Actual Sorority Sisters


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"You are disgusting," My sister said to Heather. I couldn't even begin to understand what that meant.

"I don't make the rules. I just enforce them. Presidents do that," Heather said. My sister looked like she was about to explode. She stared daggers at Heather and the room filled with a different kind of tension. She looked around the room at the others. They all looked uncomfortable, like they wanted to help. But everyone seemed frozen, like they respected the rules and traditions of the sorority too much to say a word.

"Whatever," my sister said finally, defeated. She cast her head down and only behaved in a perfunctory manner for the rest of the ceremony. I was totally confused and worried by the whole episode. It seemed like more was going on than I understood. I tried to catch my sister's eye but she was totally ignoring me.

Heather pushed on and the rest of the girls in the room seemed to not so much get over the incident, as put it behind them. In a short while, all of the pledges had three Big Sisters. Lori even got Heather as her Senior Big Sister.

"Now, I suppose some of you don't yet understand what I mean when I discuss directives from your older sisters. I think that tonight I will make one demonstration. Lori, please step forward." Lori was standing next to me and she gave me a little look and a shrug. We were all very curious about what was going to happen. Lori walked over and stood in front of Heather.

"Lori, you are my Little Sister. Do you understand?" she asked.

"Yes," Lori said in a small voice.

"Good. Then I demand that you give me a kiss," Heather said. The room became absolutely silent. Lori looked around nervously and then laughed.

"What?" she asked.

"Lori, as this was the first request and a demonstration, I will tell you again. But for future reference, failure to comply with a command on the first request is grounds for expulsion. There is no joking about this issue. Give me a kiss." Lori paused for a moment and looked closely at Heather.

She saw in Heather's cool eyes that a pause of a few more seconds could actually lead to expulsion from the sorority. Shocked by this, Lori stood up on her tip toes, turn her head gently to the side and leaned her lips forward. I saw Lori's lips press into Heather's. Lori was rigid and nervous.

I saw Heather's hands rise gently from her side and land lightly on Lori's hips. She pulled Lori closer, their breasts pressed together. Heather's mouth opened and I saw her tongue glide quickly across Lori's lips. Lori's body loosened slightly and I saw her melt into the kiss. Her lips parted and Heather's tongue dipped slowly into her mouth. I watched their tongues roll together softly and I could hear the wet sounds that they made. In just a few moments, the kiss had gone from forced and awkward to passionate and natural. Lori looked as though she didn't realize there was another person in the room beyond Heather.

Finally, Heather abruptly broke the kiss. Lori stood for a moment, her eyes still closed. She looked almost dazed. After a second, realized what had happened. She dropped from her tip toes and looked around the room self-consciously. She was clearly embarrassed by her passion and the fact that so many people had seen her in a Sapphic embrace. But the rest of the pledge class was too shocked to speak and the upperclassmen seemed unconcerned, if a little excited.

"Thank your Lori. Remember, no delays. Don't think. Obey," Heather said directly to Lori. Lori walked back into the pledge class and took her spot next to me. Her face was flushed and her breathing sounded shallow. I could almost hear her heart pounding in her chest.

"Well Pledges," Heather now addressed us all, "I hope you now understand how things will work for the next week. Lori did a fine job. Now, I want you all to go upstairs and get some sleep. Things will be getting more serious after class tomorrow." All of the robed girls blew out their candles and at the exact same instant the light in the dining room was thrown on. I blinked in the newly bright lights. Several girls moved out of the way of the doorway leading back towards the living room.

The pledge class, including me, were sort of confused. This felt very abrupt. For a few moments we stood, waiting for some signal. Then, realizing that the start of the initiation was over, we started to move out of the room. The first girl was just about to pass into the living room when Heather spoke again.

"Oh I nearly forgot," she said in a way that indicated that there was no accident, "There are two additional rules for this week. The first is that the blinds should be drawn on all windows and at all times." She explained. That seemed very strange.

"Why is that?" Carrie asked in a theatrical fashion. But it was the question we all wanted to know.

"Oh, because of the other rule," Heather said, "Pledges, this week you are to be in the sorority house unless you are in class. And any time you are in the sorority house, you will be nude. The blinds will protect your dignity." She said it without fanfare. It almost didn't register at first. Nude? No one moved.

"Did you all forget the other rule? About not being asked to do something twice? Everyone is bound by the President's word," Carrie said. It instantly became apparent what Carrie meant. We all had to get naked. Now. Or we'd get kicked out.

I still marvel at how well we were set up. We were all thinking we were safe for the night after the demonstration. We were all excited about getting in and afraid of doing anything to get expelled. And we were all putting pressure on one another with our actions. Even if we wanted to keep our clothes on (and I am sure most of us, including me, really did), that didn't feel like an option at that moment.

After a brief pause, the entire pledge class started to move as one. I quickly grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and lifted it up over my head and dropped it on the floor. I felt my breasts exposed to the air, my quarter-sized pink dark red areolas contracting in the cool air. I didn't think about it. I quickly slid my panties down my legs and kicked them off my feet. Now my pussy was exposed to the other 39 girls in the sorority. I looked down at my dark red slit and was happy that I'd waxed myself bare the night before.

After I was naked, I looked around at the rest of the pledge class. Some were already naked and the rest were getting close. No one was abstaining. I saw that our sorority's reputation for having the prettiest girls was well-earned. Every one of the girls, while having widely varying builds, were extremely attractive. I couldn't help but look. In a few moments, twenty bare breasts were exposed, the nipples hardened in the cool air. Some big, some small, but all perky and alluring. Ten exposed vaginas followed them. Some shaved bare, others with well-kempt bushes, but all looking tight and sacred. We stood as a class, naked and nervous, before our new sisters.

But as I looked out at the crowd, I saw an old sister as well. Lily was looking at us, as was the rest of the sorority. I saw that Lily was looking at me. I felt her eyes on my breasts. I felt strange, having her look at me and my cheeks turned red. Not for the strangers staring at me, but because of her, seeing me like this. Exposed and vaguely sexual. Lily saw that I'd seen her and quickly shifted her gaze to another girl.

"Good work pledge class," Heather said, "Now you may go to sleep."

In our embarrassment and in our desire to get out of the room before Heather demanded anything else of us, we quickly rushed out of the room. Breasts bouncing, we ran through the living room and up the stairs. I was near the back of the back and I saw 7 or 8 perfect hour-glass figures and toned butts shaking their way up the stairs. I was surprised that I was enticed by the way my sisters looked. It wasn't so much a full thought, but a feeling. But I didn't have time to explore it. In a few moments, I was in my room with Lori, the door closed behind us.

Now I was standing in my room, naked with my roommate. She was in a similar condition. I looked Lori's body up and down. It wasn't a choice, I was curious, I had to see. Her body was just as well put together and it had appeared when clothed. Her breasts were perky and around the size of oranges. Her nipples were small and pink. Her pussy, like mine, was waxed bare. On top of the features I'd already seen earlier, the full package was stunning. I felt her eyes searching over me as well and I was gratified by the obvious pleasure she took in looking at me. At around the same moment we realized what we were doing.

"What the Hell happened tonight?" Lori asked and we both laughed nervously. Neither of us moved. I knew I should cover my body now. But for some reason I didn't want to. Either of us could have gotten dressed at that point. But we didn't

"I can't believe they are making us stay naked all week," I said.

"I wonder if it is a goof?" Lori asked, crossing her arms in front of her breasts. I watched the way her arms pressed against her breasts, pushing her flesh up towards her elegant throat. I shook my head, both to disagree with Lori and to clear my head of these strange thoughts. I was still disoriented from waking up early and all the strangeness, I told myself.

"No, I don't think so. Heather said, nothing is a goof. You should remember." Lori blushed deeply, "I can't believe that happened. I can't believe she kissed me," Lori said.

"Was it good?" I asked, though I already knew the truth.

"Ellie!" she said, "It was weird! I was ordered," she explained, her face getting an even deeper red. I raised my eyebrows.

"But was it good?" I asked now. She looked around conspiratorially.

"Okay, well I haven't kissed a whole lot of people and no other girls, but that was really good. She was so...soft," Lori said, and I could see her reliving the kiss in her mind.

"That good eh?" I asked and she giggled nervously.

"What else do you think they are going to make us do?" Lori asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know. I am surprised by what has happened already," I said.

"Well this is way out of my comfort zone," Lori said, pointing to her naked body, "I can't imagine I would agree to do any more than this. I hope they decided to shock us on the first day and then have things settle down."

"Yeah, maybe that's the idea," I said, but I wasn't so sure. I wondered what was coming next and I wondered if I could go through with it. I wanted to say no. But if anyone had told me that morning that I'd be naked with my roommate, I'd say they were crazy. There was a ton of pressure in this place and there was something strange inside of me that I hadn't recognized before. Something I didn't want to think about. I saw Lori struggling with the same thing.

"Well, it's late, almost 4:00. We should probably go to bed," Lori said. She walked over to her bed. I looked at her smooth, muscular ass as she bent over and pulled back the covers. She climbed into bed. I turned to my own bed and felt her eyes on me as I pulled down the covers and got in.

We lay there, naked in our beds, staring at the ceiling. A thousand thoughts ran through my head, so confusing and exciting. Then, just as I thought I could fall asleep, Lori spoke again.

"And what happened with your sister? This has to be extra weird for you? What do you think is going to happen?" she asked. I felt my guts tie up in a knot.

"I have no idea," I said and I meant it. I had consciously avoided thinking of her. But Lori had drug her back into my thoughts. And for the rest of the night I slept fitfully. Thinking about my sister and worrying about what was going to happen between us.

Chapter 2: Pledge Week Day 2 – Time With the Juniors

I awoke the next morning...well no that's not right. It was really later that same morning. It felt like I'd just closed my eyes. I was foggy and my eyes were bleary as I reached over and turned off my alarm clock. Lori was awake also. She was sitting in her bed with the blanket pulled up over her bare breasts. I smiled wanly at her.

The night before, in the flush of excitement and confusion, Lori and I had stood in the room naked and talked. I'd even enjoyed the way her body looked and the feel of her gaze on me. But now, sobered by sleep, we were once again uncomfortable. I felt much more naked now, under my blankets, than I had the night before in the crowd. I still couldn't believe what had happened the night before. It felt like a dream. Had I really been naked in front of all those people? Had Lori kissed Heather? Had my sister stared at me?

"I need a shower," Lori said. At first I thought she was trying to say that she felt "dirty" in her nudity. But then I realized, she meant she needed to get ready for the day.

"Me too, should we just...walk out there naked?" I asked nervously.

"Will I get in trouble if I wrap a towel around myself? Or was last night like a joke and if I go outside naked now they will laugh at me for being gullible?" she asked. It was a good point. I stood up from the bed now, letting my blankets slough off of me. Lori's eyes looked down at my body, unable to resist the urge, but then quickly shot back to my eyes.

"Let's just go together," I said, "Then if they laugh, they are at least laughing at both of us." Lori nodded and then quickly got up from the bed. I stole a glance at her body once again, feeling stranger about it that I had the night before. It had been (mostly) curiosity then. But now I just wanted to see her again. It was strange the way I was reacting to her body. But she took my hand in support and I shook these thoughts off. I squeezed her hand and we opened our door.

We were greeted by the sight of another girl from our pledge class, Bethany, walking past our door. Like us, Bethany was completely nude. Her small round breasts were bouncing light as she walked and her long black ponytail whisked across the top of her ass. She looked stunning. She turned and looked at us as she walked by. She blushed slightly and then shrugged and kept walking towards the bathroom.

Most of the freshman girls were in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. The nudity felt less alien here as there were showers and I dropped Lori's hand and walked over to an open showerhead. All of the girls were talking about the previous night. Most involved speculation about what would come next and how strange it was to be nude in front of a large crowd of people. I added some thoughts of my own but didn't come to any conclusions.

As girls prepared for the day, I noticed that girls were shaving their legs and their vaginas (some just trimming, other taking it all the way down like my pubic hair). They were all pretty convinced, regardless of what they said, that they really would be naked all week.

After I showed, brushed my hair and teeth, and applied my make-up, I went downstairs. In fact, all of the freshman went down in a large, naked group. We were nervous about what was going to happen next and we crowded together for comfort. I would be lying if I said that I did not look at the bodies of the other freshman girls. Some was curiosity, to see them now as they were prepared for the day (save for naked) but some was that allure, that pull to see them. I wondered what this said about me.

We all piled into the dining room at the same time. The tables were back and many of the upper class girls were already eating. My sister was not among them. We were told that we were forbidden from entering the kitchen (where the cook my see us), but other than that no mention was made of our nudity. We ate, made small talk, and received congratulations again for our acceptance. I occasionally saw one girl absentmindedly staring at the nudity of another, but this was generally rare and didn't last long.

Finally, breakfast was over and I went upstairs to get dressed for class. My confusion was now even greater than it had been before. If they taunted us or teased us, I would have understood. But what was the point of this prank if they just wanted us to be naked? I didn't have time to think about it, I dressed very quickly and slipped out of the house.

That was a tough day at class. I was so confused and nervous about the sorority I could barely focus. On top of that, I was still quite tired from my interrupted sleep. At least my quiz went well. I was able to focus just on that, because I'd studied so hard. But that seemed to take it all out of me. I couldn't even take notes in my other classes.

Monday was a busy day for me, three classes plus a small section. I ate lunch at one point as well, which I took alone so I could think. It was nearly four when I finally returned to the house. I was one of the last freshman girls to arrive. I saw one freshman girl, Allaya, sitting on the couch, already naked. So there had been no change. In fact, Carrie was standing by the front door.

"Door is closed behind you, please disrobe," she said sternly. I didn't hesitate. I saw that the other girls were already complying and I also was afraid of displeasing the older girls. Despite my discomfort with being naked, it wasn't so much a thought as automatic. In a moment, there was a pool of clothes at my feet and Carrie was nodding.

"Good," she said, collecting up my clothes, "I will take these up to your room. When the last two girls arrive, we will have a meeting in the dining room." I looked around the room nervously. Everything seemed to be quite casual, just like it had been at breakfast. I started to believe that Lori was right, this was just a quick scare; the worst was over. I walked over to a chair and sat down quietly. Eventually, I started a casual conversation with a junior about our respective opinions on my history professor (whom she'd had once before). I nearly forgot I was naked.

About twenty minutes later the last of the freshman girls had arrived. I felt butterflies in my stomach as Heather walked out of the dining room and said, "Ladies, please follow me to the dining room. The second day of pledge week is about to begin."

En masse, everyone in the living room started to walk into the dining room. Some girls were already there and the tables were once again removed. A few more wondered in a few moments later, apparently called from upstairs. Once again, the freshman girls all walked into the middle, naked. The older girls made a circle around us. No robes or candles today, but the psychological power remained.

I saw Lily now. She was standing at the front of the room with Heather and Carrie. I looked to her, for some sort of hint as to what was going on, but she didn't notice me. She was actually smiling and talking to someone else. I couldn't hear what she said. But she looked happy in a way I hadn't seen recently. In fact, she rarely seemed that happy when we were both at home. I wondered if I had really wandered into the place where she was happiest and, like she claimed, was in the midst of ruining it. But Heather spoke before I could reach any conclusions.

"Lori, please come to me," Heather said, calling out to her little sister. Instantly, all other conversation in the room ceased. Further, Lori jumped quickly and ran over to Heather.

"Yes?" Lori asked expectantly. She'd learned her lesson the night before, no hesitation.

"Good girl," Heather said to Lori, grasping the girl's chin lightly and giving her an indulgent smile. Then she looked up and addressed the rest of us, "Welcome to the Second Day of Pledge Week. We hope you all managed to sleep a little last night. I still remember my first night here. A little confused, a little...excited." She said excited in a way that felt strange. Like she was saying something more.

"Well, that probably means you have some questions," Heather continued, "And we have decided to answer those questions. Tonight you will be given the opportunity to be...guided by one of your older sisters. You may ask her questions and, as you know, obey her every command. Lori will be selecting the older sister." There was a long pause after that.