A Girl Called Len


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"Did Janey tell you I may be pregnant from that man."

"Yes, she did. If you are, that child will need a Father. You know that I cannot give you a child, so I would like to volunteer for the position. Also that child's mother needs a husband, and I would also like to volunteer for that position too. Do I have to have an interview?"

Len's face was a picture caught between tears and smiles. She did them separately for a while, then both together. Eventually she dried her tears, on my bloody shirt! She was still wearing it.

"Did I hear you say that you still loved me?"

"You did hear that, and I will say it again, and as often as you want. Len. I Love you. And if you were listening carefully, there was a proposal of marriage in there as well."

"I think I worked that out, but you do have a roundabout way of proposing. What if I am not pregnant?"

"I will not withdraw the proposal, but you have to decide if you want to go through life with a man that can't give you a child."

"I don't deserve you, Danny. I won't be dancing again."

"Why? You have such a great talent for dance, Len. It would be terrible if that talent was not able to be seen by those who would appreciate it."

"No! Danny. I have made my mind up. Besides you wouldn't want your wife dancing naked in front of an audience, would you."

"Len. I haven't had a problem with it up to now. Don't make that decision so quickly, think about it." Len was smiling broadly now.

"You didn't get what I said. I said your wife dancing, that was an acceptance of your proposal, even though you didn't go down on one knee." I think my face ached after a while as I couldn't get the big smile to disappear. Len made us a drink, and I sat by the window.

When she came back with the mugs she asked.

"Can we find somewhere in that valley to live eventually. Somewhere peaceful to bring our child up."

"So you are sure?"

"Yes, Darling. A woman senses these things. I am sure I'm pregnant and I'm sure about marrying you. It's not how I wanted it, but if you can accept me like this, I can accept it as well." She looked at me and smiled. "It's great to be able to say that. Darling! Danny I do love you. I think I fell in love with you the night you deflowered me. You were so caring and gentle, trying hard not to hurt me, trying hard to give me some pleasure as well. I shall remember that for the rest of my life.

We sat drinking coffee and talking well into the night. I did ask her about being on the pill, and Len explained.

"I had stopped taking the pill three weeks before. I had run out, and would get a new supply once I was back in Paris. I had my period two weeks before I did that show." I understood that she would have been in the middle of her normal cycle, perfect timing. We were both tired so went to bed.

"Danny, just hold me please. I don't want to make love now, I just want to be reminded that my man loves me, cares for me, and will never hurt me. Will you do that?" That's how it was, going to sleep in each others arms and waking in the morning the same way.

Len ran the bath, and we got in together, bathing each other, cleansing the body, and the mind. Len sat opposite me and grinned as I shaved.

"How can you do that without a mirror?" She wondered.

"I have been shaving this face for the best part of twelve years. I should know my way around it by now." She watched carefully as I shaved my top lip.

"Can I shave you sometime?" I stopped, foam still on half my face.

"Well yes, you could, but why?"

"It would be something very intimate for me to do for you. It's a sort of trust thing. I trust you with my body, happily I should say. I would like to feel that you trust me with something that could harm you." I handed her the razor.

"Go on then."

She knelt between my legs, and tentatively held my head as she brought the razor close to my cheek. Her breasts were so close I had to handle them. She giggled.

"If you do that I am liable to cut your nose off." She stopped and amazement came to her face.

"Danny! I enjoyed you touching me, I thought it would be some time before I could accept caresses from you. Touch my pussy please, see if I like that as well." I inserted two fingers between her legs and gently touched her. Her smile told me.

"Yessss." She moaned. Was now the time to take her? No, I thought not. She needed time to heal her emotions as well as her body. I could put my physical needs on hold until I was certain that Len was ready for me.

"Are you going to finish shaving me, or do I have to do it myself?" Len laughed and flicked water in my direction.

"OK, now hold still and I'll try."

It wasn't the best shave I've ever had. As I rubbed my cheeks I could feel errant bristles, but for a first attempt it was good. Probably as good as when I shaved myself for the first time. We went out for coffee and Len introduced me to Brioche, a sweet flaky bread, which Len preferred with candied fruit inside. It went well with the coffee, and we spent quite some time sitting, enjoying the air, which being France was scented with delicious smells of cooking, and with the poor drainage. I wanted to persuade Len not to give up Dance.

"Len, what you do is so good, that it would be criminal to deny people the pleasure of seeing you. Will you not reconsider?"

"Thank you for saying that, Danny. But I have done what I needed to, you had the inspiration that has given me some measure of fame. I can't go on doing the same act. Eventually I would have needed to do something different, and after what happened I can't go through all the that again. It's not so much about what happened although that has a bearing. I could dance like that because I had no feelings about people seeing me naked. There was nothing sexual in my mind or body. You changed that. You discovered the sexuality I didn't think was in me, I couldn't dance now and not think of the pleasure that making love can give. It has changed the whole conception for me. There is only one person I want to be naked for and to see me naked, and that is you. You have asked me to marry you, and that is the ambition of my life now, to be an ordinary housewife and mother."

"Len! I doubt that you will ever be ordinary at anything." at that she smiled. "If I can set it up, will you dance one last time then, for me?"

"What are you thinking?"

"I will talk to Gerard, and see if he can slip you in as an extra performance. Would you do that at least. One more dance, then I will accept your decision."

"If you can do it, but I doubt that Gerard will allow it, but if he does, one dance, only one dance for you, Danny."

I was hoping that dancing again would inspire Len to want to do more. It was a very slim hope, I know, but I had to try. I didn't want her to give up dancing because of what happened. I thought she may come to regret a decision made for that reason. If she gave up it would have to be because she wanted a life with me, and hopefully that she wouldn't regret.

I left Len in the company of Janey, who came to the bistro for her morning coffee and went off to see Gerard. Clothilde was in the reception, and even though I couldn't understand a word, she let me know how sorry she was. I caught the words 'occurence terrible' which was enough. I was fearful that Gerard would not be in this early, but he was, and came down to greet me. He took me back to his office and more coffee was served. I explained about Len's decision, at which he was most upset.

"But she is a Star! Une grande étoile sur l'étape.(trans. a great star of the stage) Je suis le déchirement.(trans. I am heart-broken)" He indeed was hurting badly to hear the news, so I put my idea to him, explaining that I thought that dancing again would change Len's mind. Immediately he brightened up.

"Oui, Danny, that is a good idea. Lee said you were the one with the ideas, and now you have convinced me. It can be done, when would you wish to do it?" Without waiting for a reply he announced that this Friday would be best. It wouldn't matter if the Cabaret over ran by twenty minutes. "The stage manager is very familiar with the routine, and he will set everything up." I offered my hand to shake, but that wasn't enough for Gerard, he insisted on kissing my cheeks.

I returned to the Bistro. Len and Janey were deep in conversation. I guessed what it was about as Janey stood when I arrived and kissed me thoroughly on the mouth. Len immediately got her handkerchief out and wiped my lips, then kissed me herself.

"No body puts marks on my man but me!" Janey laughed then turned to me.

"When I told you yesterday what had happened, I watched your fizz, and knew, just knew, that you were the right man for Lee. Not one word of blame, all you cared about was Lee. I bloody hope I can meet a man as good as you, Danny. Now I am going to be your bleeding Bridesmaid, Lee. I deserve that for getting Danny over here." I hated to pour water on this exuberance.

"Janey. It can't be a church wedding. I am divorced." Len was laughing fit to burst at the expression of dismay on Janey's face.

"Oh Bugger. I was thinking of following Lee down the aisle in me stage costume." Len was thinking evil thoughts herself.

"Well I could go down in mine as well."

"You don't have a stage costume except that Cache." Janey pointed out, then thought some more.

"Mind if we promised the Vicar that, I am sure he would throw the rule book out of the window." They both looked at me. Then Janey suggested.

"Perhaps we could persuade Danny to stand by the altar in his birthday suit." This had gone far enough.

"OK girls, you've had your fun. There is no way, that either of you are showing up for a marriage undressed like that. Sorry to be so stuffy about this, but after Friday evening, the only one who will see Len nude is me and possibly her Doctor." Ignoring me, Janey turned to Len.

"Why does he call you Len? And what's happening on Friday evening?"

"I told you. It has been his name for me ever since I was five. If he ever called me anything else now he wouldn't even get to the Registry Office with me." She turned to me. "Yes, Danny. What's happening Friday evening."

"You my adorable, beautiful Len will be giving your farewell performance."

"Fucking brilliant." That was Janey's comment.

CHAPTER NINE Last performance

Len had to be at the theatre early, in order to do a quick run through with the Stage Manager. Gerard took me to one side.

"Danny, do you have a Veston de dîner, a dining suit?" I was puzzled for a moment then understood what he was asking.

"A Dinner Jacket? Is that what you mean?"

"Oui! A Dinner Jacket."

"No, not with me." Gerard nodded.

"Come with me." He took me down into the bowels of the theatre and led me to the Wardrobe. He quickly explained to the wardrobe mistress what was required and she eyed me professionally. Two minutes later she returned with a Dinner Jacket, trousers, cummerbund, black bow tie, and a dress shirt.

"Essayer ceux-ci." I looked blankly at Gerard.

"See if they fit." He said. I looked around for a changing room. I couldn't see one, and the wardrobe mistress was getting impatient.

"Venir le long de, rapidement main tenant, vite!" I needed no translation of that, the whole tone of her voice was sufficient. I should have learnt. Modesty around this place was unusual. Red-faced I did as she asked. I only bothered with the trousers and jacket, if the jacket fitted the shirt would certainly do. I have to say her eye was good, they fitted perfectly. She put the clothes on a hanger, then folded the lot carefully and put them in a strong brown paper bag.

"Maintenant vous serez convenable habillé pour Lee ce soir." Gerard explained.

"We must have you properly dressed for Lee's last performance."

Gerard took me to his office and allowed me the privacy to change. The tie was not a clip on, and I had no idea how it was tied. I came out with the thing in my hand. Clothilde saw the problem and with a shake of her head took it from me and tied it within thirty seconds. I was ready. She took me to the balcony and I walked towards the table I had used before.

"Non, non." She cried. "Vous vous asseyez ici ce soir." She showed me to a table that was right against the wall where the balcony ended. As the balcony curved it actually gave me a much better view of the auditorium.

The evening progressed much as it had before. The meal served while the pre-cabaret entertainment was on the stage, and then a nine o' clock the lights dimmed and the M.C. picked up the microphone. I should have enjoyed the show, but I was on edge fearing for Len, that she may find this too emotional. There were some light-hearted moments one when Janey was on stage, I recognised her, and was surprised when she looked straight at me and blew a kiss. That was an astonishment as she couldn't have seen me with the lights shining in her eyes. The last act had taken their bows when Gerard came onstage.

"Ce soir, messieurs et mesdames nous avons un article supplémentaire pour notre spectacle. Lee est retourné pour une nuit seulement. S'il vous plaît accueillir, la belle Lee!" The waiter who spoke English stood behind me and whispered the translation.

"This evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have an additional act for our show. Lee has returned for one night only. Please welcome the beautiful Lee!"

There was another aspect to her dance tonight. It was poignancy, the last dance that Len would perform for her public. I didn't feel jealousy or anger as the chiffon slipped away, gradually revealing her nude self. She wasn't dancing to excite sexual passions, she was dancing to reveal the emotion that dance coupled with music could bring. In essence it was truth that was being made known, that through dance and music the human soul could soar and reveal itself in it's purity and simplicity. My eyes had tears in them. Despite what I had thought possible, and suggested to Gerard, I knew that this was Len's last dance.

The finale of her performance brought the same stunned silence until one by one the audience hailed her dance, clapping, cheering and standing to give her an ovation. Suddenly the stage lights returned to brilliance, and the curtains which had closed on her opened again. Len was centre stage wearing a silk wrap. Gerard walked on and handed her the microphone. She stood perfectly still until the applause had ceased. She lifted the microphone to her lips and spoke.

"Vous remercier, messieurs et mesdames, pour votre reconnaissance de ma danse. Ceci est la dernière fois je danserai pour vous. J'aimerais vous introduire à l'inspiration derrière ma danse. Il a été mon ami pour beaucoup d'ans, il est mon muse, mon critique et mon Amant. Bientôt il sera mon mari. Messieurs et mesdames, ma Danny bien-aimé." She raised her arm dramatically in my direction and suddenly I was blinded by a spotlight. The audience turned, looked up and started applauding. No wonder I had been seated here. The lighting man knew exactly where to place his spot. I heard Gerard's voice behind me.

"Danny, On your feet please?" I did so, and sort of bowed slightly, self conscious and flushed with embarrassment. I did though look toward where Len was on stage, and although I couldn't see wagged my index finger in her direction. The audience caught the action and there was some laughter. The spotlight went out and attention reverted to Len, who looked towards me with the biggest grin on her face. She held her hand up and they gave her their attention.

"Je vais d'un rôle à un autre. Je retourne à l'Angleterre à mon nouveau rôle, comme une femme, un amant, et bientot une Mère. Vous remercier tout pour les ans merveilleux que j'ai dépensé à Paris. Je n'oublierai jamais votre hospitalité et les amis que j'ai fait ici. Merci." The applause renewed itself with calls of "Bravo" coming through the clamour. I sat down again.

My mind was in freefall, whirling through pictures like a film on fast forward. From the war-damaged streets of my childhood, through the quiet Devon lanes of my teens to the glitter and glamour of Paris. The film stopped here, and I looked forward to having this wonderful, beautiful woman walk beside me for the rest of my life. A month later we were married. Len had no problem with her new name. Leanne Sergeant, became Leanne Sargeant. One little letter! It was a coincidence that our surnames were so similar.

Len's speech translated.

"I thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for the appreciation you have shown for my dance. This is the last time I shall dance for you. I would like to introduce you to the inspiration for my dance. He has been my friend for many years, he is my muse, my critic and my Lover. Soon he will be my husband. Ladies and Gentlemen my beloved Danny!"

"I go from one role to another. I am returning to England to my new role, as wife, lover and soon to be mother. I thank you for the marvellous years I have spent in Paris. I shall never forget your hospitality and the friends I have made here. Thank you."

*The End*

To all my readers who speak and understand French I apologise. My French is not good enough so I used an automatic translation system. Being computer based it cannot reflect exactly the sentiments in translation. But I could not have all these wonderful French men and women speak in English, could I?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thank you!

afosi2604afosi26044 months ago

Very very well done!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

One of the all-time greats on Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

almost perfect...

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