

"It's your mother," Janine said through the door, putting her face almost against the wood.

"Really?" Roseanna said sarcastically and angrily from behind the door and Janine winced as though she had been punched in the gut. "Sorry," the voice said shortly thereafter.

"It's okay. It's very confusing. Can I come in?" Janine asked, holding tears back with a Herculean effort. Roseanna didn't answer, but suddenly the door opened and a thin sliver of light leaks out of the room and splashed across Janine's face. She sighed a bit, it is a start. She heard a patter and when she opened the door fully, she saw that Roseanna has quickly run back to her bed and pulled her covers up to her chin.

Roseanna's room was a strange place, even to Janine. The girl liked to keep the room very dark and despite the fact that the little attic room had four windows on three different walls, she kept them closed. There were red and black curtains hung all over the room and the floor was hardwood and stained a dark brown color. The only furniture was a large, queen sized bed, a desk, a set of drawers, an end table, a wooden chair, and a floor lamp with a yellow bulb. The overheard lamp with the ceiling fan had only a black light in the socket.

The floor lamp was on as Janine entered. Roseanna was framed by the posts of her elegant bed and covered by her blood red comforter. The girl's eyes looked huge and confused. Janine walked carefully over to the bed and she felt Roseanna looking at her and it made her blush. She felt like she was still naked with her cock hard and her fingers in her ass. She could tell that Roseanna was thinking the same thing. Janine moved more quickly and grabbed the chair from the corner and set it next to Roseanna's bed and sat down and looked at her daughter.

They were silent for a while and they both felt the tension mounting. Janine didn't know what to say but she felt it was up to her to begin, "I want you to know that I love you and your sister's more than anything in the world," she said and felt a tear roll down her cheek and onto the red comforter.

"I love you too...Mom," the girl said. Janine looked up and smiled. She saw her daughter's smiling face looking at her and they hugged. Janine knew that this was not over, but she knew that her daughter still loved her and she knew she could deal with whatever else came.

"I am sorry if I scared you," Janine said, feeling guilty about the trauma she had put her child through.

"No...I don't know," Roseanna said, "I am not really scared. I guess. Just confused. I mean..."

"I am your mother, I am a woman, I was born a boy with all boy parts but I have been a woman since I was born. I have looked like this since I was sixteen years old," she said, throwing the words out so fast that they felt like they were falling over themselves. She didn't realize how much tension her secret caused her until they came falling out of her mouth.

"But you can't be..." Roseanna started.

"I am really and truly your parent," Janine explained and Roseanna seemed to instantly grasp what this means.

"Who is Dad?" She asked next. Janine hadn't expected this question next, but realized that it naturally led to where they were going.

"He is the brother of your birth mother," Janine explained. It was so hard to talk about. Janine had only ever loved one person in her life, "she died when Tera was being born. Her name was Ella. I loved her very much." Janine said and she wanted to cry. It was horrible to have loved someone the way she loved Ella and then been compelled to keep her entire existence a secret for 18 year.

"Who was she?"

"She was a beautiful girl, a girl I met at college. We were sorority sisters together and she found out about my secret and loved me anyway. We wanted to live together and have children and so we started down that road. Then she died. I knew that with her I had the strength to raise you as I was, but without her I was alone. Her brother, your 'dad' and I decided that I would raise you as a single mother and we would pretend that we had been married and divorced. He was the only person who still supported Ella when she chose to be with me. He is an incredible and decent man and you will continue to call him your father if you have any love for either of us." Janine felt strange now, unburdening herself. She couldn't even meet her daughter's eyes.

"You are such a beautiful woman though," Roseanna said, "all the boys I know always say how hot my mom is. It's just strange. You are like my model of what it means to be feminine. You are just such a perfect woman I can't imagine that you were born differently"

"I am still your mother," Janine explained and then smiled, "And I am still hot." Roseanna laughed and smiled too. The room felt considerably lighter now that the secret was out in the open. She felt touched by her daughter's words and felt that maybe they were even closer than before.

"I don't care about anything else mom. I know you are a woman and I know you are my mom. I know why you lied to me. I am not angry or anything. I was just confused. Now I know so I am not upset anymore," Roseanna said, almost to herself rather than to Janine. She was proud of her daughter, it felt good to see her grappling with issues and coming to her own conclusions. She was becoming quite a woman.

"So you like women?" Roseanna said and Janine almost laughed, it was such a strange question. She had never even considered romance since the death of Ella. She didn't know if she liked anyone.

"I have been with both men and women. I only ever loved Ella, but I have been with anyone since she died. I don't think I could ever be with a man again," she explained, feeling strange with her frankness.

"I don't know what I like. Sometimes I think I only like girls. Honestly. Sometimes I think I like both. I don't know," Roseanna said matter-of-factly. Janine was surprised by the girl's frankness.

"Are you..." She said, suddenly realizing that she might have a small problem on her hands.

"Sexually Active? No," Roseanna explained, "I have never seen anyone naked in real life in a sexual way. I am just talking about what I feel. Like that guy Dennis or Dale or whatever that Rachel wants to date. He does nothing for me. But the lady at the 7-11, she makes me excited. I can't explain it." It was like a wall had broken down between them and this gave them the ability to talk to one another.

"I don't know dear," Janine said, "I can't make this any easier for you. All I can say is that anything you do is fine by me. I love you and always will." The girls sat quietly for awhile and smiled at one another. They giggled uneasily and they knew that they were going to be alright, but didn't know where to go from there.

"Well, I guess I am going to go to bed," Janine said, "but I want you to do me a favor and not tell your sisters or anyone else about this. I know it isn't really fair, but I want to keep my secret to as few people as possible."

"Well I won't tell anyone Mom," Roseanna said, "But don't go yet." Roseanna was shifting uncomfortably in her bed and Janine was concerned. She sat back down in her chair and crossed her legs. She looked at her daughter with concern.

"What is it honey?" she asked.

"Can I see it," she says abruptly. Roseanna is blushing even as she asks it, but she is intensely curious. So curious that she can't bear not to ask, even if it means intense embarrassment and rejection. Janine was shocked and a bit confused. However, she was surprised to find herself a bit excited. She looked at her daughter and was ashamed to say that she felt a bit of desire in her body for Roseanna. She was a gorgeous girl and she was obviously interested. It was a horrible and shameful feeling for a mother to feel for her daughter, but Janine couldn't deny it. Nor could she ignore the obvious sexually curiosity in her daughter's eyes.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Janine said in a quiet, choked voice. She was staring into her daughter's eyes and they both felt something changing. And both of them liked it.

"I look at transsexual porn on the internet," Roseanna said abruptly, looking at her mother without moving. Janine was shocked, "I am not lying. It is everything that I want. It has the softness and the beauty of a woman. The breasts and the lips, but it has the cock that I think I want too." the open way she was talking excited Janine more. She wanted her daughter now. Wanted her badly.

"Are you serious?" was all she could manage to say. She stood up from the seat and felt like she was floating above her body. She was looking at her daughter's hair and her breasts as they heaved against the tank top she was wearing.

"Yeah," Roseanna breathed.

"Okay," Janine said, almost panting now. She quickly threw off her tank top although she could not explain why. The air was cold on her nipples and she felt them harden. Her daughter's eyes were on them. She carefully pulled down her pajama pants. Her cock was still soft and it flopped easily out of her pants and bounced against her legs. Roseanna looked at her mother's cock and smiled. She leaned in so that her face was only a few inches from it.

"It's very pretty," she said, lifting her eyes to see her mother.

"Thanks," Janine said. She could smell her daughter's perfume now. She found it quite sexy and she felt a bit of a rush in her head. She could see her daughter's cleavage now and it aroused her. She knew that before long she was going to have an erection. When her daughter breathed out and she felt the warm air of Roseanna's exhalation on her cock, it started to harden. Slowly, but surely, it filled and became quite erect. In a few moments, Janine was rock hard.

"Oh my God," Roseanna said, peering closer, "It is so hot," she said and Janine felt her knees get weak. Roseanna knew she was in charge now. She knew the effect she was having on her mother. She also knew she had her greatest fantasy turning into butter in front of her. She had always been attracted to her mother, she had known it was wrong but she thought Janine was gorgeous and feminine. She was also highly attracted to transsexual women. She hadn't been lying to her mother, she spent hours on the internet, combing through erotic pictures of gorgeous women with big dicks. She couldn't believe that her two taboo fantasies had so perfectly dovetailed together.