A Royal Sacrifice Ch. 12


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"It does not make sense," she said. "If Bagdemagus wishes to sacrifice me in six weeks' time, why would he send his agents to assassinate me tonight?"

The Lord Chamberlain snapped the book closed with a loud noise. "I do not believe Captain Stephano was after you, my Queen," he said. His eyes drifted meaningfully to Rebecca.

Rebecca gasped, folding in upon herself as she understood. Were it not for Cedric's arms, she might have fallen to the floor. The handmaiden began weeping uncontrollably. With only a quick glance to his Queen, Cedric took the young woman in his arms and carried her from the room.

Evelyen breathed out through clenched teeth. "Severing loose ends," she said.

Alistair nodded. "As you said, my Queen," he iterated. "Your handmaiden had been charmed. Yet now, she has been compromised. Bagdemagus directed Captain Stephano to slay her, seeking to silence the one voice within the castle over which he had total control."

Evelyn's brow furrowed. "So we may yet learn something from her," she said, almost to herself.

Alistair nodded. "Perhaps."

Evelyn lifted her eyes, looking to a far corner. "Lord Dorr."

He stepped forth, humble and subservient, or so it seemed. "My Queen."

"You have delivered a great service tonight, in saving the life of my handmaiden," she said.

Guy bowed deeply. "My intent was only to serve justice," he said, giving a flickering look to Viviane and Drest. "Beyond that, I am pledged to be your vassal."

Evelyn looked upon the man, not quite sure what to make of him, yet the image of his valiant deeds remained fresh in her mind. "Please accept my request to stay within Castle Vix, for as long as you wish," she said with a smile. "You will always be considered a friend within my land."

Guy clasped his hand over his heart. "My actions were motivated by nothing but justice and truth, your Highness," he said. "But I am touched by your offer. I accept."


Prince Drest and Lady Vivian fretted within the audience chamber, the Prince pacing upon the ornate rug that covered the floor. All others had been dismissed, but the Queen bade the Prince of Ural and his half-sister to remain while she spoke with Benedict outside.

"I do not like this," Drest muttered, mainly to himself.

"Would you stop that?" Viviane asked with annoyance as she toyed with the lace of her bodice. "You are acting as skittish as that girl, Rebecca."

Drest glared upon Viviane. "Curse you," he growled.

She looked up with surprise. "What did you say?"

"I said, 'curse you,'" he repeated forcefully. "Curse you and your succubus' power for seducing me."

She smirked. "You certainly enjoyed it at the time," she commented suggestively.

Drest shook his head. "Do you ever care about your actions? What they mean, what they do? Or is it only about getting the next available cock up your arse?"

Viviane lurched to her feet, standing up to her brother. "My actions are my own, and not subject to scrutiny by a spoiled prince who has barely seen twenty summers."

"Wrong," he said, meeting her gaze evenly. "I am quite certain I know what that letter told Evelyn. Incest is against God's law, in case your lustful mind has forgotten."

Viviane trembled slightly with anger, her upper lip twitching before they curled in a sneer. "I do not follow God's law," she hissed.

Drest frowned, searching his half-sister's face. "I should have known," he said. "As soon as we return to Ural, I am having you placed in the dungeons. Let you use your evil wiles on your fellow prisoners—"

"You wouldn't dare!" she cried.

Drest chuckled. "You have ruined my life by coming between Evelyn and I," he said with a pitying look. "'Tis only right that I return the favor." He turned his back upon her.

Viviane seethed, but beneath her anger lay fear. "Drest, wait," she pleaded. "We haven't lost your chance with the Queen. I . . . I . . . perhaps my power might work upon her! Yes! I could seduce her, privately, and—"

Drest turned around slowly, an expression of utter disgust upon his face. "And what?" he cried. "You would lie with a woman, shame her into what you see as nothing more than a political bargain?" he shook his head in wonder. "To think I knew you, and that you knew me."

"Don't do this, Drest," she said, her eyes darkening. "You do not want to make an enemy of me."

He loomed over her. "Too late," he said, his voice soft yet firm. He stepped back. "At the least, if there is to be any good from this, it is that I now know just what you are. I will see to it that you are treated accordingly."


Both Drest and Viviane looked to the doorway of the audience chamber, in which Evelyn stood, with Benedict and Sir John behind her. The young knight held a pair of heavy iron manacles. Evelyn's accusing gaze fell upon Viviane.

"My Queen," said Drest, giving a short bow. Viviane did not move.

"John," she said, not taking her eyes from the temptress. "Place the Lady in irons and escort her to her carriage. She and her entourage are to return to Ural."

John tried to hide the smile on his face as he stepped around Evelyn. "At once, my Queen," he said, approaching Viviane. The Prince's half-sister balked, her eyes wide.

"What!" she cried, stepping away from the knight. "Y-you cannot do this!"

"I can, and I am," the Queen said.

"Drest!" sputtered Viviane, even as John grabbed her by the wrists and slipped on the manacles. But the Prince did nothing. He remained impassive as Viviane was taken from the room. Viviane all but snarled as she jerked herself to a stop beside Evelyn.

"You do not know what you have begun," she hissed to the Queen.

Evelyn trained a harsh look upon the woman. "If you dare to return to Vix, I will put an arrow in your heart myself," she said with conviction. "Begone. You have tainted this castle enough."

John shoved Viviane forward, and Benedict joined them, following the guard and his prisoner through the halls.

The audience chamber fell silent, save for the retreating protests of Viviane. Drest's head was lowered in shame, feeling Evelyn's eyes upon him. The Queen closed the doors and stepped into the room.

"I am sure you are wondering why I banished Viviane, and not you," she said.

Drest nodded.

Evelyn took a deep breath, let it out slowly. "My first impulse was to send you both away," she said. "Lord Dorr's accusations were grave, but I wanted to hear the truth before making a decision." She laughed ruefully. "Thankfully, you provided all the confirmation I needed."

Drest ground his teeth, his eyes reddening. "I tried to resist her," he said.

Evelyn struggled to restrain her emotions. Disgust and sympathy fought in her mind. "I know," she said after a moment. She stepped to her small throne, but did not sit down. "I have to admit, if I had only heard of Viviane's power from you, I would have been dubious. But she seduced John, and tried to use her abilities on Benedict."

Drest frowned. "So you knew about her?"

"No, not before this night," Evelyn said. "But when I showed the letter to Benedict, he told me what she tried to do to him. Thank God Muriel was there to stop her. And then . . . once that came out, John revealed how she had seduced him, as well . . . ."

Hope blossomed in Drest's heart. "So, you believe me, then? That I did not . . . entertain her willingly?"

Evelyn sat in her chair. "I did not say that." Her eyes glowed softly in the light of the torches in their sconces. "At the least, I have doubts as to whether you were in your right mind when this affair happened. Everything I have seen from you suggests you are a righteous man, fair, just, ethical. But I have been tricked much lately. I will not be so again."

Drest nodded reluctantly. "I understand."

"I will need some time to think on everything that has happened," Evelyn continued. "Obviously, it should go without saying that I will be returning to my chambers alone."

Again, the Prince nodded. "Of course."

Evelyn watched as he turned for the door. "Drest," she called out.

He turned back. "My Queen?"

Evelyn managed a smile. "Good night."

He smiled in return, said nothing as he pushed open the doors and left.


The only man Cedric could trust to guard Rebecca's chambers was Falhurst, whom it now seemed would become the new Captain. As Cedric approached the handmaiden's door, Falhurst snapped to attention.

Cedric chuckled softly. "There's no need for that," he said.

Falhurst shrugged, smiling rakishly. He was a wiry man, quick and strong, with short, curly black hair and sunken cheeks. "Given the events of the evening, I thought it important that all appearances be kept up."

Cedric nodded, clasping the man's shoulder. "You know, it was not so long ago that stood beside you in rank."

"Seems a lifetime, doesn't it? So much has happened."

Cedric nodded. "And more is to come," he said. "The Queen will need men such as you."

"Only the Queen?" asked Falhurst pointedly.

"I, as well," admitted Cedric. "All of us."

Falhurst took Cedric's hand, gripped it tightly. "These are dark times, Cedric, and you are still coming into your own. You fight well and bravely, and you have a solid head on those square shoulders. But what you are lacking is experience."

"I am all too aware of that, Falhurst. That is why I need you. I need you to lead, and advise."

Falhurst took a breath. "I was afraid of this," he said, then chuckled. "You wish for me to take Stephano's place, don't you?"


Falhurst sighed. "Six years of serving the Guard, turned down at every turn for promotion, and now, suddenly, here it is."

"Here it is," echoed Cedric. "I think you will do well."

Falhurst let go of Cedric's hand, slapped the younger man's shoulder. "I suppose we will see," he said with a wink. He stepped from the door with a knowing look on his face. "I don't think you will need me to stand here for the remainder of the night."

Cedric blushed, holding back a smile. "Eh . . . it has been a hard night. You should get your rest."

Falhurst bowed stiffly. "As you wish, milord," he said, then took a few steps away before turning back. "Cedric."

The young knight looked up as he was reaching for Rebecca's door.

Falhurst smiled slyly. "Bed her well," he said, then turned on his heel and marched down the corridor.

Cedric chuckled, then pushed open the door.


Rebecca sat at her small vanity, dressed for bed in a long, pale gown. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, seeing a forlorn girl staring back. The teeth of the brush loosened the tangles in her hair. She wished they would get rid of the ones in her mind.

The creaking of the door made her heart leap with anxiety, but seeing Cedric enter behind the sad-looking girl in the mirror, she managed a smile. "My hero," she whispered.

Cedric closed the door softly behind him, letting his eyes wander over the handmaiden's frame. The gown was nearly sheer, making it obvious that Rebecca wore nothing underneath. The swell of her hips, the full heart-shape of her buttocks made him catch his breath. "I, eh, wanted to wish you a good night," he said clumsily.

Rebecca blushed slightly, set down her brush. She uncurled her legs from the small vanity and turned to face him, her eyes glowing with affection. "You were very gallant tonight," she said.

Cedric pursed his lips. "I should have saved you," he said.

Rebecca let out a nervous laugh, then settled her hands on her knees, straightening her arms. Her full breasts were outlined by the fabric of her gown, the darkness of her areolas visible. Her eyes suddenly welled with moisture. "Cedric, my love, you save me every day," she said, her voice a quivering whisper.

He stepped forward. "'Tis my duty," he said, then smiled. "But more than that, my desire."

Rebecca sniffled, smiling genuinely. "And . . . what is your desire right now?"

Cedric licked his lips, gazing into Rebecca's eyes. "You."

Wordlessly, the handmaiden stood, took a single step toward Cedric. Keeping her eyes upon him, she reached back to undo the lace behind her neck, then shrugged her shoulders, letting the smooth fabric slide down her body. Quivering with both excitement and nervousness, she stood nude before her knight, arms at her sides. "Then you may have me."

Cedric swallowed dryly, taking in the beauty before him. Rebecca's pale skin contrasted with the long, dark hair that hung from her head and the soft nest at the juncture of her thighs. Her breasts sat, full and ripe, upon her chest, the dark nipples stiffening under his gaze. "Oh, my sweet," he whispered, then stepped to her, taking the young woman in his arms. Their kiss was passionate, needy, accompanied by soft moans and sighs.

"I want you to love me," Rebecca whispered, settling her hands upon Cedric's armored torso. She suddenly giggled. "But first, you must get rid of this."

Cedric chuckled. "Feel free to help," he suggested.

Grinning, Rebecca helped the knight remove his hauberk and the tunic beneath. Then she slid to her knees, unbuckling Cedric's belt. The young man trembled, feeling his arousal growing. He touched Rebecca's hair, compelling her look up to his face as she pulled his breeches down. His nearly-engorged cock brushed her cheek.

"May I taste you?" she asked softly.

Cedric shuddered. "If you wish," he said, captivated by the sight of Rebecca's angelic face, her full, dark lips pouting as they parted.

"I wish," she whispered, then closed her eyes and began licking around the shiny head of his cock, tasting the sweet fluid that seeped out. Cedric groaned, having never experienced such ecstasy before. He felt every flutter of her tongue around the tip of his manhood, the smooth wet brushes of her lips, the warmth of her sighs. He caught his breath when she opened her mouth and took him inside, sucking tenderly, lovingly.

"Oh, Rebecca," he groaned, automatically pushing against her. The pleasure was exquisite, and while what Rebecca was doing was something Cedric had always thought only harlots did, he could not help but luxuriate in the sensations.

She sucked him lovingly for several moments, gliding her mouth back and forth, smoothing her hands up and down Cedric's strong thighs. Her tickling fingers found the heavy sacs hanging beneath the knight's shaft, and she squeezed them gently.

"Oh!" gasped Cedric, feeling the hot, pleasurable rush begin. He looked down at her face, trembling at the sight of her lips wrapped around his pulsing cock. "Rebecca!"

She slid her mouth off him with a sigh, and licked her lips, smiling up at her lover. "Not just yet," she said, then stood. Her hands wandered up his chest, to his neck, then his face. She kissed him deeply, passionately. She felt him shuddering as the need for his release ebbed away. She smiled, taking his hand, and lead him to her small bed.

The bed where she had been defiled by the wizard. The bed that had become a mark of shame for her. But now, it was to be re-christened, and with real love.

She lay back upon it, bringing Cedric with her. Her eyes gazed adoringly upon him as he settled his weight atop her. The stiffness between his legs brushed the damp hairs surrounding her sex. She parted her legs automatically, hooking her ankles behind his calves.

Their bodies rubbed against one another, their passion shared with heated kisses and soft moans. Cedric tasted the sweetness of her skin as he kissed, licked, and nipped at Rebecca's neck, then as he made his way to her pillowy breasts. The girl gasped, clutching at his hair as Cedric surrounded a stiff nipple with his mouth. She purred at the feel of his teeth grazing the sensitive nub.

And then he was making his way lower, planting soft kisses upon her slightly-rounded stomach, dipping the tip of his tongue into her navel. The hair covering her pubic mound tickled his chest.

"Cedric," Rebecca said, clutching his shoulders. She stared into his eyes as he lifted his head. "I want you inside me, love."

Cedric's heart fluttered. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Please. Take me. I want to be yours."

Cedric moved up over her, gazing down upon her beautiful face. He reached between them, guiding his cock to where it wanted to go. He winced at the heat he felt, the slick wet lips that parted for him. Both he and Rebecca groaned as he slowly pushed within her. Rebecca whimpered in pleasure, lifting her legs, wrapping them around him and urging him deep. Their mouths found each other as they moved.

"I love you, Rebecca," Cedric panted, sucking her lower lip. "I'll never leave you."

"Never?" she asked, gripping his muscular arms.

Cedric smiled, kissed her tenderly. "Till death do us part, my love."

Rebecca smiled with emotion, tears dripping down her cheeks. "And even beyond," she added, moaning as she returned the kiss. "I love you, Cedric."


As had been arranged, Guy met the wizard within the stables, where the stench of horse-sweat filled the air. He did not bring a lamp, nor a torch, and as such, the broad lane of the stable was colored only by slight shafts of pale moonlight.

"I am not pleased," came a voice from the darkness.

Guy breathed in and out deeply. "I thought he had slain her," he said.

"But he did not," Bagdemagus said, stepping into view. His eyes were malevolent as they settled upon Guy Dorr. "I expected more from you."

Guy bristled. "So what would you have me do? Kill the wench myself?"

The wizard chuckled. "Actually . . . yes."

Guy set his jaw. "That will be tricky."

"Not up to the challenge?" asked Bagdemagus with a sarcastic tone.

Guy thought against defending his pride. "As you wished, I delivered the letter, and slew Stephano. I have endeared myself to the Queen. But I do not doubt that there will be a few eyes upon me . . . especially those of the Prince."

Bagdemagus mused, touching his chin. "I had expected stiffer retribution toward him from Evelyn," he said. "Apparently, he has endeared himself to her as well."

"I believe it is more than that," Guy said.

The wizard arched an interested brow. "Oh?"

"Yes. She appears much more shrewd than I would expect from a girl so young. That, and . . . she claims to have the Sight."

Bagdemagus nodded. "I deduced as much," he said. "It will make little difference."

"She is not the only one."

Bagdemagus fell silent, glaring upon his vassal. "What do you mean?" he asked at last.

"One of her knights, Sir John," Guy said. "He, too, claims to be able to See."

Bagdemagus frowned. "The stable boy?" he asked with a small chuckle. But the mirth faded as he thought. An expression of realization dawned upon his face. "Oh, that is interesting. The grandson of a whore has the Sight. Makes me wonder just whose bed that old whore once shared."

Guy was puzzled by the wizard's words, but he decided not to question them. In the brief time he had agreed to serve Bagdemagus, Guy had learned that his new liege would reveal what he wanted, when he wanted. "At any rate, the Queen has charged her knights with the task of finding you."

Bagdemagus made a dismissive noise. "Those whelps could not kill me before, and they certainly won't be able to do so again," he said. "I am not concerned about that. What I am concerned about is Rebecca. The longer she stays away from me, the weaker my hold becomes. She will, eventually, remember everything. I cannot have that."

Guy nodded curtly. "I understand," he said.

The wizard fixed him with a stern look. "You had better," he said meaningfully, then stepped back into the shadows.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Oh my god!

This has been the best chapter yet! And Drest! he grew up. Evelyn has become a stonger character. Well written, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Gotta love bad guys

a little less when they are that bad.

Anyway, one of my favorite Lit characters. Now, if I can just spell his name right :)

Masterful chapter, moved things along quite a bit.


DarkniciadDarkniciadover 16 years ago
Blackhearts in the castle

Love how you've put Guy in the castle, allowing him to turn his wits to the task of eliminating a potential threat. Will Viv stay banished? Can even those around Evie protect her from such a powerful conspiracy? Only time will tell. Loved the chapter.

RedHairedandFriendlyRedHairedandFriendlyalmost 17 years ago
Another exceptional

chapter. There is a certain appeal to Bags for some folks... hoping the bad guy changes and becomes a likable fellow. Not this fella though... nasty to the core. A great tale and so worth the read. Thanks so much for taking on the responsibility of the bad guy. I look forward to more chapters and perhaps one day, another chain story collaboration with you. ~ Red

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